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A. Background

Speaking is known as oral skill that play essential role in human

interaction and communication when the people communicate their ideas and

feeling to other. Without it learning process cannot be running role.

Some of problem which are faced by the students are many students still

cannot speak English fluently because they have low vocabulary mastery and

structure. They seldom try to speak out individually or in pairs. On the other hand,

many students worry to make mistakes if they speak English.

In teaching and learning process there are many students cannot-regulate

and control their emotional when they speak in the classroom, they can show as

cold handed. These can hamper the students success in learning specially in

speaking, so a teacher should be use good learning strategies to motivate them.

As we know, the students in learning and teaching process English in the

school, mostly they are just given text by a teacher. They may also be able to

understand English when the other people speak or write, but it is sometimes hard

for them express an idea appearing in their mind. The method make the students

to be passive in accepting the lesson. To make the foreign teaching must be design

in classroom which focuses on the students productive and practical.

Nurandriani (2005) in her thesis, was founded that by using games in learn

to speak English was effective to improve the students ability, there is significance

before teaching by using games.


Relates to the statement above, the writer hopes that games can help the students

to overcome their difficulties in learning English specially in learning speaking for

getting higher achievement.

The implementation of using games as new system of learning in effective

than traditional, because the result of vocabulary learning is still far form

satisfaction. It is proved that the final national examination especially in speaking

still is low.

Based on the explanation above the writer attempts to carry out the

research under the title " Teaching English speaking through games '" to the first

years students SMK Muhammadiyah I Bontoala.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above the researcher formulate the research

question as follow:

1. How is the development of students' vocabulary achievement in speaking

through the use of English games ?

2. How is the development of students' structure achievement in speaking

through the use of English games ?

C. Objective of the Research

1. To know the students development vocabulary achievement in speaking

through the use of English games.

2. To know the students development structure achievement in speaking through

the use of English games.

D. Significance of the Research


The result of the research is expected to be a piece of useful for the English

teacher, especially in teaching and learning English language for the junior high

school students and to be helpful contribution for the teacher research who are

interested in teaching speaking through games.

E. Scope of the Research

The scope of the research is restricted in teaching speaking by using job

seeking card, hidden words, describing something. In this research, the writer

limited into one classes of element speaking vocabulary and structure.




A. The Concept Games

1. Games

a. Definition of Game

According to Hadfieid (1984:4) who defines that, game is an activity with

rules, a goal, and an element of fun. From this definition it can be concluded that

game is one way to make an enjoyable situation. One significant difference

between language game and other activities is that they introduced an element of

competition into the lesson.

Further he says that there are two kinds of games; competitive games, in

which player or teams race to be the first to reach to goal and co-operative games,

in which players or teams work together toward a common goal.

Futher Hornby (1974:353) states that game is a farm of a play with rules.

The games may be defined as form of play governed by certain rules or

conventions. And Gove (1966) states that game is physical or mental competition

conducted according to rules in which the participants play hi direct opposition to

each other, each side striving to win and to keep the other side from doing so. b.

Why use Games ?

There are many reasons for using game in the language learning

classroom. The game can bridge the gap between the classroom and the real word

outside in addition, game can help and encourage to make a just in effort to repeat

and manipulate newly understand language. Realizes that hard work learning

process is the students must take an effort to understand, to repeat accurately, to

manipulate newly understood language and to use the whole range of known

language in conversation or written composition.

The reasons for including game in the language classroom are :

a) They focus student on specific structure, grammatical patterns, and vocabulary


b) They can function as reinforcement, review, and enrichment

c) They involve equal participation from both slow and fast learners

d) They can be adjusted to surf' individual ages and language levels of the student

in class

e) The contribute to an atmosphere of healthy competition providing an outlet for

the creative use of natural language in a non-stressful situation

f) They can be used in any language-teaching situation and with any skill area

whether reading, writing, speaking or listening

g) The provide intermediate feedback for the teacher

h) They ensure maximum students participation for maximum of the teacher


While Lewis (1999) say that why use games in class time :

a) Games are fun and children like to play them. Through games children

experiment, discover, and interact with their environment.

