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/* all_bz version 12

* -- generate all blastz commands for pairs of specified sequences with

* post-processing.
* The command syntax is:
* all_bz [-+] string-with-names [blastz-specfile]
* where "string-with-names" contains names of sequence files (and perhaps
* non-name characters), such as:
* all_bz "(((human chimp) baboon) (mouse rat))"
* A '+' tells all_bz to echo each blastz command to stdout before executing it.
* A '-' tells all_bz to simply echo the commands (which can be captured in a
* file, edited, then executed). The optional last argument contains
* command-line options for the blastz runs. For instance, the "specfile":

# The is a sample file specifying command options for blastz

#define MAMMAL human baboon

* : *
frog : *
MAMMAL : zfish
C=2 B=0
human : zfish

* says e.g. that (1) all blastz runs will specify Y=3400, (2) an alignment
* involving frog will also specify G=11, (3) an alignment of human and zfish
* will specify all of: Y=3400 Q=HoxD55 O=300, and (4) a human-vs-baboon
* alignment will use: Y=3400 C=2 B=0

#include <stdio.h>
#include "util.h"

#define VERSION 15
#define TOAST_SUFFIX "toast.maf"
#define TOAST2_SUFFIX "toast2.maf"
#define NON_NAME " ()"

static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: all_bz.c 142 2008-11-12 18:55:23Z rico $";

#define BZ_CMD "blastzWrapper %s %s Y=9000 H=0 %s | lav2maf /dev/stdin %s %s |

maf_sort /dev/stdin %s > %s.%s.orig.maf"
#define BZ_T2_CMD "blastzWrapper %s %s Y=9000 H=0 T=2 %s | lav2maf /dev/stdin %s %s
| maf_sort /dev/stdin %s > %s.%s.orig.maf"
#define SIN_CMD_PRE "single_cov2 %s.%s.orig.maf "
#define SIN_CMD_POST " > %s.%s.sing.maf"
#define CLEAN_CMD "blastz_clean %s %s.%s.orig.maf | maf_sort /dev/stdin %s > %s.
#define TOAST_CMD "toast %s %s %s %s %s %s.%s.clean.maf %s.%s.clean.maf %s.
%s.clean.maf | maf_sort /dev/stdin %s > %s.%s.%s"
#define TOAST2_CMD "chain R=%s %s %s.%s.toast.maf | maf_sort /dev/stdin %s > %s.%s.
static char buf[500], cmd[10000], min_cluster_chain_str[100], singleton_cmd[100],
min_chain[100], inflation_cmd[100], *reference=NULL, close_alignment[500];
static char annotation_file[500];
static int execute=1;
static int verbose=0;
static int RUN_BZ=2;
static int RUN_TBA=1;
static int POST_PROC=1;
static int reduce=0;
static char *x[100], *y[100], *z[100];
static int nrules;

struct name_record {
char *name;
struct name_record *next;

int is_comment(char *s) {

while (*s != '\0' &&isspace(*s))
return (*s == '\0' || (*s == '#' && strncmp(s, "#define ", 8)));

char *spec_line(char *buf, int buf_size, FILE *fp) {

int n = 0;

while (fgets(buf+n, buf_size-n, fp) != NULL) {

n = strlen(buf);
if (n > 1 && buf[n-2] != '\\')
return buf;
buf[n-1] = ' ';
buf[n] = '\0';
return NULL;

// parse a blastz specfile; results go into globals x, y, z;

static void get_specs(char *filename) {
FILE *fp = ckopen(filename, "r");
char buf[5000], *name[100], *val[100], *s, *t, *u,
int nmacro = 0, i;

while (spec_line(buf, 5000, fp) != NULL) {

if (is_comment(buf)) // blank line
if (strncmp(buf, "#define ", 8) == 0) { // macro definition
if (nmacro >= 100)
fatal("too many macros");
for (s = buf+8; isspace(*s); ++s)
if ((t = strchr(s, ' ')) == NULL &&
(t = strchr(s, '\t')) == NULL)
fatalf("end of name: %s", buf);
for (u = t+1; *u != '\0' && isspace(*u); ++u)
if (*u == '\0')
fatalf("start of definition: %s", buf);
if ((v = strchr(u, '\n')) != NULL)
*v = '\0';
*t = '\0';
name[nmacro] = copy_string(s);
val[nmacro] = copy_string(u);
} else { // must look like " name1 : name2 "
for (s = buf; *s != '\0'; ++s)
if (*s == ':' || isspace(*s))
if ((u = strchr(s, ':')) == NULL)
fatalf("needs ':' in %s", buf);
for (++u; *u != '\0' && isspace(*u); ++u)
for (v = u; *v != '\0' && !isspace(*v); ++v)
if (u == v)
fatalf("confused by %s", buf);
*s = *v = '\0';
// name1 (buf) might be a macro
for (i = 0; i < nmacro; ++i)
if (same_string(buf, name[i]))
x[nrules] = copy_string(i < nmacro ? val[i] : buf);
// name2 (u) might be a macro
for (i = 0; i < nmacro; ++i)
if (same_string(u, name[i]))
y[nrules] = copy_string(i < nmacro ? val[i] : u);
// next line gives command options
while (fgets(buf, 500, fp) != NULL && is_comment(buf))
// it must start with white-space
if (!isspace(buf[0]))
fatalf("missing space at start of %s", buf);
// trim white-space from the front
for (s = buf+1; isspace(*s); ++s)
if ((t = strchr(s, '\n')) == NULL)
fatalf("missing newline in %s", buf);
// trim white-space from the rear
while (t > s && isspace(t[-1]))
*t = '\0';
// record the options in z
z[nrules] = copy_string(s);

