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Jan Joseph V.


A critique paper on “Spotlight on: Island Biogeography and Fragmentation”

The paper introduced the effects of habitat fragmentation in island biogeography

including species extinction and endangerment. Imbalance in the ecosystem leads to
changes in the population of a certain species and with a smaller habitat or movement,
the species will find it difficult to adjust. As what is stated in the paper, I also believe that
human activities cause disturbance in the ecosystem and habitat fragmentation in the
island. An ecosystem though is able to adjust given the human activities to a certain
threshold. The mindset of people on utilization in the past is not stated in the paper.
Discovery and colonization is the main focus of the society back then setting the need
for conservation aside unlike today. There are conservation efforts for a particular
habitat that is compatible with human activities being done. The lack of knowledge and
technology back then could also be the reason why the population of certain species
continued to decline even though positive efforts were made.

It is stated in the paper that major changes in the condition of the Earth have
caused the collapsed of living ecosystems. A similar event, the accelerated climate
change will also cause the collapse of living ecosystems. Sea level rise affects some of
the islands like the Maldives which is projected to sink. Biodiversity will also sink with
the island and emigration to nearby island will occur.

Some of the extinctions in the wild in relation to island biogeography are

discussed in the paper and most of them are caused by human activities and over
exploitation. Some of the extinctions that were presented in the paper occurred in the
past and these examples along with the available technologies should be taken into
consideration in conservation planning. Species endangerment as discussed in the
paper is also caused by habitat destruction and species interaction. A shift in the
population of a certain species will affect another species population as well. I believe
that the conservation efforts for the species discussed are effective. In the case of the
Philippine Eagle, preservation of the remaining old-growth forest and proper information
dissemination should be done in order to improve their population. Eagles and other
raptors’ prey should not be exploited so that they will not resort to hunting domesticated
animals. I believe the reason why raptors find their way in the communities is because
of food loss. In conservation planning, not only the size of the habitat or island should
be considered but also the prey species to reduce migration.

I agree to what is stated in the paper and some of the presented examples of
endangerment and extinction. The environment, the ecosystem and human activities
should be considered when planning.

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