b) Games add variation to a lesson and increase motivation by providing a

plausible incentive to use the target language. For many children between four and

twelve years old, especially the youngest, language learning will not be the key

motivational factor. Games can provide this stimulus.

c) The game context makes the foreign language immediately useful to the

children. It brings the target language to life.

d) The game makes the reasons for speaking plausible even to reluctant children.

e) Through playing games, students can learn English the way children learn

their mother tongue without being aware they are studying; thus without stress,

they can learn a lot.

i) Even shy students can participate positively. i. The Advantages of Game


There are many advantages of using games in the classroom :

a) Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class.

b) They are motivating and challenging.

c) Learning a language requires a great deal of effort. Games help students to

make and sustain the effort of learning.

d) Games provide language practice in the various skills- speaking, writing,

listening and reading.

e) They encourage students to interact and communicate.

f) They create a meaningful context for language use And the advantages of

games are :

a) Games and simulation permit there is social interaction and an observable


b) The students seek to solve problems in which they are intimately involved.

c) The students satisfied when they sense a new insight as new ideas and concepts

are formulated.

d) The students are placed in a more realistic environment than in other form of

learning (expect when the actual experience occurs).

e) A high degree of interest is generated through realistic participation. d. Types

of games

There are two types of games they are competitive games and cooperative games.

Competitive games are the type of games that put the players in the team race to

the first reach the goal. And the cooperative games put the players or the team

works together to gain the common goal.

According to Hadfield (1987:4), there are several kinds of games they are as

follows :

a) Information Games

Information gap is a technique in game in with students A has access to some

information which are not held by students B. the students B must acquire this

information which is to complete a task successfully. This game may be played in

pairs or in small groups, where all the members at the group have some


b) Guessing Games

This is a technique in games that are familiar variant on the information gap

principle. The players with the information deliberately withhold it. While other

guess what it might be.


c) Search Game

Search game is a technique in game with involving the wide of class in this game,

every one in the class has one piece of information. The players must be obtaining

all of large amount of the information available to fill in questionnaire or to solve

a problem. Each student is thus simultaneously giver and collector information.

d) Matching-up Game

Matching-up game is a technique in game that is based on a jigsaw principle each

player in a group has a list of opinions preference or possibilities. There is only

one of the information maybe shared by even/one in the group through discussion.

The group must decide on a common preference. In order to large to agree on

something such as a dinner data or choice of afternoon activity.

e) Exchanging and collecting Game

Exchanging and collecting game is a technique in games that are based on barter

principle. Players have certain articles or cards that they are willing to exchange

for other in order to complete a set. This maybe players as a whole class activity,

where players circulate freely exchanging cards or article at random or as an infer

group activity, where player agree to collect a certain set of articles as a group,

and then exchange articles between groups.

f) Combining activity

Combining activity is a game where players must act on certain information in

order to arrange themselves in a group such as families or people living in the

same fiat.

g) Mystery Cards

This game describes that the teacher can make some pieces of paper and then

writes or paints one word or symbol of word in one side of those papers. The next,

the teacher order the students to express the meaning of the word or the symbol in

Indonesian language if the word is in English, and if the word is in Indonesian

language, the student r~;ust translate it in English. After that the students can

make that v:c:d in server.: .-:.

h) Joker guessing

In this game, the teacher can collect some funny pictures, or he can draw them,

after that in the class, he shares those picture to each students and orders them to

express their opinion freely in English. Right or wrong is no problem. Because the

important one is the students can express something in English.

i) Magic box

In this game, the teacher draws some small boxes in one row on the blackboard

and then writes one or two alphabets in one of the boxes, and has the students to

complete the other boxes to become an English word.

j) Funny Guessing

In this game, the teacher can create a new word or picture and have one of the

students to act according to the word or sentence. For example, the teacher

mentions 'the farmer' or show the farmer's picture to one of the member from

group A. and the students who have pointed must act as similar as a farmer. And

then the teacher instruct to other students in the same group to guess what the

word meaning.

k) Puzzle

This kind of game is just really the same as the usual puzzle. It can be found in the

magazine or newspaper. The teacher can collect the puzzle from these media and

modified the according to the need of the students. e. The ways of using game in

learning process

According to Haldfild (1987:4) states games are used in the treatment consist of

three kinds. They are job seeking, hidden words, and describing something.

