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MATACANAN PALACE nek 15 2 ‘THE HONORABLE SPEAKER LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF “THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. By the power vested In me by tke Consiuton | sign into law Republio Act (RA) No’ 11262, the Geneva! Appropriations Act (GAA) for Fscal Year (FY) 2018, Ghitioe “AN ACT APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHiLIPPINES FROM JANUARY ONE JO DECEMBER THIATY-ONE, TWO THOUSAND AND NINETEEN AND FOR. OTHER PURPOSES” The FY 2019 GAA is the fut of soparate offors built on a shared mission of the Execuive aid Legislative Departmanis fo cia a National Budget for the Republic of te Phiipoines. The purpose ofthis cuctl piece of tegisiaien is to Dull lipon tha prograse we have attaied thus fern aursuing the Fliino people's cream ha svongly rooted comortebla, and eocure He. In recent yoars, this shared trission has propelled tne county inte one ef fhe ‘astest growing economies in Asia. ‘Challenges stil appear cn the horizon, but rather than seeing them as obetader on our journey fervard. we choose to ake them as cpportuniies fo make tur eaurkey ad oUF people srenger With this approved National Budget of PhP3.652 Thlicn for FY 2019, we wil ontnuo to strorgtien the ‘remework of cu" economy. ensure peace and secuiily on Sur ands end seas” ard provide effcient public senvces thal every Filipino deserves. ‘Aligned with our bluegrints for pragiess, we contnue to fund programs, activites, oF projects that give avery Filpne tre opportunity to pursue a secure, Cofrfertble, and productive ile. These ensure that our people centiue to benefit fom the county's robust econome growlh, net just in one region or island but theaughout the entre archipelaac ‘We are humbled wit the help anc suppor that the Flipine peas continue to lextena 'o out leadeisip, Its because ef them at we have not wavered. n fect, they insoie us in our work an we plese yet again Our wncienearted commitment to Servethem, Therefore lurge the Congress to continue our partershio our nation: boiling effers 20 there le el much work te Se dare. With cur perseverance and Creatinly, the Phippines wil surely be a belle” place, and we Filipinas, a botr cpl ‘THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES | GENERAL COMMENTS In our desir to ensure the tinely enactment af the FY 2018 proposed Budgat we supmited 0 Congress al the very frst opperunty. The Consluicn staes thai ‘ny proposed budget shall be submited to Congress wihin thirty days jtom the Spening of ts regular session As what we cc! in 2017, we submitted the propose Busget for FY 2079 to the Congreas on the day ofthe Siaie ofthe Nation Acdeosa, ‘the very day Congress opened Ils regular session. To ctieve tis, alo! of hare work was requires From our pubic servants. Alloy me, therefore, to commend our Valvable worKforce for the. dedication and clssinine they have demonstrated throughout he budgat procoss ‘Admittedly the passage of ie FY 2019 Budget was nat as smootn as we nac hoped for But we can look back al this experience positively if we choose to soe Cerisin delays a= a manifestation of cur legslalors commitment tothe exorcise of ‘he power othe purse for he corninon good, ‘Thus we remain steadiast anc optimistc. With massive spending for ‘otonemi¢ and social eorvess, cur caveioprront pursuits willbe sustained. We are Ushering nthe eounty’s golden age of infrastructure 86 we oggressively bullé our Intrasinuctue assets. Wve ate also acvencing our Putman capital cur bgyest asset in Fecagnition of our peooe's valuebe fol in natior-bulding as efficient and productive ‘embers of our society, To sustain our growth fangets, we remain prudent in our finencirg progrem Consistent with the foregoing aspiratons and in the faithful exercise of ayy Offee snd due fidelity tomy oath | wil rot tolerate atlas to cveuvent the CConsitution or ary otter acien that wil ptejusics the Filpine people whom | serve Accordingly, | hereby exercise my consiuioral culy and fegister the folowing ‘tons inthis year's GAA i. DIRECT