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C H A P T E R 1 2 

Gary S. Wasserman  •  Jennifer A. Lowry  •  D. Adam Algren

A wide variety of bites are seen in children. It is estimated intramuscularly. Some experts recommend that children
that more than 1 million children are treated annually for receive 500 units to decrease the discomfort from injec-
bites (Table 12-1).1 In this chapter we concentrate on tion.5 Infiltrating part of the dose locally is controversial.
bites of interest to the surgeon. The reader is referred Tetanus prevention in a potentially exposed patient
elsewhere for discussions of management of venomous depends on the nature of the wound and history of immu-
stings and injuries from marine life and general details of nization with tetanus toxoid (Table 12-2).
wound management.
The Gram-positive anaerobic organism Clostridium tetani Children are frequent victims of mammalian bites. The
is the causative agent for tetanus, a severe and often fatal most common complication from bites is infection: cats,
disease. In 2009, there were a total of 18 cases (zero under 16–50%; dogs, 1–30%, and humans, 9–18%.6 When the
14 years of age) reported in the USA.2 bite is from a cat, dog, or other mammal, the most common
There has been a low incidence rate of tetanus since infectious organisms are Streptococcus, Staphylococcus,
a peak of 102 cases in 1975. Mortality from tetanus is Actinomycetes, Pasteurella species, Capnocytophaga species,
associated with co-morbid conditions such as diabetes, Moraxella species, Corynebacterium species, Neisseria
intravenous drug use, and old age, especially when vac- species, Eikenella corrodens, Haemophilus species, anaer-
cination status is unknown. Infection can occur weeks obes, Fusobacterium nucleatum, and Prevotella melanino-
after a break in the skin, even after a wound has seemed genica.5,7,8 Human bites are a potential source not only for
to heal. The ideal anaerobic surroundings allow spores bacterial contamination but also for hepatitis B and, pos-
to germinate into mature organisms producing two neu- sibly, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.9
rotoxins: tetanolysin and tetanospasmin.3 The latter is Recommendations for bite wound management are
able to enter peripheral nerves and travel to the brain, presented in Box 12-1. Evidence-based medicine studies
causing the clinical manifestations of uncontrolled muscle concerning whether to close wounds are not conclusive.
spasms and autonomic instability. The incubation period Distal extremity wounds, especially hand/fist to teeth,
varies from as short as two days to several months, with are at higher risk for infection. Whether minimal risk
most cases occurring within 14 days.4 In general, the wounds require prophylactic antimicrobial therapy
shorter the incubation period, the more severe the disease is also controversial. Antibiotics started within eight to
and the higher the fatality risk. 12 hours of the bite and continued for two to three days
Initially, the diagnosis is made clinically because cul- may decrease infection rate.5 The oral drug of choice is
tures are often negative and serology for antitoxin anti- amoxicillin-clavulanate. For penicillin-allergic patients,
bodies has a long turn-around time. So-called ‘dirty’ an extended-spectrum cephalosporin or trimethoprim-
wounds (lacerations treated after 24 hours, abscesses, sulfamethoxazole plus clindamycin should be used.5
ulcers, gangrene, and wounds with nonviable tissue) are
the most common injuries that become infected with
tetanus. However, a history of trauma is not necessary for RABIES AND POSTEXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS
All wounds should be cleaned and debrided. Sympto- Rabies is a viral disease usually transmitted through the
matic and supportive care includes medications such as saliva of a sick mammal (e.g., dogs, cats, ferrets, raccoons,
benzodiazepines to control tetanic spasms and antimicro- skunks, foxes, bats, and most other carnivores). The
bials for infection. Metronidazole (oral or intravenous, majority of reported cases in the USA are caused by rac-
30 mg/kg/day, divided into four daily doses, maximum coons, skunks, foxes, mongooses, and bats. Small rodents
4 g/day) is the preferred antibiotic because it decreases such as rats, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, hamsters, guinea
the number of vegetative forms of C. tetani.5 An alternate pigs, rabbits and gerbils are almost never infected with
choice is parenteral treatment with penicillin G rabies. Over the past decade, cats have been the most
(100,000 U/kg/day every four to six hours, not to exceed common domestic animal with rabies. Rabies-related
12 million units/day) for ten to 14 days. Human tetanus human deaths in the USA occur one to seven times per
immune globulin (TIG) is administered to adults and year since 1975. Modern prophylaxis has proven nearly
adolescents as a one-time dose of 3000–6000 units 100% successful. Worldwide, fatalities are about
156 SECTION II  Trauma

