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Static Condensation of Building Models using

Unit Load and Cholesky Matrix Inversion Method (Flexibility Method)

Nathan Madutujuh1


Analyzing a large 3D model of a high rise building usually needs large amount of time and computing power.
The model can be reduced to half size by introducing the rigid floor diaphragm and applying in-plane constraints
to slave nodes so that they will rotate in accordance with master node. The total number of DOF will be reduced
from NF x NJ x 6 to become NF x 3 + NF x NJ x 3, almost half of the total DOF. Because the solver algorithm
processing time is about N^2.5 related to the number of DOF N, the time needed will be reduced to about 20-
25% of the original time needed. There are several method for finding the reduced matrix from the original
matrix, the original one is involving the well known Static Condensation techniques, requiring multiplication and
inverse of several submatrices. In this paper, a new simple and straightforward method will be introduced, using
the available linear solver to get the much smaller matrix, and then using the simple Cholesky Factorization to
get the reduced stiffness matrix. The method has been applied to SANSPRO integrated structural analysis and
design program for static and dynamic analysis with good results.


Building 3D model, Static condensation, Reduced DOF, Rigid floor diaphragm, master nodes, slave nodes, rigid
in-plane constraints, Cholesky factorization, Unit load method, Flexibility Method, Static analysis, Dynamic

Director of Engineering Software Research Centre, ESRC, Bandung, Indonesia
E-mail:, Web :
Static Condensation of Building Models using
Unit Load and Cholesky Matrix Inversion Method (Flexibility Method)
Nathan Madutujuh1
Director of Engineering Software Research Centre, ESRC, Bandung, Indonesia
E-mail:, Web :


Modern structural analysis requires that a building is modeled as 3D model where every node can
moves in 6 directions (3 translations and 3 rotations), resulting in 6 DOF per node model.

Because a building may have thousands of nodes and elements, analyzing a large 3D model of a high
rise building usually needs large amount of time and computing power. The model can be reduced to
half size by introducing the rigid floor diaphragm and applying in-plane constraints to slave nodes so
that they will rotate in accordance with master node. The total number of DOF will be reduced from
NF x NJ x 6 to become NF x 3 + NF x NJ x 3, almost half of the total DOF. Because the solver
algorithm processing time is about N^2.5 related to the number of DOF N, the time needed will be
reduced to about 20-25% of the original time needed.

Furthermore, if the floor mass is lumped to a master node, and other nodes have zero mass, we can use
The Guyan/Irons Static Condensation techniques (4) to reduce the equation number to NF*3 DOF for
Dynamic Analysis. This will give much smaller matrix and much faster eigen analysis.

There are several method for finding the reduced matrix from the original matrix, the original one is
involving the well known Static Condensation techniques, requiring multiplication and inverse of
several submatrices.

In this paper, a new simple and straightforward method will be introduced for building models with
rigid floor diaphragms, using the available linear solver to get the much smaller matrix, and then using
the simple Cholesky Factorization (3) to get the reduced stiffness matrix. The method has been applied
to SANSPRO integrated structural analysis and design program for static and dynamic analysis with
good results.

Standard Static Condensation Method

Static condensation or Condensation refers to reduction of the degree of freedom of a structural model
by mathematical procedures applied on the originally assembled global equilibrium equations by
eliminating (condensed out) a selected set of degrees of freedoms {Dc} and retaining only the desired
reduced DOF {Dr}. The global structure equilibrium equations are as follows:

[K] {D} = {P} (1)

The above equation can be partitioned or separated into reduced DOF and condensed out DOF as

Kcc Kcr dc Fc
= (2)
Krc Krr dr Fr

Where : r = reduced dof (3 dof / floor dof for building = master dof)
c = condensed out dof (slave dof)
d = displacement vector
F = force or load vector
If we expand the above equation, we will get two equation as follows:

[Krr].{dr} + [Krc]. {dc} = {Fr} (3)

[Kcr].{dr} + [Kcc].{dc} = {Fc} = {0} (4)

From the second equation we get

[Kcr].{dr} + [Kcc].{dc} = {0} (5)


{dc} = -[Kcc]-1.[Kcr].{dr} (6)

Substituting this to first equation, we get

[Krr].{dr} – [Krc].[Kcc]-1.[Kcr].{dr} = {Fr} (7)


[ [Krr] – [Krc].[Kcc]-1.[Kcr] ] {dr} = {Fr} (8)


[Krr*] = [Krr] – [Krc].[Kcc] -1.[Kcr] (9)

then we get the reduced equation

[Krr*].{dr} = {Fr} (10)

Recovery Process

After solving the reduced problem above and get {dr}, we can compute {dc} from :

1. In-plane Rigid Diaphragm constraints applied earlier

2. Equation for {dc}

{dc} = -[Kcc]-1.[Kcr].{dr} (6)

Now we get the complete solution for the original equation {d} = {dr dc}.

