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The Joshua Chronicles, Book 1

From 3rd person

It is 2056, the US is still the predominate world power. They even made space force, a
space military to take down missiles and protect our colony on the moon, Andrew Pauls is the
commander of this mighty weapon. NASA and Space-X have both been eliminated. Joshua
Nsimbe took over Space-X and renamed it Josh-X. Diego Luna took over NASA, privatized it,
and renamed it Galactic Inc. Right now, the US is focused on a top-secret laboratory 100 stories
below ground in the middle of the Arizona desert. The lab is run by Joshua Nsimbe. This lab is
so secret, only the Nsimbe organization knows what it is doing. The USA is trying to figure out
what that lab is, and what it is studying, or creating.
The US troops have just entered the facility, when the ground next to the facility opens
and a rocket flies out. Once into the labs, the troops realize that all the employees, research, and
experiments have been evacuated from the site aboard the rocket. The troops alert the president,
who relays the information to Space Force command. Space Force command sends a few ships
to the Moon colony to protect it, and a few more to find the rocket. After a few hours of
searching, the rocket was still not found. Space Force speculated that the rocket must have
landed somewhere back on Earth before they could find it.
A few days later, the rocket was found in a Josh-X complex in Northern Alaska. Through
a thorough exploration of the complex, they discovered 1-foot-wide eggs! “What kind of
creatures will hatch from these monstrous eggs,” the troops thought. Then before their very eyes,
the eggs hatched into 3 – feet long grey caterpillars. The troops stole all the caterpillars and eggs
and took them back to Space Force headquarters. After analyzing their DNA, they realized that,
if exposed to radiation, they would get mutated beyond recognition. After that discovery they
immediately killed and burned the caterpillars and eggs. What they didn’t know is that one of the
capsules containing ten caterpillars fell out of the rocket over Central Burma. Ten might not
seem like a lot, but caterpillars multiply rapidly.
From Andrew’s perspective
We then set out to negotiate with Josh to not make any more caterpillars. If the
negotiations didn’t work, we would have to move up to taking out his rockets with the full power
of Space Force. We showed up at his central rocket complex in Northern Michigan, but he
wasn’t there. Then we realized that he would probably be at his meeting headquarters in
Chicago. We stormed in and Josh realized it was in his best interest to stop producing
caterpillars. He agreed to destroy the underground lab in Arizona if we wanted him to. But, we
decided that we would rather take it over instead. We thought we had finally stopped the
madness. We were right, until Josh came up with a new, even more “brilliant” idea…
From Josh’s Perspective as a kid
My first thought was genetically modified caterpillars, but that failed so plan B was to
send the trash under the ocean, I called the plan Trench Island. My plan C was Space Trash. In
other words, I would send the trash to space, to the moon to be specific. I was determined to go
through with Space Trash because I had no Plan C. I was going through with Space Trash no
matter what anyone said. Nothing would stop me.
From Josh’s Perspective at the present time
My company had another venture to eliminate pollution. The venture was in the depths of
the ocean by launching the trash into the ocean. This venture would be my most expensive
project in the history of the company. The project will be called Trench Island because we will
be launching the trash in the ocean in heavy-duty containers. The project had 10 cargo ships
launching the trash into the deepest part of the ocean in the Mariana Trench.
I was the only one to believe that Trench Island was environmentally safe. All my
advisors say this will decimate the ocean population, and the ramifications would affect
everyone, but they also said if we succeed, we could make a profit by having built-in explosives
so if you do not pay your fee we will release some amount of the trash. We are going to launch
off the coast of China because I own property there. When the 1st cargo ship dumped its load, it
was complete and outstanding success. The international backlash from the world’s governments
contested my position and my conflict was called trench wars for exaggeration. I couldn’t
believe how much backlash I was getting, since it has been just one cargo ship launching off the
coast of China.

Fifty percent of the world population decided not to pay their fee for their garbage. My
company just released 50 percent of the trash in the containers. We don’t think of this as a loss,
but as an example of what happens. The people took the example and ran with it and we had a
boost in profit tenfold. The garbage from the containers mutated the surrounding fish making
them ten times larger. My company patented the sea life that was mutated. Creatures that were
created looked like monsters like the Loch Ness Monster and the Kraken. I decided to make a
park of sea life for the creatures that were mutated. The park was underwater near the containers
for advertising. The park had the animals in cages in the shape of bubbles, but the cages were so
big cages that the animals did not even notice the barriers. The park was a giant success in such a
tremendous way that it made my company look amazing and decently environmentally

The problem was that since we switched from trying to eliminate the trash to trying to
make an amusement park, there was still a lot of pollution. Rather than launching more
containers, I decided that we should just ignore the pollution and enjoy our profits. But, a bunch
of people lead a march saying that we would have to get rid of the pollution or they would get rid
of my company. We decided that if we put more containers, it would ruin our park, so we
decided that Space Trash was our best option (mostly because it was plan C and we didn’t want
to make a new plan).