TABLE 12-1 Bites and Envenomations to Humans: Calls to Poison Centers in 2010
Animal Total Calls Age <6 Years Age >6–19 Years All Ages Treated at Facility Severe Outcome/Death
Bat 663 85 120 335 0/0
Cat 814 65 136 485 2/0
Dog 2292 367 689 1704 5/1
Fox 26 0 4 21 0/0
Human 42 5 4 22 0/0
Insects 38446 6499 6499 4595 63/2
Other Mammals 929 119 189 516 1/0
Raccoon 146 10 24 112 2/0
Rodent/lagomorphs 1397 269 381 409 1/0
Skunks 12 0 2 5 0/0
Snakes 7013 398 1567 7392 189/2
Spiders 10394 1059 1488 2704 32/1

n = 2,384,825 total human poisoning calls; n = 61,854 (2.6% total) in the category of bites and envenomations.
Data from Bronstein AC, Spyker DA, Cantilena LR, et al, editors. 2010 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison
Control Centers National Poison Data System (NPDS): 28th Report. Clin Toxicol 2011;49:910–41, Appendix.

cleansing followed by passive vaccination with human

TABLE 12-2 Wound Tetanus Prophylaxis
rabies immune globulin and cell culture rabies vaccines,
either human diploid or purified chick embryo.10–12 Many
Vaccination Clean/minor factors help determine the risk assessment in deciding
History (Td) Wounds All Other Wounds which patient benefits from post exposure prophylaxis
? or <3 Td or Tdap—No TIG Td or Tdap—TIG and which regimen should be given. The risk of infection
doses depends on the type of exposure, surveillance, epidemiol-
≥3 doses Td or Tdap—No TIG Td or Tdap—No TIG ogy of animal rabies in the region of contact, species of
if ≥10 years since if ≥5 years since animal, animal behavior causing it to bite, and availability
last dose last dose
of the animal for observation or laboratory testing for the
Td, adult type diphtheria and tetanus toxoids vaccine; TIG, tetanus rabies virus. The final decision for treatment with vac-
immune globulin (human); Tdap, booster tetanus toxoid, cines is complex. Therefore local, state, or CDC (Centers
reduced diphtheria toxoid, and cellular pertussis. for Disease Control) experts are available for assistance.
Data from American Academy of Pediatrics: Tetanus (lockjaw),
Bite Wounds. In Pickering LK, Baker CJ, Kimberlin DW, Long
There is no single effective treatment for rabies once
SS (eds): Redbook: 2009 Report of the Committee on symptoms are evident.
Infectious Diseases, 28th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL, American
Academy of Pediatrics, 2009, pp 187-191, 655–60.
Components of Bite Wound
BOX 12-1 There are about 40,000 species of spiders that have been
named and placed in about 3000 genera and 105 fami-
• Obtain detailed history of injury lies.13 In regard to medically relevant spiders, few are
• Evaluate injury and re-examine in 24–48 hours known to cause significant clinical effects. In 2010, about
• Check for foreign bodies and possible deep structure 11,000 calls were made to USA Poison Control Centers
injury in small children (PCC) regarding spider bites.1 It is rare that a spider bite
• Evaluate for risk of tetanus, rabies, hepatitis B, human requires surgical care. Few spiders have been shown to
immunodeficiency virus
• Perform meticulous cleansing and irrigation
have the ability to bite humans because their fangs cannot
• Do NOT irrigate puncture wounds pierce the skin. The two most medically important
• Obtain wound culture as indicated spiders in the USA are Sicariidae (brown spiders) and
• Culture is recommended if wound appears infected Lactrodectus (widow spiders).
or is of late presentation (>8–12 hours)
• Debride necrotic tissue or contaminants not removed
by irrigation
Brown Recluse Spiders
• Perform exploratory surgery as indicated Loxoscelism is a form of cutaneous–visceral (necrotic–
• Primary closure for selected fresh nonpuncture wounds systemic) arachnidism found throughout the world with
• Consider antimicrobial therapy predilection for North and South America.14 There are
four species of brown spiders within the USA that are
40,000–70,000. The rabies virus enters the central known to cause necrotic skin lesions (Loxosceles deserta, L.
nervous system and causes an acute, progressive encepha- arizonica, L. rufescens, and L. reclusa). L. deserta and L.
lomyelitis from which survival is extremely unlikely. The arizonica can be found in the southwestern USA L. reclusa
human host has a wide range for the incubation period is the most common species associated with human bites.
from days to years (most commonly weeks to months). It is usually found in the south central USA, especially
Prophylactic treatment for humans potentially exposed Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and
to rabies includes immediate and thorough wound Kentucky.15 Spiders can be transported out of their
12  Bites 157

