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Christine Widya Puspamareta *), Musarrafa, Survita Dewi

Fundamental Physics Laboratory Department of Physics

Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Universitas Negeri Makassar 2016

Abstract. We have done an experiment about "Equivalence of Energy" in order to understand the
principle of equality (equivalence) energy and determine the value of equality of heat energy and
mechanical energy. In this experiment At this experiment conducted third activities are the same,
but in the second activity only slightly modified on the mass of water in the calorimeter. Tools and
materials used calorimeter Joule is complete, the variable DC power supply, basicmeter, centigrade
thermometer, stopwatch, balance Ohauss 311 grams, connecting cables and water. At the first event
weigh empty kalometer mass by using a balance Ohauss 311 grams and then fill enough water and
reconsider. On the centigrade thermometer dipped calorimeter to measure temperature changes in
the water. In this lab used ammeters and voltmeters to measure the electric current and voltage,
where the first determining the current strength used is | 1.499 ± 0.001 | A. In the second activity
only change the mass of water in the calorimeter, a little more than 1. On the activities of energy
equivalence principle that when a voltage source (power supplay DC) associated with basicmeter
then current will flow into the calorimeter, the calorimeter there is a coil that serves to impede the
flow flowing. In the event of changes in temperature it can be seen the value of the energy
equivalence ratio that the amount of heat (Q) and effort (W) which conducted electricity to heat the
water that is comparable. From the first activity, with the value of current 1.9654A, voltage 9.2V,
initial temperature 33˚C, water mass is 123.65gram, we got the value of equivalence
is|5.1 ± 0.1|J/cal with %diff=3.68%. From the second activity, with the value of current 1.952A,
voltage 9.2V, initial temperature 33˚C, water mass 151.17gram, we got the value of equivalence
|5.3 ± 1.1|J/cal with %diff=16.40%. From the third activity, with the value of current 1.867A,
voltage 9V, initial temperature is 33˚C, water mass 191.54gram, we got the value of equivalence
|0.5 ± 1.1|J/cal with %diff =9.6%. In this experiment we concluded that the principle of equality
based energy source of electric current flow of electric current to the coil wires that go into distilled
water and cause water electrified obtain energy is heat energy / heat. Equality of energy obtained
from the division between the electrical energy to heat energy use.
Keywords : energy equivalence (J/cal), heat (cal), heat energy (cal), mechanical energy (J)

1. How is the principle of the energy equivalence?
2. How many the equivalence value of heat energy and mechanics energy?

1. To understand the principle of the energy equivalence.
2. To know the equivalence value of heat energy and mechanics energy

Heat is the energy transferred between a system and its environment because of a
temperature difference that exists between them (Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, 2011:
484). The word work has a variety of meanings in everyday language. But in physics, work
is given a very specific meaning to describe what is accomplished when a force acts on an
object, and the object moves through a distance. in SI units work is measured in newton-
meters (N-m). A special name is given to this unit, the joule (J): 1 J = 1 N • m. (Giancoli,
2008: 183).
The first law of thermodynamics is a special case of the law of conservation of energy
that encompasses changes in internal energy and energy transfer by heat and work. It is a
law that can be applied to many processes and providesa connection between the
microscopic and macroscopic worlds. If we use the symbol Eint to represent the internal
energy, then the change in internal energy ∆𝐸𝑖𝑛𝑡 can be expressed as

∆𝐸𝑖𝑛𝑡 = 𝑄 + 𝑊 (1.1)
Equation 1.1 is known as the first law of thermodynamics. One of the important
consequences of the first law of thermodynamics is that there exists a quantity known as
internal energy whose value is determined by the state of the system. The internal energy
is therefore a state variable like pressure, volume, and temperature. The first law of
thermodynamics is an energy conservation equation specifying that the only type of energy
that changes in the system is the internal energy Eint (Serway, 2008: 618).
The first law of thermodynamics had been explain about the law of eternity. This law
can be used as a basis for determining equivalence of heat energy (Calories) and mechanical
energy (Joule). The diagram in Figure 1.1 is given Joule experiment. The water in the
calorimeter are within the walls of insulation so that the temperature of the system can not
be affected by the heat into or out of it. By giving potential difference, electric current will
flow through the ammeter, so that the potential difference will arise at the ends of the coil
which will generate electricity businesses on the system to heat the water. This effort is
known as joule heating, which can be expressed as,

W=V×I×t (1.2)

Figure 1. Joule experiment device

where V is the potential difference ends of the elements, I was strong electric current in the
circuit, and t is the time jetting flow to the system (Herman, et al, 2016: 7-8). As early as
the eighteenth century, experimenters had recognized that the amount of heat Q required to
change the temperature of a given material is proportional to the mass m of the material
present and to the temperature change ∆𝑇. This remarkable simplicity in nature can be
expressed in the equation
𝑄 = 𝑚𝑐 ∆𝑇 (1.3)
where c is a quantity characterristic of the material called its specific heat (Giancoli, 2008:
183). Results of experimental joule and experiments afterwards is that it takes 4.18 units of
mechanical or electrical work (joules) to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by
1°C, or 4.18 J mechanical energy or electrical energy is equivalent to 1 cal of heat energy
(Herman, et al, 2016: 8).