Decades after my childhood thoughts about Space Trash, I went to the Josh-X meeting
headquarters and scheduled a board meeting with Elon Musk II, my second in command. Elon II
is crazy, and “revolutionary” like me. I forcibly took Space-X (now Josh-X) from Elon I but
allowed his son, Elon II to be a board member. I needed a plan for Space Trash to work
successfully. The plan was to have four stages with one rocket each. The first rocket launched
and nuked the moon out of orbit. The moon colony launched off just in time. The moon was like
a comet flying towards Earth in flames. When the moon was in the atmosphere, it scraped the top
of the tallest building and making that it’s new orbit. The second rocket hollowed out the moon
for the plastic with nukes. All of the material that was hollowed out of the moon landed in
Kansas, creating the world’s newest, tallest mountain. I decided to name it Mt. Josh. The third
rocket filled the moon with plastic. The fourth and final rocket nuked the moon to its original
My “little” error on the calculations blew up the moon. Earth did not have tides for 5
months, and the water cycle is needed for the oxygen production. Oxygen went so low we had to
artificially produce oxygen. I had a plan to take a moon from Jupiter. The operation was to send
100,000 rockets to Jupiter to steal one of its moons. Only 1% of the rockets touched down on the
moon, but it was just enough to get the new moon. During a press conference, I said “In the end,
the world owes me everything for the moon I gave back.”
After all that, I decided to just send 1 huge rocket full of 80% of the world’s plastic into
space. I didn’t care where in space it ended up. The huge rocket was finally built and filled with
plastic after 3 months. Since it was so expensive, I decided not to put the heat resistant plates on
the front of it. I said that they were “unnecessary.” When I launched the rocket, it blew up in the
sky, sending burning plastic and red-hot metal back to Earth.
From Diego’s perspective
The sound of explosions stunned everyone at Galactic Inc. The world was getting
bombarded by small pieces of plastic lit on fire and pieces of hot metal. Whatever those things
touched, they set on fire. Everything was burning in a matter of seconds. My employees had no
idea what was going on. Everyone in the Galactic Inc. headquarters building looked at me for
what to do since I was the leader of the company. I honestly had no idea what to do since we had
never prepared for something like this, so we all went to the secret bunker below the building.
The amount of oxygen outside was dropping even more! The burning plastic was sending
toxic fumes in the air that weren’t letting people breathe well. People were constantly passing
away because of the lack of oxygen and the poisonous gasses. People were disturbed and freaked
out. Nobody knew what was going on. Everybody looked to the president. He said, “It’s ok, this
is just a minor problem for the world, everything will get better soon.” Easy for him to say, he
was in a bunker, 50 feet below the ground with food and gas masks too last him a lifetime!
Just when we thought things couldn’t get worse, the president accidentally pushes the
nuke button instead of the coffee button! He starts a nuclear war on accident, just because he
tripped while looking for the coffee button. The rest of the world responds with more nukes, and
soon, a world war breaks out for survival. The president is a moron. Everybody is scared that a
nuke will devastate their hometown. Our only hope is to go to the skies.
We start building a rocket to find the Nsimbe organization. We send it up with no one
aboard and it comes back down in flames as soon as it leaves. They are all wide eyed and freaked
out. We send a camera into space and it sees a giant space warship. It detects our camera and
obliterates it. We don’t know how to get into space without getting shot down, so we do nothing.
As a battle rages in Russia, giant mutated caterpillars come out of Burma and start eating and
destroying everything! As if it couldn’t get worse! These caterpillars are 15 feet long, 8 feet tall,
and 5 feet wide, meaning that they can swallow your Prius whole and not care if you have
insurance or not. These things have 3 eyes that can shoot lasers, they also have wings, poisonous
spikes on their backs that can shoot wherever they are pointing, 2 foot long canines on the top
and bottom jaw, 7 rows of razor-sharp rotating teeth inside their mouth, they can shoot acid out
of their mouths, they can breathe fire, and they can reproduce at lightning speed. They can
reproduce so fast that 500 more can pop up in just a week!
The caterpillars go to the rest of the world. As they come, a bunch or fighter jet looking
space ships come swooping down out of the sky and start gunning these caterpillars down. I
think, “Wow, if we teamed up with whatever company made these ships, we could definitely
beat Josh.” I take a closer look at the ships and see a Space Force symbol on each one of them. I
do some research and find out that Space Force is like a privatized military including space
warships run by Andrew Pauls. I call him up, tell him our problem, and he immediately decides
to team up with us. We teamed up with Space Force, so we can both work together to make a
fleet with enough firepower to defeat Josh-X. We worked together and made these high-tech
miniature space ships that can be piloted by a few people. Throughout our research, we
discovered that they can control the caterpillars by implanting microchips in their brains so that
you can control them with a remote control. We utilize those as part of our fleet and prepare to
launch into space.