natural habitat but rarely cause arachnidism in nonen- The prevalence of brown recluse spider envenoma-
demic areas. L. reclusa is tan to brown with a characteristic tions is unknown. The victim may not feel the bite or
dark, violin-shaped marking on its dorsal cephalothorax, may only feel a mild pinprick sensation. Many victims are
giving it the nickname ‘fiddleback’ or ‘violin’ spider. The bitten while they sleep and may be unaware of the enven-
spider can measure up to 1 cm in total body length with omation until a wound develops. The majority of victims
a 3 cm or longer leg span (Fig. 12-1). These spiders do not see the spider at the time of the bite.22 Typically,
only have three pairs of eyes whereas most spiders have the bite progressively begins to itch, tingle, and become
four pairs. ecchymotic, indurated, and edematous within several
The incidence of L. reclusa bites predominantly occurs hours.23 Often within hours, a characteristic bleb or
from April through October in the USA. The venom of bullae will form. The tissue under a blister is likely to
the brown recluse spider contains at least 11 protein become necrotic, but the extent of necrosis is not predict-
components. Most are enzymes with cytotoxic activity.16 able. As the ischemia and inflammation progresses, the
Sphingomyelinase D is believed to be the enzyme respon- wound becomes painful and may blanch or become ery-
sible for dermonecrosis and activity on red blood cell thematous, forming a ‘target’ or ‘halo’ design. Inflamma-
membranes.17–19 In addition to the local effects, the venom tion, ischemia, and pain increase over the first few days
has activity against neutrophils and the complement after the bite as enzymes spread. Over hours to weeks, an
pathway that induces an immunologic response.19–21 The eschar forms at the site of the bite. Eventually, this eschar
resulting effect is a necrotic dermal lesion and the pos- sloughs, revealing an underlying ulcer that may require
sibility that a systemic response will be life threatening. months to heal, usually by secondary intention (Fig.
12-2). On very rare occasions, the ulcer does not heal and
may require surgical intervention.
The need for hospitalization occurs if the patient
develops systemic symptoms. Two studies documented
that 14% to more than 50% of patients developed sys-
temic symptoms, with fever being the most common
symptom.10 Other common symptoms include a maculo-
papular rash, nausea and vomiting, headache, malaise,
muscle/joint pain, hepatitis, pancreatitis, and other organ
toxicity. Life-threatening systemic effects include hemo-
lysis (intravascular and/or extravascular), coagulopathy,
and multiple organ system failure. Secondary effects
include sepsis, necrotizing fasciitis, and shock.24–26 Hemo-
lysis usually manifests within the first 96 hours. However,
late presentations can occur. When hemolysis does
develop, it can take four to seven days (or longer) to
resolve. Complications such as cardiac dysrhythmias,
FIGURE 12-1  ■  Loxosceles reclusa (brown recluse, ‘fiddleback’) coma, respiratory compromise, pulmonary edema, con-
spider showing the classic violin-shaped marking on the back gestive heart failure, renal failure, and seizures can occur.
(dorsal side) of the cephalothorax. Note the long slender legs
and oval body segment with short hairs. The arrow is pointing The diagnosis of a brown recluse spider envenomation
toward the classic violin marking. (From Ford M, Delaney K, Ling is largely one of exclusion as it is rare to see or identify
L, et al. Clinical Toxicology. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2001.) the spider. While the wound can look classic for an


FIGURE 12-2  ■  (A) A 3-year-old girl hospitalized on the third day after a brown recluse spider bite for severe hemolytic anemia,
hemoglobinuria, and ecchymosis (note the vast expansion of the ecchymosis secondary to hyaluronidase ‘spreading factor’ in the
venom). There is no necrosis or ischemia, but a small bleb/blister is present over the right clavicle that, although not pathognomonic,
is often present early in lesion progression. Also note that the cutaneous lesion is mild in comparison with this patient’s systemic
presentation. (B) On the 15th day after envenomation, the lesion measures 5 cm × 2 cm. Multiple small areas of necrosis have
become apparent in the past week. The largest area indicates the original bite size. The lesion’s edges have begun to involute with
healing, and the ischemia is fading. (C) Nine months after the bite, the necrotic wound has healed with no significant scarring.
158 SECTION II  Trauma

