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Angela James L.

Chua BS Nursing Block 26

An Educator’s Framework of Life

As a prerequisite to my major subject which is N1 Behavioral Foundations in Health
and Illness, I interviewed Ms. Jeramin H. Diaz a school teacher in Canaan Christian
School. Our professor instructed us to interview a normal person and he/she should be
our friend. I chose to interview Ms. Diaz because in my assessment, she is a normal
person and she is my childhood friend as we share the same hometown.
Ms. Diaz was born on February 18, 1997 at Quezon City. She is currently 21 years
old and she is the eldest among her other three siblings. She is presently living with her
mother, her father, and also with her siblings. Ms. Diaz finished her elementary education
at San Diego Elementary School. She remembered that she received honor roll award
and leadership award during their graduation. Furthermore, she received her high school
education at Batasan Hills National High School. We had shared the same high school
and she was the president in her class. She was also awarded the leadership award for
she is active in leadership activities during high school. After finishing her high school
education she entered Polytechnic University of the Philippines to continue her further
studies with the course of Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education major in English.
She just graduated last year and is now presently working as a school teacher.
I asked Ms. Diaz to recall her childhood and she told me that she had a good
foundation. Her mother and her father was always been supportive with her. She was
given adequate nutrition, basic medical care, and access to education. She recalled that
she liked to play outside of their house and she also liked to be cuddled by her parents. I
can infer that Ms. Diaz had a good acquisition for the reason that her parents was able to
give her necessities as she grew up and also her parents have a strong marriage. Their
family is one of the respected family in our community because their family maintains
peace and order within the community.
Ms. Diaz encountered numerous struggles while growing up and according to her
she was able to overcome all of it through the help of her family, her friends, and also
through her faith to God. She had experienced to struggle while looking for a university
to enter. Luckily, she passed the Polytechnic University of the Philippines College
Entrance Test (PUPCET) and she was able to study in one of the prominent state
university in the country with her dream course which is education. She also had
experience to struggle in taking the Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET). She was not
able to take review classes for the LET because of the expensive courses of review
centers. But through her hard work and perseverance, she passed the LET 2018 Board
Exam. She told me that without the guidance of the Lord and her parents, she will not
able to prevail over her struggles.
Ms. Diaz is hoping to leave a legacy in the future especially to her students. She
wants to be remembered as an educator who will not only impart knowledge, but will also
touch the hearts of her students. She told me that, “I want to help my students to realize
their own potentials. To continue dreaming amidst the challenges that they are facing.
For education’s power is the ability to make a difference.” Also, Ms. Diaz is aspiring to
help her community and the country by teaching her students well. According to her in
that way, her students can perform their future roles and be a functional member in the
I can deduce that Ms. Jeramin H. Diaz is an anthropological woman for she is a
functional, reliable, and dignified person in the society. Ms. Diaz is a breadwinner in her
family for she is financially contributing to her family by paying for their monthly bills. She
is also saving a part of her monthly income to support the college education of her
younger siblings. Ms. Diaz told me that she hopes that her younger siblings will also finish
their college education to help their family and their community.
Moreover, Ms. Diaz is a good example of what Dr. Kuan had taught to us.
According to Dr. Kuan, “Education helps you fight when struggle comes because the
acquisition strengthens your foundation.” Ms. Diaz received a quality education and also
she had a good acquisition that is why she was able to surpass the struggles that she
had faced. I realized that acquisition is very crucial to every person for it will dictate the
struggles and the legacy that a person will leave behind. I will do my best so that my future
children will have a good acquisition for them to overcome their struggles and be mature
enough to leave a legacy behind.
I have learned many useful things while interviewing Ms. Diaz and I was also
inspired to overcome all the struggles that I will face. Ms. Diaz advised me to trust the
process because it is the preparation for the plans that God has given to me. Like Ms.
Diaz I’m hoping to leave a good legacy in the future by being a role model to other people.

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