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2A 1145-1245 ENGLISH
THEME World or Self, Family and Friends
TOPIC Get Dressed!
LINUS K1-K2 / K3-K12
LANGUAGE / Clothes vocabularies: clothes, jeans, sweater, jacket, skirt, shorts,
GRAMMAR FOCUS cap, shoes, socks, T-shirt, trousers
Imperative: Put on
SKILLS Listening Reading
CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Understand meaning in a 3.3 Read independently for
variety of familiar contexts information and enjoyment
LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.2 Understand with support 3.3.1 Read and enjoy simple
specific information and details print and digital games at
of simple sentences sentence level
By the end of the lesson, pupils should able to:
LEARNING OBJECTIVE listen to the name of the clothes read at least 5 names of he
SUCCESS CRITERIA 1. Pupils repeat the words 1. Pupils say the words with the
correct pronunciation.
HOTS / CCE Creation Language
TEACHING AIDS Textbook, workbook, visualizer, pictures of clothes, PowerPoint
PRE 1. Teacher points to some of own clothes and
LESSON (Starter) elicit any that pupils know.
ACTIVITIES (Hinge Question: Anyone one knows what is
this? Answer: Dress/T-shirt/Blouse…)
2. Write clothes in a circle on the board and write
the word they say.
Development 3. Teacher shows pictures of clothes in
4. Teacher says the word for pupils to repeat in
5. Pupils say the word when teacher points to the
item on their friends are wearing it.
6. Match Making:
(a) Teacher distributes cards to everyone.
(b) Yellow cards are the name of clothes.
Pink cards are the picture of clothes.
(c) Pupils given 10 minutes to find their pair.
7. Pupils stand side by side and say out the
words with guidance.
8. Worksheet.
Plenary 9. Recap on the lesson. Traffic Light.
(QnA Session)
Red card: ‘No’
Green card: ‘Yes’
Yellow card: ‘Not Sure’
Attendance ----- / -----
Skill ----- / ----- pupils are able to achieve the
stipulated learning objective.
*Lesson is postponed due to:

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