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Suit yourself! 2.* parte reer salmon - salmon fish -fish sheep -sheep ‘e) ‘Steve y Jenny han legado al z00l6gico y ahora piensan qué animal van air a ver primero Let's find some animals to look at. Miremos algunos animales. Look! On that hill over in the distance. The sheep look like clouds. a iMira! En esa colina all atrs (lit. enlalejania). Las ovejas parecen nubes. I mean zoo animals, not farm animals. Me refiero a los animales del z00\6gico, no alos animales de grania Fine, which animals would you like to see? o Bueno, squé animales te gustaria ver? I'd like to go to the aquarium to see the tropical fish, Me gustaria ir al acuario para verlos peces tropicales Fish are ul ¢ Los peces son aburridos Well, if you're talking about salmon or trout. Tropical fish are much ‘more colourful. Bien, si estas hablando de salmones 0 de truchas. Los peces tropicales son mucho mas coloridos, | prefer to watch animals which make alot of noise, like monkeys or a geese. Prefiero mirar animales que hacen mucho ruido como (os) monos 0 (los) gansos. Fine, let's see the monkeys first then. ‘Bueno, entonces miremos primero os monos. Look! A sheep has jumped over the fence into the lion enclosure! | know lions eat deer and bison in the wild but sheep? Séque los) leanes enia selva comen ciervosy bisontes, zpero ovejas? He looks fairly hungry. ‘ Parece bastante hambriento. That mouse will scare him off, look! I thought only elephants were afraid of mice, and only in cartoons... ‘ .nsaba que solo (los) elefantes les tenian miedo a los ratones, Unicamente en libujos animados. mouse = mice goose- geese trout-trout seer-deer cae) Deer también puede sierve-ceros referie.avenado, eeraeer

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