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Modeling swelling–shrinkage behavior of compacted expansive
soils during wetting–drying cycles
Gang Wang and Xing Wei
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Abstract: This paper presents a straightforward approach for modelling volume change behavior of expansive soils during
wetting–drying cycles. The swelling–shrinkage strain of expansive soils induced by cyclic wetting and drying was decomposed
with distinctive physical background into a reversible component, which shows a synchronous change with the cyclic change of
suction, and an irreversible component, which is generated mainly in the early stage of the wetting–drying process. The
mechanisms of the two swelling–shrinkage strain components can be well explained through the double-level structure of
expansive soils and its evolution with mechanical and hydraulic loading. The reversible component originates from the revers-
ible deformation behavior of aggregates, and primarily depends on current suction or water content. The irreversible compo-
nent is associated with the irreversible change of macrostructure, reflecting the difference in soil structures at current state and
the equilibrium state. A practical constitutive model was proposed for compacted expansive clays from a global and phenom-
enological perspective. The model parameters can be calibrated with observed macroscopic deformation behavior without
measuring microstructural parameters. The performance of the presented model was validated by simulating cyclic suction-
controlled tests as well as an alternately soaked and dried test with irregular amplitudes of suctions.
Can. Geotech. J. 2015.52:783-794.

Key words: expansive soils, volumetric behavior, swelling, shrinkage, model.

Résumé : Cet article présente une approche directe pour modéliser les variations de volume de sols expansifs durant des cycles
de mouillage–séchage. La déformation causée par le gonflement–retrait des sols expansifs induite par les cycles de mouillage–
séchage a été décomposée, selon des notions physiques, en une composante réversible qui démontre une variation synchrone
avec les variations cycliques de succion, et une composante irréversible qui est générée principalement dans les premières étapes
du processus de mouillage–séchage. Les mécanismes des deux composantes de la déformation en gonflement–retrait peuvent
être bien expliqués grâce à la structure à deux niveaux des sols expansifs et par l’évolution de cette structure avec les charges
mécaniques et hydrauliques. La composante réversible provient de la déformation réversible des agrégats, et dépend principale-
ment de la succion présente et de la teneur en eau. La composante irréversible est associée avec les variations irréversibles
de la macrostructure, reflétant les différences dans les structures du sol à l’état présent et à l’état d’équilibre. Un modèle
constitutif pratique est proposé pour les argiles expansives compactées basé sur une perspective globale et phénomé-
nologique. Les paramètres du modèle peuvent être calibrés avec les déformations macroscopiques observées sans mesurer
les paramètres microstructuraux. La performance du modèle présenté a été validée en simulant des essais de succion
cyclique contrôlés de même d’avec un essai alternant le mouillage et le séchage avec des amplitudes irrégulières de succion.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Mots-clés : sols expansifs, comportement volumétrique, gonflement, retrait, modèle.

Introduction pansive soils. These tests can be grouped into two categories:
Expansive soils can exhibit large volume change from change in alternately soaked and dried tests (Dif and Bluemel 1991; Day
soil moisture. Under seasonal changes in climatic and environ- 1994; Basma et al. 1996; Fleureau et al. 2002; Tripathy et al. 2002;
mental conditions, expansive soils in situ inevitably experience Tripathy and Subba Rao 2009; Lin and Cerato 2013), and cyclic
cyclic wetting–drying processes and generate swelling–shrinkage suction-controlled tests (Alonso et al. 2005; Nowamooz and
deformation, which results in heave- and subsidence-related cracks Masrouri 2008; Nowamooz et al. 2009; Airò Farulla et al. 2010). In
or deflections in building foundations, buried utilities, highways, alternately soaked and dried tests, only water contents of soil
and airfield pavements, and so on (Chen 1988). Consequently, the specimens are measured directly, therefore the wetting–drying
swelling–shrinkage behavior of expansive soils during wetting– path is usually quantified in terms of volumetric strain versus
drying cycles has been an extensively investigated subject. Fur- water content; while in cyclic suction-controlled tests, soil speci-
thermore, in recent years, the possibility of using compacted mens are allowed to swell or shrink in equilibrium with a prede-
expansive mixtures as engineered barriers or buffers for radioac- termined applied suction, therefore the wetting–drying path is
tive waste disposal (Alonso et al. 2005, 2011) has attracted growing usually characterized by the relationship between volumetric
interest in this subject. strain and suction. Regardless of the difference in cyclic wetting–
A number of laboratory cyclic wetting–drying tests have been drying paths, the following consensuses have been reached from
conducted to estimate the swelling–shrinkage behavior of ex- both categories of tests:

Received 17 February 2014. Accepted 22 October 2014.

G. Wang. School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, No. 174 Shazhengjie, Shapingba, Chongqing 400044, China.
X. Wei. School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, North Section 1 of 2nd Ring Road, Jinniu district, Chengdu 610031, China.
Corresponding author: Xing Wei (e-mail:

Can. Geotech. J. 52: 783–794 (2015) Published at on 24 October 2014.
784 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 52, 2015

