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Neural Networks All in One Cyber Team

Beginner to Pro

Instructor Information
Instructor Email Office Location & Hours
Navdeep Singh Sidana Location, Hours, Days

General Information

Neural networks are used in a wide variety of applications in pattern

classification, language processing, complex systems modeling, control,
optimization, and prediction. In this Course, We will Go, in Details How Neural
Networks Work? How do we as Humans learn. How do neurons communicate
with each other, How to do Handwritten Digits Recognition, Also Predicting
and Saving Customers from leaving the Bank. How to Classify Breast Cancer
without the Doctor’s intervention.
Expectations and Goals
 To Understand How our Biological Neural Network run, and How can we use that
Biological Neural Network to Make a Computer Understand, Predict and Learn
from a Given set of Data.
 How to Do Pattern Recognition?
 What are Feed-Forward layered Neural Networks.
 What are Feedback layered Neural Networks.
 Understanding the Concepts of Algorithm such as Gradient Descent,
 What is Transfer Learning?

Course Materials Description:

1. Introduction to Neural Networks
1.1 What is a neural network?
1.2 Historical background
1.3 Why use neural networks?
1.4 Neural networks versus conventional computers - a comparison

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2. Human and Artificial Neurones - investigating the similarities
2.1 How the Human Brain Learns?
2.2 From Human Neurons to Artificial Neurons
2.3 The Neuron
2.4 The Activation Function

3. An Engineering approach
3.1 A simple neuron - description of a simple neuron
3.2 Firing rules - How neurones make decisions
3.3 Pattern recognition - an example
3.4 A more complicated neuron
3.5 Gradient Descent
3.6 Stochastic Gradient Descent
4. Architecture of neural networks
4.1 Feed-forward (associative) networks
4.2 Feedback (auto-associative) networks
4.3 Network layers
4.4 Perceptron & Multi-Layer Perceptron
5. The Learning Process
5.1 Transfer Function
5.2 An Example to illustrate the above teaching procedure
5.3 The Back-Propagation Algorithm
5.4 The Decision Tree Algorithm
5.5 Random Forest Algorithm
5.6 Getting Started With CNN

6. Applications of neural networks

6.1 Neural networks in practice
6.2 How to Train/Use neural Network on any Domain
6.3 Business Problem, Predict Customer Churn Rates
6.4 Breast Cancer Classification
6.5 Handwritten Digit Recognition

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