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Activity or Investigation Assessment

and Time (min/ Driving Question
numb class)

The assessment for

Students will play a sorting and
this lesson will be
matching game based off of a
in a exit ticket
youtube video that they watch.
evaluation where
The students will write down
What makes up the students will
1 MH 60 min different parts of the ecosystem
an ecosystem? answer three
as they watch the video. The
questions based on
students will sort through the
the material in the
pieces and to learn the different
sorting game and
parts of an ecosystem.

Students will play a game The assessment will

outside where the students will be the students
become a food web. Students filling out a food
2 SF/ Do you belong will be given an assigned part in web that is provided
60 min
MH here? the ecosystem. The students to them based upon
will create a web using the knowledge
themselves and yarn to see a learned during the
visual food web. lesson.

Students will use an online

“What factors
simulation game to discover the
cause an
3 SF 60 min perfectly difficult balance by
imbalance in the
allowing students to be the
food web?”
creator an ecosystem.
throughout the
explore and explain
Students will read a case study Formative
How are our and complete a worksheet assessment
4 MH 60 min ecosystems packet to learn about the throughout the
organized? organizational systems within explain part of the
an ecosystem. lesson.
how might Students will play a game to assessment during
humans explore the consequences when explain activity
5 SF 60 min negatively affect making decisions for ecosystem where students
their environment services and the environment analyze their data
surroundings? from the game

Students will be
Student will apply knowledge
assessed at end of
from previous lessons as well
6 SF/ lesson when
60 min Why are species as research for an endangered
MH inferences are
endangered? species to create inference for
proposed with

Students assessment will be determined through a “big idea page” to be created in their
notebooks at the end of the unit. They will be answering 4 specific questions which
include, Who can live in my marine ecosystem? Draw/ explain a food web. Explain
components of a healthy ecosystem and what might cause an imbalance. How might
humans negatively affect their environment surroundings.

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