1. The swelling or shrinkage potential after several wetting– major obstacles to implement this constitutive model into current
drying cycles may reduce or increase significantly compared geotechnical practice; hence, an alternative approach is necessary.
with that in the first cycle. Therefore, the assessment of the vol- The primary objective of the present paper is to develop a
ume change behavior of expansive soils in situ without consid- mathematical description with a relatively small number of easily
ering cyclic seasonal fluctuations leads to unreasonable results. determined parameters for the swelling–shrinkage behavior of
2. Soils reach an equilibrium state after several wetting–drying cy- compacted expansive soils during wetting–drying cycles. The
cles. Once the equilibrium state is reached, the wetting–drying overall philosophy is that the mathematical description and
path becomes fully reversible whether it is in terms of volumetric parameter-determining methodology are developed from a phe-
strain versus water content or in terms of volumetric strain ver- nomenological perspective, without partitioning global defor-
sus suction. mation into microstructure deformation and macrostructure
3. Before the equilibrium state is reached, there exists an irrevers- deformation, although the concept of double-level structure has
ible swelling or shrinkage accumulation as the wetting–drying been adopted to interpret the law and mechanism of the global
cycles go on. Whether the accumulated deformation is expan- deformation phenomena. The presented paper is organized as
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sion or shrinkage depends on soil properties, initial placement follows. First, a decomposition of the swelling–shrinkage strain
conditions (initial structure), surcharge or confining pressure, due to wetting–drying effects into a reversible component and an
swelling–shrinkage pattern, etc. The magnitude of accumulated irreversible component is introduced based on experimental facts.
shrinkage increases with the increase of applied surcharge or The physical mechanisms of each swelling–shrinkage strain com-
confining pressure; conversely, the magnitude of accumulated ponent are revealed through the double-level structure of expan-
expansion decreases with the increase of applied surcharge or sive clays and its evolution along with mechanical and hydraulic
confining pressure. loading. Based on the physical mechanism, the mathematical de-
An extra and essential feature of constitutive models for expan- scriptions of the two components are presented, which can be
sive soils, which distinguishes them from the constitutive models combined with the Barcelona basic model (BBM) or any other model
for low-plasticity unsaturated soils, is the ability to describe the for unsaturated clays, leading to a complete constitutive model for
swelling–shrinkage behavior during wetting–drying cycles. Gens compacted expansive clays. The determination of the model pa-
and Alonso (1992) and Alonso et al. (1999) presented one of earliest rameters are discussed subsequently in details. Finally, the valid-
elastoplastic models for expansive clays, termed Barcelona expan- ity of the proposed model is confirmed through simulating two
Can. Geotech. J. 2015.52:783-794.

sive model (BExM). The BExM is based on the consideration of two sets of cyclic suction-controlled tests and an alternately wetting
structure levels of expansive clays: the microstructural level at and drying test.
which swelling of active minerals takes place, and the macro-
structural level responsible for major structural rearrangement Two swelling–shrinkage strain components
(Alonso et al. 1999). The formulations of the BExM include defini- The swelling–shrinkage behavior of expansive clays can be well
tions of behavior of the macrostructural level, behavior of the understood in laboratory cyclic suction-controlled tests, in which
microstructural level, and mechanical coupling between the two wetting–drying cycles are performed by cyclic varying applied
structural levels. Within the BExM framework, a complete model suction. Figure 1 shows two typical relationships between volu-
for expansive soils can be established by combining existing metric strain and suction cycle number separately published by
models for each structural level (Mašín 2013). Such models are Alonso et al. (2005) and Nowamooz et al. (2009), where the com-
therefore called double-structure models. Recent advances of pressive strains are considered positive. In both tests, the surcharge
double-structure models include the extension of model formu- pressure remained constant and is less than the preconsolida-
lations to more general stress space or more complex stress paths tion pressure of the specimen at saturated state to ensure the
(Sánchez et al. 2005), and consideration for the coupling effect volumetric strain was induced only by the effect of wetting and
between thermal, mechanical, and hydraulic behavior (Alonso drying. To reduce the test duration, suction was changed in a
et al. 2011; Gens et al. 2011; Della Vecchia et al. 2013; Mašín 2013). single step between the lower and higher values of each half cycle
Beyond the scope of double-structure models, some constitutive in both studies. Airò Farulla et al. (2010) have shown that the size
models suitable for special practical cases were also developed
of applied suction increments has little influence on eventual
for the sake of simplicity, in which the independent behavior of
volumetric strain. As can be seen clearly from Fig. 1, the samples
macrostructure and microstructure of expansive soils were not
swell during wetting phase and shrink during drying phase alter-
considered. For example, Cui et al. (2002) assumed realistically
nately in each cycle, but the volumetric strain generated in the
that the role of macroporosity in swelling of dense compacted
two phases of a cycle is not fully reversible. The samples exhibit
soils may be neglected, and developed a global mechanical model
based on the microstructural model. Similarly, Koliji et al. (2008) and shrinkage (Fig. 1a) or swelling (Fig. 1b) accumulation during cyclic
Najser et al. (2012) described the behavior of double porosity lumpy wetting–drying processes. The rate of the volumetric strain accu-
soils using a model based on the microstructural behavior, with mulation reduces, and the samples tend towards a nearly revers-
phenomenological incorporation of the influence of macrostructure. ible or elastic-like state as the numbers of wetting–drying cycles
The BExM framework successfully explained some essential fea- increase. The majority of the accumulated volumetric strain oc-
tures of expansive soils and received wide acceptance. However, curs during the first wetting–drying cycle. As summarized earlier
double-structure models are often burdened with complexity and in the text, similar phenomena have been confirmed by many
parameters that are difficult to obtain. Unconventional experi- other experimental studies performed by Dif and Bluemel (1991),
mental tests, which are usually difficult to conduct for many lab- Day (1994), Al-Homoud et al. (1995), Basma et al. (1996), Alonso
oratories, are required to quantify the microstructure parameters, et al. (2005), Nowamooz and Masrouri (2008), and Airò Farulla
and a relative large number of parameters are proposed for mi- et al. (2010).
crostructure deformation and coupling function between the two The volumetric strain (swelling–shrinkage strain) due to the
structure levels. There remains a need for a simple and reliable effect of wetting and drying is denoted as ␧vs in this work, since
method to determine the values of these parameters. Although the magnitude of wetting–drying effect is in terms of suction s. As
Alonso et al. (2005) introduced some simplifications of the original demonstrated in Fig. 1, ␧vs can be decomposed into two different
model (Alonso et al. 1999) to facilitate the determination of the mi- components, “a reversible swelling–shrinkage strain component”,
crostructural parameters, the coupling function and corresponding denoted as ␧vs,re, and “an irreversible swelling–shrinkage strain
parameters are still difficult to determine. This has been one of the component”, denoted as ␧vs,ir, namely,

