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Fictional Narrative Rubric 

Exceeding  Proficient  Developing   Beginning  

(4 Points)  (3 Points)  (2 Points)  (1 Point) 

Event/Experience  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece is  My narrative writing piece is  My narrative writing piece 
  CLEARLY​ and creatively  mostly clear when  about an imagined  does not develop an 
develops an imagined  developing an imagined  experience/event, but it  experience/event. 
experience/event.  experience/event.  isn’t clear as to what it is 
exactly about. 

Situation, Narrator, &  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece is  My narrative writing piece is  My narrative writing piece 
Characters  CLEARLY​ establishes a  mostly clear when  about a situation, but it’s  does not 
situation and introduces  establishing a situation and  kind of confusing. I have  establish a situation or 
the narrator and/or  introducing the narrator  little character  introduce a narrator and/or 
characters. My narrative  and/or characters. My  development.  characters. There is no 
writing piece has Great  narrative writing piece has  character development. 
Character development.  good character 

Sequence of Events  The sequence of events in  The sequence of events in  The sequence of events in  My narrative writing piece 
my narrative writing piece  my narrative writing piece  my narrative writing piece  has an inaccurate or 
unfold ​SUBTLY​ and  unfold naturally.  unfold, but it’s awkward in  unclear sequence of 
naturally.  some areas.  events. 

Dialogue & Description  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece 
has C​ONSISTENTLY​ and  has accurately used  has some dialogue and/or  does not include dialogue 
accurately used dialogue  dialogue and/or description  description to develop the  or descriptions. 
and description to develop  to develop the  experience/event. 
the experience/event  experience/event. 
throughout the narrative. 
Transitions  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece 
has a ​VARIETY​ of transitional  has transitional words,  has some transitional  does not include 
words, phrases, & clauses  phrases, & clauses.  words, phrases, or clauses.  transitional words, phrases 
to manage the sequence of  or clauses. 

Word Choice  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece 
has ​STRONG​ & concrete  has concrete  has some concrete  has unclear words and 
words/phrases to precisely  words/phrases to tell the  words/phrases to tell  phrases to tell the story. 
tell the reader about the  reader about the  about the experience/event, 
experience/event.  experience/event.  but it is unclear or 
inaccurate in some areas. 

Sensory Detail  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece 
has a ​VARIETY​ of sensory  has some sensory details  has few sensory details to  has no sensory details. 
details to ​PRECISELY ​tell the  to tell the reader about  describe the 
reader about the  the experience/event.  experience/event. 

Conclusion  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece  My narrative writing piece 
provides a ​STRONG  provides a conclusion that  provides a conclusion, but  does not provide a 
conclusion​ ​that follows  mostly follows the  it does not follow the  conclusion. 
the sequence of the  sequence of the narrated  sequence of the narrated 
narrated experience/event.  experience/event.  experience/event. 

Mechanics   My writing was peer edited  My writing was peer edited  My Writing was not peer  My writing was not peer 
and contains ​NO​ mistakes.  and contains a few  edited and contains several  edited and is full of 
(Spelling & Grammar) 
mistakes.  mistakes.  mistakes. 

Total: _____ / 36 Points 

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