Difficulties in Standard Static Condensation Procedure

Reviewing the standard Static Condensation Procedure, we can conclude that it requires inverse of
[Kcc] which has larger size than [Krr] and matrix multiplications to get the reduced stiffness matrix
[Krr*]. The method also needs inverse of [Kcc] for recovery process. This will requires large
computing time.

Static Condensation by Unit Load and Matrix Inversion Method (Flexibility Method)

The standard static condensation method explained above requires costly inverse of [Kcc] and matrix
multiplications. In this paper we will use another approach that can avoid the need for inversing [Kcc]
directly, by generating the inverse of [Krr*] using Flexibility Method. Using this method, a unit load
vectors will be applied for each reduced dof {dr} while other dependent/slave dofs is zero {0}. The
available linear solver can be used to solve the displacement vectors [dr] using the original equation. It
will be proved below that [dr] is the inverse of [Krr*] [Krr*] -1or . Using the standard Cholesky
Symmetric Matrix Inversion Method, we can derive [Krr*] from [Krr*] -1.
Rewriting the above equation, we have :

Krr Krc Dr Fr
= (2)
Kcr Kcc Dc Fc

We will made the following assumptions for this approach:

1. {Fc} = [0] -> no nodal load and mass defined at dependent dof, all must be transformed or
lumped into independent/master dof
2. [K] and all submatrices of [K] are positive definite matrices
3. The magnitude of r << r+c to be efficiently computed

We apply the following load vectors to the original equation and solve for displacement [d] = [dr dc]:

[Krr] [Krc] [dr] [I]

= (7)
[Kcr] [Kcc] [dc] [0]

Where : [I] = unity vector with dimension r x r (all diagonals = 1, others = 0)

[0] = null vector with dimension c x r

The displacement matrix [d] can be solved using available linear equation solver. If we expand the
second row of above equation, we will get :

[Kcr].[dr] + [Kcc].[dc] = [0] (8)


[dc] = -[Kcc]-1.[Kcr].[dr] (9)

Substituting [dc] into the first row of the equilibrium equation, we will get:

[Krr].[dr] + [Krc].[dc] = [I] (10)

[Krr].[dr] - [Krc].[Kcc]-1.[Kcr].[dr] = [I] (11)

[ [Krr] - [Krc].[Kcc]-1.[Kcr] ] . [dr] = [I] (12)

Let's define [Krr*] as :

[Krr*] = [Krr] - [Krc].[Kcc]-1.[Kcr] (13)


[Krr*] [dr] = [I] (14)


[Krr*].[Krr*]-1 = [I] (15)

Looking more closely to above equation we can conclude that [dr] is actually the inverse of [Krr*] or
[Krr*]-1. So if we need to find [Krr*] then we can find first [dr] by solving the original equation
applied with unit load vectors [I] and inverse the [dr] matrix to get [Krr*]. This procedure requires
inverse of r x r matrix, and should be efficient only for relatively small r << r+c, which is the usual
case of buildings with rigid floor diaphragms.
For a high rise building with 50 floors, the size of r = 50 x 3 = 150 DOF, while the size of c is NF * NJ
* 3 = 50 * 1000 * 3 = 150000 for 1000 nodes per floor model. So for building model, ratio of c/r can
be from 100 to 10000, so the proposed procedure is effective and applicable for building models.

Procedure for Static Condensation using Unit Load and Matrix Inverse Method

1. For each independent/master dof, apply a unit load vector and solve for its displacement vector
2. Using r number of displacement vectors above, assembly the [dr] matrix
3. Find inverse of [dr] = [Krr*] using Cholesky Method
4. Solver for Reduced equation: [Krr*].{dr} = {Fr}
5. Solver for Dependent dof (Recovery Process) using In-plane constraints (no need for [Kcc] -1)

The Cholesky Symmetric Matrix Inversion Method (3)

The most efficient method for finding inverse of a symmetric matrix is a Cholesky Method. In this
method, the matrix will be decompose into [U] T (Lower part = transpose of Upper part) and [U]
(Upper part), thus square root operation must be used for diagonals of the matrix. Because the stiffness
matrix is a positive definite matrix, the diagonals is positive and real and can be square rooted to get
terms for [U].

The procedure for Cholesky Method (3) is as follows:

1. Decompose A = UT.U
2. Find Inverse of U = U-1
3. A-1 = U-1.(UT)-1


A new procedure for indirectly calculating reduced stiffness matrix of static condensation problem is
given above. The procedure is easy to implement and straightforward. It requires only solving of
several unit load vectors using the available linear equation solver and Cholesky Method for
Symmetric Matrix Inverse.

The proposed procedure avoid the need for generating much larger and costly [Kcc] -1 which requires a
lot of computing time. It is very effective in case of r << c, which is the typical case of building
models, but not very effective for relatively large r because of the needs for solving linear equation for
each unit load vector for r times.

To avoid totally the [Kcc]-1 the method uses In-plane Rigid Floor constraints to generate the
dependent/slave nodes response. If this can not be done, then the [Kcc] -1 must be generated, and the
method will not give any advantage to the standard method.