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Fig. 1. Decomposition of volumetric strain induced by cyclic wetting and drying: (a) Alonso et al. (2005); (b) Nowamooz et al. (2009).
␧vs, volumetric strain induced by cyclic wetting and drying; ␧vs,re and ␧vs,ir, reversible and irreversible components of ␧vs, respectively;
␴v, vertical surcharge pressure.
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Can. Geotech. J. 2015.52:783-794.

(1) ␧vs ⫽ ␧vs,re ⫹ ␧vs,ir content influence predominantly macroporosity, whereas hydraulic
loading (wetting or drying) influence mainly microporosity, and
also have an effect on macroporosity, depending on the stability
The reversible swelling–shrinkage strain component ␧vs,re always
of macrostructure and the intensity of the wetting–drying effect.
leads to contraction during drying and expansion during wetting,
Figure 3a gives a typical mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) test
and shows a synchronous change with the cyclic change of suc-
result published by Monroy et al. (2010), which shows the evolu-
tion. It is further worth noting that the same suction change in
tion of microstructure with wetting. The microporosity increases
each cycle induces nearly the same change of the reversible
with decreasing suction due to swelling of aggregates. The mac-
swelling–shrinkage strain component. This implies that the re-
roporosity, however, remains largely unchanged, except for the
versible swelling–shrinkage strain component mainly depends on
last step of wetting from suction 40 to 0 kPa, in which the porosity
the current suction. The irreversible swelling–shrinkage strain
becomes monomodal, and the double porosity structure is not
component ␧vs,ir may be swelling or shrinkage, and is generated
clear any more. Note that although the porosity is monomodal
mainly in the early stage of the wetting–drying process. The accu-
mulation rate of the irreversible swelling–shrinkage strain compo- upon saturation, the bimodal porosity can be recovered by subse-
nent reduces sharply with increasing number of wetting–drying cycles. quent drying (Simms and Yanful 2001; Cuisinier and Laloui 2004;
Romero et al. 2011). Figure 3b gives a typical result of microstruc-
Physics of two swelling–shrinkage strain ture of compacted kaolin after static compaction to different
static pressures published by Sivakumar et al. (2006). The macro-
components porosity decreases with increasing load, which implies that the
Theoretical background macropores closed up with increasing load. However, the micro-
The soil structure is an important aspect to be considered when porosity slightly increases with increasing compaction effort. A
studying expansive soils. It is well accepted that expansive clays rational interpretation of the latter phenomenon is that the size
have two distinct structure levels, i.e., microstructure level and of a proportion of macropores enters into the micropore-size range
macrostructure level. As illustrated in Fig. 2, clay minerals form as a result of the closure of macropores; therefore, the volume of
individual elementary particle arrangements in a certain config- the intra-aggregate pores possibly remains unchanged. As noted
uration (for example, parallel or flocculent configuration); further by Mašín (2013), the result given by Fig. 3b does not imply that the
elementary particle arrangements join together to make individ- aggregates are undeformable with load. Rather, it implies that the
ual aggregates. The expansive clays are made up of aggregates and aggregate deformation is reversible under mechanical loading be-
other silt or sand grains (sometimes). The microstructure is asso- cause the porosity of the samples compacted to different stresses
ciated with the internal structure of aggregates, whereas the mac- was measured on samples removed from the testing apparatuses,
rostructure is associated with the macroscopic soil skeleton formed and thus on unloaded samples.
by aggregates and other grains. The micropore corresponds to the It is evident that the response of aggregates under mechanical
intra-aggregate pore, whereas the macropore corresponds to the and hydraulic loading is crucial for the deformation behavior of
inter-aggregate (grain) pore. expansive soils and is the key feature distinguishing expansive
Previous studies (Simms and Yanful 2001; Cuisinier and Laloui clays from nonactive clays. The deformation of aggregates is con-
2004; Sivakumar et al. 2006; Lloret and Villar 2007; Miao et al. trolled by physicochemical interactions at particle level and can
2007; Thom et al. 2007; Monroy et al. 2010; Romero et al. 2011) have be assumed dependent mainly on hydraulic loading and indepen-
shown that loading under constant suction or constant water dent of macrostructural effects. Furthermore, the deformation of

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Fig. 2. Illustration of double structure of expansive clays.

