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Post-Test Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ learning on the topic, collect and

analyze the post-test data to determine the effectiveness of your instruction and assessment.
Number of Students Number of Students
Pre-Test Post-Test
Highly Proficient
(90%-100%) 2 10

(80%-89%) 1 1

2 2

17 8
(69% and below)

Post-Test Analysis: Whole Class

My interpretation of the students learning after looking at the effectiveness of the proficiency of
each student depending upon the number of pre- and post-test above it looks like 7 students
gained a better proficiency level. Although after looking deeper to see the percentage of points
from pre- and post-test I found that all 21 students that took both the pre- and post-test gained
understanding of the financial literacy material. One student even going from 65% on the pre-test
to 100% on the post-test.

Based upon the whole class post-test data I believe that the effectiveness of instruction is shown
through looking at students individual gain in proficiency level not displayed in the table above.
When looking closer at students that moved proficiency levels: 2 students moved one space up
from minimally proficient to partially proficient, 1 students moved two spaces up from minimally
proficient to proficient, 5 students moved three spaces up from minimally proficient to highly
proficient, 2 students moved up two spaces from partially proficient to highly proficient, and 1
student moved one space up from proficient to highly proficient. Meaning that 11 students moved
up at least one space without any students moving down any spaces in proficiency levels.

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup Selection

When selecting a subgroup population I looked back at the information in Standard 1 to decided
upon a subgroup population to select. In the classroom there are no ELL students, only 1 504 in
my classroom, 2 students on IEPs, or the 2 gifted students so I decided to use a gender subgroup
to see the growth of the girls in the classroom
Post-Assessment Data: Subgroup (Gender, ELL population, Gifted, students on IEPs or 504s, etc.)

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test

Exceeds 1 7

Meets 1 0

Approaches 8 4

Falls Far Below 2 0

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup

Based upon the subgroup I chose of all the girls in the classroom, I found that the students
learning grew. All except three girls grew in understanding: two students stayed in approach and
one in exceeds. Although each of these students did not grow in category but they did in
percentage of understanding on their individual pre- and post-test.

Based upon this subgroup I am able to see the effectiveness of the student learning due to the
number of students that moved up in categories in understanding in these areas. Although not all
students moved (three girls did not). So in my future lesson due to seeing three students not
moving categories I will make sure to do more formative assessments through out my teaching to
check each individual students learning with thumb up/thumb down and exit questions so I can
effectively help those student grow when they are confused in my lesson. I will focus less on
getting through each lesson and rather slow down and make sure each student learns each lesson
to the full extent.

Post-Assessment Data: Remainder of Class

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test
Exceeds 1 3

Meets 2 3

Approaches 7 4
Falls Far Below 0 0

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup and Remainder of Class

When comparing the remainder of the class or the boys in the class based upon them being the
remainder of the subgroup it shows that five boy students did not grow in effectiveness of my
instruction. I know this because four of the students did not grow out of the approach category
and one student stayed in the exceed category. Next time I will be sure to help these students that
are already in the exceed category learn additional information in the area they are learning
instead of being stuck in the lesson.

The next steps for instruction are continuing education on financial literacy by continuing
education on budgeting and how financials are used in our everyday lives. An objective I will use
for the next step of instruction is that “students will be able to use budgeting to find out how to
spend their jobs salary.” Students in the classroom already get paid for their classroom jobs they
do every month so by using their currency of W.O.W.s (school currency) to save money for
something they would like to buy in the W.O.W. store.

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