1. Job Seeking ( Card )

The first game is called job seeking. It uses a cards that consist of two kinds of

cards. Card A (wanted) contains a kind of job and requirements to be fulfilled.

Card B is for the students who want to seek for a job. The card contains the skills

of job seeker. The students who get card B have to find the job that he/she

qualified. The procedure of game will cover some steps :

The writer introduces the material that students are going to study.

- The writer explains clearly how they will act out the game.

The writer distributes the cards to each of the students and explains

what are going to be done by the holder of each card understand the

contains of the card whether they get card A or B.


The writer asks the students who get card B to move around to find

their pairs or their card.

The writer monitors the activity and gives help to the students. 2. Hidden words

The next game is hidden words, in this game, the student will be divided into

some group. Each group must explain is hidden word and the hidden and the other

groups must guess the word that is hidden by one group .The produce of doing

this game will cover some steps :

The writer introduce the material that students are going to study.

The writer explain the material that students are going to study.

The writer divides the students into six groups. And each group

discusses their hidden word

Each group delegate one of their friends to present their word.

- Each group give question to the presenter who will answer by saying "yes" or

"no " for each question.

If there is group who know the answer ,they can rise up their hands and guess the


- The writer explains clearly how they will act out the game.

- The writer distributes the cards to each of the students and explains what are

going to be done by the holder of each card understand the contains of the card

whether they get card A or B.

- The writer asks the students who get card B to move around to find their pairs

or their card.

- The writer monitors the activity and gives help to the students. 2. Hidden


The next game is hidden words, in this game, the student will be divided into

some group. Each group must explain is hidden word and the hidden and the other

groups must guess the word that i^ hidden by one group .The produce of doing

this game will cover some steps :

The writer introduce the material that students are going to study.

The writer explain the material that students are going to study.

The writer divides the students into six groups. And each group discusses their

hidden word

- Each group delegate one of their friends to present their word.

- Each group give question to the presenter who will answer by saying "yes" or

"no " for each question.

- If there is group who know the answer ,they can rise up their hands and guess

the word.

- If the answer is wrong, the chance for answering moves to the other groups.

- The researcher monitors the activity and gives help to the poor students.

3. Describing Something

The last game is called describing something. In this game, the teacher gives

something for the students, and they must describe it in front of the class. The

procedure of game will cover some steps :


- The writer introduces the material that the students are going to


The writer explain clearly how they will act out the game.

The writer calls a student give something. So the student must

describe it in front of the class

The writer gives help to the poor student, e. The Limitation of Games

In spite of the advantages, games also have some limitation again, there are some

of the limitation of the games, too. Limitation or objection towards the games are

as follows :

a) Games often distort the social situation, they are attempting to stimulate, in

attempt to simplify the social context-students may gain false confidence.

b) Since games are fabricated by people, the assumption of a games designer

often distort reality or project a bias.

c) Games are time consuming activities in the classroom. Many games run for

several hour or several days when schedule are organized for changing classes

every 40 or 50 minutes the cumulative effect of a game is lost by stop and start.

Those limitations should be taken attentively when the teacher is going to use

games in the classroom. The teacher show consider the social cultural aspect and

the time consumed in applying games in the classroom. It is essential to choose

games which are appropriate to the class terms of language and type of

participation, also the teacher should make some adjustment to suit the students'

need and to make games useful for students.


f. Advantages and procedures of using games in learning process »t»

Advantages of Using Games in Speaking Class

The advantages of using games in speaking class can be summarized as follows :

a) Games add variety to the range of learning situations. With using games in

learning process, teacher can create some varieties in learning situation. It can

give support to students to follow the learning process.

b) Games can be used to change the pace a lesson and maintain motivation. Its

mean that teacher can change the pace a teaching, it is not suitable with the lesson

planning so students can easier to find out the problem solving and it can keep the

students motivation to learn.

c) Games can vary the form of teaching process and renew students' energy

before returning to more formal learning. Sometimes, students do not have

motivation to study, but with games we can vary the forms of teaching process be

more interest and it can give suggest to the students to continue the learning


d) Games can give many speaking practice more than conventional technique. Its

mean that with using games students can get many speaking practice because

there are many varieties in learning process by using games.

e) Games encourage students" participation and can rsrnove classroom situation.