We finish building the last rocket, and we are about to launch. As the clock hits zero, we
launch it along with all the other rockets. As we are in the air, the Galactic Inc. station blows up!
The entire thing! It was a terrorist attack and we can’t do anything about it because they can’t go
back, it’s too late. We are now in space and as the death star starts shooting at us, we turn on the
shields on our ships. We unleash the caterpillars (which can survive in space) and they start
demolishing the death star. The death star shoots down most of the caterpillars and shoots down
some of our ships! We can’t do anything else, so we just stay there, and try to fight back. I think
to myself, “We can’t go down like this.” I get into a one-man ship and flies to the death star to
try to blow it up in what seems a vain attempt. Josh X troopers come out of nowhere and start
firing at me. I get back into my ship and fly out of the death star. I notice a power core on the
outside but there now way I can blow it up, because I am out of missiles. It must be an explosion;
my lasers won’t work. I rethink what I’m about to do and decide it’s for the better of humanity. I
charge towards the death star with the intent of ramming my ship into the power core, and you
know what happens? My ship just turns off! The death star jammed all of my technology that
runs the ship. I can’t go anywhere so I get my space suit on and start to float back to the main
ship. As I’m getting on the main ship, my one-man ship suddenly turns on and keeps going, rams
into the power core, and blows the whole death star up! The new Galactic Space Force somehow
won, and we go back to Earth grateful.
When we got to Earth, we noticed that nothing was ok. Everything was desolate. No one
was in sight. Everything was literally abandoned. We check all the buildings, and then we find
them. These things were unrecognizable monsters! These things have long arms and very short
legs. There in the shape of blocks that have limbs. Their lower jaw is in front of their upper one.
They also have multiple eyes. This was just one, the rest came in either similar variations, or
completely different designs. We don’t know what to do and these things are very violent, so we
fly back up to space with a ton of supplies and land on Mars. We learn to colonize it and it soon
becomes our home and we never have to worry about Earth again, or so we thought…
“Earth is now a desolate planet and cannot sustain any sort of normal life. However, we
have found that some human beings that were mutated because of the radiation have somehow
survived the ruins of our former home and are now living like cave men.” This is what we teach
the next generation of human beings in school. A sad story that tells how our former home was
destroyed by a maniac named Josh Nsimbe. How much we wish that this story was fiction, for
our resources on Mars are depleting rapidly. Energy is running out. Food supplies are running
out as well because the soil that was modified to grow food is running out of nutrients. The ice
caps on Mars that we melted and purified for water are also getting smaller. There’s nowhere
else to go since the closest planet that may sustain life is millions of light years away and we
haven’t quite developed space ships that can fly at the speed necessary to go that far.
In a meeting at Galactic Inc.
“We cannot send a spaceship of innocent people out into space to look for a new home,
they will never make it back alive, much less find a suitable home that meets the needs of
mankind!” I told a member at the meeting. “With all due respect sir, we have no other choice,
it’s our last option,” he said. “If we don’t do this, humanity may perish forever,” he responded in
a distressed tone. “There must be another way and I won’t send anybody up in space until I find
it! This meeting is officially over,” I shouted back.
In a desolate warehouse a crazy scientist has setup his lab.
“Are you kidding me?! The time vortex should have worked by now! I can’t believe it.
By manipulating the gravity around the machine and connecting high-tech atomic clock consoles
to control the strength, I should’ve been able to travel back in time by now! I don’t get it, what
exactly am I missing? Do I need another console? Bigger machine? What is it?!?!” The crazy
scientist said as he kicked the 8-foot-tall time machine. “Sir, I have a suggestion,” called out his
robot helper/butler. “Not now,” he responded. “I’m sure I got everything right!” He muttered
under his breath. However, as the scientist said that, he noticed something. “The clocks can’t do
anything, I have to use black hole technology, reverse the polarity on the hole so it doesn’t
spaghettify anything but makes things bigger and that would make it safe to enter and travel
through time! Eureka!” He got to work at once, but he thought to himself, “How am I going to
find a black hole on Mars?” He walked outside, and looked at the sky and noticed a very tall
building that said Galactic Inc. “Actually, I may have an idea.”
Two days later at another Galactic Inc. meeting
“Sir,” called the next in charge of Galactic Inc. to me, the CEO. “Yes?” I responded.
“Will you change your mind about sending people in space to find a new home?” he asked.
“No,” I said sternly. The next in command said nothing.
If you were standing outside the door of the conference room, you would hear a lot of
screaming and arguing that would make the meeting go nowhere. After a while (if you were still
standing there) you would have heard silence. Nothing at all was coming from inside the room.