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Fig. 3. (a) Development of pore-size distribution of compacted London clay with wetting (Monroy et al. 2010); (b) pore-size distribution of
Can. Geotech. J. 2015.52:783-794.

compacted kaolin after static compaction to different static pressures (Sivakumar et al. 2006). ␦enw, change in intruded void ration; ␦(logx),
change of logarithm of entrance pore diameter.

aggregates was usually assumed purely volumetric and reversible macrostructure of expansive soils could be envisaged as a granular-like
under both mechanical and hydraulic loading (e.g., Gens and skeleton formed by individual aggregates. Furthermore, unlike
Alonso 1992). The postulation that the aggregate deformation is sand or silt grains, the aggregates would swell or shrink when
reversible can be confirmed directly by digital image analysis of suction or water content changes. Thus, the deformation of ex-
environmental scanning electronic microscope (ESEM) micro- pansive soils is due to two parts: (i) the rearrangement of the
graphs, in which the volume change of aggregates can be ex- granular-like skeleton formed by the aggregates; and (ii) the self-
tracted. Romero and Simms (2008) and Airò Farulla et al. (2010) deformation of the aggregates. To be consistent with the view that
have reported that the aggregate deformation shows good revers- an aggregate is treated as a discrete body, a “macrostructure void
ibility by this method. Besides the elastic-like behavior of aggre- ratio”, denoted as eM to distinguish from the macrovoid ratio eM
gates under loading, the aggregates with unstable structure may that is more conventional in expansive soil mechanics, was intro-
break down. Katti and Shanmugasundaram (2001) observed that duced to quantify the inter-aggregate porosity for expansive soils.
the increase in swelling and reduction of swelling pressure due to Similar to the void ratio for granular materials, eM is defined as the
swelling in the clay samples result in appreciable reduction in ratio of total inter-aggregate pore volume Vp,M to total apparent
particle size. Thus, the swelling results in the breakdown of some volume of aggregates VA, namely,
unstable aggregates into smaller sized ones. In this study, the
unstable aggregate was treated as an assemblage of smaller stable (2) eM ⫽ Vp,M /VA
aggregates; therefore, the postulation that the aggregate deforma-
tion is reversible is still effective.
If we ignore the internal complexity of aggregates and treat Note that VA includes both solid volume, Vs, and intra-aggregate
each aggregate as a discrete body (like a sand or silt grain), the pore volume, Vp,m, in aggregates, i.e.,

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(3) VA ⫽ Vs ⫹ Vp,m Fig. 4. Physical mechanism of reversible swelling–shrinkage


The usually adopted macrovoid ratio, eM = Vp,M/Vs (e.g., Sánchez

et al. 2005; Gens et al. 2011), is different from the macrostructure
void ratio eM in this work. Mašín (2013) also adopted the same void
ratio definition as eq. (2) in his double structure hydromechanical
coupling model for unsaturated expansive clays. Based on the
definition of eM, the change of volumetric strain induced by hy-
draulic loading under constant net stress can be deduced:

d关VA共1 ⫹ eM兲兴 1 ⫹ eM deM

(4) d␧vs ⫽ ⫽ d␧vs,A ⫹
VA共1 ⫹ eM0兲 1 ⫹ eM0 1 ⫹ eM0
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where ␧vs,A is the volumetric strain of aggregates; and eM and eM0
are the current and initial macrostructure void ratios, respec-
tively. The first term at the right-hand side of eq. (3) corresponds
to the apparent deformation due to microstructure change, and
the second term corresponds to the apparent deformation due to
macrostructure change.

Mechanism of reversible swelling–shrinkage strain

The mechanism of the reversible swelling–shrinkage strain
components can be well interpreted from the reversibility of the
Can. Geotech. J. 2015.52:783-794.

aggregate deformation. Figure 4 shows two idealized configura-

tions of soil skeleton in which circular grains represent aggre-
gates. It is clearly demonstrated from Fig. 4 that the inter-grain
pore (macropore) volume increases in the same fraction as the
volume of grains, and that the volume change of individual grains Basma et al. (1996) and Tripathy et al. (2002) have shown that the
results in no change of the macrostructure void ratio eM, provided void ratio remains at a consistent value after equilibrium is
that the skeleton configuration remains unchanged. As ␧vs,A is reached, and is independent of initial compaction densities. Ac-
usually assumed reversible, the reversible swelling–shrinkage strain cording to this experimental fact, no matter how the irreversible
component can be assumed to be the first term at the right-hand swelling–shrinkage strain component evolves in intermediate
side of eq. (4), namely, wetting–drying processes, its eventual value depends on the dif-
ference in soil macrostructures at current state and the equi-
1 ⫹ eM librium state. This is the reason why soil with an initial dense
(5) d␧vs,re ⫽ d␧vs,A structure is prone to swelling accumulation, whereas the soil
1 ⫹ eM0 with an initial loose structure is prone to shrinkage accumula-
tion. Figure 5 schematically illustrates the generation mechanism
Equation (5) explains why the deformation of expansive soils of the irreversible swelling–shrinkage strain component. Figure 5a
exhibits a fully reversible behavior only when the soil reaches an shows a loose macrostructure with unstable arrangement of
equilibrium state after several wetting–drying cycles. At the equi- aggregates. The wetting–drying effect results in the collapse of
librium state, the macrostructure void ratio remains constant; the macro-skeleton, and the soil with a macrostructure in Fig. 5a
therefore, the apparent volume change of the skeleton remains would accumulate shrinkage deformation because of the diminu-
proportional to the volume change of the aggregates. tion of relatively large inter-aggregate voids. Figure 5b is an envis-
It should be noted that there still exists the breakage of some aged arrangement of aggregates in equilibrium for the soil, and
unstable aggregate assemblages during wetting and drying (Katti Fig. 5c shows a soil with a macrostructure denser than equilib-
and Shanmugasundaram 2001). As pointed out in the previous rium. The inter-aggregate porosity and macrostructure void ratio
section, the unstable aggregate is regarded as a macrostruc- of the soil in Fig. 5c would have to increase in a cyclic wetting–
tural element assembled by stable aggregates; therefore, the drying process to reach the equilibrium state; therefore, the soil
breakage effect is reflected in the change of the macrostructure would accumulate swelling deformation.
void ratio eM.
Simple model for expansive clays
Mechanism of irreversible swelling–shrinkage strain The mathematical formulations will be presented for the two
component swelling–shrinkage strain components based on the presented
Expansive soil needs to rearrange its macroconfiguration to reach mechanisms. A complete model can be developed combining the
an equilibrium macrostructure during a cyclic wetting–drying pro- presented formulations with an existing model for unsaturated
cess. It can be realistically assumed that the rearrangement of soils with low plasticity. Discussing the constitutive model for
the macroconfiguration is irreversible; therefore, the irreversible unsaturated soils is beyond the scope of this paper; therefore, the
swelling–shrinkage strain component can be quantified by the simple but fundamental BBM presented by Alonso et al. (1990) is
second term at the right–hand side of eq. (4), namely, employed in this paper for illustrative purpose. Furthermore, for
the sake of simplicity only the formulation for isotropic stress
deM states (or oedometer compression stress states) is presented, which
(6) d␧vs,ir ⫽ can be extended to triaxial stress states or other stress states fol-
1 ⫹ eM0 lowing the approach of Alonso et al. (1990).

