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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 11(3), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i3/119998, January 2018

Chain Code Approach for Shape based Image

Faiq Baji* and Mihai Mocanu
Computer Science and Information Technology,
Faculty of Automation, Computer and Electronics, University of Craiova,
Craiova, Romania;

Background/Objectives: Shape recognition is the most important issue in image understanding and computer vi-
sion. Shape representation is a primary issue in shape recognition. This work aims to image retrieval from image
databases based on shape recognition. Methods: The Chain Code Histogram is used to generate a numerical feature vec-
tor which is used to describe a given shape; the problems of chain code consist of its sensitivity to rotation, scaling and
flipping changes. In this paper, new methods are proposed to solve the problems of image rotation and flipping, by ap-
plying the second-moments method to calculating the rotation angle, and analyzing the data of the histogram directions.
Findings: The rotation angle of the object and the similarity between the horizontally/ vertically flipping shapes and
the original shape. Application: The proposed system works efficiently in recognize both regular and irregular objects
for the different categories of the MRI images and results of this research will be useful for the calculate the brain ob-
ject tilted; research will be extended in near future when we combining this method with color and texture features.

Keywords: Chain Code Histogram, Flipping, Image Retrieval, Image Segmentation, Rotation

1. Introduction object functionality or identity. However, the processes

of perceptual shape features and measuring the similar-
The Content based Image Retrieval (CBIR) technique is
ity between the shapes are difficult tasks, because shapes
used to describe the automatic retrieval of images from a
are often corrupted with noise, occlusion and distortions.2
database based on the three-primary features: color, tex-
Shape descriptors are simply a set of numeric features vec-
ture, and shape recognition. Among these features, shape
tors that are generated to describe a given shape. It should
recognition is the most important issue feature in CBIR.1
be invariant generally change even in case of translation,
The shape of objects plays an important role among the dif-
rotation, and scaling that caused by viewpoint changes
ferent aspects of visual information. Therefore, it is a very
due to camera/object motion.1 The most shape based
powerful feature when used in CBIR. The shape descriptor
image retrieval system extracts the information shape
of an object feature has more influence than other features
based features vectors from the image query and database
(such as color and texture) and it is strongly tied to the
image, and computes the similarity measure between both

*Author for correspondence

Chain Code Approach for Shape based Image Retrieval

images based on the spatial distance functions. The mini- irregular shapes letters.5 The reported article used a shape
mum distance indicates the closest match and specifies the number to eliminate the inherent non-invariance of chain
number of best matched images to be extracted. Figure 1 codes and obtained unique chain codes for shapes based
shows the block diagram of a basic of shape based image on the unique chain code, then derived the unique binary
retrieval system.3 In this paper, we focus on contour-base number which is suitable for shape indexing.6 The article
methods to compute the Chain Code Histogram (CCH) work is focused on the recognition of a shape and shape
and calculating the shape feature vectors for the aim of matching based on their chain codes, applied canny edge
similarity. detector to generate binary image chain code concept
Various chain code techniques for representation and which is extended to obtain the unique chain codes for
recognition of shape have been proposed, such as reported shape representation.7 The unique chain code is invariant
in the article research which representation and recogni- to translation, rotation and scaling. The reported authors
tion of rectangle, square, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, proposed a method for English Handwritten recognition,
circle and a line based on chain codes and Compactness that utilized Freeman Chain Code (FCC), and applied
features. As presented in the article attempt was con-
the preprocess to produce a Thinned Binary Image (TBI),
cerned with irregular objects; it is based on chain code neural network was used as letters’ classification method.8
histogram to recognition alphabets from A to Z and

Figure 1.  Shape based image retrieval system.

2 Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Faiq Baji and Mihai Mocanu

2. Preprocessing els can be called the background, and represent  the

foreground value by setting to one pixels to a point in
Image preprocessing is an important step in image
each connected component in A . The objective is to start
retrieval. The preprocessing stage includes the removal
of noise in data, isolation of patterns of interest from the
with X  , and find all the connected components by the
background and image enhancement. In this work, the
preprocessing consists of two stages: the application of
following iterative:12
median and sharpening filter. The median filter is applied
X k = ( X k −1 ⊕ B )  A k = 1, 2,3,...
to keep the boundaries of objects shape intact whilst
reduce the noise, especially for salt and pepper noise.9 The (1)
The iterative procedure is terminated, when
sharpening process is basically the application of a high-
X k = X k −1 and X k contain all the connected compo-
pass filter to an image; this process is used to highlight the
fine details and to remove blurring from images. Image
nents of A .
sharpening is to make the contour lines and image details
4. Boundary Extraction
3.  Image Segmentation The first step of the construction of the chain code is to
extract the boundary of the image. Chains can represent
Segmentation is used for the extraction of contours and
the boundaries or contours of any discrete shape com-
regions within an image. In this paper, we use the con-
posed of regular cells. Let A be N × M binary image
nected components method; it’s based on detecting all
sets of the pixels regions within an image that are con-
array with the background represented by the value 0. The
nected to each other.11 This method is applied to an image
goal of boundary extraction is to find the pixels that are
after converting it to a binary image; in order to extract
on the boundary of objects in the image. The boundary
the connected components object, let A be a test binary
pixels are the set β( A) which can be found by first erod-