envenomation, other etiologies must be considered (Box Neither dapsone, HBO, nor the combination treatment
12-2). Certain laboratory findings can be consistent with reduced necrosis compared with controls. A second study
a brown recluse spider envenomation but are not specific compared the use of HBO, dapsone, or cyproheptadine
in making the diagnosis (Box 12-3). against no treatment in decreasing the necrotic wound
Controversy surrounds the treatment of dermal and after envenomation with L. deserta venom. No statistical
systemic symptoms of loxoscelism. Medications such as difference was seen with respect to lesion size, ulcer size,
dapsone, nitroglycerin, and tetracycline have been used. or histopathologic ranking.32 In addition, the use of
Also, hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy has been advo- dapsone is not without risk, especially hypersensitivity
cated as has excision of the necrotic wound. However, reactions.33 Therapeutic doses of dapsone are associated
none of these has proven to be effective in treating or with hemolytic anemia, methemoglobinemia, and other
preventing the ulcer development. In South America, an hematologic effects in patients with and without glucose-
antivenom has been developed and used in the treatment 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
of Loxosceles envenomations. Unfortunately, the usual Topically applied nitroglycerin as a vasodilator had
long delay in seeking medical care often leads to ineffec- been advocated but is not effective in preventing necro-
tive use of this antivenom.27 An antivenom is not available sis.34 Tetracycline has been shown to be effective. Rabbits
in North America. were inoculated with Loxosceles venom and randomized
The use of dapsone, a leukocyte inhibitor, has been to receive topical doxycycline, topical tetracycline, or
advocated in case reports and animal studies.28–30 However, placebo.35 Those who received topical tetracycline had
other animal studies have shown no benefit from this reduced progression of the dermal lesion. However,
treatment. In an animal study,31 piglets received venom treatment was started at six hours after envenomation,
and were randomized to receive one of four treatments: which may not be realistic after a human bite. In addition,
no treatment, HBO, dapsone, or dapsone with HBO. the agents used for this research study are not commer-
cially available in the United States. Further studies need
to be performed before topical tetracycline can be
Differential Diagnosis of Brown recommended.
BOX 12-2
Recluse Spider Envenomations HBO has been advocated for treatment to prevent
Acquired hemolytic anemias progression of the necrotic wound. The initial use of
Bites from other creatures (e.g., snakes, spiders, insects) HBO was based on the belief that tissue hypoxia was
that can result in cutaneous lesions partially responsible for the subsequent necrosis seen
Dermatologic conditions (e.g., pyoderma gangrenosum) after a bite. As mentioned previously, no statistical differ-
Hereditary hemolytic anemias ences were noted in animal studies that compared dapsone
Infectious causes (e.g., Lyme disease, infection with and HBO.31,32 Similar results have been seen in animal
Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, or Clostridium species) studies assessing the effect of HBO alone.36,37 However,
Medical conditions causing necrotic lesions: a randomized, controlled trial of HBO in a rabbit model
Emboli in which standard HBO was used showed a significantly
Frostbite or thermal injuries
reduced wound diameter at ten days.38 No significant
Ischemic injuries
Neoplastic wounds (e.g., ecthyma gangrenosum) change in blood flow at the wound center or 1–2 cm from
Trauma the wound center was seen. HBO is expensive and not
without complications. At the present time, much of the
literature contradicts the benefit of HBO for brown
recluse spider envenomations. As such, it is not currently
Laboratory Findings Consistent recommended as a therapy for these bites, but may be
BOX 12-3 with Systemic Effects of Loxosceles helpful in patients with underlying/preexisting vascular
Envenomations compromise such as sickle cell anemia or diabetes.
Early surgical intervention is not helpful because the
Hemoglobinemia venom diffuses rapidly throughout the soft tissues sur-
Hemoglobinuria or hematuria, elevated urobilinogen rounding the bite.39 In addition, patients may be more at
Elevated plasma free hemoglobin or decreased free
risk for delayed wound healing and excessive scarring if
Leukocytosis operation occurs within the first 72 hours of the bite.40,41
Anemia Debridement of enlarging blebs is proposed with the
Thrombocytopenia theory that toxins exist within the blister fluid. However,
Coagulopathy (elevated prothrombin time, decreased necrosis almost always occurs beneath the blisters.42 The
fibrinogen, elevated d-dimer, decreased antithrombin question is whether surgical intervention should be advo-
III) cated late after envenomations? The wound from the
Inflammatory markers (elevated C-reactive protein, brown recluse spider may take two to three months to
elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, elevated heal. Thus, skin grafting of a non-healing necrotic area
liver and/or pancreatic enzymes), elevated lactate should be delayed up to 12 weeks to allow for neovascu-
larization of the demarcated area.43
Immunology (positive antiglobulin tests: direct or indi-
rect Coombs; decreased total serum complement or Treatment of systemic symptoms largely involves
components; interference with blood screening or supportive care. Patients should be monitored closely
crossmatching) for hemolysis (and children hospitalized) if systemic
symptoms such as fever and rash develop. Systemic
12  Bites 159