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Fig. 5. Physical mechanism of irreversible swelling–shrinkage component: (a) open macrostructure; (b) envisaged macrostructure in
equilibrium; (c) closed macrostructure.
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Model framework
Net volumetric stress p and suction s are adopted as the two Fig. 6. Loading–collapse yield locus and loading–collapse path.
basic stress variables for isotropic stress states. For oedometer
Can. Geotech. J. 2015.52:783-794.

compression stress states, net vertical stress ␴v is adopted to re-

place net volumetric stress p, and the format of the mathematical
formulations remains unchanged. The volumetric strain can be
induced due to two different and superposed mechanisms. The
first mechanism is associated with change in net stress p or stress
yielding, known as “mechanical loading mechanism”, and the
second is associated with change in suction s, known as “hydraulic
loading mechanism”. The strain can be decomposed into two parts,
respectively, corresponding to the two loading mechanisms, which
leads to the following additive strain decomposition:

(7) ␧v ⫽ ␧vp ⫹ ␧vs ⫽ ␧vp ⫹ ␧vs,ir ⫹ ␧vs,re

where ␧vp is the mechanical loading induced strain; and ␧vs is the
hydraulic loading induced strain (i.e., the swelling–shrinkage
strain). It should be pointed out that ␧vp can also be induced by a
change in suction s, which may result in stress yielding (wetting
induced collapse), because stress yield locus or yield stress de- where p0 and p∗0 are, respectively, preconsolidation pressures at
pends on suction. For this situation, the name “mechanical load- current and saturated states; pc is a reference stress; ␬ is the slope
ing induced strain” still holds valid, and the reason will be of the unloading–reloading line in an e–lnp space and supposedly
explained later. remains constant for both saturated and unsaturated states; ␭(s) is
The formulations of ␧vp, ␧vs,re, and ␧vs,ir will be specified in the the slope of the virgin consolidation line at a suction s; ␭(0) is the
following section to present a complete model for unsaturated slope of the virgin saturated consolidation line; r is the ratio of
expansive clays. The formulations of ␧vs,re and ␧vs,ir are critical for ␭(∞)/␭(0); and ␤ defines the increasing of stiffness against suction.
reasonable prediction of the swelling–shrinkage behavior. Once the preconsolidation pressure p0 is defined, which serves as
yielding stress, the formulation of ␧vp can be given within the
Model ingredients regime of the plasticity theory as follows:
The formulation of ␧vp can follow any common unsaturated soil
model. The loading–collapse (LC) yielding surface in the BBM is ␬ ␭(s) ⫺ ␬
e p
employed to combine the suction together with the external stress to (10) d␧vp ⫽ d␧vp ⫹ d␧vp ⫽ dp ⫹ 具d(p ⫺ p0)典
(1 ⫹ e0)p (1 ⫹ e0)p
describe mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils. Figure 6 shows
the LC yielding locus in p–s space, which is defined as follows ␬
(Alonso et al. 1990): (11) d␧vp ⫽ dp
(1 ⫹ e0)p

(8) p0 ⫽ pc 冉冊p∗0
(12) p
d␧vp ⫽
␭(s) ⫺ ␬
(1 ⫹ e0)p
具d(p ⫺ p0)典

e p
with where d␧vp and d␧vp are, respectively, the elastic and plastic parts
of d␧vp; e0 is the initial void ratio, and its micro and macro parts
(9) ␭(s) ⫽ ␭(0)[(1 ⫺ r)exp(⫺ ␤s) ⫹ r] are not distinguished here for the sake of simplicity; 具 典 is the

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Macauley symbol, i.e., 具x典 ⫽ x for x > 0 and 具x典 ⫽ 0 for x ≤ 0. It is Fig. 7. Illustration of cyclic drying–wetting paths and coupling of
clear from Fig. 6 and eq. (8) that both an increase in p and a wetting and LC yielding.
decrease in s may result in a decrease in p0, which leads to plastic
yielding. That is why ␧vp can also be induced by a change in suction.
The following relations are suggested for ␧vs,re, based on the
experimental facts and presented mechanism.

