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Los artículos son palabras que indican el género y número de los sustantivos.

Se clasifican en dos grupos: Los determinados y los indeterminados.


El artículo indeterminado inglés es a y an.

A boy A girl An apple

 Es invariable en género y número.

(Esto quiere decir que sirve la misma forma tanto para el

masculino como para el femenino)

A boy / Un chico A girl / Una chica

 Carece de plural.

Para expresar el significado de unos, unas se utiliza el adjetivo:

some (algunos).

 Se utiliza a delante de palabras que empiezan por consonante

Por ejemplo la letra h aspirada suena “J”

A chair / Una silla A useful thing / Una cosa útil

 Se utiliza an delante de palabras que comienzan por vocal

o por h que no se pronuncia (ej. hour)

An orange / Una naranja An animal/ Un animal

 -Se utiliza a y an delante de profesiones

(A diferencia del español en que la profesión no requiere del

un/ una):

I am an engineer / Soy ingeniero He is a painter / Él es pintor

El artículo indeterminado se omite:

 Delante de sustantivos en plural (se emplea el adjetivo some / any )

There are some oranges / Hay unas (algunas) naranjas


En inglés, el artículo determinado (the) tiene la particularidad y la ventaja que

cubre a cuatro de nuestros artículos: el, la, los, las.

The world The worlds

The house The houses
The cat, the girl, the books and the apples


Se omite el artículo determinado the en los siguientes casos:

 Cuando nos referimos a personas.

Mr Epi / el Sr. Epi King Arthur / el Rey Arturo Lord Craig / el Lord Craig

 Cuando hablamos de actividades, oficios y juegos:

Chess / El ajedrez Fishing / La pesca Architecture / La arquitectura

 Cuando se emplean nombres de partes del cuerpo que se utilizan con el

verbo to have (tener).

My daughter has blue eyes / Mi hija tiene los ojos azules


1) Coloca el artículo faltante, sea Determinado o Indeterminado, según


____ plane arrived early.

Peter is ____ boring student.

____ book is very interesing.

____ apple is not sweet.

It is ____ expensive car.

My father buys ____ newspaper every day.

Lucia is ____ friendly woman.

____ film was awful.

It is raining and I will buy ___ umbrella.

I drank ____ excellent wine at the restaurant.

Yesterday, I had ____ problem.

____ farm is very old.

My brother saw ____ elephant in Africa.

John wants ____ apple pie for his birthday.

____ piano was bought by my grandfather.

My father has ____ important job.


El verbo BE tiene como significado Ser o Estar.

I (Yo)
(soy - estoy)

He (Él)
She (Ella)
(es - está)
It (Eso)

We (Nosotros)
You (Tú o Vosotros)
(somos, son - están)
They (Ellos o Ellas)


I am Mexican.

She is generous.

They are Chinese.


Es muy fácil negar una oración del verbo to be.

Para hacerlo, simplemente agrega "not" después del verbo to be.

Por ejemplo:

I am not Mexican.

She is not generous.

They are not Chinese.


En inglés no existe el símbolo de interrogación de principio de frase como en

español (¿) sólo se utiliza el símbolo del final (?) por lo que, para saber que una
frase va a ser una pregunta desde el principio, debemos fijarnos en el orden de
las palabras.

Es decir, en afirmaciones se utiliza primero el sujeto, luego el verbo y

finalmente el complemento “ You are kind” (“Eres amable”).

Sin embargo, en las interrogaciones cambiaremos el orden de las palabras y

colocaremos el verbo al principio seguido del sujeto “ Are you honest?”
“¿Eres sincero?”.

En inglés, a diferencia del español, es muy habitual contraer dos palabras, es

decir, unir y (a la vez acortar) dos palabras en una mediante un apóstrofe (‘).

La contracción no sólo afecta a la ortografía sino que además cambia la

pronunciación de las dos palabras unidas. El sujeto no cambia nunca, lo que
cambia es la forma de expresar el verbo.
El verbo ‘to be’ se suele contraer siempre en situaciones informales.


