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Ancient Man and His First Civilizations Mesoamerica

Mexico and Central America

Olmec decline

The circumstances of Olmec decline, whether by military defeat, cultural exhaustion or environmental
catastrophe is unknown, however evidence does suggest a violent end. What is known, is that Olmec
cultural traits and technology were embraced, and carried forward by the Amerindian peoples in
Mesoamerica and South America. The most prominent Olmec technology carried forward was
building construction, especially Pyramid building. All of the later major American Indian cultures
(south of the United States), engaged in Pyramid building. Pottery and metallurgy were also
important Olmec contributions to the Americas.
Kaminaljuyu Guatemala

Kaminaljuyu is a site of the early Maya civilization that was primarily occupied from 1500 B.C. to 1200
A.D. Kaminaljuyu has been described as one of the greatest of all archaeological sites in the New
World. The known parts of Kaminaljuyu lie on a broad plain beneath roughly the western third of
modern Guatemala City. First significant settlement dates to the Arévalo phase, ca. 1100-1000 B.C,
with indications of dense populations no later than ca. 700 B.C. By the end of the Las Charcas culture
(1000-700 B.C.) Kaminaljuyu was developing religious and civic institutions. Scattered Las Charcas
remains throughout the Valley of Guatemala mark a major occupation of the area at sites such as El
Naranjo; at this latter site, as well as at El Portón some 50 kilometers to the north and Takalik Abaj,
130 kilometers to the west in the lower piedmont plain, uncarved upright shaft stones called stelae,
mark the first appearance of a cult of time-reckoning, which became one of the bases for the
institution of Maya kingship. The architecture of Middle Preclassic structures consisted of hardened
adobe bricks that served later, as foundations for raised platforms and pyramidal temples.
Excavations indicate that from early in the Middle Preclassic period the community was large enough
to produce heavy refuse deposits. Cotton was grown as well as maize; palaeobotanical research also
has identified anonas, avocados, cacao, black beans, palm nuts, plums, and sapodilla (zapote blanco).
Arboriculture developed - with groves of crop trees grown in terraces down to the edges of great
ravines. Specialists practiced loom-weaving and were expert potters. Large-scale workshops for
obsidian tool-making were spread around the ancient city. Religious practices that would later be
further developed throughout Mesoamerica were elaborating during the early Middle Preclassic at
Kaminaljuyu, including the erection of mounds to serve as substructures for small shrines or
funerary/administrative temples, the development of a complex pantheon of deities - probably based
on some primordial mythology and cosmology of which the Popol Vuh represents a fragment - and
euhemerism, an incensario and stela cult, and warfare to procure captives for royal sacrifice.
The Caribbean
The Izapan

Neither the Olmec civilization, nor the Olmec people, died off suddenly. There was a gradual process
of one ascending and the other descending. Though fundamentally Olmec, the Izapan civilization is a
clear example of a midpoint between the Olmec and the Classic Maya {the next great civilization}, in
time and cultural content. For the following early Maya traits are found there: the stele–altar
complex, long-lipped deities, hieroglyphic writing and Long Count dates on some monuments, U-
shaped motifs, and painted reliefs.
The Maya

The Maya were the first of the

Amerindian people to gain hegemony in
MesoAmerica {Mexico and Central
America}. From as early as 1500 B.C, the
Maya people had settled in villages and
were practicing agriculture based on the
cultivation of corn (maize), beans, and
squash. They also began to build
ceremonial centers, and by 200 A.D,
these had developed into cities
containing temples, pyramids, palaces,
plazas, and courts for playing ball. There
was also a system of hieroglyphic writing
and highly sophisticated calendar and
astronomical systems. At this point it is not known how much of this was uniquely Mayan, and how
much was taken directly from the Olmec.

