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STEP Standard 2 - Writing Standards-Based Objectives and

the Learning Goal

Unit Topic: Decimals

Unit Title: Using and Applying the four basic operations in word problems
involving decimals.

National or State Academic Content Standards

Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or
drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the
relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method
and explain the reasoning used.

Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard
algorithm for each operation.

Learning Goal
By the end of this unit students will be able to apply the rules for adding, subtracting,
multiplying and dividing decimals to solve problems with decimals. Students will be able
to apply these rules to solve real world word problems (especially problems with money)
that involve decimals.
Students will also be able to design real world situations in which money is used and
explain why understanding how to solve decimal problems is important.

Measurable Objectives
1. Students will correctly line up decimals in 4/5 given problems involving
addition and subtraction with decimals.
2. Students will use multiplication strategies to correctly solve 4/5 problems
involving decimals and multiplication.
3. Students will correctly solve 4/5 decimal problems with division.
4. Students will be able to solve 4/5 word problems involving all four operations
with decimal numbers.
5. Students will be able to reflect and state when we use decimals, why they are
important and create a word problem that involves decimals, using at least 2
of the given operations.

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