1. The reduced stiffness matrix of Static Condensation problem can be generated efficiently and
easily by using Unit Load Vector and Cholesky Method

2. The proposed method is effective for typical building model with rigid floor diaphragms and
lumped mass model

3. The model is applicable only to stable model with positive definite matrix due to the requirement of
Cholesky Method for Square root of Diagonal terms.

4. Eigen values of reduced system are always higher than the original system
5. Static Condensation is only accurate for stiffness reduction


1. The proposed method can be used to efficiently solve Static Condensation problem with r << c
2. The proposed method is suitable for 3D Static and Dynamic building analysis

Further Studies

1. Extending the proposed method to Nonlinear Problems

2. Extending the proposed method for IRS and SEREP Static Condensation Method (4)

1) K.J. Bathe, "Finite Element Procedures", 1st Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996; 2nd Edition, Watertown,
MA: Klaus-Jürgen Bathe, 2014

2) Purcell, Edwin J., Varberg, Dale, “Calculus with Analytic Geometry”, 5 th Edition, Prentice-Hall,

3) Weaver, William Jr, Gere, James, M., “Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures”, 2nd Edition, D.
Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1980

4) Avitabile, Peter, “Model Reduction Techniques”, Mechanical Engineering Department, University

of Massachusetts Lowell, 2004
Curriculum Vitae
Name : Dr. Ir. Nathan Madutujuh, M.Sc.
E-mail :
Web :
Birth Place : Alor, NTT, 2 Desember 1965

Education : SMAK 3, Gunung Sahari, Jakarta, 1984

S1 – Teknik Sipil (Struktur), UNPAR, 1989
S2 – Structural Engineering, Virginia Tech, Virginia, 1991
S3 - Doctor in Civil Engineering, UNPAR, 2010
Membership :
HAKI – Himpunan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia (Indonesian Society of Structural Eng.)
HATTI – Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia (Indonesian Society of Geotechnical Eng)
HPI – Himpunan Penemu Indonesia (Indonesian Inventors Society)
PKMI – Paguyuban Karl May Indonesia

License : SIBP – DKI Jakarta (Surat Ijin Bekerja Perencana / Structural Engineers Permit)
IP-Struktur (HAKI Professional Engineer for Structures)
IP-Teknik Sipil (HAKI Professional Engineer for Civil Engineering)

Working Experiences:
1989-1990 Structural Engineer, PT Ketira Engineering Consultant
1990 Structural Engineer, PT Huffco Engineering
1991 Research and Teaching Assistant, Virginia Tech
1989-Now Director, Engineering Software Research Center, Bandung
1992-Now Director, PT Anugrah Multi Cipta Karya, Jakarta/Bandung
1994-Now Freelance Engineer for E.L. Robinson Engineering Consultant, Delaware

Teaching/Research Experiences:

1989 Computer Lecturer, Triguna Computer Course, Bandung

1994 Viscoelastic Damper Stiffness Matrix, PAU Rekayasa ITB, Bandung
1994 Computerized Structural Testing, Puslitbangkim PU, Cileunyi, Bandung
1995 Thesis Co-Advisor, S1-Teknik Sipil UNPAR
1996-2003 Lecturers on JICA Course at Puslitbangkim PU, Cileunyi, Bandung on
Structural Testing, Structural Modelling by Computer
1989-Now Development of computer program SANSPRO, PCAD, SOILAB
1989-2003 Teaching Short-course Building Design with SANSPRO V.4.7 at several
consultants in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Kupang
2003 Short-Course on Building Modelling at PT Wiratman & Associates
1989-2003 Seminar/Workshop on Structural Modelling, Building Design, at Universities:
Unpar, ITB, ISTN, Univ. Tarumanegara, UPH, UK Maranatha, UGM, Unwira
Politeknik Bandung, Unika Atmajaya, etc.
1989-2003 Short-course on Tower Design for several tower fabricators in
Tangerang, Jakarta, Bekasi, Semarang, Gresik
2003 Development of Load-Capacity Analysis Software for Precast Slab Industry
(PT Beton Elemenindo Perkasa / BEP), Bandung
2003 Development of Load-Capacity Analysis Software for Precast Pile Industry
(PT Beton Elemenindo Perkasa / BEP), Bandung
2004 Development of Steel Profile Cutting Plan and Storage System,
PT Cerah Sempurna, Semarang
2005 Development of Structural Design Software for SCANTRUSS System
2006 Development of Load-Capacity Analysis Software for Prefab Industry B-Panel
System (PT Beton Elemenindo Putera / BEP), Bandung
2011 Development of Safety Fiber Concrete Reinfocement System, Jakarta
2011 ESRC National Conference on “Aseismic Building Design”, Bandung
2012 Development of Data Logger System for Consolidation Test, Lab Unpar, BDG
2013-2014 Development of RUKOM System, Bandung
2014 Development for LUSAS to LARSAP Bridge Data Conversion Program
2015 Development of 3D Pile Settlement Analysis System using Mindlin Equation
2016 Development of Direct Nonlinear Analysis using DNA-alpha Method

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