Mayan hieroglyphs often depict the histories of Mayan rulers who waged war on rival Mayan cities
and took their aristocrats captive. These captives were then tortured, mutilated, and sacrificed to the
Mayan gods.
Torture and human sacrifice were fundamental religious rituals of Mayan society; they were thought
to guarantee fertility, demonstrate piety, and propitiate the gods, and if such practices were
neglected, cosmic disorder and chaos were thought to result. The drawing of human blood was
thought to nourish the gods and was thus necessary to achieve contact with them; hence the Mayan
rulers, as the intermediaries between the Mayan people and the gods, had to undergo ritual
bloodletting and self-torture.
Maya Vases with Roll-outs
Above is one panel of the oldest known Maya mural, discovered in 2001 at the ancient Maya city of
San Bartolo in the lowlands of northeastern Guatemala. The mural tells the story of creation, the
mythology of kingship, and the divine right of a king. The first part of the mural shows the
establishment of order in the world. The world is propped up by trees with roots leading to the
underworld and branches holding up the sky. Four deities, who are representations of the maize god's
son, provide a blood sacrifice and a unique offering before each tree.

The story starts with the deity above, who is patron of kings, standing in water. He's running a large
spear through his own penis, letting blood. Each additional panel depicts rituals and sacrifice
culminating in the crowning of the king.

The Maya however, were not only interested in ritual and sacrifice: In mathematics, positional
notation and the use of the zero represented a pinnacle of intellectual achievement. Mayan
astronomy underlay a complex calendar system involving an accurately determined solar year (18
months of 20 days, plus an unlucky 5-day period), a sacred year of 260 days (13 cycles of 20 named
days), and a variety of longer cycles culminating in the Long Count, based on a zero date in 3114 BC.
Mayan astronomers compiled precise tables of positions for the Moon and Venus and were able to
predict solar eclipses.


Science 11 May 2012: Ancient Maya Astronomical Tables from Xultun, Guatemala - William A.
Saturno, David Stuart, Anthony F. Aveni, Franco Rossi.

Maya astronomical tables are recognized in bark-paper books from the Late Postclassic period (1300 to
1521 C.E.), but Classic period (200 to 900 C.E.) precursors have not been found. In 2011, a small painted
room was excavated at the extensive ancient Maya ruins of Xultun, Guatemala, dating to the early 9th
century C.E. The walls and ceiling of the room are painted with several human figures. Two walls also
display a large number of delicate black, red, and incised hieroglyphs. Many of these hieroglyphs are
calendrical in nature and relate astronomical computations, including at least two tables concerning the
movement of the Moon, and perhaps Mars and Venus. These apparently represent early astronomical
tables and may shed light on the later books.
Composite view of the scene

The next culture to arise was that of Teotihuacán, it was the most important and largest city of pre-
Aztec central Mexico, located about 30 miles northeast of modern Mexico City. At its height (about
500 A.D.), it encompassed some 20 square miles and supported a population estimated at 200,000
people, making it at the time, one of the largest cities in the world. Their language is unknown, their
ethnicity appears to be Olmec.
Unfortunately no ancient Teotihuacano texts are known to exist, but the city is occasionally referred
to in the texts of Maya monuments, these show that Teotihuacan nobility traveled to and married
with the families of local rulers as far away as Honduras.
Maya hieroglyphs mention a “Spearthrower Owl”, apparently an Emperor of Teotihuacan, who
reigned for over 60 years and apparently imposed his relatives as kings of the cities of Tikal and
Uaxactun, which were cities in Guatemala. The city also had large numbers of merchants, many of
whom had immigrated there from great distances. The priest-Emperor who governed the city also
staged grand religious pageants and ceremonies that often involved human sacrifices.
The Zapotec of Monte Albán

The next great culture was that of the Zapotec, their capital city of Monte Albán, was built over a
period of 2,000 years, starting at about 900 B.C. Though their early art shows Olmec influence, there
can be little doubt that the people of Monte Albán were Zapotec. Who during Classic times had the
opportunity to develop their civilization, unaffected by the major troubles that disturbed Teotihuacán
and the Maya at the close of the Early Classic period.
The Mixtec

Then came the Mixtec people, who flourished between 1200 A.D, and 1521 A.D. They were
contemporaneous with the Aztecs but managed to retain their independence. Their homeland was a
mountainous region in Oaxaca, southern Mexico, known as the Mixteca. They also came to dominate
areas of Oaxaca previously under the control of the Zapotec civilization, notably the city of Monte
Albán. The Mixtecs were renowned for their skilled work with gold and turquoise mosaic, many of
them were employed as artisans by Aztec kings.
The Huastec

Next are the Huastec, they are thought to date back to approximately 1000 B.C, however their most
productive period is usually considered to be the Post-Classic era, between the fall of Teotihuacan and
the rise of the Aztec Empire. They constructed temples on step-pyramids, carved independent
standing sculptures, and produced elaborately painted pottery. The Huastec were unusual for being
the only highly advanced people, who built cities, yet usually wore no clothing.