Everybody just stopped talking realizing that our arguing would get us nowhere. Then suddenly,
as someone was about to speak, in comes barging a man that looks like a scientist with papers, a
chalkboard, and what appeared to be a laptop. After him, come in all the security guards that
were supposed to not let him into the building in the first place. The crazy man screams at the top
of this lungs, “I have a solution to all of your problems! Just let me talk!” We tell the guards to
leave crazy man alone so can talk. He says, “My solution to all of your problems is…
Everyone in the room bursts out laughing at crazy man. Crazy man said, “I’m not joking,
time-travel is actually possible, and I know how to make it happen.” “Sure,” said the next in
command of the company, “And I can fly.” “Everybody listen to the crazy man, it doesn’t hurt to
listen, and he very well may be able to accomplish what he mentioned,” I said.
“Thank you!” responded the crazy man. “Everybody please, look at the board. If we
reverse the polarity on a black hole so that it doesn’t suck things in, but makes them bigger, we
could travel back in time. Or forward! You see, if an object has more gravity around it, time
slows down, if the gravity was less on an object, time speeds up, or at least that’s how it seems to
us. If you were to go to a planet 1,000 times bigger than our sun and you visited that planet to
spend a nice evening. When you got back to Earth, everybody you know would have passed
away a long time ago. Everything would look different to you, but from your perspective time
never seemed to go faster. For the people that stayed on Earth for your trip, time didn’t seem to
go faster. From their perspective, it seemed the same. If we manipulate black holes, which have
the strongest gravity known, we could travel forward in time or travel back”.
“Where exactly will you find a black hole?” Asked everybody in the conference room.
“In space, which is where black holes are found. This is where you come in because I can’t go in
outer space. I need transportation and I need help in creating some of the equipment that I
couldn’t make in my lab,” answered crazy man. “Fine, we’ll try this since I’m not willing to do
anything else that will most likely end up with people not coming back from missions into
space.” The person who proposed that idea to everybody in the conference room stared at me
with a menacing look in his eyes, then he looked away. “Crazy scientist person, let’s get to work
at once.” Crazy man smiled so wide and his eyes got so big, I thought his face would come off
from how loose it seemed.
Crazy man got to work non-stop in our high-tech laboratory at Galactic Inc. Before we
knew it, the crazy scientist finished building the equipment he needed to travel in time. We had
also finished building the starships needed to travel huge distances in record timing. However,
since black holes are millions of light years away, we had to build a black hole attractor.
Basically, it brings a black hole to reachable but pretty long distance. It wouldn’t bring it too
close because if it was too close, it would swallow our entire solar system.
Now we are ready to launch, the black hole has been attracted to a more reachable
distance. We lift off, knowing that we must complete our mission if we want to save the world.
We come out of Mars’s atmosphere hoping that we don’t fail to save our new home. In the ship,
we decide that crazy man is going to go in the black hole with nobody accompanying him. We
were willing to carry out the mission but not risk more people’s health than necessary.
We finally arrive to the black hole, but we can’t see it. Did you know that black holes are
invisible? I didn’t, the only reason I first knew were there was because something was tugging at
our ship to suck it in. Crazy man gave us all special goggles that he made that made us able to
see black holes. Crazy man said, “It’s time, somebody hand me the black hole neutralizers.”
Those pieces of equipment are very powerful. They were made to neutralize black holes for a
limited time, so we could get close to the hole without it sucking us in. The neutralizers are 5-
foot long poles that shoot out invisible beams of neutrons that neutralize things that were
normally active. They only worked on specific thing like black holes. The reason those neutrons
could do such a thing was because crazy man found a way to manipulate neutrons, so they could
neutralize other things. Crazy man got his special space suit on, grabbed the neutralizers, and
aimed them at the black hole. He fired both neutralizers at the black hole and the hole stopped
tugging at our ship. He grabbed another set of devices and jumped out into space forgetting his
time box.
From the perspective of crazy man
Through the communicator in my helmet, I hear a lot of yelling. Everybody is telling me
I forgot my time box, but the truth is that I don’t need it. The time box wouldn’t have let me do
anything. You see, as I was building the time box, I realized something very important. How
exactly do I go to the date I want without some device that controls that thing? I dropped the idea
of a space box and focused on a much smaller device that could manipulate the black hole and
have me go where I want. I tell the people yelling at me all this and they all calm down, I float
into the event horizon area of the black hole in which you have to travel faster than the speed of
light to escape the pull of gravity, but in my case, I won’t need it since the black hole was
neutralized. Time stops, literally, time stops at the beginning of a black hole and I can’t stop
smiling, imagining everything that everybody will tell me for accomplishing this great
achievement. However, as I think this, something happens. The black hole unfreezes, and I’m
immediately sucked into the black hole without enough time to think what went wrong.
Everything goes black.
I woke up, or at least I thought I did. I couldn’t quite tell. Everything was weird. I had
entered a place where sense is nonsense. A place where the laws of physics were being ridiculed.
I was floating around seeing weird symbols and things happening that shouldn’t be happening. I
landed, on something hard, it looked fluid, but it was as hard as stone. I couldn’t think properly.