VETO {Any proision introduced in this Budget which doss rot relate to a particular ‘approcriation of those which cook te arrond tho Caretiution ane oxising laws havo ‘0 place n the GAA as these are considered rider provisions, and therefore, must be Supectea To orrect velo. Lxewisa, items oF acpropraton that are not Consistent with tne programmed proities ere hereby vetosc ‘A. GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS (1) 1 veto the usa of Income under Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE}National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), Special Provision No. 1, "Use of Income,” Volume I-A, page 1088, rnasmuch as there is nothing in Reoutic Act (RA) No. $347, the law governing the NLRC, which author2as tne use of its mcoma, Furthor, the funding requrerrente for the regular aperasons of te NLRC are alrsedy fly provided uncer is Dust, Under existng budgeting laws, poles, and rules and regulators. sli income of agences shal accrue io the General Fund of the. Natcnal Goverarient unless aucharzed by @ atbslantive law. Consequonty, income shall consitute er integral part of fle revenue and financing sourses ff the National Government. Hence, Inuding a special orovision wich autronzes an agency to use ks ircame will effectively reduce the fhancirg Sourece of the yoars Gi. and a the came tre, unjuclfably increase the ‘epropriatons of said agency, (2) Werth noting are provisos in. the saecial orowsions on the implementation of proeste by tho Department of Agrioulture, Department of Pale Works and Highways (OPWH), Deparment of Trade end eusty and finer agencies concames under ‘om b (i, Allecations to Local Government Units (ALGU}-Special Shares of LGU in the Proceeds of National Taxes, Special Provision No. 3, “Shares in Excise Taxes from Locally Menufectured Virginiactype Cigarettes," Volume 18, page 885, {ana tem 9 (i), ALGU-Spacial Shares of LGU In the Procoods of National ‘Taxes, Special Provision No. 4, "Shares in Exciso Taxas from Burloy and Native Tobacco Procucts,” Voluma -B, page 888, which I drecty veto as these provisos contravene the express pravsons of RA No, 7771 and RA No. ‘2240, as amended by RA No. 105% wilch speufcelly mandate the local ‘government units (LGUs), net natoral goverrment agencies (NGAs), {0 Inepiement the programs and projects uve” said Nis (2). Inasmuch as the implementaton of maternal and child healt projects Js the responsibilty of the Qepariment of Heelth (DOH) as provided under RA No. 11148, | an’ forced fo directly veto tem (x), ALGU-Local Government Support Fund (LOSF), Special Provicion No. 1, “Ascistanco to Municipalities,” Volume HB, page 091, ALGUALGSF Special Provision No. 2, ‘Assistance to Cities,” Volume I, page 891, and item (), ALGU- LGSF Special Provision No. 5, “Othor Financial Assistance to Local Govornmont Units," Volume 1-8, page 892, incofor as ‘heed prowsoxe fauthorze the use of he LOSF for maternal and child heath projects, (| am obliged to velo Section 96, General Provisions, “Cost of Dovolved Health Sorvizes of Lacal Government Units (LGUs)” Volume 1B, page $45, as this provision wil effectvaly racuce the mandated allocation (of Fernat fevenue actment (a) snares’ of LUUS, theeoy mparing the ‘Constitutional pescription on equitable IRA shares of LGUs in national taxes Pursuant ta Section 234 of RA No. 7760 ova! Government Codo of 1991) it Is eniy im the fist year ef the effectivity of such low trat the IRA of LGUs shall licde the Sesto! davoved functions for exsantial pubte senvoes, (8)__ | racy veto Section 91, Ganaral Provisions, “Collection of Feas In Relation to the Retention or Reacquisition of Philippine Citzenstip,” Volume FB, page £45, which effecivey removes Ie Inherent autnonly of De agencies corremned 16 assass reasonadle fees in the provsion af sericas \whieh is logaly bases on Section 54, Chapter 12, Beok IV of Executive Oraar (EO) No. 252 (Administrative Code of 1967). To reitorate, the provicions Which are inlendec io amend fer laws are considered as neppropiate

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