image, it contains one or more connected components

ing A by a suitable structuring element B and then
where all regions of adjacent binary pixels, that share the
same set of intensity values (i.e. V={1}), represent a fore-
performing the set difference between A and its erosion
ground  of an object and the other set values V={0}
represent a background of an image, B is an appropriate
as follows:13

structuring element. We form an array X  (of the same


size as the array containing A ), whose set of all zero’s pix- Where B is a 3 × 3 structuring element.

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Chain Code Approach for Shape based Image Retrieval

5.  Shape Descriptors Feature extraction techniques are applied to get discrimi-
nating information that will be useful in the comparison
Shape descriptors can be divided into two main cat-
objects of query image and database image.1 In this paper,
egories: region-based and contour-based methods
we generate feature vector created from extracted his-
(boundary based). Region-based methods use the whole
togram directions of chain code to be entered into the
pixels within a shape region and they are considered to
matching stage later. Chain codes are used to represent a
obtain the shape description; they usually require more
boundary of the shape of each object in the image by reg-
computation and need more storage than contour based
istering the list of edge points along a contour and specify
descriptors. Contour-based shape description can be
contour direction at each edge in the list of numbers. The
exploit shape boundary information present in the con-
directions of each edge are quantified into one of the 4- or
tour of an object and neglect the content within the object
8-directions. The  generated chain code based on deter-
shape. Its transforms the boundary information of a shape
mining the starting point at first edge in the contour list
image from two-dimensional to a one-dimensional sig-
and going clockwise around the contour, traversal from
nature function for shape representation.14 Some of the
one pixel to the next boundary pixel. Figure 2 shows the 4
contour-based methods include some of the techniques
and 8- directional chain codes to find the direction code.4
for shape descriptors such as chain code, shape signature,
It is not desirable to use chain code directly for shape
polygonal approximation, autoregressive models, FD
description and matching. The small disturbances along
and wavelet descriptors and CSS.15 In this paper, we used
the boundary due to the noise can cause false contour
chain code for images retrieval.
values, and  using 4-connectivity causes the loss of the
diagonal points where these points are very useful in most
6.  Feature Extraction image applications. To solve this problem by selecting
Shape feature extraction is an important task because larger grid spacing (i.e. eight-direction instead of four).2
it plays a significant role in shape retrieval application. One of the advantages of chain code is that its translat-

Figure 2.  The 4 and 8-directional of the chain code.

4 Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Faiq Baji and Mihai Mocanu

ability is invariant, but any changes of the scale, rotation 6.1  Chain Code Histogram
or mirror object effects on the chain code results, hence
The frequency distributions of the occurrence of the
we get boundaries with different chain codes results to the
various directions reflect the shape of the object. Thus
same object.17,4 In this paper, new methods were proposed
many applications used the chain code histogram (CCH)
to solve problems of rotations, mirror and flipped shape
method to implement object recognition; it is to recognize
both regular and irregular objects.18 The chain code histo-

(a) (b)


Figure 3.  (a) Original MRI scan image, (b) The Binary image with chain code, (c) Chain
code Histogram.

Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Chain Code Approach for Shape based Image Retrieval

gram (CCH) groups together objects that look the same to shows the result binary image with chain code after apply-
the human observer. It counts the number of each step in ing the preprocessing and extract connected object, Figure
the chain code representation of the contour. The CCH is
3(c) shows chain code histogram.
independent with respect to the starting point. However,
the chain coding direction (clockwise or counterclock-
6.2  Rotation Normalization
wise) should be same for all contours.5 Figure 3(a) shows A boundary of any regular or irregular object after rota-
the original hand MRI scan image, while Figure 3(b) tion has different results of chain code. This is because the

(a) (b)


Figure 4.  Specifies the rotation angle of MRI scan hand image, (a) Original image,
(b) binary image after processing and extracting the connected component object, (c)
determines the tilt angle by using analytic geometry of the rotation ellipse.