Suddenly, I fall flat on my face, but I didn’t feel anything. I see weird creatures that couldn’t
possibly be alive. This place was infinitely large, and infinitely small. Everything goes black
once more, but I can still see things. I don’t understand, but that’s ok, because I can’t anymore. I
fall asleep once more.
From Diego’s Perspective
Everybody was shaking their head in grief. I personally felt so much guilt for letting the
crazy man go into the black hole, but now, there isn’t anything we can do, so we all head home.
4 days after we get home, we spot these giant meteors, with our powerful telescopes, heading
towards us tremendously fast. They were far off, about 1 light year away, but they were traveling
much faster than the speed of light. We can’t blow them up with nukes since all the remaining
countries signed a deal and left their nuclear warheads behind on earth. We don’t have enough
time to find uranium on Mars, but we start anyways, if we survive, we will need nukes, so it
doesn’t happen again. We just wait, and work faster to find a solution.
Back with Crazy man…
I woke up on a dark, desolate, evil, and deserted surface. I got up and I start walking
around. The place felt like there was something evil about it. Things made sense now, but the
place where I was, was still very confusing. I keep walking and my surroundings change.
Drastically. It’s like I walked through some mirror-like portal that was designed to keep things
out. In this place, I can see out into space, but only on a large screen. There was a night sky filled
with stars above me. Then, I hear a voice say, “Where do you come from?” I respond by saying,
“From Earth, I mean, Mars,” I quickly corrected myself. I sighed as I said this, and then I added,
“Where am I?” the voice said, “You are, or were, in a singularity. One of many in our known
universe. Now you’re on a distant planet from an unknown dimension to you.” “What’s a
singularity?” I asked. He responded, “A singularity is a place at the center of a black hole, where
nothing makes sense. Time literally stops, what you know about anything won’t help you
understand it.” “Wait, so you’re saying that I didn’t travel through time? Are you saying that I
teleported instead?!”
“Yes,” he said. “All this time, I thought that black holes were the key to time travel but
instead, they’re wormholes.” I said to myself aloud. Suddenly, through the screen, I see giant
asteroids flying through space at an incredible and impossible speed hurtling towards Mars. I ask
the mysterious voice, “Is this real? The mysterious voice asks, “What?” “The screen, is what’s
going on the screen real?”, I shout. He answers, “Oh yes, that is a high-tech device that can look
at just about anywhere, clearly, in the universe we have so far discovered.” “Oh no, that means
that Mars will be destroyed.” I search on the telescope-like thing how far I am from Mars and the
meteorites and discover that the dimension I’m in is located right where the meteors are going.
I ask the voice if there is any way that I can blow up the meteorites from the dimension
I’m in. It says, “That would be impossible unless you destroy the cores of dark matter feeding
this dimension, but that would be impossible and kill you. Besides, I need those energy cores to
power a giant death star an entire fleet of starships from somebody I made a deal with. His name
was Josh or something. His plan was to try to conquer as many good and strong planets as
possible and destroy all of the weak ones, including Mars.” As he says this I find those giant
cores of dark matter which I previously thought were large boulders. I think to myself, “I need to
stop Josh and save humanity, it’s worth it and the only way to stop Josh is to keep the everybody
on Mars alive. I have to do this.” I walk up to the large boulders, and the voice I listened to for so
long finally materializes into an ugly monster. This monster was at least 8 feet tall, was a giant
green blob, had 9 eyes, and was incredibly strong. The monster grabs me with his gelatin-like
hands and throws me at least 25 yards. I tried to stand up, but I couldn’t, the monster picks me up
and stands me on my legs just to sock me in the face 15 more yards.
I’m half-conscious at this point but I manage to stand up anyhow. The monster walks up
to me and throws me a fist. I dodge it, and I try to throw him one of my own, only to have my
hand sink in its watery body. He looks at my hand and takes it out of himself. Before I know it,
I’m grabbed by the neck and lifted a foot off the ground. The monster says, “You won’t ever
blow up this dimension, not while I’m here.” I felt like my neck was going to sink through his
hand because it was that watery. Then I think, “watery?” I remember a taser I have in my pocket
and pull it out. I shoot it at the monster and he is immediately electrocuted and wriggling around
like a worm. His body just lies still on the floor steaming. His gelatin-like body conducted the
electricity perfectly since he was made up of mostly water.
However, since he was holding on to my neck, I was also electrocuted. I’m also
left sprawled on the floor, but since my body isn’t as watery as his, it didn’t affect me as much,
so I get up first. I limp up to the dark matter energy cores. I have absolutely no idea on how to
make them explode. The monster starts laughing and gets up. “You have no idea on how to make
them explode! You’ll never save your friends!” “You’re right, I don’t know how to make them
explode.” I said. He starts walking towards me with a crazy grin on his face. In frustration, I
bang my fist on the core of dark matter, only for it to go through, and hit nothing. The grin on the
monster’s face instantly disappears. I walk through the core.
