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1 What lesson do you learn with this case?

After reading this case study I come to know the following things

1 entrepreneur are born not made

The owner of the Budda Air is from agriculture background. he Neither inherits the ownership of budda
air by birth nor granted by others. He takes initiative by himself.

2 Entrepreneurs should have particular trait. These traits are:

Organizer leader
Planner administrator
Motivator able
Risk bearer adopter
Trainer dreamer
Strategist Honest

3 understanding the meaning of entrepreneurship

it is the process of action an entrepreneur undertake to establish an enterprise. This process includes
planning, organizing, operating and assuming the risk.

4 to choose Source Financing to set up enterprise

to set up the firm financing is essential for the firm. Equity financing seemed almost impossible for the
start up firm and borrowing from friends is insufficient to large project so that debt financing seems
appropriate to the firm. in this case, the company finance its funding requirement of Rs 300 million
solely by debt through international industry.

5 understand the Essence of Team spirit

sense of belongingness among team member play major role for the success , survival and growth of
organization. The firm when suffer deficiency in term of money and management the team make
collective decision. The company
2 Why the business should stick to the core value
The business should stick to core value because of the following reason
1 its key component that keeps the company ahead of its competitors.
2 Core value helps to build separate image of the company among consumer and rival
3 To sustain profits and survive in the market for long period of time
4 it’s the strategic weapon for positioning in the market
5 the existence of company depends on the core value
6 it help to achieve the goal of firm
7 build the reputation of the firm

3 There is the need of transparency in business. Explain with the example from the case.

There is transparency in all account. The all member of the company pay tax to the government
accordingly and at the time. And when tax administrator imposed further tax rate on owner and in reply
he refuse to pay tax. the tax authority cannot take any action against the refusal. Its because of the
transparency maintained by the firm. They are safe from regulation body. The government can impose
restriction against the operation and function of the firm. the firm cannot run smoothly if it fails to
maintain compliance to the law. The firm in this case maintain transparency so that no bureaucratic
hurdle suffer firms anymore. If the firm fails to keep up transparency the stakeholder may agitate in the
organization which may rise the cost of doing business.
1 Transparency on income and expenses helps to keep good relation among stakeholder of business
2 transparency reduced the occurrence of conflict and misunderstanding
3 transparency create positive attitude to the grants of loan and other financial institution
4 transparency build the goodwill of the company
5 transparency can be competitive advantage of the company

4Team management is the core area of business success.explain?

The success and failure of the business is depend on the performance and diligence of team.
Team is group of people having specific task to accomplish. As we know complex whole is greater than
some of it parts, Team has synergy effort that helps to accomplish target goal efficiently and effectively.
Team build esprit de corps(feeling of pride) free up management to do strategic thinking and permit
faster decision making and facilitate workforce diversity and increase performance.
If manger becomes able to manage team, benefit from team can achieved in organization. People from
different races, society, cultures ,religion, opinion and background involve in team. One Member may
cpose different view than others which may not be acceptable to other member. This type of
incompatible opinion put the organization into chaos and internal conflict. Other competitors can take
advantage of in this way management is the core area of business.

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