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Class: 5th

Amazing Science

Unit: 5 “Environmental pollution”

Q1: Fill in the blanks.

(i) ----- Pg: 50

(ii) -----
(iii) -----
(iv) -----
(v) -----

Q2: True and false Statements.

(i) More than six billion people live on the earth. (T / F)

(ii) The number of people living on the earth is not increasing. (T / F)
(iii) Plants provide food for human and other animals. (T / F)
(iv) Without tree, the soil dries up and cracks. (T / F)
(v) When some wanted and useful material appears in an environment. It
is called environment pollution. (T / F)

Q3: Multiple choice questions. MCQs

(i) Anything which harms the environment is called.

(a) Environment (b) Pollution
(c) Pollutant (d) Animal
(ii) Unwanted loud sounds can cause.
(a) Water pollution (b) Soil pollution
(c) Noise pollution (d) None of these
(iii) Fresh air contains.
(a) Hydrogen (b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Carbon monoxide (d) Oxygen
(iv) Dirty water from houses is called.
(a) Sewage (b) Sewer
(c) Dust (d) Fresh water
(v) Sea animals and plants are killed by.
(a) Ships (b) Pollution
(c) Birds (d) Fish.
Q4: Match Column “A” with column “B”.

Column A Column B
(1) Air pollution A Broken-down by bacteria.
(2) Trees B Weed killers.
(3) Unwanted plants C Environment.
(4) Natural world D Food as well as shelter.
(5) Biodegradable pollution E Harmful gases and smoke.

Q5: Answer the following questions. (Short Questions)

Q1. What does the earth give us?
Ans: The earth give us everything we need to live. The earth give us the following:-
(i) The earth give us air to breath.
(ii) It give us food to eat and water to drink.
(iii) It give us materials for our cloths and for building our houses.
Q2. Which things have a bad effect on the earth?
Ans: The following thing have a bad effect on the earth.
(i) Cutting down trees.
(ii) The construction of new factories and industries.
(iii) Over population.
(iv) Global warming.
Q3. Why are plants important for life on earth?
Ans: Plants are very important for life on earth because :-
(i) Plants provide food for humans and animals.
(ii) Plants take in carbon dioxide (co2) gas from the air to make their food.
(iii) They give out oxygen gas.
Q4. How are trees useful to us?
Ans: Trees are useful to us become.
(i) Trees absorb water from the soil.
(ii) Extra water evaporates from the surface of thing leaves. It help in forming clouds and
so an area an effect the rain fall of an area. If we cut down trees no water will be carried from the
soil to the leaves and therefore , there will be less rain fall.
(iii) Trees provide food as well as shelter for many animals.
(iv) Trees are cut down for farming for making roods and building houses.
Q5. Write short definitions of the following terms : Environment , Pollution , Pollutants
Ans: (i) Environment :- The natural world that surrounds a living things is called
(ii) Pollution :- when some un wanted and harmful material appear in an environment
we call it pollution or they are called pollution.
Iiii) Pollutant :- Anything which harms the environment is called pollutant.
Q6. Name the different types of pollution that are found in the environment " Name of
Ans : There are many types of pollution :-
(i) Air pollution
(ii) water pollution.
(iii) Land Pollution.
(iv) Noise Pollution.
Q7. Name the different sources of air pollution.
Ans: There are different sources of air pollution but some are given bellow:-
(i) Industries.
(ii) Vehicles.
(iii) Combustion process.
(iv) Volcanoes.
Q8. Explain how a river becomes polluted?
Ans: A river becomes polluted when the harmful substance from the factories are added to
it ,when agricultural wastes and fertilizers are added to river. Similarly when untreated
sewage water is added to river.
Q9. What is an oil spill ? What are the harmful effects of an oil spill?
Ans: The leakage of oil from oil tanker in sea is called oil spill. The harmful effects of oil
spill are :
(i) It kills fish, sea birds and marine plants.
(ii) It reduce the rate of evaporation of water.

Unit: 6 “Matter”

Q1: Fill in the blanks.