Cacaxtla is the name of a Late Classic to Epiclassic (600-900 A.D.) city in the Puebla Valley, Tlaxcala,
Mexico. At its height, Cacaxtla had a population of about 10,000 Olmeca-Xicalanca people. Cacaxtla
conquered Cholulu in the 7th century A.D, and became the capital of the valley, blending Nahua,
Mixtecs and Chochopolocans, until they in turn were overthrown by the Toltecs.

Nearby Xochitecatl, unlike other contemporary sites, appears to have been a purely ceremonial center
for a population dispersed through the surrounding countryside rather than the center of an urban
The Toltecs

Then there were the Toltecs, who dominated much of central Mexico around 1200 A.D. Their
language “Nahuatl”, was also spoken by the Aztecs. They were a militaristic nomadic people, and they
or their ancestors may have sacked the city of Teotihuacan in 750 A.D.

Priest wearing the Human skin of sacrificed victims

Above, and to the right, we have a priest wearing the
skin of a sacrificed victim. A living human, clothed in a
sacrificial victim's skin, (this is clearly visible around
the mouth and wrists). This type of image is among the
most awesome and most disturbing ever created by
Mesoamerican artists. It expresses the deeply held
belief that death is necessary to life. Accordingly, such
figures were associated with fertility, rain, and the
springtime renewal of the earth's vegetation. Perhaps
the wearer, upon shedding the skin, was perceived as
a sprout, emerging from a withered husk. Such figures
also had military meanings.

The Tlaxcalteca
The Tlaxcalteca were originally a conglomeration of three distinct ethnic groups who spoke Nahuatl,
Otomi and Pinome, respectively. Eventually, the Nahuatl speakers became the dominant ethnic
group. Despite early attempts by the Mexica, the Tlaxcalteca were never conquered by the Aztec
Triple Alliance. The Aztecs allowed them to maintain their independence so that they could
participate in the xochiyaoyatl (flower wars) with them, which provided victims for the Aztec rituals
requiring human sacrifice.

The Tlaxcaltecas served as allies to Hernán Cortés and his fellow Spanish conquistadors, and were
instrumental in the invasion of Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec empire: and helping the Spanish
reach the Valley of Anahuac, they provided most of the invasion force.

Due to their alliance with the Spanish Crown in the conquest of Mexico, the Tlaxcalteca enjoyed some
privileges among the indigenous peoples of Mexico, including the right to carry firearms, ride horses,
hold noble title and to rule their settlements autonomously. The Tlaxcalteca were also instrumental in
the establishment of a number of settlements in Northern Mexico (including parts of present-day
southeastern Texas), where conquest of local tribes by the Spaniards had proved unfruitful. They
were taken to areas inhabited by nomadic bellicose tribes (known as the Chichimeca) to serve as
examples for the local indigenous groups of model subjects of the Spanish Crown, and to work in
mines and haciendas. The Tlaxcaltec colonies in the Chichimeca included settlements in the modern
states of San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas, Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo León — Nueva Tlaxcala de Nuestra
Señora de Guadalupe de Horcasistas, today known as Guadalupe, and Santiago de las Sabinas, today
known as Sabinas Hidalgo — and Jalisco (Villa de Nueva Tlaxcala de Quiahuistlán, today known as

Because the Tlaxcalans allied themselves with the Spanish to defeat the Aztecs, they were rewarded
with concessions from the Spanish that allowed the territory to remain mostly intact throughout 300
years of colonial period. After Mexican Independence, Tlaxcala was declared a federal territory, until
1857 when it was admitted as a state of the federation.