The students' participation can be improved by using games because with this

technique the students must active to play the games, so the situation of classroom

can be happier.

f) Games can increase students' communication and reduce the

domination of classroom by teacher. Because the students must active to play the

games, so they must able to dominate in the classroom and the teacher just as a

controller and giving help for the poor students, g. Characteristic of Games

The characteristic to use game are following :

• There should be an element of fun or relaxation in the games, since learning

may always be successful process if done in enjoyable condition.

• Games usually have to carefully organized hi a competitive organization hi

order to motivate students to learn.

• Rules and scoring system of the game should be clear, easy to work and

obviously fair.

• Games should involve 'friendly' competition, h. The Roles of games

Byrne (1981:100-101) states that in foreign language teaching, using game is very

essential by the reasons as follows :

a) They can be used to improve the teacher's commend of the particular items of

language, name]}', sound, vocabulary, spelling, grammatical, items or function.

He coniinaes'that games of this kind are concerned with the accuracv and their

ouroose is to reinforce and extend the lessons had

b) They can be used to provide the teacher with opportunities to use language

rather than simply practice it. That is the concern with fluency rather than


By the roles game shown by Byme above, it can be stated that the games can

change the students' learning behavior from being passive in language classroom

to active. In this case, the learners forces himself to participate by giving

command or a least answering the question.

Some reasons for using games in language teaching as follows:

b) Game can be used to change the phase of the lesson and so maintain the

learners' motivation.

c) Game can be used to punctuate long formal teaching units review students'

energy before returning to more formal learning.

d) Game can give hidden practice of specific language points without students

being aware of this.

e) Game can encourage students' participation and can remove the inhibitions of

those who feel intimidated by formal classroom situation.

f) Game can change the roles of the teacher from the formal instructor to the

manager or organize of activities the student enjoying participating in. this is

considered useful in reducing teacher students distance conflict.

g) Game can increase the student's communication and also reduce the

domination of the teacher.

h) Game can act as attesting mechanism, in sense that it can be expose

weakness and the needs foe remedial works. 2. Speaking

A What is Speaking ?

One of the four major skills in English is speaking. Comparing with writing,

listening and reading, some learners get problem in productive skills especially in

speaking English, it is because, the student must involved with other skills.

Harmer (1983) states that when two people are engaged in talking to each other

we can be fairly sure that they in general way to suggest that a speaker makes a

definite decision to address someone. Speaking may be forced on him in some

way but we can still say that he wants or intends to speak, other wise he would

keep silent, He has some communicative purposes; speakers say things because

they want something to happen as a result of what they say. He selects from his

language store:

the teacher has an alternative capacity to create new sentences if he is a native


Skill will be focused for the first section on speaking. Other speaking skills

involve fluent and accuracy expression meaning, the exercising of pragmatic, or

communicative, competence and the observance of the rules of appropriate, all

these skills together may be said to make up the global skill of speaking as an act

of communication and interactive with others, and these will be focused on the

second section. Other experts have another definition such as speaking is

fundamentally an instrument act speakers talk in order to have some effects on

their listeners. They assess things to change their state of knowledge. So it can be

conclude that speaking is a means of oral communication to others or speaking is

a way to bring message from one person to others in order to interact with them.

Communication will not be running well without speaking and it is the most

essential way in which the speakers can express themselves through the language.

Communication is a collaborative venture in which the interlocutors negotiate

meaning in order to achieve their communicative ends (Nunan 1991:47).