6 Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Faiq Baji and Mihai Mocanu

rotation angle changes the direction of boundaries. Image

moments play a very important role in object recognition l = 6(a + c + b 2 + (a − c) 2 ) (6)

and shape analysis, which are useful for object descriptors
of binary shape and to the calculation of some features The values of the angle range from 90° to -90°. Figure
like the area of object, centroid, and information about its 4 shows an image region and its corresponding ellipse.
orientation. The proposed system uses the second- Figure 4(a)  shows the original hand MRI scan image,
moments method to calculate the angle between the while Figure 4(b) shows the result image after applying
x-axis and the major axis of the ellipse.19 The binary image the preprocessing and extract connected object. Figure
of the equivalent ellipse has the same zero ( m00 ), first
4(c) shows the same ellipse where the solid red lines rep-
resent the axes, the blue dots the major and minor lengths,
( m10 , m01 ) and second ( m11 , m02 , m20 ) moment’s see in and the orientation the angle between the x-axis and the
dotted line of the major axis.
the article referred. 20
The coordinates of the centroid(
xc , yc ), the angle θ between the major axes (long line) 6.3  Horizontal and Vertical Flipped Shape
Flipped images are considered similar to the original
and the x-axis, w and l the major and minor axes, images; the horizontally and vertically flipped shapes will
have different boundary representations from the origi-
respectively, are calculated as follows: nal shape representation.2 One of the major problems of
the chain code representation is it: varies with respect to
the flipped object. A new method is proposed to solve the
m m
xc = 10 y c = 01 problem of flipping; this method is based on analysing
m00 m00 (3)
the CCH data and then finding the similarity between the
horizontally/ vertically flipped shape and original shape
tan −1 ( ) according to the histogram directions. Table 1 illustrates
θ= a − c (4)
2 the matching between the CCH directions of the origi-
nal object image and flipped object shape (horizontal and
Where a, b and c are defined as:
m20 m11 Where the CCH value of  the  original object at zero
a= − xc2 b = 2( − xc y c )
m00 m00 direction is equal to  both the CCH value of Horizontal

flipping at zero-direction and CCH value of Vertical flip-
m02 ping  at 4-direction. For example, Figure 5(a) shows the
c= − y c2
m00 object shape and indicates the different 8-directional
chain-code boundary numbers. The boundary in Figure
5(b) shows the horizontal flipping image of the bound-
2 2
w = 6( a + c − b + ( a − c ) ) (5) ary in Figure 5(a) and the boundary in Figure 5(c) shows

Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 7
Chain Code Approach for Shape based Image Retrieval

Table 1.  Matching between the CCH directions to identify

similarities between the original image and the flipping

Chain-code Horizontal flipping Vertical flipping

8-directions 8-direction 8-direction

0 0 4

1 7 3

2 6 2

3 5 1

4 4 0

5 3 7

6 2 6

7 1 5

the vertical flipping image of the boundary in Figure 5(a). of the original object (for example) at 2-direction is 4, and
Table 2 illustrates the CCH results of the objects of Figure its matches both flipping: horizontal flipping at 6-direc-
5 when applying the proposed Table 1, the CCH values tion, and vertical flipping at 2-direction.

(a) (b)

8 Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Faiq Baji and Mihai Mocanu


Figure 5.  An example of the flipping method,

(a) Contour of the shape with indicates the
8-directional of the chain code, (b) Horizontal
flipping, (c) Vertical flipping.

Table 2.  Results of the 8-direction CCH to the original and flipping
images in Figure 5

8-directions CCH Original CCH Horizontal CCH Vertical

ofchain code object flipping flipping

0 1 1 0

1 1 2 2

2 4 3 4

3 2 2 1

4 0 0 1

5 2 2 2

6 3 4 3

7 2 1 2

Total contour 15 15 15

Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9
Chain Code Approach for Shape based Image Retrieval

7. Retrieval Measurement • Calculate the threshold of the gray scale image by

applying Otsu’s method,22
In CBIR system, two statistics measurements are used,
namely recall and Precision are the most important • Convert the gray scale image into the binary image
gauges to evaluate the performance of system retrieval.21 according to the threshold.
The aim of Recall and Precision as criteria is evaluating
the strategies of the search. Basically, recall measures the 8.2  Algorithm of Image Segmentation
capacity to find all the relevant images in the database • Algorithm of Image Segmentation
and precision measures the most relevant top-ranked
retrieved images:14 • Enhance the outputs of algorithm 8.1 by remov-
ing the small objects of the binary image (e.g.
Number of relevant images retrieved
Recall = area-size< 50 (pixel)),
Number of relevant images in the database

(7) • Calculate the connected components of the objects

of the binary image by applying Equation (1),
Number of relevant images retrieved
Precision =
Total number of images retrieved
• If the image has more than one object, select the
(8) maximum connected components object area.

8.3 Algorithm of Compute Rotation Angle

8. Proposed Algorithms
of the Object
The algorithms used in the proposed system are:
• Convert RGB query image to grey scale and binary
images by applying algorithm 8.1,
8.1 Algorithm of Preprocessing Image is
Implemented in the Following Steps
• Calculate the centroid of the segment object image
• Input the query image from the user,
by applying Equation (3)

• Convert RGB color space into the gray scale by

• Calculate the length values of major and minor
forming a weighted sum of the R, G, and B com-
axis by applying Equations (5) and (6),
• Calculate the angle of a rotating object θ by apply-
• 0.2989 ´ R + 0.5870 ´ G + 0.1140 ´ B
ing Equation (4).