1.- Colocar ambas palabras juntas

2.- Eliminar la primera vocal de la segunda palabra
3.- En ese espacio colocar un apóstrofe.




2.- YOU_RE

3.- YOU’RE ☺

Completa las siguientes frases con AM, IS o ARE:

1- Maria ____ confused.

2- We ____ German.

3- You ____ thin.

4- The teachers ____ young.

5- Fernando_____ bored

6- She _____ very jealous.

7- You _____ rude.

8- I____ happy.

9- Steven ____ handsome.

10- I ___ Italian.


1) Escribe la forma negativa contraída del verbo ‘to be’:

1- Joe ______ thirty years old.

2- I ______ divorced.

3- You ______ married.

4- Susan ______ old.

5- The Children ______ funny

6- We ______ ashamed.

7- The Students______intelligent.
2) Convierte las siguientes afirmaciones en interrogaciones:

1- George is confused.

Is George confused?

2- They are Spanish


3- Marcel is an old man


4-We are single.


5-Marta is my friend


6- Felipe is bored


7- My sister is jealous


8- His uncle is angry


9- The doctor is friendly


10- Your boss is generous

3) Ahora vamos a convertir todas las afirmaciones del ejercicio anterior
en negaciones contraídas, por ejemplo:

1- George is confused / George isn’t confused










Los Pronombres Personales Subjetivos o de sujeto son aquellas palabras

que hacen referencia al sujeto que realiza la acción

Él compró un nuevo automóvil. He bought a new car.

I (yo)

YOU (tu)

HE (el)
Son “terceras personas”,
SHE (ella) y los verbos conjugados en
terceras personas son en Plural.
IT (eso, esa) [Todo lo que NO es persona]

WE (nosotros, nosotras)

THEY (ellos, ellas)

 Como todo pronombre, sustituyen o señalan el nombre de quien ejecuta la

acción y que se ha utilizado con anterioridad, como por ejemplo en la
siguiente oración:

Juan viajará a Londres Él estudiará inglés.

John will travel to London He will study English.

En este caso observamos que tanto la palabra Juan como Él cumplen la

misma función.

 Uno de los detalles a tener en cuenta, es que en la lengua inglesa el

pronombre siempre acompaña al verbo.

En el español existe el sujeto tácito, que es cuando no se menciona o escribe

el sujeto, pero se sobreentiende de quien se está hablando:

Estudio matemáticas
(donde se supone que estoy hablando de mí sin la necesidad de expresar Yo
estudio matemáticas),
Pero en inglés el sujeto debe expresarse siempre:

I study maths. (Yo estudio matemáticas).

 Existe un único caso donde no se coloca el pronombre. Se trata de

oraciones imperativas, que son aquellas que expresan una orden y que
dejan claro a quien se está dirigiendo:

Study the lesson! (¡Estudia la lección!)

Aquí vemos algunos ejemplos de oraciones donde se utilizan los pronombres


She is nice person.

(Ella es una persona agradable)

You work here.

(Tu trabajas aquí)

I live in Paris
(Yo vivo en París.)

You are a good student

(Tú eres un buen alumno.)

He sells shoes
(Él vende zapatos.)

She sings at church

(Ella canta en la iglesia.)

It is very bad (The dog is very bad.)

(El perro es muy malo.)

We sent a letter to our mother.

(Nosotros enviamos una carta a nuestra madre.)

· this Señala Singular y Cerca

· that Señala Singular y Lejos

· these Señala Plural y Cerca

· those Señala Plural y Lejos


This car (Aquél carro)

These cars (Aquellos carros)


1) Elige el adjetivo demostrativo adecuado

(this/that/these/those) que acompañe a las siguientes palabras:

1-____That_____ child is far away (lejos)

2- ____________ men are awful (cerca)

3-____________ sofas are comfortable (lejos)

4-____________ shelf is brown (cerca)

5-____________ drawers are big (lejos)

6-____________ armchair costs 100 Dollars (lejos)

7-____________ house is mine (cerca)

2) Elige el pronombre demostrativo más adecuado;

1- Look over here! Look at ____________ chair!

