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This thesis entitled "Professional Skills Required from BS Accountancy Graduates: A

Factor for Employability" focuses on the perspective of hiring officers/managers on

the Professional Skills they are looking for an Accountancy graduate to be
employed. The materials reviewed, like foreign and local journals, articles,
periodicals, researches, and other reading materials provided the researchrs with a
background data which aided them in the formulation of their frameworks, research
design, and interpretation of findings in the study. The numerous literatures and
both foreign and local, provided prosperity of information and better perceptions
on the
study conducted by the researchers.
The literature and related studies used came from a broad range of time period
(2009-2019) which is significant to fulfill the purpose of this thesis. All the
related literature and studies cited gave pertinent information concerning the
skills needed from BS Accountancy graduates in today's fast paced changing business
All the cited related studies aided the researchers on the skills that required
most importance in the in the view of the employers (hiring officers) that can be
used as an initial standpoint of this study. Studies related to the expectation gap
between skills expected and skills given were also revealed as a motivating factor
for conducting the study.

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