(i) Pg: 58
(ii) -----
(iii) -----
(iv) -----
(v) -----

Q2: True and false Statements.

(i) Matter is found in two different states.. (T / F)

(ii) The particles of a solid are very tightly packed. (T / F)
(iii) Liquids have a fixed volume and fixed shape . (T / F)
(iv) There are no forces of attraction between the particles. (T / F)
(v) The mixing of particles is called diffusion. (T / F)
Q3: Multiple choice questions. MCQs

(i) The Zigzag motion of particles is called.

(a) Brownian motion (b) Slow motion
(c) Loose motion (d) Only motion
(ii) A matter having fixed volume and shape is a.
(a) Liquid (b) Solid
(c) Gas (d) None of these
(iii) The different states of matter are
(a) 2 (b) 10
(c) 9 (d) 3
(iv) Gases can spread easily because in their particles there are.
(a) Strong force of attraction (b) No force of attraction.
(c) Weak forces of attraction (d) None of these
(v) The increase in size of substance by heating is called.
(a) Expansion (b) Contraction
(c) Condensation (d) Freezing

Q4: Match Column “A” with column “B”.

Column A Column B
(1) Contraction A To change directly from solid to gas
(2) Sublimation B Cooling a gas to liquid
(3) Solid changes into liquid C 100oC
(4) Boiling point of water D Melting
(5) condensation E Decrease in size

Q5: Answer the following questions. (Short Questions)

Q1. Give a definition of matter ?

Ans: Matter :- Anything which occupies space and has mass is called matter.
Q2. What are properties of matter?
Ans: Matter is made up of very thing particles that have spaces between them. These
particles keep moving and bumping into each other all the time.
Q3. Name the three state of matter?
Ans: "State of Matter"
Matter is found in three different states.
(i) Solid (ii) Liquid (iii) Gas
Q4. How can it be proved by experiment that the particles of matter are always?
Ans: "Movement of Matter"
Particles of matter move about all the time. A Swedish scientists named Robert Brown
noticed that pollen grains moved jerkily when placed in water. The zigzag motion of
particles is called Brownian motion.
Q5. What is diffusion Describe on experiments that provide evidence of diffusion.
Ans: Diffusion :- The movement of molecules from higher concentration to a lower
concentration is called diffusion.
Experiments :- The particles of ink move about as well as those of the water. The
particles of ink fill the spaces between the water particles and So the water appears pink.
The mixing of particles is called diffusion.

Unit: 7 “Force and Machine”

Q1: Fill in the blanks.

(i) Pg: 71
(ii) -----
(iii) -----
(iv) -----
(v) -----

Q2: True and false Statements.

(i) Every thing does not feel the pull of gravity. (T / F)

(ii) Mass is measured in grams and kilograms. (T / F)
(iii) Weight is measured in seconds. (T / F)
(iv) Balanced forces do not cause a change in motion. (T / F)
(v) Forces in opposite directions combine by addition. (T / F)

Q3: Multiple choice questions. MCQs

(i) When rough edges rub against each other they produce a force called.
(a) Inertia (b) Friction
(c) Mass (d) Weight
(ii) Materials that can flow are called
(a) Solids (b) Articles
(c) Fluids (d) None of these
(iii) To reduce friction in machines we use.
(a) Wood (b) Hammer
(c) Gas (d) Lubricants
(iv) The power that is applied to lift the load is called.
(a) Effort (b) Force
(c) Machine (d) Wedge
(v) In the first type of lever, the fulcrum is between effort and.
(a) Screw (b) Load
(c) Bolt (d) Road
Q4: Match Column “A” with column “B”.

Column A Column B
(1) Tow inclined planes A Simple machine
(2) Lever B Wedge
(3) Ships and Racing cars C Reduce friction
(4) Ball bearings D Fluids
(5) Liquids and gases E Streamlined shaped

Q5: Answer the following questions. (Short Questions)

Q(a): What is friction?