Widowson (1985:57) states that speaking is a means of oral communication that

gives information involves two elements, namely the speaker who gives the

messages and the listener who receptive the message.

Nunan (1989:26-27) points that for most of its history, language teaching has been

concerned with the teaching of written language. This characterized by well-

formed sentences which are integrated into highly short. Often fragmentary

utterances, in a range of pronunciation. There is often a great deal of reputation

and overlap between one speaker and another speaker frequently use non-specific


Nunan (1991:41) suggest that oral interaction can characterized in terms of

routines, which are conventional ways of presenting information which can either

focus on information or interaction. The successful communication can be seen

when mutual understanding between speaker and listener in exchanging ideas

work as their wish. The characteristic of successful speaking ability. They are as

follows :

Learners talk a lot

e Learners talk a lot

» Participation is even

« Language is of an acceptable level

The role of material in learning speaking is also needed. The key of speaking the

material which is decided by the speaker, the material determines the success of

communication so the material should be interesting for both of speakers by

having the materials in teaching - learning process, we have made the students

interact with the world of speaking in other to broaden their knowledge.

b. The Nature of Speaking

Language as a number of different levels-sounds, words, sentences, structure,

meaning and use. Language are not just abstract structured system, they are also

used in thought and communication, and it is the task of psycholinguistics to

discover how knowledge of language is presented in the mind/brain of a fluent

speaker, how this information is utilize in the production and comprehension of

expressions and how speakers acquire these abilities.

Brown (1987:108) States that oral communication is a case in which cognitively

at least, it is easier to achieve emphatic communication since there is immediate

feedback from the hearer.

Oral communication practice may after an antidote to the 'clause - down'

approach. One way it might do this is by exercising learners in the business of

accessing chunks, constituting them correctly, combining them and modifying

them efficiently low level of ambiguity for communication to take place. (Nunan


In conjunction with the nature of Speaking. Harmer (1991:46) States that when

two people are engaged and talking to each other we can be fairly sure of that they


doing for reasons, namely :


• They want to say something

• They have some communication purpose

• They select from their language store

In speaking class, the students are hope to express idea information and feeling to

other, practicing to use the language is very important in order to develop the

students ability in speaking. The students will not be able to speak fluently if they

do not practice the language in good, correct, and accurate language.

c. The Elements of Speaking

Speaking covers three elements that cannot be separated one another. They are

pronunciation, vocabulary, accuracy and fluency.

a) Pronunciation

This element is still wide. Therefore the teacher need more effort in

training the students to practice how the English word is pronounced in order

to make the listener understand what the speakers say. Pronunciation is the fact or

manner of articulate utterance. Certainly, pronunciation cannot be separated from

intonation and stress use, which are the indicators of someone whether he/she has

good pronunciation in language spoken. Furthermore, pronunciation and stress are

largely learn successfully by imitating and repetition.

b) Vocabulary

It is impossible to speak without mastering vocabulary. Therefore, this element is

somewhat essential to learn before practicing speaking. The students sometimes

get trouble in memorizing all vocabulary that they have known because they lack

of practicing and use them. Thus, the}' need to practice more to keep them in

mind. The words and phrases usually arranged and explained. Furthermore,

Harmer (1991) distinguishes two types of vocabulary is the words, active

vocabulary and passive vocabulary is the words, which we want students to

understand, but they will not use themselves. In addition, defines that someone

can be considered of having good vocabulary use, when the vocabulary produced

is wide (lack of repetition) or appropriate with certain situation of dialogue or


c) Accuracy and Fluency

Accuracy in the state being or exact and without errors, especially as result of

careful effort. Some students always seem to speak too loudly, while others seem

to speak hi a whisper. Many students do not know how to adjust their voices to the

sizes of the room. They speak so rapidly that they obscure

the meaning of communication; other speaks too slowly, but the result is the same.

d) Grammar

Grammar whose subject matter is the organization of words into various

combination, after representing many layers of structure, such as phrase, sentence,

and complete utterance

e) Self Confidence

Self Confidence is feeling sure that about ones ability as he states of

feeling sure, when people or student are able to think well, it is clear that is

confidence is he ways we fell about what we are going to do and also our

perception hoe effectively we deal with other.