The Aztec
The last of the great MesoAmerican
cultures were the Aztec, they were a
Nahuatl-speaking people, who in
the 15th and early 16th centuries,
ruled a large empire in what is now
central and southern Mexico. The
Aztec are so-called from the word
Aztlán (“White Land”), an allusion to
their place of origin, possibly in
northern Mexico. They were also
called the "Tenochca" from a
mythical ancestor "Tenoch" and the
"Mexica" probably from Metzliapán
(“Moon Lake”), the mystical name
for Lake Texcoco. From “Tenochca”
was derived the name of their great
city, Tenochtitlán; and from
“Mexica” came the name for the city
that succeeded the Aztec capital,
and the surrounding valley. This
name was applied later to the whole
Mexican nation.
By 1492 A.D, Europeans (the Spaniards), had discovered the "New World" (smile: it had a 100 million

Christopher Columbus, had earlier landed in the Caribbean, and had set in motion the killing, looting
and subjugation of the Arawak and Caribe indians that he had found there. This precipitated the mass
influx of Europeans, (mostly at this time from Spain and Portugal), who all had the same thing in
mind, plundering and looting.
Now enters Hernando Cortes: After several years as a gentleman farmer on the Caribbean island of
Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican republic). Hernando Cortes (a Spaniard), now felt the desire
for adventure and booty, accordingly he joined the military expedition of Diego de Velazquez, which
was bent on capturing Cuba. After that victory, Cortes became the mayor of Santiago Cuba, and
married the sister-in-law of Velazquez. In 1518, Velazquez gave Cortes permission to form a small
force of about 550 men, with a fleet of eleven ships, to conduct an exploration of Mexico.

In 1519 Cortez landed in Mexico, the first great cities that Cortes encountered, were the cities of the
Totonacs, he first went to Cempoala, (population about 80,000). Here they told Cortes of the great
and rich Empire of the Aztec people further inland, {and it is here at this time that Cortes is offered
twenty young women as his slaves, one of them is an Aztec maiden, later to be known as Malinche,
she will serve as his interpreter with the Aztec}.

"La Malinche" Slave, interpreter, secretary, mistress, and mother of the first "Mexican", their son
"Don Mahin Cortes", her very name still stirs up controversy. Many Mexicans continue to revile the
woman called Doña Marina by the Spaniards and La Malinche by the Aztecs, labeling her a traitor and
harlot for her role as the alter ego of Hernando Cortes as he conquered Mexico. Her ability to
communicate also enabled the Spaniards to introduce Christianity. Herself a convert and baptized
Marina, she was an advocate for her new faith.

Her story, is one that causes great consternation to the non-European people of Mexico. There is
however, no room to go into it here.

Likewise, there is no room to go in-depth into the

relationship between the Aztec people, and the people
that they maintained Hegemony over. Suffice to say,
that the Aztec required the people that they had
conquered, to participate in what were called,
“Flowery Wars”. These were mock battles, where the
Aztec, after symbolically capturing an enemy (who
would be un-injured), would then have an un-
blemished candidate, for sacrifice to their gods.

Needless to say, the tribes saw Cortez and his cannon

as a god-sent. Each tribe raised its army, and rallied to
Cortez, (these numbered in the many tens of
thousands). Of course the tribes would quickly come to
regret this, after the Aztec had been defeated.

Next Cortez encountered the Tlaxcalans, they also

joined. And on they went to confront the Aztec. In
Tenochtitlan Montezuma hears of the pale invaders.
He considers Cortés to be Quetzacoatl, the great god
who left Mexico many years before, on a raft of
snakes, vowing to return. And who, according to legend, had taught them about agriculture and
government and whose return they were to welcome with great ceremony. Believing the Spanish to
be descendants of the god Quetzalcoatl, Montezuma tries to persuade them to leave by offering rich

Also knowing of this Aztec myth (probably from Malinche) Cortes exploits the Aztec myth of a pale
skinned, bearded god-king named Quetzalcoatl as he approaches Tenochtitlan. Montezuma made an
attempt to stop Cortes, but his defenses lacked unity and tenacity both because of the Quetzalcoatl
legend, which dictated that his people welcome the return of the "white god," and the fear generated
by the sight of Spanish horses and firearms, which the Aztecs had never seen before. As a result of
their quandary, as well as the the tactic used by the Spanish conquistadors and their allies of actually
killing their enemies in battle as opposed to capturing them for sacrifice. By the time the Aztecs had
caught on and changed their tactics, it was too late. Cortes quickly defeated their army and on
November 18, 1519, Cortes entered the Aztec capital and imprisoned Montezuma. Later, after seeing
that Montezuma had no value as a hostage, he was later killed.

