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Name : Moch Hizbul Mubarok


Analysis of Conversation with Cooperative Principle

[Source : Youtube – Froyonion’s channel “Rahasia Jago Bahasa Inggris Skinnyfabs |


M : Oiya namanya siapa?

A : Nama asli?

M : Iya nama asli

A : Andhika Wira

In this part of the conversation, this is maxim of quantity. Because the 2nd speaker answered
the question give the information that the first speaker want and not too informative. The first
speaker asked ‘what is your fullname?’ and the 2nd speaker answered it without ambiguity.

M : Apalagi yang buat lu terkenal?

A : Enggak, mungkin yang pertama itu (British English). Jadi gini ceritanya, jadi, eeeh, sekitar
tahun 2016 akhir itu, gue baru bikin video di instagram itu karena 2017 nya gue ngajar di
Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri. Terus gue mikir kenapa nggak disosial-media kan gitu.
Akhirnya gue mulai bikin satu.. dulu kan udah mulai 1 menit ya video di instagram.. gue bikin
konten bahasa Inggris dan gue post, ternyata respon dari follower.. itu belum terkenal banget
lah masih 3 ribu (followers)..

In this part, this includes in flouting of quantity. That is because the 2nd speaker gives too much
information that the first speaker actually really want. The first speaker asking about ‘what
makes him famous/viral?’ and the second speaker has answered it at the first sentence, but he
added more information that (maybe) the first speaker does not really need it.
M : Gila dia sombong banget ya 3 ribu belom banyak

A : Itu dikit, waktu itu dikit

M : SMA gue muridnya seribu

In this part, the first speaker did a flouting of quality. He expresses sarcasm by saying that the
students on his highschool is a thousand, which means that it is a quite big amount of people.
Because the second speaker said that three thousands of followers is just a little amount of

M : Lu kan sekarang udah terkenal, terus mengajar bahasa Inggris di Youtube ya?

A : Instagram

M : Di Instagram, itu beneran ikhlas ngajar atau pengen duit?

A : Waduh, pertanyaannya ya, semuanya dimulai karena emang awalnya buat kepuasan gue
sendiri mengajar, pengen nyebarin sesuatu yang baik aja gitu. Gue kan anaknya baik.

M : Biar dapet duit lah gitu

A : Itu bonus

In this section, the second speaker’s answer is actually irrelevant with the first speaker question.
That is why it should include in flouting maxim of relation or relevance. The question is about
‘is he sincere to teaching english or just for getting money?’ and the answer is about how it is

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