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F-DAR for Pain

The focus of this problem is pain. Notice the way how the D, A, and R are written.

Date/Hour Focus Progress Notes

5/20/201 Pain D:

08:00pm  Reports of sharp pain on the abdominal

incision area with a pain scale of 8 out of
 Facial grimacing
 Guarding behavior
 Restless and irritable


 Administered Celecoxib 200mg IV

 Encouraged deep breathing exercises
and relaxation techniques
 Kept patient comfortable and safe


 Patient reports pain was relieved

F-DAR for Hyperthermia

Date/Hour Focus Progress Notes

5/20/2010 Hyperthermia D:

 Temperature of 38.9 OC via axilla

8:00pm  Skin is flushed and warm to touch


 Tepid Sponge Bath (TSB) done


 Administered 250mg IV
Paracetamol as per doctor’s order
 Encouraged adequate oral fluid
 Encouraged adequate rest



 Temperature decreased from 38.9

to 37.1 OC

Another Variation

This is DAR made by Jay-D Man of with some modifications made. This
is a very good variation.


F1: Ineffective Breathing Pattern

D1: increase respiratory rate of 24 cpm

D2: use of accessory muscle to breath

D3: presence of nonproductive cough

F2: Hyperthermia

D1: skin warm and flush to touched

D2: increased body temperature of T= 38.9 degree celsius/axilla

F3: Fatigue

D1: less movement noted

A: 9:00am

 monitored v/s and charted

 regulated IVF and charted
 morning care done
 assessed patient needs and performed handwashing before handling the patient
 advised SO to always stay on patient bedside
 promote proper ventilation and a therapeutic environment

 elevated the head of the bed (moderate high back rest)

 provided comfort measures and provide opportunity for patient to rest
 due meds given


 tepid sponge bath done

 instructed SO to provide blanket and let patient wear loose clothing

F4: Discharge Plan (12:00nn)

D1: discharged order given by Dr.Name/Time

 M – advised SO to give the ff. meds at the right time, dose, frequency and route
 E – encouraged to maintain cleanliness of the house and surroundings
 T – advised to go to follow-up consultations on the prescribed date
 H – encouraged to do chest tapping to facilitate mobilization of secretion
 O – observed for signs of super infections such as fever, black fury tongue and
foul odor discharges
 D – encouraged to eat fresh vegetables and fish
 S – advised to continue praying to God and hear mass on Sunday

2:00pm – out of the room per wheelchair with improved condition

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