Ans: The force that is produced when two surfaces are rubbed against each other; such a
force is called friction.
Q(b): What causes friction?
Ans: Friction causes by (1) Tiny bumps on surfaces that are in contact with each other
and (2) Due to atoms in two materials which tend to stick to each other.
Q(c): In what ways can friction be harmful? In what way can be useful?
Ans: Ways in which friction can be harmful:
(i) A lot of energy is needed to overcome the force of friction.
(ii) It produces heat, which wastes a lot of energy.
(iii) The moving parts of a machine wear out rubbing against each other.
Ways in which friction can be useful.
(i) Walking (ii) Writing (iii) Climbing (iv) Helps vehicles to move on the roads etc.

Q(d): How can we reduce friction?

Ans: (i) By using lubricants (oil and grease) in machines.
(ii) By using ball bearing.
(iii) By stream lined- shapes of vehicles.

Q(e): What is gravitational force?

Ans: The force that makes all things fall to the ground, this force is called gravitational
force. Or the down word gravitational force.
Q(f): What is the difference between mass and weight?
Mass Weight
(i) The quantity of matter (i) The force with which the
contained in a body is earth attracts a body
called its mass. towards itself is called
(ii) It is measured in grams and weight.
kilo grams. (ii) It is measured in Newton.
Q(g): Define Newton’s first law of motion?
Ans: A body remains in motion unless it is acted upon by an opposite force or a body
remains in rest if the force is not applied on it.
Q(h): What is a machine? What is the mechanical advantage of a simple machine?
Ans: A thing which can make our work easier is called a machine.
Mechanical advantage of a simple machine: when less effort (force) is applied and more
work is done this is called mechanical advantage of a simple machine.

Q(i): What is lever? Draw diagrams of the three classes of levers?

Ans: Lever: - A simple machine in the force of an arm which can lift a heavy load by
applying very little effort is called a lever.

(i) Lever of first class:




(iii)Lever of 2nd class: effort



(iii) Lever of 3rd class: fulcrum

Q(d): What is the difference between an inclined plane and a wedge?
Inclined plane Wedge
(i) A sloping surface. (i) A combination of two
(ii) Is used for raising heavy inclined planes.
load. (ii) Is used as cutting machine.
(iii)Example: Sloping plank. (iii)Example: Axe

Unit: 8 “Light”

Q1: Fill in the blanks.

(i) Pg: 78
(ii) -----
(iii) -----
(iv) -----
(v) -----

Q2: True and false Statements.

(i) Light cannot travel through empty spaces. (T / F)

(ii) Bundles of energy are called photons. (T / F)
(iii) Pinhole camera was invented by Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan. (T / F)
(iv) Straight lines of light are called rays. (T / F)
(v) Materials that allow light to pass through them are called opaque. (T / F)

Q3: Multiple choice questions. MCQs

(i) Bodies that have their own light are called.

(a) Luminous (b) Non luminous
(c) Transparent (d) Translucent
(ii) Materials that do not allow any light to pass through them are.
(a) Transparent (b) Translucent
(c) Opaque (d) Shadow
(iii) The evenly dark shadow is called.
(a) An umbrella (b) An umbra
(c) An egg (d) None of these
(iv) A lunar month has.
(a) 27.3 days (b) 29 days
(c) 28.3 days (d) 30 days
(v) Light is composed of.
(a) 3 colours (b) 8 colours
(c) 7 colours (d) 9 colours
Q4: Match Column “A” with column “B”.
Column A Column B
(1) Shadow of moon on sun A Ultraviolet.
(2) Lighter shadow B Separated sunlight colours.
(3) Rainbow C Plants make their food.
(4) Sunburn D Penumbra.
(5) photosynthesis E Solar eclipse.

Q5: Answer the following questions. (Short Questions)

Q(a): What is light?

Ans: Light is a form of energy or the bundles of energy thrown off by the electrons are light.
These bundles of energy are called photons.

Q(b): Name the sources of light?

Ans: Following are of the some sources of light.
(i) Sun (ii) Stars (iii) The flame of a candle (iv) Burning piece of wood
(v) Tube light (vi) Bulb etc

Q(c): How can you prove by an experiment that light travels in straight lines?
Ans: Experiment: - Take three equal sized pieces of card and make a pinhole in the
centre of each stand them in a straight line so that the pinholes are aligned.
Place a candle in line with the cards so that its flame can be seen through the pinholes.
This shows that light travels in straight lines.