• Eliminate noise and improve image quality, by

applying the median filter, 8.4 Algorithm of Extract Contour
Boundaries for the Chain Code
• Enhance the intensity transitions result of the gray • Select interested object by applying the algorithm
scale image, by applying the sharpening filter, 8.2,

10 Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Faiq Baji and Mihai Mocanu

• Denote the boundary of the selected object A by 8.6 Algorithm of Detecting the Flipping of
the Object
β(A), • Compute the CCH to the query and database
images by applying algorithm 8.5,
• Erode A by using structuring element B ,
• Save the CCH results into vector 1 and vector 2
• Extract the boundary by performing the set differ-
ence between A and its erosion by applying • Find horizontal flipping by computing the simi-
larity score between vector 1 and vector 2 based
Equation (2). on the index direction between column 1 and col-
umn 2 in Table 1,
8.5 Algorithm of Compute the CCH of the
• Find vertical flipping by computing the similar-
• Extract boundary of the object by applying algo- ity score between vector 1 and vector 2 based on
rithm 8.4, the index direction of column 1 and column 3 in
Table 1.
• Indicate the starting pixel’s location on the bound-
ary of the foreground object region;
9. Experiments and Results
• Store the starting pixel’s location; In this paper, all stages of the shape based image retrieval
system are implemented in MATLAB R2016A with a
• Examine each pixel on the object boundaries in a using a database that consists of 500 images, which con-
counter-clockwise direction tains the four different categories; that includes knees,
brains, leaves, and hand wrists. Figure 6(a) shows the
• For each pixel located on object boundaries do original RGB image, Figure 6(b) represents the result of an
image enhancement process after applying the Algorithm
• Select the boundary directions according to the
8.1. Then, the segmentation and isolation of the desired
8-direction in Figure 2;
object from the background by applying algorithm 8.2.
The desired segmented image is shown in Figure 6(c).
• Save the output result in an array or a list;
Figure 6(d) shows the process of locating the object rota-

• End For; tion angle by applying algorithm 8.3, where the result of
rotation angle is 89°. Consequently the rotation angle of
• Counting the frequencies that correspond every the object is corrected by a 1° degree in a counter-clock-
chain code number, that is from 0 to 7. wise direction as shown in Figure 6(e). Figure 6(f) shows

Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 11
Chain Code Approach for Shape based Image Retrieval

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Figure 6.  An example of the CCH method, (a) Original image, (b) image enhancement result,
(c) determining the object after segmentation process, (d) calculate rotate angle of the object
image, (e) rotate an object image, (f) calculate the contour boundaries object image.
12 Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Faiq Baji and Mihai Mocanu

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 7.  Flipping image; (a) original image, (b) horizontal flipping image, (c) contour
boundary to the horizontal flipping image, (d) vertical flipping image, (f) contour boundary to
the vertical flipping image.

Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 13
Chain Code Approach for Shape based Image Retrieval

Figure 8.  CCH of the query and flipping (horizontal and vertical) images

the process of extract contour boundaries for the chain For testing the horizontal and vertical flipping, the
code by applying algorithm 8.4. CCH values to all three different images in Figures. 6(f),

Figure 9.  User interface of the results of CCH and flipping-CCH similarity
between hand wrist image and different images.

14 Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Faiq Baji and Mihai Mocanu

7(c) and 7(e) are calculated by using the algorithm 8.5. images that describe the enhancement of query image,
Finally applying algorithm 8.6 to find similarity index boundary object image, and chain code histogram objects
.The experimental results show that the values of similar- for both query image and database images are shown in
ity index between query image and flipping image fall Figures 9 and 10 respectively.
within the values greater than 0.90, as shown in Figure 8. In order to measure the performance of the proposed
The system executes six images from each of the four system, the precision and recall parameters are calculated
categories and calculates the similarity to both CCH and by computing the histogram to both chain code and flip-
CCH-flipping between query image and database image; ping image; four different category of images are shown
for each image, the system can display some results of the in Table 3.

Figure 10.  User interface of the results of CCH and flipping-CCH similarity between MRI brain
slice and different images.

Vol 11 (3) | January 2018 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 15
Chain Code Approach for Shape based Image Retrieval

Table 3.  CCH and CCH with flipping based precision and recall analysis

CCH CCH with flipping

Precision Recall Precision Recall

Brain 0.62 0.23 0.64 0.19

Hand wrist 0.83 0.22 0.89 0.23

leives 0.71 0.20 0.70 0.22

Knee 0.65 0.18 0.67 0.20

Average 0.70 0.21 0.73 0.21

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