corticosteroids seem to suppress hemolysis and may be symptoms or for pain that is not relieved by opioids and
needed for five to ten days with a subsequent tapering benzodiazepines.
dose.43 Methylprednisolone can be administered as a
1.0–2.0 mg/kg intravenous loading dose (no maximum)
followed by a 0.5–1.0 mg/kg maintenance dose every six CROTALID SNAKE ENVENOMATIONS
hours. Hydration to maintain good urine output is
required to prevent acute renal tubular necrosis if hemo- In the USA, there are two major classes of poisonous
lysis or hematuria occurs. Antibiotics are not generally snakes: crotalids and elapids. Crotalids, otherwise known
required early in the care of these patients because the as pit vipers, are indigenous to almost every state and
spider does not inoculate humans with bacteria. However, account for the vast majority of poisonous snake bites in
secondary infections can occur and lead to sepsis, toxic the USA annually. Most snake bites occur during the
shock syndrome, and necrotizing fasciitis. These compli- warm summer months when both snakes and humans are
cations require close observation and antibiotic therapy more active and thus more likely to come into contact
to cover anaerobic, staphylococcal, and streptococcal with each other. It is thought that up to 20% of snake bites
infections. are ‘dry bites’ and do not result in envenomation.47
Crotalids can be classified into three major groups:
rattlesnakes, cottonmouths (water moccasins), and cop-
Black Widow Spider perheads. Copperheads are responsible for the majority
Black widow spiders (Latrodectus mactans) are found of crotalid envenomations. In general, these bites are less
throughout North America.44 They can usually be found severe and rarely result in systemic toxicity.48,49 Rattle-
outdoors in warm, dark places, or in a garage or base- snake envenomations more commonly produce coagu-
ment. They are web-making spiders and usually strike lopathy and systemic toxicity.
when their web is disturbed. The female spider is readily Crotalids have several physical features that help dis-
recognized as she is a black spider with a red marking on tinguish them from nonpoisonous snakes (Fig. 12-3).
her abdomen in the shape of an hourglass. Widow spiders Crotalids have triangular heads and elliptical pupils.
have a neurotoxic venom that is responsible for their Nonpoisonous snakes have round heads and pupils. Cro-
clinical effects. The venom, α-latrotoxin, acts on the neu- talids have a single row of subcaudal plates/scales distal
romuscular junction to cause depletion of acetylcholine to the anal plate, whereas nonpoisonous snakes have a
at motor endings and catecholamines at the postgangli- double row of subcaudal plates. Most importantly, crota-
onic sympathetic synaptic sites, which is followed by lids have two retractable fangs and the characteristic
complete blockade of the neuromediator release.45 heat-seeking pit located between the nostril and the eye.
In the majority of cases, a pinprick sensation may be Nonpoisonous snakes have short, pointy teeth, but
felt at the time of a bite. A ‘halo’ lesion may develop, but no fangs.
this tends to disappear within 12 hours of envenomation.
A few hours after the bite, the regional lymph nodes and Crotalid Venom Pharmacology/
affected extremity may become tender. Depending on
where the bite occurs, pain usually migrates to the large
muscle groups in the thigh, buttock, abdomen or chest. Crotalid venom is a complex mixture of proteins, includ-
The most common presenting complaint is intractable ing metalloproteinases, collagenase, hyaluronidase, and
abdominal, chest, back, or leg pain, depending on the site phospholipase.50 These enzymes act to destroy tissue at
of the bite.46 Board-like rigidity of the abdomen, shoul- the site of envenomation. Damage to the vascular
ders, and back may develop that may lead to misdiagnosis endothelium and basement membranes leads to edema,
of a surgical abdomen or other etiology. The pain ecchymosis, and bullae formation. Concurrently with
generally peaks at two to three hours, but can last up to local tissue destruction, venom is absorbed systemically
72 hours. and can result in shock and coagulopathy. The potency
Because the venom affects the autonomic nervous of venom varies with the snake’s age, species, diet, and
system, patients can present with symptoms of dysau- time of year.47 Even for the same snake, the composition
tonomia that include hypertension (sometimes severe), and potency of venom can vary substantially based on
tachycardia, weakness, ptosis, eyelid edema, pruritus, these factors.
nausea and vomiting, diaphoresis, hyperreflexia, difficulty
breathing, and excessive salivation. Fatalities are rare, but Clinical Effects
have been reported. Children are more at risk for devel-
oping systemic symptoms. In questioning the patient, one should ascertain the cir-
Management is largely symptomatic and supportive. cumstance and timing of the bite as well as any first aid
For the most part, treatment is focused on analgesia. methods that were used. Knowing what prehospital
For those with mild pain, oral medications are appropri- measures were instituted can be extremely helpful.
ate. Patients may present with severe pain requiring Certain therapies such as incision, excision, and suction
opioids and benzodiazepines as adjunctive therapy. may result in significant local trauma and act to confound
Calcium gluconate was advocated in the past, but is not the assessment of local injury. The clinician should deter-
recommended now because of lack of consistent effects mine if the patient has previously received antivenom
in alleviating the symptoms. Antivenom is available and because sensitization can occur, thereby placing the
generally reserved for patients who have life-threatening patient at higher risk for an allergic reaction. Health care
160 SECTION II  Trauma

