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This study focuses on the human experience of individuals concerning Burnham Park as a green
park. Therefore, the study is designed to be qualitative. Phenomenological research provides
insight upon this gap in understanding (Cresswell, 2004).
This study will use a qualitative approach focusing primarily on the experience and views within
park-goers, vendors and key persons.
The phenomenological framework will require participants who experience the same
phenomenon, which, in this context, is the lived experience in Burnham Park. An appropriate
sample size will be used depending on the Park’s statistical data on its population.
Data collection
The study will use in-depth interviews with the participants. Multiple interviews will be conducted
with key persons concerning the planning of Burnham Park. For appropriate phenomenological
data collection, three serial interviews are recommended (Seidman, 1998).
Other data collection methods will include surveys and questionnaires.
Data analysis
The data will be analyzed using Clark Moustaka’s data analyzing procedure, making use of
Epoché, phenomenological reduction, imaginative variation, and synthesis. These are principles
of phenomenological research.
In the first step, Epoché, the researchers sets aside all bias and predispositions and describes the
phenomenon, that is, the community’s experience in Burnham Park as a green park. Upon
setting the study’s focus phenomenon, the second step is conducted. Through the use of
phenomenological reduction, unnecessary data shall be ignored or removed. If the participants
explain their experience within Burnham Park, but not within the premise of the park being a
green park, such data will be ignored. In this step, “clustering” of data occurs.
The next step involves imaginary variation. The researchers will vary the frame of reference and
perspective. Intuitively, the researchers may look from the perspective, role, and functions of the
different groups (tourist, vendors, government officials, city planners).
Themes will then be composed from the general and unique data gathered from the interviews.
The final step, synthesis, is the collection of all data and themes into a single statement. The
researchers are then able to make an optimum development plan for Burnham Park.

Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological research methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Creswell, J.W.(2007). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches
(2nd ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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