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Accomplished international artist dedicated to effectively educating students within a fine arts context.
Masters of Fine Arts graduate with a discipline in figurative drawing and painting. Established a visual arts
practice, that included research, publications, and exhibitions. Currently seeking an opportunity to convey
passion for the arts and teach students to analyse critical theory.


• Exceptional technical skills in rendering images Glasgow School of Art

and articulating conceptual methodologies. Master of Fine Arts
• Experienced in providing students with the tools 2016
to critique and improve their own artwork to
Jen Yu Maryland Institute, College of Art
achieve their desired message.
Bachelor of Fine Arts
• Fluent in English and Mandarin, with an interme-
Graduated with Distinction
diate knowledge of German.
jen.pyn.yu@gmail • Proficient in art handling and installation,
631-512-3289 print-making techniques, casting, and sculpture.
Versatile in Adobe Photoshop and InDesign.


2015-16 Figurative Drawing Tutor & Mentor GLA S GOW, UK

Delivered a series of life drawing workshops to intermediate and advanced artists, with the purpose of
refining their independent practices. Created a space for critiques in which students evaluated their own work
and that of their peers, enabling them to defend their work and justify their choices. Taught students to
communicate their work concisely and in a meaningful way. Fostered an inclusive learning environment in
which the diverse backgrounds of my students were appreciated and valued.
2013-14 Visual Arts Portfolio Advisor HA MB URG, GE RMA NY

Provided 1:1 advisory sessions to undergraduate students who were structuring their visual arts portfolios. Offered
constructive feedback on the layouts, critiqued art work, and explored their conceptualizations to develop content for
h ttp ://www.ku e n stle r - z u - g a s t- i n - h a r b u r g .d e / their artist statements. Cultivated flexible teaching approaches to acknowledge artists’ individual practice.
h ttp s ://w w w.m i c a .e d u /

Nomination for Künstler zu Gast in Harburg 2013-14 Gue st Artist at Künstler zu Gast in Harburg e.V. HA MB URG, GE RMA NY
Residency allowed for significant time and focus towards developing practice. Established crux of values, whilst
Full Scholarship, Stipend
simultaneously gaining hands-on experience in communicating with buyers and self-curating exhibitions. Concepts
formed within Künstler zu Gast e.V. culminated in a solo exhibition, published catalogues, and led into methodologies
Dean’s List, MICA
still valued in current studio work.
Presidential Scholarship, MICA
General Fine Arts Scholarship, MICA
2012-17 Freelance Editor MULTI P LE LOCATI ONS
NAHS Scholarship
2008-12 Methodical in adeptly communicating the thoughts and ideals of others. Offers skills in writing grant proposals,
artist statements, and press releases, as well as an advisory overlook in thesis writing. Intersted in locating and
highlighting the strengths of others.

Joh n Calcutt 2008-12 Administrative Assistant at MICA Residence Life B A LTI MORE , US A

MFA Programme Leader

Ability to communicate the interests of the student cohort whilst exercising technical and analytical administrative
The Glasgow School of Art
ability. Demonstrates an organised apprach to managing and sorting data.
j .c a l u c tt@g s a .a c .u k

Suzanne Levesque STUDIO PRACTICE

Fine Arts Director Re ce nt work e xa m i ne s te m pora l i t y a nd t he i nte rs e ct i on betw een p ublic memor y and p r ivate memor y.Uses
Thjnk re duct i ve proce s s e s i n re m ovi ng i nform at i on t hroug h ph ysical mod es of sand ing, scratch ing, cutting and erasing,
s g .l e v e s q u e @g m a i l .c o m s o t hat i m a ge s ta ke on t he m ul t i pl e l ocat i ons i n whi ch th e y are installed . S eeks to mov e be yond th e r h etor ic of

t he i m a ge a nd confront t he unre l i a b i l i t y of m e m or y a nd transfor m objects and spaces into temp orar y monuments.

J E N P Y N Y U . C O M JEN.PYN.YU@GMAIL.COM 631-512-3289

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