TABLE 12-3 Clinical Grading of Snake
Elliptical pupil
Pit Grading Comments
Fangs Minimal Mild local swelling without progression;
no systemic or hematologic toxicity
Moderate Local swelling with proximal progression
and/or mildly abnormal laboratory
parameters (e.g., decreased platelets,
prolonged coagulation studies)
Severe Marked swelling with progression and/or
NONPOISONOUS significant systemic toxicity (shock,
compartment syndrome) or
Round pupil laboratory abnormalities (severe
Adapted from Gold BS, Dart RC, Barish RA. Bite of Venomous
Snakes. N Engl J Med 2002;347:347–56.

Rattles present
(Crotalus &
Single row
Anal plate
subcaudal plates
Rattles present
(Crotalus &

Double row
Anal plate
subcaudal plates

FIGURE 12-3  ■  Identifying characteristics of pit vipers and non- FIGURE 12-4  ■  A 15-year-old boy was bitten on his right hand by
poisonous snakes. The presence or absence of a single row of a timber rattlesnake. Note the significant swelling of the arm.
subcaudal plates may be the only identifying feature in a decapi- Serial limb circumference measurements were documented;
tated snake. (From Ford M, Delaney K, Ling L, et al. Clinical Toxicol- the lines mark the progression of the swelling. The patient did
ogy. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2001.) well after treatment with Fab antivenom.

providers should be cautious regarding the reliability of Serial measurements of the extremity are required to
the victim’s identification of the snake. It is often assumed detect progression of the swelling. The local effects have
that rattlesnakes will rattle their tails before biting. traditionally been documented by drawing a line demar-
However, this is not always the case. Also, rattles may be cating the progression of the swelling. Unfortunately,
absent from rattlesnakes due to shedding or trauma. this method requires subjective interpretation and can
Victims occasionally trap or kill the snake and bring it to result in measurement variability. Measurement of the
the emergency department. Vigilance is necessary when limb circumference is more objective and can be easily
examining these snakes because they are capable of biting repeated to determine any progression (Fig. 12-4). These
again. Even dead snakes have been known to bite reflex- measurements should be recorded every 15 minutes for
ively for up to an hour after they have been killed.47 the first two hours and then less frequently (every 30-60
Envenomations can result in significant local pain and minutes). In addition to measuring the limb circumfer-
swelling. The patient typically has two fang marks at the ence, serial neurovascular examinations can identify
location of the bite. Often, there is mild bleeding or ischemia or evidence of compartment syndrome.
oozing from the wound. Swelling typically develops Compartment syndrome is rare (<1–2%) after snake
within one to two hours, and ecchymosis or bullae (some envenomation because it is unusual for a snake’s fangs to
hemorrhagic) may appear. Several different grading penetrate the muscle fascia.52 The true incidence is dif-
systems have been developed to grade the severity of ficult to ascertain from the literature because many of the
snake bites.47,51 The minimal, moderate, severe model is older case series report the use of prophylactic fascioto-
a simple tool that can help assess severity and determine mies without measuring the compartment pressure.52–54
the need for antivenom (Table 12-3). Although swelling may be severe, it is almost always
12  Bites 161

