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The first School Written Assignment date

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1. Read the story carefully and put the verbs in brackets into the Past
Simple Tense.

Teenagers surprise the experts

In a recent survey, 600 British teenagers (50% boys, 50% girls)

1(tell)_______________experts about their favourite school subjects. “The
results 2(be)__________________quiet surprising”, said Professor Welsh,
who 3(organize)_______________the survey. “Ten years ago, English and
Geography 4(be)_____________the most popular subjects. But, in our
survey, half the pupils chose Maths as their favourite.”
Only 10% 5(say)____________they enjoyed Science, and languages 6(not
be)__________________ very popular either. “These results are quite
worrying,” said Professor Welsh. “Industry needs scientists to develop
new technology. And, in a united Europe, languages are extremely
The experts also 7(ask)___________________ the boys and girls about their
career choices. About 60% of the boys said they
8(choose)______________________ to be mechanics, engineers, or
professional sportsmen. About 75% of the girls
9(want)______________________ to be teachers, doctors or nurses.
Most of them 10(not want) ________________________to be vets, gardeners
or electricians.
“These figures are almost the same as ten years ago”,
11(comment)______________________ Professor Welsh. “We were surprised
– we 12(expect)________________________ more similarities now between
boys and girls.”
Jobs which involve travel are still equally popular with both sexes: about
60% of the boys and 60% of the girls wanted to travel abroad.

2. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Who organize a recent survey?

2. What were the most popular school subjects ten years ago?
3. What school subjects did teenagers choose in a recent survey?
4. How many students did enjoy Science?
5. Are the languages popular?
6. What were the results of a recent survey?
7. Why are languages extremely important?
8. What did they (girls and boys) want to be?
9. Did they want to be vets, gardeners and electricians?
10. Describe Professor Welsh comment.

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