Inside I see a lever, which I imagine shuts all the power off. I set my hands on the lever
and something grabs me and throws me back. I come out of the core and land on the hard floor. I
ask, “Why do you want to kill me!” the monster replies, “Josh said he would pay me greatly if I
kept this outpost and its energy cores safe!” “Did Josh travel through this particular black hole as
well?” I ask. “Yes. He is much more advanced than your primitive people, or so he says.” He
threw a fist at me and I dodged. I then tasered the monster again and walked up the power
“You’re no match for Josh,” the monster said in pain. I said, “You’re right, but
everybody else on Mars is more than enough to eliminate Josh-X.” With that, I pulled the lever
and the cores turned dark. The monster yelled, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.” The ground
beneath us began to crack. Tears began to appear in the sky of this weird dimension. The sky
filled with stars began to fall, as if it were curtains.
I go back through the mirror like thing, I’m desperate to get out and I look up hoping to
find what I’m looking for. There it is, the black hole, I catch a small glimpse and then begin to
think how I’ll reach it. As I’m thinking, the gravity in the dimension disappears never to return
again. It was the first major thing to disappear. I then jump up and reach the black hole, but I
can’t get in. It’s a one-way door. I remember my black hole manipulator on my wrist, point it at
the black hole, and activate it. It reverses and sucks me in. Before I fully immerse in the hole, I
hear a deafening explosion, and everything there, every molecule, blows up. Things go black
once more but not because of the explosions.
I wake up in the singularity only to pass through the same weirdness, again. I black out
again. I finally wake up in space. Luckily, I still have my space suit on. I try to contact the people
back on Mars, but nobody responds. Out of nowhere, A gigantic space vessel comes out. I notice
immediately that it belongs to Josh. They don’t seem to notice me, which is great. As the ship
passes by, I manage to grab on, and sneak in through a hole. I follow two people that look like
pilots and they lead me to where the ships are. I get into one unnoticed, open the main ship’s bay
doors and fly out. An alarm goes off, and the whole ship goes on alert. I’m lucky I got a head
start and I make my way to Mars. No ships come to pursue me, and I finally land on Mars.
Everybody is happy I didn’t die and thankful for the great thing I did even though I didn’t
discover time travel. The explosion of the dimension destroyed the asteroids and brought star
systems and tons of planets much closer. When the dimension exploded, the space it took up
went with it, which brought things closer to each other. Now there’s a possibility that we find
solutions to our problems. It didn’t turn out the way we all hoped, but it was still successful
From Andrew’s Perspective
Now that we are safe from the asteroids, we have got to rebuild Mars. We can’t go to the
new planet that can possibly support life because Josh might be waiting for us. We weren’t sure
before the crazy guy’s account, but afterwards we were entirely sure Josh was still out there and
still wanting to destroy us. We have to make a better atmosphere and better soil for crops. That
means we have to find minerals and gases somewhere. We first search Mars, we find nothing.
Then we go a little further, Mars’s moons. The smaller moon did have large amounts of the
minerals and gases we needed. We build some special equipment to get those gases and
minerals. To mine the gases, we have machines that attach to the surface of the moon and then
inject a large straw-like thing into the moon. Then they suck up the gases, separate them,
compress them into containers, and put them into large rectangular carrier pods that attach to our
“space big-rigs.” For the minerals, we had excavators dig up a bunch of dirt and put it into a
separator that removes the minerals and then put the rest of the components of the dirt back onto
the ground. After 3 months, we had created a better atmosphere and better dirt to grow plants and
allow humans to survive out in the open without special suits. We send up a large carrier rocket
to orbit the moon and collect all the mining supplies.
From the Perspective of Carrier Ship Commander
We have just launched into space towards Mars’s smaller moon to remove some mining
equipment. This is the first time I have ever left Mars since we landed here a decade back. I pull
up my communications system to tell Space Force Command that we are reaching the moon.
“Carrier 7843 to Space Force Command, do you read me?” “We read you Carrier 7843”
“We are approaching the moon, wait, we just had a huge malfunction of the system, the primary
engines just blew, Space Force Command, we are out of control!” “Do you still have your
backup rockets” “No, they were destroyed when the engines blew, sorry, no more time for talk, I
have to evacuate the crew” Terrified, I ran to the intercom and said, “This is Commander, there
has been a significant engine malfunction and we are out of control, everyone to the nearest
escape pod.” Then I ran to the escape pod in the control room where the rest of the pilots already
were. I entered the pod and we ejected our pod from the ship.