1 ⫹ eM ds
(13) d␧vs,re ⫽ d␧vs,A ⫽ cre (1 ⫺ ␧vp ⫺ ␧vs,ir)
1 ⫹ eM0 s ⫹ pat

(14) cre ⫽ exp(⫺ ␣1p/pat)
1 ⫹ e0
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where cre is the reversible swelling–shrinkage coefficient depen-

dent on p; cre,0 is the reversible swelling–shrinkage coefficient
when p = 0; ␣1 defines the decreasing rate of cre along with the
increasing of p; and pat is the atmosphere pressure. Because only
␧vp and ␧vs,ir can induce change in the macrovoid ratio as analyzed
in the preceding context, 共1 ⫹ eM兲/共1 ⫹ eM0兲 is replaced by (1 – Model parameters
␧vp – ␧vs,ir). There are 11 parameters in the presented model, as listed in
The change rate of ␧vs,ir is assumed to be decreasing gradually Table 1, including six LC yielding parameters and five wetting–
drying parameters. The determination of the LC yielding param-
with its accumulated magnitude as follows:
eters is the same as in the BBM and is no longer described here.
The wetting–drying parameters can be determined through a se-
(15) d␧vs,ir ⫽ cir exp(⫺ ␣2 |␧vs,ir |) ries of suction-controlled tests under different net mean stress.
Can. Geotech. J. 2015.52:783-794.

s ⫹ pat
The determination method is discussed in detail as follows.
The value of ⌬␧vs,re induced by a single-step change in suction
cir,0 p
(16) cir ⫽ ln from an initial value, s1, to a final value, s2, at the constant applied
1 ⫹ e0 pr stress, p, can be obtained by integrating eq. (13):

ⱍ 冉 冊
where cir is the irreversible swelling–shrinkage coefficient; cir,0 is cre s2 ⫹ pat
a material constant; ␣2 defines the decreasing rate of cir along with (18) ⌬␧vs,re ⫽ ln (1 ⫺ ␧vp ⫺ ␧vs,ir)
s1 1 ⫹ e0 s1 ⫹ pat
the increasing of ␧vs,ir; pr is the critical swelling stress. ␧vs,ir is
contractive when p > pr, whereas ␧vs,ir is expansive when p < pr.
Equations (15) and (16) can well reproduce the dependence of the Equation (18) shows a fully reversible behavior of the volumetric
irreversible swelling–shrinkage strain component on surcharge deformation with the change of suction providing that ␧vp and
pressure and wetting–drying history. In the BExM, this depen- ␧vs,ir remain constant. Given eq. (18) and a suction-change step, cre
dence is represented by involving a p/p0 term in the microstructure– could be determined by fitting the relationship between ⌬␧vs,re
macrostructure coupling functions fI and fD (Alonso et al. 1999). and the corresponding suction change (s1 to s2). A preliminarily
Figure 7 shows two wetting–drying paths under constant net estimated value of ␧vs,ir can be used in curve fitting. By fitting the
mean stress, indicated as p1 and p2, respectively. The p1 path is relationship between cre and p/pat under different net mean stresses,
located initially inside the LC surface, therefore only ␧vs is gener- cre,0 and ␣1 can be determined.
ated; whereas the p2 path intersects the initial LC surface, where Once the reversible swelling–shrinkage parameters cre,0 and ␣1
suction decrease in the first wetting step would activate the LC are calibrated, the time series of ␧vs,re can be calculated; conse-
quently, the accumulation curves of ␧vs,ir can be extracted from
surface, and thus both ␧vp and ␧vs would be generated. To avoid
the curves of ␧vs (see Fig. 1) for calibrating cir,0, ␣2, and pr. For the
this coupling deformation mechanism and provide convenience
case of shrinkage accumulation (cir > 0, ␧vs,ir > 0), integrating
of data interpretation, the surcharge pressures in most cyclic wet-
eq. (15) along the wetting–drying path from the initial state to the
ting–drying tests were selected with values less than the precon- current state leads to following relationship.
solidation stress values at saturated states.
The p∗0 term in eq. (8) defines the position of the LC surface, and 1
varies in value with the development of plastic strain (hardening (19) ␧vs,ir ⫽ ln(1 ⫹ ␣2cirS)
law). A coupling hardening law of p∗0 , which can reflect the change
of macrostructure due to wetting–drying effect, is suggested.
dp∗0 1 ⫹ e0
ⱍ ⱍ
⫹ d␧vs,ir兲
兺 ln冉 s ⫹ p 冊
(17) ⫽ s2 ⫹ pat
p∗0 ␭(0) ⫺ ␬
(20) S⫽
1 at

Note that the hardening law here is not identical to that in the
BExM. The total value of ␧vs is employed as an internal variable in where 兺 is the sum of each suction change step during the previ-
the BExM, while only its irreversible component ␧vs,ir is employed ous wetting–drying process; S can be considered as a comprehen-
here. This is consistent with the mechanism of the two swelling– sive variable measuring the experienced wetting–drying effect in
shrinkage strain components because only ␧vs,ir quantifies the history. The terms ␣2 and cir can be determined by fitting the path
rearrangement of macroconfiguration. of ␧vs,ir versus S. For the case of swelling accumulation (cir < 0,

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Table 1. List of presented model parameters. Table 2. Model parameters for two expansive clays.
Category Symbol Description Category Symbol Alonso et al. Nowamooz et al.
LC yielding ␴v∗ or p0∗ Initial saturated preconsolidation stress BBMⴱ ␴v∗ (kPa) 650 600
pc Reference stress pc (kPa) 0.008 200
␭(0) Saturated virgin compression index ␭(0) 0.25 0.19
␬ Elastic compression or rebound index ␬ 0.045 0.04
␤ Parameter that defines the curvature of ␤ (MPa−1) 0.0544 0.60
the LC yield curve r 0.85 0.70
r Parameter that defines the limiting value Presented cre,0/(1 + e0) 0.02 0.012
of the compression index for high model ␣1 0.001 0.002
suctions cir,0/(1 + e0) 0.007 0.041
Wetting and cre,0 Irreversible swelling–shrinkage coefficient pr (kPa) 90 65
drying when p = 0 ␣2 25 70
BExMⴱ ␬m
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␣1 Parameter that defines the decreasing rate 0.028–0.038 0.021–0.025

of cre along with the increasing of p fI1 −0.12 0.519
cir,0 Irreversible swelling–shrinkage constant fI2 0.14 −0.460
pr Critical swelling pressure KI 100 10
␣2 Parameter that defines the decreasing rate XI 0.158 0.15
of cir along with the increasing of ␧vs,ir fD1 1 −1.161
fD2 −0.17 1.183
KD 400 10
XD 0.158 0.15
␧vs,ir < 0), ␣2 and cir can be determined by the same method using ⴱParameters for BExM model are adopted from Alonso et al. (2005) and