Note the Black soldier with Cortes

The above is of course typical of White "Fantasy History". Click here for more on the Aztec: Click >>>
st of the Americas

ally come about because of a local Race War?

re >>>

The Aztec continued to battle for quite a bit longer, but the die was already cast, with all of the other
tribes against them, the Aztec cause was hopeless. Of course after the Aztec were defeated, the
Spanish turned on the tribes, and one by one they were defeated and enslaved. Then the plundering
and looting, which had already begun, could proceed in ernest. The subsequent killing, slavery and
disease would destroy over 75% of the population, and bring an end to the MesoAmerican cultures
and most of their people.

The People behind the Destruction

ter to the Taino/Arawak Indians

hich King Ferdinand sent along with Columbus on his second voyage to Haiti. It was to be communicated to the Taino/Arawak Indians. I
g wants the Indians to acknowledge the Christian religion and God, and to accept the authority of the King of Spain.
In the name of King Ferdinand and Juana, his daughter, Queen of Castile and Leon, etc.,
barbarian nations, we notify you as best we can that our Lord God Eternal created Heav
man and woman from whom we all descend for all times and all over the world. In the 5
creation the multitude of these generations caused men to divide and establish kingdom
of the world, among whom God chose St. Peter as leader of mankind, regardless of thei
He seated St. Peter in Rome as the best place from which to rule the world but he allow
his seat in all parts of the world and rule all people, whether Christians, Moors, Jews, Ge
sect. He was named Pope, which means admirable and greatest father, governor of all m
lived at that time obeyed St. Peter as Lord and superior King of the universe, and so did
obey his successors and so on to the end of time.

The late Pope gave these islands and mainland of the ocean and the contents hereof to
mentioned King and Queen, as is certified in writing and you may see the documents if y
desire. Therefore, Their Highnesses are lords and masters of this land; they were acknow
when this notice was posted, and were and are being served willingly and without resist
religious envoys were acknowledged and obeyed without delay, and all subjects uncond
their own free will became Christians and thus they remain. Their Highnesses received t
joy and benignity and decreed that they be treated in this spirit like good and loyal vass
under the obligation to do the same.

Therefore, we request that you understand this text, deliberate on its contents within a
and recognize the Church and its highest priest, the Pope, as rulers of the universe, and
King and Queen of Spain as rulers of this land, allowing the religious fathers to preach o
you. You own compliance as a duty to the King and we in his name will receive you with
respecting your freedom and that of your wives and sons and your rights of possession a
compel you to baptism unless you, informed of the Truth, wish to convert to our holy Ca
almost all your neighbors have done in other islands, in exchange for which Their Highn
privileges and exemptions upon you. Should you fail to comply, or delay maliciously in s
you that with the help of God we shall use force against you, declaring war upon you fro
with all possible means, and we shall bind you to the yoke of the Church and of Their Hi
enslave your persons, wives and sons, sell you or dispose of you as the King sees fit; we
possessions and harm you as much as we can as disobedient and resisting vassals. And w
guilty of resulting deaths and injuries, exempting Their Highnesses of such guilt as well a
accompany us. We hereby request that legal signatures be affixed to this text and pray those present to bear witness for us, etc.
Banquet of Chestnuts

The Banquet of Chestnuts, known more properly as the Balle

Chestnuts, refers to a fête in Rome, and particularly to a supp
the Papal Palace by Don Cesare Borgia, son of Pope Alexande
October 30, 1501. An account of the banquet is preserved in a
by Protonotary Apostolic and Master of Ceremonies Johann B
is entitled Liber Notarum).

