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Kasyn Tapia

Professor Colvin

English 1201

17 January 2019

Research Proposal on Cutting Humanity Programs in Public Schools

Recently, public school systems have had major budget cuts due to inability to fund

humanity programs. The government has taken funding away from many classes that are not in

the ‘required’ curriculum. Being in Highschool and seeing this happen to my school has

seriously affected me, especially being involved in the art programs. I see first hand how it

affects not only students but teachers because many can lose their job easily. Just recently, a

specific levy did not pass, and that cost 4 art teachers jobs just in my high school. I think that art

classes, along with music classes, are highly important to students and their education. Many

people do not understand that the humanity classes taught are extremely beneficial to students.

That is why this topic really intrigues me because I want to be able to advocate for the arts and

have factual evidence that getting rid of these programs will harm students and our upcoming

generation in more ways than one.

The arts and music are a big part in my education as well as my life. I think that without

learning either of these, I would not have been as successful in school. I think that to protect our

youth and future, we must find a way to prevent the budget cuts being made by the government.

If some way we can make more people realize the effects that these programs in school have,

they would not dare get rid of them. It is my belief that participating in these programs makes

kids more well rounded and even more intelligent. I have even done a little research as to how

these programs raise the IQ of students when they are introduced at a young age. There is lots

of research that even having your child listen to music like Mozart and Beethoven as a baby

triggers the brain in a way that makes certain parts of the brain develop smarter. Not only does
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it benefit the mind of a child, but it also is a major stress reliever for many kids, and taking that

away can result in taking away the only outlet of stress relief for many kids.

I am very interested in doing more research about this topic to find out exactly what art

and music do to the brain of a child and how it can affect them in the long run. I want to know

the science behind brain development between a child that was exposed to these topics at a

young age vs a child that was not exposed at all. I also need to do research on why the

government is cutting these programs to properly argue on why they should reconsider taking

away these program and ultimately value them instead of thinking they should be the first things

to go.

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