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10t31 o;

Universal Alcess to euality tiveOrder maybeneeded to man_

Tertiary Education- Aci ,i: date. variou5. ggyaln]nsnl .raa-
(UAQTEA), popularly knownas rehrns from higher education is esti_ cies to play thih designed r"oles
Trritinn l.*
Free Tuition
Fr€e i. rrore
liw,_is L^- &^-:---,
than iust maled at l2%, private teturrs are wherl the sta te kickstarts th; full oper_
providhg free tuition in state ini_ rnB]\et at 42Y6, thus the role of the a
_tionalization of the UAeTEA'Gs
veEities and colleges (SUCS) for govemment is to bridge this eao bv school year 2019-2020, tarsetine at
students from pooafamilies. Ieast 30% of the non-4ps ioutfi or
Providing student acc-ess to 6i.J_
Albay Rep.-Joey Sarte Salceda. sional loan prosra[Is..' those who did not qualifv' for fre€
origrnal and princifaf author of the The UAOTdA packaee has bem college subsidies.
measure in the Lowdr House. said modeled after the Austrilian hieher " As the principal author, sDonsor.
law aJso benefits middle in_ education contribution schEme and advocate of UAeTEA, it is mv
corne famfies whose clildren mav (HECS) which Satceda successfullv resolve to see that it is implemented iir
not qualify for free tuition but wh; pilot tested in A_lbay where he wa'-s detail, and ensure that ihe intended
may avajl of finarrcial assistance provincial govemorfixninevearsunril benehciaries are enrolled and partner
throughconcessional loars when thev 2016- President Duterte sisred the schools are paid rightfulv ;nd on
eruoll in private colleees. The loan'< lawin 2016. Nowbeinsimpi-emented time, so this law cail fulli serve irs
are payable when thev"eet emolovJ partially, ir js consideid ai one of the pupose in nation-buildiris and na_
and their salary level rbi.fre" ttie.iin_ landmark legacies of his adminisha- tional development,,, he str'essed .
lmum anIrual gross income ot ,,com_ tron. There are il2 state universities and
pulsory repayment threshold" (CRn. Records show tha t only 9.6 million colleges (SUCS) and 8Z comDliant lo_
rh e Sociat Secudry System (SSS) and out ot 107 million Filipinbs have col_ cal uni versities an d colleges ( LUCs) in
Governmerrt Service Iruurarce Sys_ lege degrees. Thev co-nstitute 21"/" the country. He said delaved oav_
tem (CSB) will collect their reoiv- Filipinos aged 22 ind above:Tlre la *_^f ments to partner schools ,ier;o'r^i"
mm ts as a percentage of their inc6nie_ maker lamented that the full imDle_ undermine their financial capabilitv tl
on top of their otheiregularmonthly m€ntation ofHECS under RA 10931 is pursue thefu va.rious prosr;rns irr'in_
bernghinderedby the,,stubbom resis- hastruchue,irurovati&rs, ft sear.f rar,a
- Salcedahas
vowed to workmiehF
lor the implementation
tance lrom agencies like the SSS and
Such fiscal instability, Salceda
of"rho the GSIS, and other govemment finan_
UAQTM towards its eue direction clal mshtu tions (GFIS.), whose ensaee_ pointed ou L likewise teml]_
particuJarly on [he operationalization ment rs critical to the success o"f iho tations for schools to conficue #d
ot rts rncome--contingen t loan comD(} law." He noted that in Aushalia, the c,olectsfudent feesin gray a;eas. and
nen_t. He said Section g oI the
iaw l:rtl,b repa)rynmt rate is high at g7ol.. deleat the overarchin! intent of the
underlines the fact that ,,while social ralceqa sard a l,residential Exe<r r_ Iaw tor iree tuition and otler school
P'5C J

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