Q(d): Draw a diagram to show the position of the earth, the sun, and the moon during a
(i) Solar eclipse and (ii) Lunar eclipse.

Ans: (i) Solar eclipse:

(ii) Lunar eclipse.

Unit: 9 “Electricity”

Q1: Fill in the blanks.

(i) All materials are made up of tiny particles called. (Molecules)

(ii) ___________ have electric charge inside them. (Atoms)
(iii) A nucleus is made up of _________ and neutrons. (Protons)
(iv) Electrons have a ____________ charge. (Negative)
(v) The flow of electrons is called ____________. (Current)

Q2: True and false Statements.

(i) Neutrons have positive charge. (T / F)

(ii) The metals are conductors of electricity. (T / F)
(iii) A switch forms a bridge in the path of the flow of electricity. (T / F)
(iv) There are four kinds of electrical circuits. (T / F)
(v) A fuse contain a thick piece of wire. (T / F)

Q3: Multiple choice questions. MCQs

(i) When using electrical appliances your hands should be.

(a) Dry (b) Dirty
(c) Wet (d) Wet and clean
(ii) Electrons flow easily through.
(a) Iron wire (b) Copper wire
(c) Lead wire (d) Zinc wire
(iii) Electrons cannot pass through plastic hence it is.
(a) Good conductor (b) Poor conductor
(c) Insulator (d) None of these
(iv) The simplest circuits in which all the components are joined together
in one pathway are called.
(a) Series circuits (b) Parallel circuits
(c) Horizontal circuits (d) All of these
(v) Electrical circuits are controlled by.
(a) Current (b) Switch
(c) Fuse (d) Socket

Q4: Match Column “A” with column “B”.

Column A Column B
(1) Good conductor A Electrons
(2) Pushing the charge B Parallel
(3) Convert electrical energy to heat C Battery
(4) Circuits having junctions D A toaster
(5) Orbit E Copper

Q5: Answer the following questions. (Short Questions)

Q (a): Describe the structure of an atom?

Ans: An atom is composed of charged particles electrons and protons and neutral
particles neutrons. Protons and neutrons are present in the nucleus and electrons revolve
around the nucleus.

Q (b): Which part of the atom helps in producing electricity?

Ans: Electrons helps in producing electricity. The flow of electrons is called current.
Q (c): What is an electric circuit?
Ans: A pathway along which charged particles can move such a pathway is called an
electrical circuit.
An electrical circuit contains a battery, metal wire and a bulb.

Q (e): What is a switch used for?

Ans: A switch is used to control electrical circuit when a switch turned on or off, the
current flow or stop its flow.

Q (f): What is a fuse? What is its function?

Ans: A thin piece of wire made from a mixture of metals heaving low melting point,
placed in the circuits is called a fuse.
Function of Fuse:-
It prevents the circuit from burning and save the homes and factories fire.
Q (g): How is electricity produced in a power plant?
Ans: In power plant, generators are operated by running water, burning fuels or nuclear
energy and the generators change other forms of energy into electricity.

Unit: 10 “Magnetism”

Q1: Fill in the blanks.

(i) ___________ that are attracted by magnets are called

magnetic materials. (Metal)
(ii) Copper and Aluminum are ____________ metals. (Non magnetic)
(iii) Soft magnetic materials are ____________ to magnetize. (Easy)
(iv) If you cut a magnet in half you will have two _________. (Magnets)
(v) The ___________ around a magnet in which it is effective
is called its magnetic field. (Area)

Q2: True and false Statements.