localized to the subcutaneous tissue. If there is concern may decrease venom absorption into the systemic circula-
for compartment syndrome in the setting of severe pain tion. Rings, jewelry, and other constrictive clothing
and swelling, measurement of compartment pressures is should be removed. Most importantly, the victim should
needed. Even if elevated compartment pressures are be rapidly transported to the nearest emergency
found, treatment with antivenom is usually sufficient to department.
reduce the elevated pressures and reverse the compart- Historically, different procedures and therapies have
ment syndrome.52–56 Given the efficacy and safety of the been advocated in the prehospital and in-hospital man-
current crotalid antivenom, prophylactic fasciotomies are agement of snake bites. Treatments such as cryotherapy
not routinely indicated in the setting of an envenoma- and electric shock are associated with significant compli-
tion.57 Recent evidence has shown that prophylactic fas- cations and are not recommended.63 It is commonly
ciotomies worsen local effects and do not improve clinical thought that tourniquets should be applied to the affected
outcomes.58,59 If compartment pressures are elevated, extremity. However, their use has not been found to
they should be re-measured after antivenom administra- improve outcomes and evidence suggests they may
tion and repeat antivenom should be given, if needed. If worsen local toxicity.64–66 Therefore, their use should be
the pressures remain elevated for more than 4 hours discouraged. Given the short transport times of most
despite antivenom, then fasciotomy is indicated (Fig. patients, the morbidity associated with tourniquet appli-
12-5). Measurement of finger compartment pressures is cation (limb ischemia) outweighs any potential benefit.
not possible. If significant concern exists about the viabil- In those situations in which the victim is in a remote
ity of the finger, a digit dermotomy is indicated.59 location that is hours away from an emergency depart-
Systemic manifestations present in a variable fashion ment, the use of a constriction band should be consid-
after envenomation. Nonspecific symptoms and signs ered. There are limited data to suggest that constriction
include nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, and metallic taste. bands decrease the rate of systemic venom absorption.64
Hypotension and shock can develop in severe cases. Constriction bands differ from venous tourniquets in that
Severe rattlesnake envenomations often cause coagulopa- they serve to impede lymphatic return rather than blood
thy with a disseminated intravascular coagulation-like flow. When placed correctly, two fingers should easily slip
syndrome. Thrombocytopenia has been noted to be under a constriction band.
severe and prolonged after timber rattlesnake envenoma- Pressure immobilization is another modality com-
tions.60 Canebrake rattlesnake envenomations have been monly recommended for snake bites. It involves wrap-
associated with significant rhabdomyolysis.61 Rarely, fol- ping the entire limb in an elastic compression bandage
lowing envenomation, patients have been noted to have and then immobilizing the limb in extension with a splint.
extremely rapid decompensation. In these cases, it is Although likely effective in cases of elapid envenoma-
thought that the patient experiences either an immediate tions,67 their use in cases of crotalid envenomation should
anaphylactoid-like reaction or receives a significant intra- be discouraged despite a recent position statement
vascular venom load.62 supporting their use.68 Animal models of crotalid enveno-
mation demonstrated pressure immobilization slightly
Management prolonged the time to death but was associated with a
significant increase in extremity compartment pres-
After a crotalid bite, the victim should avoid exertion and sures.69,70 Additionally, it has been shown that pressure
have the involved extremity immobilized. These actions immobilization bandages are often applied incorrectly
and can act as a tourniquet.71
Suction using a commercially available extractor
device has been previously suggested. The concept is that
the suction would pull the venom out of the wound if
applied shortly after the bite. However, it has been dem-
onstrated that these devices are not efficacious and
remove less than 1% of injected venom.72 Also, these
devices may actually increase the amount of local tissue
destruction.73 Therefore, use of extractor devices in the
prehospital or hospital setting is not recommended.
Incision therapy, often combined with suction, gained
favor in the early 20th century. This procedure entailed
making several parallel incisions longitudinally along the
affected extremity. While early animal models demon-
strated some survival improvement, subsequent human
studies have failed to show any change in clinical out-
FIGURE 12-5  ■  The need for fasciotomy for compartment syn-
drome may be suggested by excessive swelling in the soft comes.74 Incising the wound also risks injury to underly-
tissue, but compartment pressures are rarely elevated signifi- ing tendons, nerves, and blood vessels, and increases
cantly. Prophylactic fasciotomy is based on the belief that it infection rates.74–76
protects against compartment syndrome. Such practices are In-hospital management should initially focus on
unnecessary and can be catastrophic in venom-defibrinated
patients. (From Brent J, Wallace K, Burkhart K, et al. Critical Care
assessing and supporting the airway, breathing, and cir-
Toxicology: Diagnosis and Management of the Critically Poisoned culation. Anaphylactic reactions have been reported after
Patient. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2005.) envenomation.77 The initial evaluation should assess the
162 SECTION II  Trauma

