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# (c) Pep Diz - licensed as GPLv2

sintaxis() {
echo "$0 bas|basm|asm|c [varname]"
echo "read a udg file from stdin and writes it to stdout in selected format"
echo "that means file is 21 lines with 8 bytes each csv separated"
echo "basically extract any csv values and wrap them in right language syntax"

bas-array() {
echo "dim $V(20,7) as ubyte => { _"
sed -r -e '$s/.* (([0-9]+,)+[0-9]+)/{\1} _/;$!s/.* (([0-9]+,)+[0-9]+)/{\1} , _/'
# sed -e 's/^[0-9][0-9]* DATA \(..*\)$/{ \1 } , _/'
echo "}"

c-array() {
echo "unsigned char $V[21][8] = { _"
sed -r -e '$s/.* (([0-9]+,)+[0-9]+)/{\1}\n};/;$!s/.* (([0-9]+,)+[0-9]+)/{\1} ,/'
# sed -e 's/^[0-9][0-9]* DATA \(..*\)$/\{\1\} , _/'
# echo "}"

asm-bytes() {
echo "$V:"
# sed -e 's/^[0-9][0-9]* DATA \(..*\)$/db \1/'
sed -r -e 's/.* (([0-9]+,)+[0-9]+)/db \1/'

basm-bytes() {
echo "$V:"
echo "ASM"
sed -r -e '$s/.* (([0-9]+,)+[0-9]+)/db \1\nEND ASM/;$!s/.* (([0-9]+,)+[0-
9]+)/db \1/'
# sed -e 's/^[0-9][0-9]* DATA \(..*\)$/db \1/'


case $1 in
bas) dos2unix | bas-array ;;
basm) dos2unix | basm-bytes ;;
c) dos2unix | c-array ;;
asm) dos2unix | asm-bytes ;;
*) sintaxis ;;

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