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Standard 8: Assessment

Assessment is essential when teaching; it shows a student’s comprehension of new

concepts and engagement in lessons. It is difficult to move on with future lessons when a
student is struggling with the previous ones, especially in content areas including Geometry and
Algebra. Observing and testing for student comprehension displays whether they understand
concepts or need additional practice or help.

Throughout my teaching career, I have used a variety of assessment throughout every

subject area. Summative assessment is used daily; as I am teaching a lesson, I walk around the
classroom to observe the attentiveness of the students and ask questions orally throughout the
lesson to assess comprehension. It displays a student’s true understanding of content at that
moment. Formative assessment is used frequently in my classes to assess their overall
understanding of a unit. This includes section quizzes (both written and oral) as well as unit
tests. Assessments are a very effective tool in not only assessing student achievement, but
helping me see what I have taught effectively or what I could improve on as an educator.

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