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Unit 1 Week 2 - Assignment 1

CODIGO: 88251713





Summary: Origin and evolution of the computer.

For many years, or rather for many centuries, humanity lacked an instrument to help
it process and archive information.

A computer or computer is a machine used by man to perform various functions, if

we talk about the origin of the computer we would have to go back to the old age when
men lived in caverns, as we know primitive man had no means to perform calculations and
operations, it is said for example that to count the fruits that he collected he used straw or
stones, it was always a need for the human being to have knowledge of how much food he
had and how much he was using, because that way he would know if he will be able to
survive the harsh winters of that time, at this time the trade was null, then it was advancing
until they began to make barter between one and another tribe, as the barter advanced and
society is also when the money appears and therefore the need for an instrument that can
give exact estimates of what it obtained.

• The Abacus:

It was invented in Babylon some 500 years before Christ, the ancient abacuses were
boards to count, they were not a computer because they did not have the capacity to store
information, but with this instrument transactions were carried out in various cities of
antiquity. Currently, operations such as multiplication and division in the abacus can be
performed and are widely used in China.

• Pascal Calculator:

It was invented in 1642 by the young Frenchman Blaise Pascal to see that his father
had problems to keep a correct account of the taxes he charged invented a calculating
machine that worked based on gears, the same that Pascal called her in the name of

• Leibniz Multiplication Machine:

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz adds to the machine invented by Blaise Pascal the
functions of multiplication and division.

• Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar (1820):

He invented a calculator that could carry out the four basic mathematical operations
(add, subtract, divide and multiply).

• Jacquard Weaving Machine:

In 1801 the French Joseph Marie Jacquard invents a weaving machine. One of the
advantages is that through perforated cards the machine was able to create different patterns
in the fabrics. The punched cards contained holes, which the machine was able to read and
thus perform the type of pattern that had been indicated. This means that storage was
invented by means of perforated cards, which we now know as discs. Punch cards were the
beginning of being able to store information through the holes.

• Difference and Analytical Machine of Babbage (1822):

In 1822 Charles Babbage created a differential machine capable of developing

polynomials but several disadvantages in the pieces of this machine made it fail, after this
failure in 1833 Babbage created the analytical machine which was capable of doing all the
mathematical operations and being programmed by half of cards of perforated cardboard
and keep a huge amount of figures, this is why Charles Babbage is considered the father of
computer science.

• Hollerith's tabulating machine (1889):

Between the years 1880 and 1890 censuses were conducted in the United States, the
results of the first census were obtained after 7 years, so it was assumed that the results of
the 1890 census would be obtained between 10 to 12 years, that is why Herman Hollerith
proposed the use of his system based on punch cards, and that was a success since six
months after the census of 1890 the first results were obtained, the final results of the
census were after 2 years, the system that Hollerith used to order and list the punch cards
that contained the data of the people counted, it was the first automated use of a machine.
When seeing these results Hollerith founds a company of tabuladoras machines that later
happened to be the International Business Machines (IBM).

First generation of the computer:

The first generation of computers comprises from the year 1944 to 1956, in this first
generation is the creation of the MARK I computer that was developed by Howard Aiken,
in this period the Second World War is developed, which is why many projects remained
unfinished , but there were also projects driven by this same motive that was the war, which
caused great developments to be achieved, this is how the ENIAC computer (Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was created, which was a huge computer which
occupied more than one room , weighed more than 30 tons and worked with more than 18
thousand vacuum tubes, one of its important features was that it used the binary system
instead of the decimal system, then it was built by Eckert and Mauchley the EDVAC
computer (Electronic, Discrete Variable Automatic ) that had a program, this program
allowed the computer to alternate the operations depending on the results two previously

• Second generation of the computer:

The second generation comprises from 1959 to 1964, the most remarkable of this
second generation is the replacement of the use of vacuum tubes by transistors which made
computers smaller and faster.

In this second generation the machine language was replaced by assembly language,
high level languages such as COBOL and FORTRAN were created. In addition to the
storage of the information they began to use magnetic tapes.

• Third generation of the computer:

This generation comprises from 1964 to 1971 and the greatest achievement of this
generation is the use of integrated circuits (silicon chips), this made the computers smaller
and faster, they also consumed less electricity which caused them to generate less In
addition, they were more efficient.

With the use of the chip an enormous step was taken in the computer age since the
chip contained a series of integrated circuits which stored the information, this allowed the
computers to do several tasks at the same time as was the processing of information and
mathematical calculation.

In the third generation programs or software begin to emerge, the company that had
its peak in this generation was IBM which launched the minicomputer IBM 360 and 370.

• Fourth generation of the computer:

The fourth generation of computers is from 1971 to 1981, the most important thing in this
generation is the invention of the microprocessor which joined the integrated circuits in a
single block. The creation of the microprocessor made possible the development of
personal computers or PC, which would mark a revolution in the world of computing, this
would change the way of working and even live of many people to the present.

In the year of 1971, the company INTEL created the first 4-bit chip, which contained a
large number of transistors.

This generation of computers appear the first microcomputers which were manufactured by
the company APPLE and IBM.

Also incorporated in this generation is the development of software aimed at both adults
and children, this is where MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) or system
operating disk is started, and there is a revolution in hardware development .

• Fifth generation of the computer:

It should be mentioned that it is not very clear when the fifth generation and the sixth
generation of the computer start, this is due to the fact that advances in computer
technology have been occurring very quickly, quite the opposite of what happened in the
first generations of the computer.
But if we want to give a date we can say that the fifth generation is between 1982 and 1989,
in these years the companies responsible for building computers had great advances in
microelectronics and software advances, it is in this period when the " network of networks
"or the Internet, and that is where the greatest advances are made. Artificial intelligence is
started, which had the purpose of equipping computers with the ability to reason to find
solutions to their own problems following patterns and sequences, these computers could
operate in large companies such as car construction, and others that could do various tasks
at an impressive pace.

It is in this era where laptops appear, in addition large computers could work in parallel
processes that was the work of the computer by means of several microprocessors each one
did a different job.

The importance of the computer at present has advanced a lot since nowadays and from the
beginning there was a great demand to be able to obtain benefits and strategies that made
the life of man easier, which is why in technological advances it is very common that
always use the computer as a major tool to achieve the expectations expected by the user,
also in the form of teaching today the computer has achieved more demand and facilitates
tasks, exhibitions, research either in a learning or academic way .

The main characteristic that distinguishes it from other similar devices, such as the non-
programmable calculator, is that it is a general-purpose machine, that is, it can perform very
diverse tasks, according to the possibilities offered by programming languages and
The computer executes instructions of a program and then after a short period of time, they
change to a second program and execute some of their instructions, this is known as

The most important hardware or hardware components are the following: Processor, RAM
memory, Hard disk, CD-ROM drive, RW CD drive, Modem, Secondary cache,
Motherboard, USB ports, DVD ROM drive, Keyboard, Printer, Scanner and monitor: since
they help us to fulfill our purpose


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