(i) Hard magnetic materials are difficult to magnetize. (T / F)

(ii) All metals are magnetic. (T / F)
(iii) A compass is an instrument which is used to find directions. (T / F)
(iv) The compass needle always points in North-west direction. (T / F)
(v) The earth is like a huge bar magnet. (T / F)

Q3: Multiple choice questions. MCQs

(i) ------------------------------- Pg:

(a) ----- (b) -----
(c) ----- (d) -----
(ii) -------------------------------
(a) ----- (b) -----
(c) ----- (d) -----
(iii) -------------------------------
(a) ----- (b) -----
(c) ----- (d) -----
(iv) -------------------------------
(a) ----- (b) -----
(c) ----- (d) -----
(v) -------------------------------
(a) ----- (b) -----
(c) ----- (d) -----
Q4: Match Column “A” with column “B”.

Column A Column B
(1) Magnetism A Electromagnetism.
(2) Iron and copper B Invisible force.
(3) Compass C Huge bar magnet.
(4) Electric bell D Directions.
(5) Earth E Electromagnet.

Q5: Answer the following questions. (Short Questions)

Q (a): What is magnetism?

Ans: Magnetism is an invisible force that can make some objects move towards or away
from each other.

Q (b): What is magnetic force?

Ans: The force with which the magnet attracts or repel objects, such force is called magnetic
force. Magnetic force is strongest at the poles of a magnet.

Q (c): What is a magnetic field?

Ans: The area around a magnet in which its effect is felt (detected) is called its magnetic field.
With in
this area a magnet can pull iron or steel towards itself.

Q (d): Describe a compass. What is a compass used for?

Ans: A compass is made up of a small compass needle, a metallic box and a glass top. The
compass needle always points in North-South direction.
A compass is used to find directions.

Q (e): Explain the magnetic nature of a magnet?

Ans: All the particles inside a magnet have a north pole and a south pole. When a magnet is cut
in half, the mini magnets return their magnetic properties; this is the magnetic nature of a

Q (f): What is an electromagnet? How can the magnetism of an electromagnet be made stronger?
Ans: A magnet formed by passing an electric current through a coil of wire that magnet is
called an electromagnet.
Electromagnet can be made stronger by passing a stronger current through the wire or by
increasing the number of turns in the wire.

Q (g): Name two devices in which electromagnets are used?

Ans: Two devices in which electromagnets are used (i) An electric bell (ii) Telephone
Unit: 11 “Soil”

Q1: Fill in the blanks.

(i) Rocks and stones hold ___________of plants firmly to the

ground. (Roots)
(ii) ____________ Provides oxygen for the roots of plants. (Air)
(iii) Plants absorb water and __________ from the soil through
their roots. (Mineral salts)
(iv) Microorganisms break down _________ plants and
animal to form humus. (Dead)
(v) Earthworms and some insects make_________ in the soil. (Holes)

Q2: True and false Statements.

(i) Soil is the outer layer of the crust of the earth. (T / F)

(ii) Hydrogen and water are present in the spaces between
the soil particles. . (T / F)
(iii) Plants absorb water through their leaves from soil. (T / F)
(iv) Clay soil is heavy soil. (T / F)
(v) Water drains very slowly form sandy soil. (T / F)

Q3: Multiple choice questions. MCQs

(i) The best type of soil is.

(a) Clay soil (b) Loam
(c) Sandy soil (d) None of these
(ii) Human is formed by.
(a) Birds (b) Earthworms
(c) Insects (d) Microorganism
(iii) Which type of soil is called hungry soil?
(a) Loam (b) Humus
(c) Sandy Soil (d) Clay Soil
(iv) The top layer of the soil is.
(a) Fertile (b) Non fertile
(c) Useless (d) None of these
(v) The subsoil layer of soil found below topsoil is.
(a) Colourless (b) Dark coloured
(c) Lighter coloured (d) None of these
Q4: Match Column “A” with column “B”.

Column A Column B
(1) Urea A Best type of soil for plants
(2) Clay B Break down dead organisms
(3) Microbes C A chemical fertilizer
(4) Soil D Provide oxygen for respiration
(5) Humus E Organic fertilizer

Q5: Answer the following questions. (Short Questions)

Q (a): What is soil?

Ans: The outer layer of the crust of the earth is called soil. It is a mixture of small pieces of
rock, air, minerals, salts water, Humus and microbes.