Nowamooz et al. (2009).

the absolute values of ␧vs,ir and cir. Once the value of cir at a
different net mean stress is obtained, cir,0 and pr could be obtained
by fitting the relationship between cir and p.
(25) fD ⫽
f D1 ⫺ f D2
冋冉 ␴v
tan⫺1 KD ∗ ⫺ XD 冊册 ⫹
f D1 ⫹ f D2
Can. Geotech. J. 2015.52:783-794.

Since an estimated value of ␧vs,ir is used in the step of calibrat- ␲ ␴v0 2

ing reversible swelling–shrinkage parameters, a repeated process
is suggested to be conducted using the corrected value of ␧vs,ir for
fI1, fI2, KI, XI, fD1, fD2, KD and XD are the parameters of the functions;
better accuracy.
and ␴∗v0 is the initial saturated preconsolidation stress. There are
nine parameters for computing the swelling–shrinkage strain in
Performance of presented model
the BExM as listed in Table 2.
It is necessary to show the model performance by simulating
selected test results. Cyclic wetting and drying test results of ex- Simulation of cyclic suction-controlled tests reported by
pansive clays reported by Alonso et al. (2005), Nowamooz et al. Alonso et al. (2005)
(2009), and Tripathy and Subba Rao (2009) are adopted for the Alonso et al. (2005) reports three cyclic suction-controlled tests
verification of the presented model. To illustrate capabilities of on bentonite–sand mixtures (a dry mass ratio of 80% bentonite
the presented model, both the predictions of the BExM and the and 20% sand). Bentonite powder has following physical charac-
presented model are given for comparison. For clarity, an over- teristics: liquid limit is 93%; plastic limit is 47%; density of solid
particles is 2.70 g/cm3. The uniform sand in the mixture has a
view of the formulations of the BExM is described briefly at first,
uniformity coefficient of Cu = 2 and an effective size of D10 =
and then simulations of these tests are conducted.
0.21 mm.
Overview of swelling–shrinkage strain calculation in BExM The samples were statically compacted in oedometer cells, and
The mechanical loading induced strain is calculated by the LC then vertical net stresses were applied. Vertical net stresses of 98,
196, and 396 kPa, lower than the saturated preconsolidation stress
yielding mechanism in the BExM, which is the same as in the BBM.
of the samples (650 kPa), were selected to apply for three tests,
In the BExM, the swelling–shrinkage strain induced by wetting
respectively. The initial suction of the three samples was 80 MPa.
and drying is calculated as Once the deformation of the samples under initial suction was
stable, cyclic-changed suction was applied. Suctions were changed
(21) d␧pvM ⫽ f I␧vm
if d(p ⫹ s) ≥ 0 in a single step between a low value of 4–6 MPa and a high value
of 120–135 MPa.
(22) d␧pvM ⫽ f Dd␧vm
if d(p ⫹ s) ⬍ 0 Volumetric deformations for these tests are plotted in Fig. 8.
The cyclic wetting and drying paths of these tests were simulated

(23) e
␧vm ⫽ 冉 ␬m
1 ⫹ e0 冊冋 d共p ⫹ s兲
册 by the presented model and BExM, respectively. Material param-
eters of the two models are given in Table 2. Simulation results of
both models are also plotted in Fig. 8 for comparison. The pre-
sented model performs well in predicting the two tests at vertical
where ␧pvM is the plastic macrostructural volumetric strain; ␧vme
is net stresses of 196 and 396 kPa. However, the comparison is not so
the microstructural volumetric strain; ␬m is the elastic compress- good for the test at net vertical stress of 98 kPa because this test
ibility index of microstructure; and fI and fD are the micro–macro has an initial large swelling strain (about 9%), which has an
coupling functions. The formulations of fI and fD can be obtained opposite direction to the successive strain accumulation. For
by interpolating the experimental data points. The sigmoidal func- simplicity, the presented model postulates that the irreversible
tions as follows are commonly adopted (e.g., Alonso et al. 2005). swelling–shrinkage strain component is gradually monotoni-
cally accumulated; obviously, this is not in accordance with this

冋冉 冊册
f I1 ⫺ f I2 ␴v f I1 ⫹ f I2 special case. Although the presented model failed in reproducing
(24) fI ⫽ tan⫺1 KI ∗ ⫺ XI ⫹ the intermediate strain path, the predicted eventual strain mag-
␲ ␴v0 2
nitude was in accordance with the test result.

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Fig. 8. Simulation of cyclic suction-controlled tests of Alonso et al. (2005): (a) ␴v = 396 kPa; (b) ␴v = 196 kPa; (c) ␴v = 98 kPa.
Downloaded from by on 03/28/19. For personal use only.
Can. Geotech. J. 2015.52:783-794.