1. Equipments List
a. Complete Joule calorimeter (1)
b. Power supply DC variable (1)
c. Basicmeter (1)
d. Celcius Thermometer (1)
e. Stopwatch (1)
f. Ohauss balance 311 gram (1)
g. Connector cable (6)
i. Water

2. Variables Identification
1) Electrical current (A)
2) Potential difference/voltage (V)
3) Intial temperature (℃)
4) Mass of water (gram)
5) Mass of empty calorimeter+mixer (gram)
6) Time (s)
7) Final temperature (℃)

3. Variable Operational Definition

1) Electrical current is the amount of current that flow in experiment circuit. Electrical
current measured using the ammeter with the unit is ampere (A).
2) Potential difference/voltage is the amount of voltage that used in experiment.
Potential difference/voltage measured using voltmeter with the unit is volt.
3) Intial temperature is condition of water temperature before given the heat that
measured using thermometer with the unit is celcius (˚C).
4) Mass of water is the amount of water that we used for experiment that obtained
from mass of calorimeter+mixer+water minus mass of empty calorimeter+mixer,
that was measured using ohauss balance 311 gr with the unit is grams.
5) Mass of empty calorimeter+mixer is mass of empty calorimeter plus with mixer
without water that measured using ohauss balance 311 gr with the unit is grams.
6) Times is duration of giving heat to raise the temperature of water in calorimeter.
Times measured using a stopwatch with the unit is second (s)
7) Final temperature is the amount of water temperature in calorimeter every minutes
after giving the heat and after current in circuit is eliminated that measured using
thermometer with the unit is celcius.

4. Prosedure
In this experiment, we did three activities, which were all the activites have the
same procedures but the different water mass. The steps that must be done were we
should prepare all the equipments we needed, then the Joule experiment equipments
were set. After that, the variables, such as the mass of empty calorimeter + mixer and
mass of calorimeter + water were measured, while the mass of water we got from
subtracting the value of calorimeter + water mass and calorimeter + mixer mass. Then,
after turning on the power supply, we observed the value appoinment of voltage,
electrical current, and initial temperature. After that, every certain interval time (we
used 60 s), we measured the temperature increasing. The value of electrical current that
we used were not more than 2 A.


Observation result
SSV Balance ohauss 311 g = 0.01 g
SSV Voltmeter =1V
SSV Ammeter = 0.01 A
SSV Thermometer =1℃
SSV Stopwatch =1s

First Activity.
Mass of empty calorimeter+mixer, M1 (grams) = |84.210 ± 0.005| gr
Mass of calorimeter+water, M2 (grams) = |207.860 ± 0.005| gr
Mass of water, Ma (gram) = |123.65 ± 0.010| gr
Voltage, v (volt) = |9.2 ± 1.0| v
Electric current, I (A) = |1.965 ± 0.001| A
To = |33.0 ± 0.5|℃
Table 1.Table of observation result in first activity.
Heating time (s) Temperature (℃)
|60.0 ± 0.2| |34.5 ± 0.5|
|120.0 ± 0.2| |36.0 ± 0.5|
|180.0 ± 0.2| |37.5 ± 0.5|
|240.0 ± 0.2| |39.0 ± 0.5|
|300.0 ± 0.2| |40.5 ± 0.5|
Second Activity.
Mass of empty calorimeter+mixer, M1 (grams) = |84.210 ± 0.005| gr
Mass of calorimeter+water, M2 (grams) = |235.280 ± 0.005| gr
Mass of water, Ma (gram) = |151.17 ± 0.010| gr
Voltage, v (volt) = |9.5 ± 0.1| gr
Electric current, I (A) = |1.952 ± 0.001| A
To = |33.0 ± 0.5|℃
Table 2.Table of observation result in second activity
Heating time (s) Temperature (℃)
|60.0 ± 0.1| |34.0 ± 0.5|
|120.0 ± 0.1| |35.0 ± 0.5|
|180.0 ± 0.1| |36.0 ± 0.5|
|240.0 ± 0.1| |37.5 ± 0.5|
|300.0 ± 0.1| |39.0 ± 0.5|

Third Activity.
Mass of empty calorimeter+mixer, M1 (grams) = |84.210 ± 0.005| gr
Mass of calorimeter+water, M2 (grams) = |275.745 ± 0.005| gr
Mass of water, Ma (gram) = |191.54 ± 0.005| gr
Voltage, v (volt) = |9.0 ± 0.1| gr
Electric current, I (A) = |1.867 ± 0.001| A
To = |33.0 ± 0.5|℃
Table 3. Table of observation result in third activity
Heating time (s) Temperature (℃)
|60.0 ± 0.1| |33.5 ± 0.5|
|120.0 ± 0.1| |35.0 ± 0.5|
|180.0 ± 0.1| |36.0 ± 0.5|
|240.0 ± 0.1| |37.0 ± 0.5|
|300.0 ± 0.1| |38.0 ± 0.5|
Based on the results of experiments that have been conducted, it is concluded that.
The temperature rise is directly proportional to the amount of heat. The greater the
temperature rises the amount of heat generated will be greater. Mass substance is directly
proportional to the amount of heat. The greater the mass of a substance is the amount of
heat will increase as well specific heat is directly proportional to the amount of heat. The
greater the value of the specific heat of a substance, the geater the number of heat.
Mathematically formulated is Q = m.c.ΔT.


Herman, et al. 2016. Penuntun Praktikum Fisika Dasar 2. Makassar: Unit Laboratorium
Fisika Dasar Jurusan Fisika UNM.
Giancoli, Douglas C. 2008. Physics for Scientists & Engineers With Modern Physics.
New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
Serway, A. Raymond and John W. Jewett, Jr. Raymond. 2008. Physics For
Scientists And Engineers With Modern Physics. Belmont, CA: Thomson-Brooks/Cole.

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