Inside the pod I listened to the speaker telling me which pods ejected, while watching
which ones ejected on the screen in front of me. I see and hear that the last pod ejected and
everyone who survived the blast was evacuated. Then I look out the window, and all I see is my
beloved ship crash into the moon, destroying itself and the mining equipment we were trying to
preserve. Then, I say over the pod’s intercom, “Space Force Command, this is Commander of
Carrier 7843 aboard Escape Pod 53, everyone evacuated successfully, but the ship just crashed
into the moon, smashing the mining equipment.” Space Force Command shouts over the
intercom, “You don’t get it, the ship was so big, it just knocked the moon out of orbit! We have
less than 4 weeks before it smashes into Mars!” Now I got it, I felt horrible, even though I knew
it wasn’t my fault.
From Andrew’s Perspective
I just heard the news that one of Space Force’s carrier ships had crashed into Mars’s
moon and knocked it out of orbit. I also heard that we would have to fix the moon in under 4
weeks. I immediately came up with a plan. We would fit all our big rockets with cable launching
systems so that they could pull the moon into a new orbit. We did some computer simulations,
which showed the plan would work. We immediately had every manufacturer on Mars start
building these systems. After the 1st week, we had them all built, and after the 2nd week, we had
them attached to our rockets. The day after we had the systems attached, we were ready to
launch them.
We launch the rockets, and they fly within a few miles of the moon and shoot out 100
metal cables per each rocket that stab into the moon. Then they pull it into a better orbit. This
method was way better than Josh’s nuking method, but most of the ships either broke under the
massive amounts of force trying to tear them apart while they were pulling, or they ran out of
fuel and floated into space. But, at least we can’t accidently destroy this moon, like Josh
destroyed Earth’s moon. Though we lost so many ships, now we can stay on Mars as long as we
need to. We also realized that Mars has less gravity, which, after our studies, shows that the
difference between Mars and Earth’s gravity makes you live 3 times longer on Mars than you
would on Earth.
After fixing the moon’s orbit, we didn’t have many ships left. We had less than 1/16th of
what we originally launched off Mars with. What we did have left were some land machines for
drilling and mining that we had loaded into the large carrier rockets when launching off Earth.
We had put them into the carriers just in case something happened to Earth while we were in
space. I thought, “Hey why not drill and mine and see what this planet has to offer us.” When we
were drilling we found oil and water underground, and we found various metals and things for
making more machines and rockets. Now we could rebuild our fleet and make Mars our new
home, and home-base for our fleet. We started with creating war Starships called Space
Destroyers. Space Destroyers are basically the space versions of warships and aircraft carriers,
huge and full of weapons. We also made fuel tankers and transport ships for the smaller
spacecraft and land-craft.
It has been 10 more years after we fixed Mars’s moon’s orbit. We have produced so
many Space Destroyers, land-craft, and other spacecraft that we are running out of oil to fuel
them. We must find another way to power them. We made a few thermite powered rockets, and
they worked well, but required way too much thermite for fuel. We thought that nuclear reactors
with an opening at the back would make good rockets, but they might explode, so we would
have to test the first one in space. We launched the first radio-controlled nuclear rocket prototype
into space aboard a carrier rocket. We opened the bay doors and released the prototype ship. We
moved the carrier away from the it and tried the prototype. As soon as we hit the “forward”
button, the prototype blew up. “Well,” we thought, “That didn’t work as planned”. We had to
find a new source, but there was nothing else on Mars we could use. We built some power-
scanning devices that will show us if there is anything with enough potential power to make
good rockets and mounted them onto some of our rockets. We sent them up along with some
Space Destroyers to protect them from asteroids.
When we were around Jupiter, we found that there was an insane amount of energy in
Jupiter’s core. We thought that we had finally found our source. We went back to Mars and built
a basically invincible probe to find what was in Jupiter’s core that could produce so much power.
It came back up with some glowing green crystals made of a new element, Khyber. We took
them back to Mars to test them. We plugged a small one into a laser pointer instead of a battery.
We turned it on and it was so powerful that it could cut steel bars in half, the crystal also made a
flashlight so bright it would immediately catch stuff on fire and melt metal. “Yep, these would
definitely work,” we thought. We built a much bigger probe which could collect multiple tons of
these crystals in one run. We then took all our rockets, removed the fuel cells, and instead put a
large crystal in the fuel cell’s place. The engines now produced way more thrust and used no
fuel. We filled the fuel tankers with replacement crystals in case some got destroyed in battle.
Now all we needed were some pilots to fly these ships.
We had a draft on Mars to recruit more members for the Galactic Space Force. After the
draft we had 200,000 members to help us fight. We trained the new recruits to fly all sorts of
Starships, fix them and run all our other machines. We taught them everything they would need
to know to keep the Fleet running smoothly. By Fleet, I mean the fleet of all the ships we have.
We had enough ships to basically be the Empire from Star Wars. Now we just needed a new way
to communicate with these ships, since the new and improved atmosphere from the gases we
mined from Mars’s moon was really thick, and the artificial magnetic field was really strong, we
couldn’t receive signals from them from the ground. Then, we thought of an idea, we would put
multiple huge space stations orbiting Mars to receive the signals, decode them, boost their
power, and then send them down to Mars. Then we could also put in the protective force field we
needed from asteroids around Mars (since the atmosphere only stopped small ones) without
interfering with the signals. That would also make our home base of Mars basically invincible to
whatever weapons Josh had. We called up our building crew and they said they could build the
space stations. We would have to find someone else to do the force field, but we could worry
about that after establishing the communications system.
