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Name : Savira
Study Program : Magister Kenotariatan
Title : Double Certificate On Land Rights ( Verdict of the
Supreme Court No. 56PK/TUN/2007)

Certificate as a strong admissible evidence instrument, in its’ issuance, often brings

and created a legal impact for those who being related or those whose interests being
jeopardized, therefore many times disputes related to the issuance of a certificate have
been recurring and ended in the court for its settlement. In this case study, the dispute
occurred due to the existence of double certificates on the same object (in this matter
such object is land). The problem identified includes; what are the factors which lead
to the existence of a double certificate, how is the legal protection being given to the
party which certificate’s being cancelled in the case of double certificates and is the
Verdict of the Supreme Court number 56 PK/TUN/2008 has been in conjunction with
the current regulation. This thesis is using normative-based research method with
descriptive research type and the data being used is a secondary data. The data
analysis within this thesis’ writings is using qualitative analysis method.
Key Words: Cancelation of double certificates.


Universitas Indonesia

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