Q (b): Name the components of soil.

Ans: The components of soil are: (i) Small pieces of rock (ii) Air (iii) Minerals (iv) Salts (v)
Water (vi) Humus (vii) Microbes

Q (c): How are soil microbes useful?

Ans: Soil microbes are useful because they break down deed plants and animals to form humus
which returns minerals and other useful substance back to the soil.

Q (d): What is Humus? Why is it important?

Ans: The deed and decaying remains of plants is called Humus.
Importance of Humus: (i) It helps to keep the soil in good condition for the healthy
growth of plants. (ii) It binds large particles of sand so that they are not easily blown away
by wind (iii) It helps to loosen up small clay particles (iv) It releases important minerals in
the soil.

Q (e): How does rain water cause soil erosion?

Ans: Rain water can easily wear away the top layer of soil and this removal of the fertile top
layer is called erosion.

Q (f): Describe the different types of soil?

Ans: The different types of soil are as follows:
(i) Clay soil: It is made up of tiny particles which stick to each other.
(ii) Sandy soil: It is made up of bigger particles which have large spaces between
(iii) Loam: It is a mixture of large and small particles as well as a lot of minerals
Q (g): Why is loam the best type of soil for plants?
Ans: Loam is the best type of soil for plants because it contains air, water and minerals.

Q (h): What is the erosion of soil Why is it harmful?

Ans: The removal of the fertile top layer of soil by rain water or wind is called erosion of soil.
When the fertile top layer is removed the soil become barren and changes into desert.

Unit: 12 “Space, Stars and planets”

Q1: Fill in the blanks.

(i) ----- Pg: 109

(ii) -----
(iii) -----
(iv) -----
(v) -----

Q2: True and false Statements.

(i) There is air in space. (T / F)

(ii) Space is the area beyond the earth’s atmosphere. (T / F)
(iii) The earth is a planet. (T / F)
(iv) The band of stars in the sky on a dark night is called a rainbow. (T / F)
(v) A lump of rocky materials in space is called a comet. (T / F)

Q3: Multiple choice questions. MCQs

(i) The Helium gas molecules are formed frorm.

(a) Oxygen gas (b) Nitrogen gas
(c) Hydrogen gas (d) Carbon dioxide gas
(ii) An island of stars spinning through space is called.
(a) Galaxy (b) Milky Way
(c) Sun (d) Moon
(iii) Planets move around the.
(a) Moon (b) Earth
(c) Sun (d) Galaxy
(iv) The number of moons of Jupiter is.
(a) Ten (b) Twenty
(c) Thirty (d) Twenty one
(v) The number of planets in the solar system is.
(a) Eight (b) Seven
(c) Nine (d) Eleven
Q4: Match Column “A” with column “B”.

Column A Column B
(1) Smaller bodies around planets A Orbits.
(2) Sun B Lump of rocky material in space.
(3) Lumps of ice and dust C 330,000 times bigger than the earth.
(4) Asteroids D Comets.
(5) Fixed paths around sun E Moons.

Q5: Answer the following questions. (Short Questions)

Q (a): What are nebulae?

Ans: The great clouds of gas and dust in space are called nebulae. Stars are formed in the

Q (b): How are stars formed?

Ans: When nebulae are pulled by the force of gravity they become tightly packed and become
hot. The temperature inside the nebulae rises to above one million degrees. Hydrogen
molecules join up and make helium gas. This produces as a lot of energy in the form of
heat and light, and shines. A star is formed.

Q (c): What is a galaxy?

Ans: An island of stars spinning through space is called a galaxy.

Q (d): What are plants?

Ans: The bodies that move around the sun are called planets. There are eight planets in the solar

Q (e): What is the solar system made up of?

Ans: The solar system is made up of sun and eight planets. These planets are mercury, Venus,
earth, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Q (f): What are planets and moon made of?

Ans The Planets and their moons are made from the same gas cloud that formed the sun.

Q (g): What is an asteroid?

Ans: As asteroid is a lump of rocky material in space. There are more than 40,000 asteroids.

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