Our building crew told us that all they would need was the building supplies, the tools,
and a lot of ships to transport the materials to space. We were confused at first, but then we
realized that they needed to build the space stations in space. We didn’t really realize that you
kind of have to build a space station in space. We were used to building everything on the
ground, and then launching it into space. Now we had to launch all the parts and tools, and then
assemble the parts in space. We kind of got around it by partly assembling smaller pieces on the
ground, and then sending the partly assembled space station up aboard one of our large carrier
ships. The force field was made by projecting it via field generators all over the planet. We had
made field generators for our ships before, but none this large. We called up the part of Galactic
Space Force that made the field generators, and they said they could do it easily and have the
system established two weeks after getting the supplies. We immediately handed them the
supplies. Two weeks later we had our force field. And after another 2 months our
communications system was up and working.
Now we had an invincible home planet, a good communications system, plenty of
resources, and a rebuilt military. We were officially ready to hunt josh and destroy the Nsimbe
Organization once and for all. Whatever Josh has can’t be better than what we have. We start to
set up everything and go into battle mode. We launch some manned probes to try to find Josh.
First, we check Jupiter, because when we were scanning for power sources, we sensed a smaller
amount of power on Jupiter’s largest remaining moon. We checked there, and there was a power
core with a huge Josh-X symbol on it. We now know that Josh is on one of Jupiter’s moons.
When the probes come back, we begin to make a battle plan to obliterate Josh-X.
Our First plan was to just launch everything to try to destroy Josh-X. But, we realized he
might have some weapon to destroy ships in a certain area. We would have to spread our ships
out. The new plan was to send one small wave of 50 ships, then send more waves, with steadily
increasingly more ships. The first wave would contain 30 Space Destroyers, 10 small ship
carriers with 1,000 ships in each one, and 10 Sniper Ships (for long range laser and missile
attacks). This first wave would show us what Josh-X was made of.
From Perspective of Commander of Wave I
It was my time to shine, I was given command of the first wave of the attack against the
only enemy of the Galactic Space Force. I was well trained and prepared for this battle. When we
all launched off the planet and then used our Khyber engines, it was amazing how fast we got to
Jupiter. Once we got near, we slowed our engines down. Then we saw Josh’s Death Star there
waiting for us. “Attack,” I shouted. Then the new Death Star he built shot one devastating laser
that destroyed 10 Space Destroyers, on which were three of my best friends. It was hard to
believe they were gone but I had to snap out of it. We had two minutes to destroy the Death Star,
because in two minutes it would recharge and destroy us. As I’m thinking this I see 10 nuclear
missiles whiz by my ship and slam into the Death Star. Once the dust cleared it saw a huge crater
in the Death Star. It was just enough damage that our Khyber powered lasers could do some
severe damage to the Death Star. We started bombarding that stupidly resilient Death Star with
the full firepower of what was left of Wave I. After 30 seconds of bombardment the Death Star
We were celebrating like we had won the war, until the parts of the Death Star spread out
enough that we could see the system of orbital bombardment space stations he had around
Jupiter and each one of Jupiter’s moons. “Great,” I thought, “Now we have to get through that
too, and then we have to figure out which moon Josh is on.” I then said over my communications
system to Space Force Command, “Alright, we’ve defeated the Death Star, and we’ve got a maze
of orbital bombardment space stations waiting for us, we’re gonna need reinforcements, and a lot
more nuclear missiles.” Space Force Command said “Ok, Waves II – V coming up now, they’ll
be there in ten minutes, along with a carrier load of nukes.”
“A whole carrier load or nuclear missiles!” I thought after seeing what devastation 10
did. After the rest of the waves arrived, my ship, along with the rest of the Space Destroyers, sat
back while the Sniper Ships nuked the orbital bombardment stations into oblivion. Then one of
my other pilots said, “the Josh-X fleet is approaching from behind, I see them on my radar.”
“Oh, great,” I said, “it was a set-up.” Then I said to Space Force Command through my
communications system, “The Josh-X fleet is behind us, we’re trapped between them and the
orbital bombardment lasers.” “Don’t worry,” said Space Force Command, “we are sending up
waves VI – X, they will trap the Josh-X fleet between you guys and them, just hold them off for
2 hours.” “Ok,” I said, “We’ll try.” Then I said to the other ships around Jupiter with me over the
communications system, “The Josh-X fleet is behind us, but don’t worry, Command is sending
up Waves V-X, all we need to do is keep the Josh-X fleet there for 2 hours until the next waves
get here and trap the Josh-X fleet between them and us” Then we turned our ship around and
prepared for battle.
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