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From: Gary & Dena Pate pateministries@gmail.

Subject: Urgent Need/ The family in LLaucay/ From The Pate's
Date: July 20, 2017 at 11:52 PM

Dear Friend,

It was 43 degrees in this tiny new community this afternoon and will probably be in the 30’s tonight.
Dena was bundled up with a scarf, hat, gloves and a coat to stay warm. After the club we went to a
family's house that housed 8 children ranging from 4 to 20. The mother is in the hospital with a brain
tumor and without a miracle the prognosis is not good. We heard that the family was in need so we
took them some food including chicken, but we were not prepared for what we encountered from this
humble family. The father, a cow farmer has been at the hospital with his wife for 15 days and the 20
year old son, who only finished the 6th grade, is taking care of his sibling with no help. We have been
working in Ecuador for over 15 years and have not seen poverty like this. Even our Ecuadorian team
was shocked by what they saw. There are eight children living in these conditions The oldest oldest
son is 20, then the others follow: 16, 14. 12, 10, 8, 6, and 4. (see attached pictures).

They live in what looks like several "falling apart" mud shacks with more holes than walls that allows
the chicken to come in and out. It also has mud for a floor, a light bulb and I didn't see a bathroom.
They cook over an open air fire in another shed where the pigeons, chickens and ducks nest. They
wash their clothes in a bucket outside the mud shacks. They sleep 3 to a bed and probably not what
we would consider as a bed. They have very few clothes, no jackets or socks and I don't even want to
talk about their shoes. We are going shopping for clothing, blankets, jackets and a storage thing for
the clothes this week and we are praying about how we can help with the housing situation. Dena
won't complain about the cold again. None of those children complained about the cold or the rain as
they walked to the Bible club, nor did they complain about the food they had to eat. I saw a bowl of
some kind of orange mush on the table and I'm guessing it was lunch. Please pray for this family and
healing for their mother.

After much prayer, I strongly feel led to help build this humble family a simple small block house. It
would be very simple, with a concrete slab, block walls without holes and a roof. Also, I have
consulted with the local pastor and many of the church members in this community have agreed to
help with the labor as a outreach to this family. I normally would not do something like this as we are
very firm about not setting a precedence, but in this case, the situation is grave with the mother in
the hospital with a very negative prognosis and the conditions in which these children are living are
simply, inhumane.

We can build the small concrete block house with a bathroom for about $7,000.00 (see pictures
below). If you feel led to help with this opperunity all tax deductible gifts can be sent to:

Pate Ministries
Gary Pate
P O Box 893
Callahan, FL 32011
Please forgive me of any of my grammar or spelling errors.

2 Corinthians 4:5

5 For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves
as your servants for Jesus’ sake.



For The Children Ecuador, Inc., DBA Pate Ministries

Gary Pate
P O Box 893
Callahan, FL 32011
Ecuador # 0995292886
US & Vontage Phone 904-879-1396

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