The banquet was given in Cesare's apartments in the Palazzo

Fifty prostitutes or courtesans were in attendance for the ent
of the banquet guests. After the food was eaten, lamp stands
lighted candles were placed on the floor and chestnuts strew
The clothes of the courtesans were auctioned; then the prost
the guests crawled naked among the lamp stands to pick up t
chestnuts. Immediately following the spectacle, members of
and other party guests together engaged with the prostitutes
activity. According to Burchard, "prizes were offered--silken d
pairs of shoes, hats and other garments--for those men who w
successful with the prostitutes".

According to William Manchester, "Servants kept score of eac

orgasms, for the pope greatly admired virility and measured a
machismo by his ejaculative capacity." Another source states
Alexander VI was actually there and himself suggested the sc
method. Manchester also refers to the use of sex toys; Burcha
however, makes no reference to this in his account of the ban
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, tried to save the native Americans, but the White greed was too
great, he failed.
Charles oversaw the Spanish colonization of the Americas, inclu
the conquest of both the Aztec Empire and the Inca Empire.
Uncomfortable with how his viceroys were governing the Amer
vis-à-vis the Native Americans, Charles consulted figures such a
Francisco de Vitoria and Bartolomé de las Casas on the morality

Though always at war, Charles was essentially a lover of peace,

all his wars were virtually defensive. "Not greedy of territory", w
Marcantonio Contarini in 1536, "but most greedy of peace and
quiet." Charles retired in 1556. The Habsburg Monarchy passed
Charles' younger brother Ferdinand, whereas the Spanish Empi
inherited by his son Philip II.
Mexico's Black President

Mexico's 2nd President and First (and only) Black President - Vicente Guerrero (10 August 1782 – 14
February 1831)
He was a major military leader during Mexico's war For Independence and as president ended slavery
in his nation on September 15, 1829 (In office
1 April 1829 – 17 December 1829).

(Posthumous 1850 portraits - he was probably not so mulatto)

Naturally - The Albinos have a fake painting, depicting Vicente Guerrero as an Albino!

His Proclamation:

The President of the United States of Mexico, know ye: That desiring to celebrate in the year of 1829
the anniversary of our independence with an act of justice and national beneficence, which might
result in the benefit and support of a good, so highly to be appreciated, which might cement more and
more the public tranquility, which might reinstate an unfortunate part of its inhabitants in the sacred
rights which nature gave them, and which the nation protects by wise and just laws, in conformance
with the 30th article of the constitutive act, in which the use of extraordinary powers are ceded to

I have thought it proper to decree:

1st. Slavery is abolished in the republic.

2nd. Consequently, those who have been until now considered slaves are free.
3rd. When the circumstances of the treasury may permit, the owners of the slaves will be indemnified
in the mode that the laws may provide.

And in order that every part of this decree may be fully complied with, let it be printed, published,
and circulated. Given at the Federal Palace of Mexico, the 15th of September, 1829. Vicente Guerrero
to José María Bocanegra. However, Guerrero immediately received strong warnings from Texas,
where most of the slaveholders were located, of "serious inconvenience apprehended by the
execution of the decree of the 15th of September last, on the subject of abolition of slavery in that
department and the fatal results to be expected, prejudicial to the tranquility and even to the political
existence of the state." Thus, scarcely two months later, Guerrero sent a note dated 20 November
communicating to the governor and military garrisons of Texas that the Texas slaves would remain

On 4 December 1829, Vice-President Anastasio Bustamante rose in revolt against Guerrero (Plan de
Guerrero received permission from Congress to take the field to combat the rebels. Later, the military
garrison of Mexico City joined the Plan de Jalapa against Guerrero and installed an executive
triumvirate of Pedro Vélez, Lucas Alamán and Luis de Quintanar. Guerrero hoped to come back to
power, but Bustamante captured him through bribery and had him executed. After his death,
Mexicans loyal to Guerrero revolted, driving Bustamante from his presidency and forcing him to flee
for his life. Picaluga, a former friend of Guerrero, who conspired with Bustamante to capture
Guerrero, was executed. Honors were conferred on surviving members of Guerrero's family, and a
pension was paid to his widow. In 1842, Vicente Guerrero's body was returned to Mexico City and
interred there.

After the death of Vicente Guerrero, the fortunes of Mexico's Blacks and Darks went down, and
stayed down:

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