// does name s match pattern t from the blastz-specifile?

static int match(char *s, char *t) {
return (same_string(t, "*") || strstr(t, s));
// put the blastz command options for two species into buf
static void options(char *buf, char *name1, char *name2) {
int i;

buf[0] = '\0';
for (i = 0; i < nrules; ++i)
if ((match(name1, x[i]) && match(name2, y[i])) ||
(match(name1, y[i]) && match(name2, x[i]))) {
if (buf[0] != '\0')
strcat(buf, " ");
strcat(buf, z[i]);

//------< run blastz for a pair of species >------

void command_bz(char* mname, char* nname, const int t2) {

if ( RUN_BZ != 0) {
options(buf, mname, nname);
if (strstr(buf, "NOALIGN")) {
if (verbose)
printf("do not align %s and %s\n", mname, nname);
if ( t2 == 0)
sprintf(cmd, BZ_CMD, mname, nname, buf, mname, nname, mname, mname,
sprintf(cmd, BZ_T2_CMD, mname, nname, buf, mname, nname, mname, mname,
if ( verbose)
printf("%s\n", cmd);
if ( execute && system(cmd) != 0)
fatal("all_bz BZ quits");

//sprintf(cmd, CLEAN_CMD, close_alignment, mname, nname, mname, mname, nname);

//if ( verbose)
//fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd);

#ifdef MAF2LAV
sprintf(ifcmd, "maf2lav %s.%s.orig.maf %s %s >", mname, nname,
mname, nname, mname, nname);

//------< run post-process for a pair of species >---

void command_pp(char* mname, char* nname) {
static char tmpStr[500];

options(buf, mname, nname);

if (strstr(buf, "NOALIGN")) {
if (verbose)
printf("do not align %s and %s\n", mname, nname);
if ( POST_PROC == 1 ) { // single_cov2
sprintf(cmd, SIN_CMD_PRE, mname, nname);
sprintf(tmpStr, SIN_CMD_POST, mname, nname);
if ( reference != NULL && (strcmp(mname, reference)==0 || strcmp(nname,
reference)==0) ) {
strcat(cmd, "R=");
strcat(cmd, reference);
strcat(cmd, tmpStr);
if ( verbose)
printf("%s\n", cmd);
if ( execute && system(cmd) != 0)
fatal("all_bz post-process quits");
} else {
sprintf(cmd, CLEAN_CMD, close_alignment, mname, nname, mname, mname,
if ( verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd);

sprintf(cmd, TOAST_CMD, singleton_cmd, min_cluster_chain_str, min_chain,

inflation_cmd, annotation_file, mname, nname, mname, mname, nname, nname, mname,
mname, nname, TOAST_SUFFIX);
if ( verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd);
if ( execute && system(cmd) != 0 )
fatal("all_bz post-process quits");

if ( POST_PROC == 2 ) { // POST_RPOC == 2 // toast2

if ( reference == NULL )
fatal("To use A=2, reference must be specified\n");
sprintf(cmd, TOAST2_CMD, reference, inflation_cmd, mname, nname, mname,
mname, nname, TOAST2_SUFFIX);

if ( verbose)
printf("%s\n", cmd);
if ( execute && system(cmd) != 0)
fatal("all_bz post-process quits");