Simulation of cyclic suction-controlled tests reported by the clayey soil has the following characteristics: liquid limit is
Nowamooz et al. (2009) 85.6%; plasticity index is 31.9%; specific gravity is 2.6; and clay
Nowamooz et al. (2009) performed experimental studies on a content (<2 mm) is 72%. The preconsolidation pressure of the soil
natural French expansive clayey soil. The experimental sample of at saturated state is about 600 kPa. Three cyclic wetting–drying

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792 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 52, 2015

Fig. 9. Simulation of cyclic suction-controlled tests of Nowamooz et al. (2009): (a) ␴v = 20 kPa; (b) ␴v = 40 kPa; (c) ␴v = 60 kPa.
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Can. Geotech. J. 2015.52:783-794.

tests were performed at vertical net stresses of 20, 40, and 60 kPa, the volumetric strains converged towards an equilibrium stage. A
respectively, with suction change between a low value of 0 and a high completely reversible behavior was reached for the test of ␴v = 60 kPa,
value of 2 MPa. The test procedure is in common with that of Alonso whereas one or two additional cycles would have been necessary for
et al. (2005). The volumetric strains of the three samples are shown in tests of ␴v = 20 and 40 kPa to reach completely reversible stages.
Fig. 9 where the swelling strains are considered positive. The samples The predictions of the proposed model and BExM are drawn in
showed a swelling accumulation as a result of successive cycles, and Fig. 9 against test results. With one group of parameters, the pro-

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Fig. 10. Simulation of wetting–drying test involving full shrinkage and partial shrinkage of Tripathy and Subba Rao (2009). s, suction;
w, water content; ␴v, vertical surcharge pressure.
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posed model shows good prediction capability for all the three reversible component and an irreversible component with distinc-
Can. Geotech. J. 2015.52:783-794.

cyclic wetting–drying paths. tive physical background.

The reversible swelling–shrinkage strain component always
Simulation of alternately soaked and dried tests reported leads to contraction during drying and expansion during wetting,
by Tripathy and Subba Rao (2009) shows a synchronous change with the cyclic change of suction,
Tripathy and Subba Rao (2009) investigated the effect of changes in and mainly depends on current suction. The irreversible swelling–
shrinkage pattern on the swelling–shrinkage behavior of com- shrinkage strain component may be swelling or shrinkage, and is
pacted expansive soils by alternately soaked and dried wetting– generated mainly in the early stage of a wetting–drying process.
drying tests. The study soil is a highly expansive soil from the
The accumulation rate of the irreversible swelling–shrinkage strain
Northern Karnataka state of India. The samples were statically
component reduces sharply with increasing number of wetting–
compacted and had an initial suction of 370 kPa. The tests were
drying cycles. The eventually accumulated magnitude of the irre-
conducted in a fixed-ring oedometer cell. Samples were allowed to
versible swelling–shrinkage strain component depends on the
swell after being inundated with distilled water. After the swell-
difference in soil macrostructures between the initial state and
ing process was complete in about 3 days, water was removed
from the oedometer cell and the shrinkage process was started. the equilibrium state.
Figure 10 shows one of the test results for the sample subjected to The mechanisms of the two swelling–shrinkage strain compo-
wetting–drying cycles involving full swelling – full shrinkage and nents have been explained based on the double-level structure of
full swelling – partial shrinkage cycles. In their study, suction in expansive soils and its evolution with mechanical loading and
soil specimen is not controlled, only the water contents of soil hydraulic loading. The reversible component is originated from
specimens at the reversal points of wetting–drying cycles were the reversible deformation behavior of clay aggregates under stress
measured. A pre-established suction–water content relationship and suction change. The relationship between global volume
(SWCC) for the soil was used to obtain the information on soil change of soil and the volume change of aggregates is deduced by
suction corresponding to the measured water contents at the rever- a simple envisaged macro-skeleton that consists of deformable
sal points. These suction values were used in the model simulation. circular grains. The irreversible swelling–shrinkage strain compo-
The tests were simulated using the presented model, and the nent is associated with the irreversible rearrangement of macro-
results were depicted in Fig. 10. The swelling–shrinkage parame- structure. There exists an equilibrium state for expansive soils,
ters used in the simulation are cre = 0.022, cir = –1.2, and ␣2 = 500. independent of the initial compaction conditions. The macrocon-
The model predictions agree with the test results whether for full figuration rearrangement for approaching the equilibrium state
swelling – full shrinkage cycles or full swelling – partial shrinkage during cyclic wetting and drying is the generation mechanism of
cycles. Some unfavorable deviations between the test result and the irreversible swelling–shrinkage strain component. That can
the model prediction may be caused by the hysteresis character- also explain why soil with dense structure is prone to accumu-
istics of SWCC, the variation of SWCC during wetting–drying pro- lated irreversible expansion, whereas the soil with initially loose
cess due to macrostructure change, and the uncertainty in the structure is prone to accumulated irreversible contraction.
water content measurements, and so on. Generally speaking, the The mathematical formulations of the two swelling–shrinkage
model performance is acceptable for this complicated wetting– strain components were presented based on their characteristics
drying path. and physical mechanism. A complete model was developed com-
bining the presented formulation with the simple but fundamen-
Summary and conclusions tal BBM for unsaturated soils with low plasticity. A step-by-step
A straightforward approach for modelling the cyclic volume procedure was presented for calibrating the model parameters
change behavior of expansive soils during wetting–drying cycles from lab-measured apparent deformations, for which microstruc-
is presented for practical application. It was achieved by decom- ture measure is unnecessary. The performance of the presented
posing the swelling–shrinkage strain of expansive soils into a model is validated by simulating two sets of cyclic suction-controlled

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