And there are many reasons for using games in the language learning classroom.

From explanation above, we can see that games are v'ery good in English

teaching. By using games, the students will be easy to understand the course. In

other words that by using games teaching process will be more success.


To test hypothesis, the value of the t-test is compare the value oft-table at the level

of significant P — 0.05 and the degree of freedom N-l (29).

Null hypothesis (Ho): there is no significance different between the result of

pretest and posttest of students speaking by using game.

Alternative hypothesis (HI): there is significance different between the result

pretest of posttest of students speaking by using game.


This chapter deals with the research method, population and sanr instrument of

the research, variables, procedure of collecting data, and technique data analysis.

A. Research Method

The method employed in this research was experimental method, which aim to

find out whether using games in teaching speaking can improve the students

ability in speaking and to find out the students attitudes in learning to speak by

using game:

The design of this study was one group pre-test design. Treatment (x) would be

given between pre-test (01) and post-test (02). The design can be described ;


01 x 02

Where :

01 X


1. Pretest

: Pre- test : Treatment : post-test

(Gay, 1987:282)

Before doing the treatment, the students was given pretest. As speaking

performance in oral test to know the students basic knowledge. The test was

speaking which the topic had been choused by the students and express their ideas

for 15 minutes.

2. Treatment

After doing pretest, the writer implementation the materials by using materials job

seeking, hidden words, and describing something. Each meeting spent 45 minutes

in the classroom, the writer gives explanation and instruction how to play this

game and what the students should do in the classroom.

a. The first meeting

The writer gives the game (job seeking) as a treatment in some steps, as follows :

The first, the teacher distribute a card for all students. After that the students who

get card A (which contains a kind of job and requirements to be fulfilled) must

read his/her card and then the students who get car B (which contains the skill of

job seeker) have to find the card A based his/her job qualified.

b. The second meeting

The first, the teacher give a hidden words to the students who pointed as a

presenter in front of the class. After that the other students give a question as

much as possible to collect a clue for supporting the hidden word, then the

presenter should answer the question (yes or no) based the hidden word. After that

the other students guess the hidden words based all clue that they got.

c. The third meeting

The first, the teacher showed a something like a pen, and after that the students

must described it one by one.

d. The fourth meeting

The writer ordered to each group to make a dialogue and then each group

presented their dialogue in front of the class.

3. Posttest

After doing the entire four meeting, the writer gave posttest to the group to

measure the students progress in speaking after giving treatment. B. Variable

There were two variables in this study namely dependent variable and

independent variable. Speaking was independent variable and Games was

dependent variable. C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research is the first students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1

Bontoala in academic year 2007/2008 which consists of 60 students which

divided in two classes they are office department and accountancy department

2. Sample

The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling. The main

reason for choosing sample of the research were the students like study by English

game. It means that the data was taken one classes as respondent of SMK 1

Muhammadiyah in 2007/2008 academic year which consist of 30 students. D.

Instrument of the Research

The instruments was collecting data in this study was speaking test. The speaking

test was aimed to find out the description of the students speaking by using games

(Job seeking, Hidden words, Describing something). The test considered by pre-

test and post-test.

Procedure of Collecting Data

In collecting data, the writer carried out of research at SMK Muhammadiyah 1

Bontoala. Before distributing the test, the writer spent a few minutes to give

explanation about the purpose of the test. The writer asked the students to do the

test in appropriate time. Finally the writer collected the answer from the

respondents. F. Technique of Data Analysis

In collecting data, the writer used data analysis as follows :

1. Scoring the students answer


Students' correct answer Score = —————————————x 10 The total

number of score

(Depdikbud, 1980)

2. The mean score of the students was to find out by means of the following


N Where:

% : Mean Score

2-> : The Total Raw Student N : Number of sample

3. To know the increase of the students' achievement in speaking through games,

the writer used the following formula:

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