#ifdef MAF2LAV
sprintf(ifcmd, "maf2lav %s.%s.toast.maf %s %s >", mname, nname,
mname, nname, mname, nname);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

char *s, *t, x, mainCmd[500], USAGE[10000];
struct name_record *m, *n, *names;
int TWO=2;

sprintf(mainCmd, "all_bz.v%d", VERSION);

argv0 = copy_string(mainCmd);

strcpy(USAGE, "-- generate all blastz commands for pairs of specified

strcat(USAGE, "args: [-+] [b=?] [A=?] [F=reference] [T=annotation-file] [h=?]
[q=?] [D=?] [f=?] species-guid-tree [blastz_specfile]\n");
strcat(USAGE, "\t+(off) verbose\n\t-(off) output command only.\n");
strcat(USAGE, "\tb(2) 0: run post-process only 1: run blastzWrapper only,
transform to maf 2: run both\n");
strcat(USAGE, "\tA(1) 0: toast 1: single_cov2 2: toast, following by chain and
single cov on reference\n");
strcat(USAGE, "\tF(null) null: single coverage is done for both species;
reference: single coverage is done for reference only, effective in
strcat(USAGE, "\tT(null): annotation file path and name, used for running toast
and chaining procedure\n");
strcat(USAGE, "\th(300) minimum chaining size, effective in toast\n");
strcat(USAGE, "\tq(600) minimum cluster size, effective in toast\n");
strcat(USAGE, "\tD(1) 0: run all_bz for roast 1: run all_bz for TBA.\n");
strcat(USAGE, "\tc(500): parameter transfered to blastz_clean, alignments
closer than c are subjected to be cleaned.\n");
strcat(USAGE, "\tf(2) x% is used for determine in-paralogs, effective in

//-----< process arguments >--------------

if (argc > 1 && same_string(argv[1], "-")) {
execute = 0;
verbose = 1;
} else if (argc > 1 && same_string(argv[1], "+")) {
verbose = 1;

file[0]=close_alignment[0]=' ';


while ( argc > 1 && argv[1][1]=='=' && strchr("bAFThqscDf", (x=argv[1][0])) ) {

switch (x) {
case 'b':
RUN_BZ = atoi(argv[1]+2);
if ( RUN_BZ != 0 && RUN_BZ != 1 && RUN_BZ != 2 )
fatalf("argument b can only be 0, 1, 2.\n%s", USAGE);
case 'A':
POST_PROC = atoi(argv[1]+2);
if ( POST_PROC != 0 && POST_PROC != 1 && POST_PROC != 2)
fatalf("argument A can only be 0, 1 or 2.\n%s", USAGE);
case 'F':
reference = copy_string(argv[1]+2);
case 'T':
sprintf(annotation_file, "A=%s", argv[1]+2);
case 'f':
strcpy(inflation_cmd, argv[1]);
case 'h':
strcpy(min_chain, argv[1]);
case 'q':
strcpy(min_cluster_chain_str, argv[1]);
case 's':
strcpy(singleton_cmd, argv[1]);
reduce = atoi(argv[1]+2);
if ( reduce != 0 && reduce != 1 )
fatalf("argument t can only be 0, 1.\n%s", USAGE);
case 'D':
if ( RUN_TBA != 0 && RUN_TBA != 1 )
fatalf("argument D can only be 0, 1.\n%s", USAGE);
case 'c':
strcpy(close_alignment, argv[1]);

if (argc == 3) {
} else if (argc != 2)
fatalf("%s", USAGE);

m = names = NULL;
for (s = argv[1]; *s != '\0'; s = t) {
while (*s != '\0' && strchr(NON_NAME,*s))
if (*s == '\0')
for (t = s+1; *t != '\0' && !strchr(NON_NAME,*t); ++t)
x = *t; // save last character
*t = '\0';
n = ckalloc(sizeof(*n));
n->name = copy_string(s);
*t = x; // replace last character
n->next = NULL;
if (m == NULL)
names = n;
m->next = n;
m = n;
//--------< end of processing arguments >-----

//--------< run blastzWrapper >----------------------

//if ( RUN_BZ != 0) {
if ( RUN_TBA == 0 )
command_bz(reference, reference, TWO);
for (m = names; m != NULL; m = m->next) {
if ( RUN_TBA == 0 ) {
if ( reference == NULL )
fatalf("reference must be specified for running roast and its
all_bz.\n%s", USAGE);
if ( strcmp(m->name, reference)==0 )
command_bz(reference, m->name, 0);
command_bz(m->name, m->name, 2);
} else {
n = ( POST_PROC == 0 ? m : m->next );
for (; n != NULL; n = n->next) {
if ( strcmp(m->name, n->name)==0 )
command_bz(m->name, n->name, 2);
command_bz(m->name, n->name, 0);

if ( RUN_BZ == 1) // run bz only

return 0;

//--------< post process >--------------------

for (m = names; m != NULL; m = m->next) {
if ( RUN_TBA == 0 ) {
if ( reference == NULL )
fatalf("reference must be specified for running roast and its
all_bz.\n%s", USAGE);
if ( strcmp(m->name, reference)==0 )
command_pp(reference, m->name);
} else
for (n = m->next; n != NULL; n = n->next) {
command_pp(m->name, n->name);
#ifdef MAF2LAV
sprintf(ifcmd, "laj &", m->name, n-
>name, m->name, n->name);

return 0;

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