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Chapter 6

Geometric Transformation

Task #1 | Georeference and Rectify a Scanned Map

Files Need: hoytmtn.tif
1. Open the ArcMAP 10.5.
2. Create a New File named 106382605_Lab#5.
3. Insert new Data Frame and named with Task1Lab5.
4. Right click on the Task1Lab5 and click Add Data  choose hoytmtn.tif  click Add button.

5. Click Customize menu  choose Toolbar and check Georeferencing and the toolbar will open in
the ArcMAP window.

6. Zoom in on hoytmtn.tif and choose four points on the corner as a Control Point.

7. To chhosing the control point, choose Add Control Point tool ( ) in Georeferencing toolbar.
After that, click the chosen control points (on the corner) and click again until the plus mark (+)
become red. Do the same steps to other 3 points with clockwise direction.

8. Click View Link Table tool ( ) in the Georeferencing toolbar and fill the value of X Map and Y

Tic-Id X Map Y Map

1 575672.2771 5233212.6163
2 585131.2232 5233341.4371
3 585331.3327 5219450.4360
4 575850.1480 5219321.5730

9. After filling the value of X-Map and Y-Map, check the value of the total of RMSE should be
smaller than 4.0 (meters) if the location of control point match their locations on the image.
10. To retify (transform) hoytmtn.tif, click Georeferencing  select Rectify  leave it default setting
and choose output format TIFF and named as rect_hoytmtn.tif.

Task #2 | Vectorize Raster Lines

Files Need: hoytmtn.tif & rect_hoytmtn.tif
1. Insert new Data Frame and named as Task2Lab5.
2. Go to Catalog Tree and right click on the Chap6 folder  select New  choose Shapefile  fill
name with hoytmtn_trace.shp  choose Feature Type as Polyline  click Edit button  in the
Spatial Reference dialog box, then select Projected Coordinate Systems  select UTM  select
NAD 1927  choose NAD 1927 UTM Zone 11N  click OK.
3. Right click on the Task2Lab5 data frame  select Add Data  select rect_hoytmtn.tif  ignore
the warning  the file will open in the Data Frame.

4. Double click in the Line Symbol of hoytmtn.tif  change to black color.

5. Right click on the hoytmtn.tif  on the Symbology tab choose Unique Value  change the
value of 0 to red and 1 to no color  OK.
6. Open the Editor Toolbar and activates that (click Customize menu  select Customize Mode 
and then check the ArcScan).

7. On the Editor Toolbar, select Start Editing (on the dropdown menu) and the Raster Layer
should show rect_hoytmtn.tif.

8. On the Vectorization Menu, select Vectorization Setting (leave it default)  click Styles button
 choose Polygons  and click OK  click Apply and Close button.
9. Go to Vectorization Menu  select Generate Features (make sure that hoytmtn_trace in the
centerline)  OK.

10. To remove the notes of soil survey in the below left corner  choose Select-Feature Tool ( )
in ArcMap-Menu  point to the Soil survey notes  Delete it.

Figure. Result of Vectorization without soil survey’s notes

11. To finish the process, go to Editor-Menu  select Stop Editing  and check the quality of traced
soil line in hoytmtn_trace.

Task #3 | Perform Image-to-Map Transformation

Files Need: spot-pan.bil & raod.shp
1. Select Insert-Menu  select Data Frame and named with Task3Lab5.
2. Right click on the Task3Lab5  select Add Data  choose spot-pan.bil and road.shp.

3. Change the symbol color of road by double click at line and change the color to orange.

Figure. road.shp file result

4. Open the Georeferencing-Toolbar (by clicking Customize-Menu  select ToolBars 

5. Make sure that spot-pan.bil exist in the Layer and then click View Link Table on the
Georeferencing-Toolbar  delete any link in the table.
6. Due to different coordinate between spot-pan.bil and road.shp, you can use Zoom to Layer to
see the details.
7. Find the similar shape between spot-pan.bill and the road.shp before adding Link between them.
8. If the familiar shape was founded, then make sure that Auto Adjust (in Georeferencing-dropdown
menu) was checked.
8. Find the first control-point (road intersection) in the image  by click Add Control Point Tool
( ) put first Plus-Mark (green color) in the Image and right click in the road.shp, then click the
second Plus-Mark (red color) in the same spot in the road intersection.
9. Do the same step with Step-8 to create another 3 control-point (Link).

10. After finishing Step-8, then add more control point until 10 control-points and control the total of
RMSE should be smaller than 10 (meters). To check the value of RMSE select View Link Table on
the Georeferencing-Toolbar and check the value of RMSE and Save the Table.
11. To rectify the spot-pan.bil, select Rectify from Grereferencing-Menu  specify the Cell size 10
meters  choose Nearest Neighbor for Resampling Method  choose TIFF for the format and
the result named as rect_spot.tif  click Save.
Figure. The result of performing Image-to-Map process
Task #3 | Digitize on The Google Earth and Export to Shapefile
Files Need: NCU_GIS.kml
1. Open the Google Earth Software  search National Central University (NCU)  create new
Folder named as NCU_GIS  digitize 5 building in NCU.

Figure. Google Earth search result for NCU

Figure. Creating new folder

2. Next, Save Place As the NCU_GIS folder as (.kml) file and named as NCU_GIS.kml.
3. Open the ArcToolBox  go to Convertion Tools  choose KML To Layer tool and your
Placemark will appear in the Table of Content Box.

4. To export the shape of “Placemark” to shapefile, right click on the Polygons  point to Data 
Export Data  named the output as NCU_Building.shp  then OK. Your shapefile of NCU’s
building will appear to the Table of Content Box.
Figure. Export Data dialog Box

Figure. Result of the Digitation Step from Google Earth

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