BOX 12-4 Indications for Crotalid Antivenom Fortunately, a new polyvalent immune Fab antivenom
(CroFab, Protherics, Inc., Brentwood, TN) is available
Shock that is much safer and associated with significantly fewer
Coagulopathy and/or thrombocytopenia adverse reactions. It is a highly purified product that
Compartment syndrome contains the Fab fragments of IgG antibodies. The
Significant swelling/progression of local effects product is sheep-derived and is effective against all North
Neurotoxicity (Mojave rattlesnake) American crotalid species. The incidence of immediate
hypersensitivity reactions is less than 5% to 10%.80–84
Many of the hypersensitivity reactions are mild (urticaria)
and do not prevent further antivenom administration.
patient for shock and hypoperfusion. Hypotension man- Anaphylaxis is uncommon. Likewise, the incidence of
dates aggressive resuscitation with crystalloid, antivenom serum sickness is also less than 5%.83,84 The dosing of
(see later), and possibly vasopressors. If the patient arrives polyvalent immune Fab is based on the clinical severity
in the emergency department with a tourniquet on the and response of the patient to the antivenom (Fig. 12-6).
extremity, it should be slowly loosened and removed over The dosing is not weight based. Therefore, the dosing in
20 to 30 minutes. Rapid removal of the tourniquet could children is the same as in adults. Skin testing is not
result in a bolus of the venom into the central circulation, required. Clinical trials have demonstrated improved
resulting in decompensation of the patient.64 Intravenous outcomes when regular follow-up doses of antivenom
access should be obtained in the noninjured extremity, were given for recurrence (see later) of local and systemic
with placement of a second access line in those with toxicity in those who received a single dose of antivenom.
significant envenomation. Opioids are often required for This resulted in the development of the currently recom-
management of pain. The patient’s tetanus should be mended dosing schedule. Multiple studies have demon-
updated as needed. Prophylactic antibiotics are not war- strated that the polyvalent immune Fab antivenom is
ranted because the risk of infection resulting from snake efficacious in ameliorating the local and systemic venom
bites is less than 5%.78 Although snakes carry pathogenic toxicity. Recent analysis of pediatric data also demon-
bacteria in their mouths, the majority of infections are strates excellent efficacy and safety in treating children as
secondary to the victim’s normal skin flora. young as 18 months of age. There were no cases of ana-
The antivenom supplies of the hospital should be phylaxis in pediatric patients (>100 cases) reported in five
assessed in all cases of snake bites, even those cases in
which antivenom administration does not appear to be
indicated. This is prudent because the patient’s clinical
condition can change rapidly in the first several hours
Patient with indication for
after envenomation. It is important for the clinician to antivenom administration
arrange for procurement of antivenom or hospital trans-
fer while the patient is stable and not in immediate need
of antivenom. A complete blood cell count, chemistries,
Establish initial control
coagulation studies, fibrinogen, and creatinine kinase are of envenomation by
indicated in all cases of snake bites to assess systemic administering 4-6 vials of
toxicity. Medical toxicologists and regional poison centers Crotalid Fab Antivenom Fab
(1-800-222-1222) can serve as valuable resources to clini-
cians who are unfamiliar with the management of snake
envenomations. Initial control
Antivenom is indicated for envenomations displaying achieved?
more than minimal local effects (Box 12-4). The older
Wyeth (Collegeville, PA) polyvalent antivenom that was
introduced in the USA in 1954 is no longer manufac-
tured. This product was a crudely purified, equine-
derived IgG antibody directed against the venom of
several crotalids. As it contained foreign proteins and was Administer additional
highly immunogenic, the incidence of immediate hyper- 4-6 vials of Fab
sensitivity reactions was high. Approximately 50% of Antivenom
recipients developed urticaria or signs of anaphylactic
shock.79 Serum sickness, a delayed immunologic reaction
to the foreign proteins, was much more commonly asso- Control
ciated with this antivenom (approximately 50% of cases
treated with more than five vials of the Wyeth
antivenom).79 It typically occurs one to three weeks after
antivenom administration and manifests clinically as a Infuse additional 2
fever, rash, arthralgias, myalgias, and occasionally vials at 6, 12, and 18 YES NO
hours after initial control
glomerulonephritis and pericarditis. It is generally self-
limited and can be treated with corticosteroids and FIGURE 12-6  ■  This schematic depicts management of the patient
antihistamines. who needs crotalid polyvalent immune Fab antivenom.
12  Bites 163

case series.85–89 Liberal use should be considered for bites All patients with suspected coral snake bites should be
involving the hands or feet because these envenomations admitted for observation. Treatment is supportive with
are associated with significant morbidity and prolonged close monitoring for respiratory compromise. Tradition-
recovery.90 ally it had been recommended to administer antivenom
Recurrence is defined as worsening of local and/or to any patient in whom there was a significant likelihood
systemic toxicity after a period of improvement with of envenomation (even if the patient was asymptomatic
antivenom therapy. This results from the pharmacoki- as the antivenom is less effective after the onset of symp-
netic differences between the antivenom and venom.91 toms due to its neurotoxicity). More recently, it has been
The Fab components have a low molecular weight and recommended to administer antivenom only if symptoms
are small enough to be freely filtered by the kidney. This develop. The initial dose is three to five vials with subse-
results in an elimination half-life of Fab antivenom of quent antivenom administration based on worsening of
about 15 to 20 hours versus venom that has a half-life of symptoms.
approximately 40 hours.91,92 Multiple reports have docu- Coral snake antivenom is an equine-derived IgG. In
mented progression of swelling or worsening hemato- the largest series describing USA coral snake envenoma-
logic toxicity after antivenom therapy.80,83,93 Those tions, immediate hypersensitivity reactions occurred in
patients who develop hematologic toxicity during initial 15% of patients, whereas serum sickness was reported
treatment are at highest risk for recurrence. Administra- in 10%.96
tion of antivenom is usually effective in treating further
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