2- ____________ houses are beautiful. The ones in Chicago.

3- Carlos! Leave ____________ tables there.

4- ____________ woman is far away.

3) Pasa las siguientes frases a singular o plural según convenga.

1- This drawer is useful.


2 – These boys live here.


3- We like those armchairs.


4- That wardrobe is broken.


5- This student is wonderful


6- These dogs aren’t yours


7- Those examples are wrong


8- That problem isn’t difficult


Los pronombres reflexivos son los siguientes:

oneself se, a sí mismo, uno mismo (impersonal)

myself me, a mí mismo, yo mismo

yourself te, tú mismo, a ti mismo, a usted mismo

himself se, a sí mismo, a él mismo

herself se, a sí misma, a ella misma

itself se, a sí mismo, a ello mismo

ourselves nos, a nosotros mismos

yourselves os, a vosotros mismos, a ustedes mismos

themselves se, a sí mismos, a ellos mismos

- Los pronombres reflexivos se utilizan para enfatizar el sentido de la frase

(para realzar al sujeto que realiza la acción por "si mismo").

I wrote this book myself/

Escribí yo mismo este libro

The chairman himself opened the meeting/

El presidente en persona abrió la reunión

- Conjuntamente con 'by' expresan la idea de que algo se hizo sin ayuda.

I wrote this book by myself / Escribí este libro por mí solo.

- Conjugación de los verbos reflexivos en inglés:

To wash oneself / lavarse

I wash myself yo me lavo

you wash yourself tú te lavas
he washes himself él se lava
she washes herself ella se lava
it washes itself se lava (animal, cosa)
we wash ourselves nosotros nos lavamos
you wash yourselves vosotros os laváis
they wash
ellos se lavan


Jason hurt __________ with a sharp knife.

My neighbour fixed the roof by__________.

The letters are not going to be delivered by___________.

I have been thinking about___________.

The policemen went to the restaurant to buy _____________ some


My dog is looking at _____________in the mirror.

I haven't shaved _____________ for months.

I built this cottage______________.

The kids will not go to school by______________.

She chose ______________ a perfect job.

The president ______________ helped the victims.

Mike and Peter met ______________ last night.


Los pronombres posesivos se utilizan para indicar quien tiene la propiedad

sobre una(s) cosa(s).

Adjetivo Pronombre
My mine, el mío, lo mío, la mía, los míos, las mías
yours, el tuyo, lo tuyo, la tuya, los tuyos, las tuyas, el suyo, lo suyo, la
suya, los suyos, las suyas
His his, el suyo (de él), lo suyo, los suyos, las suyas
Her hers, el suyo (de ella), lo suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas
Our ours, el nuestro, lo nuestro, la nuestra, los nuestros, las nuestras
Their theirs, el suyo (de ellos, ellas), lo suyo, etc.

I have a car. // It’s my car.

You have a car. // It’s your car.

He has a car. // It’s his car.

She has a car. // It’s her car.

It has a car. // It’s its car.

We have a car. // It’s our car.

You have a car. // It’s your car.

They have a car. // It’s their car.

 La cantidad de objetos no se refleja en la forma del adjetivo posesivo.
Lo que importa es cuantos propietarios hay:

Éste es mi coche. It’s my car.

Son mis coches. These are my cars.

 A nivel fonético, hay una homofonía (suenan igual) entre las formas he’s
y his o bien entre it’s y its o they’re y their.

Es el contexto inmediato y el de la frase lo que nos dirá que forma se utiliza.

 Hay también una serie de pronombres posesivos que sustituyen a la

construcción posesivo + nombre:

It’s my car. // It’s mine.

It’s your car. // It’s yours.

It’s his car. // It’s his.

It’s her car. // It’s hers.

It’s its car. // It’s its.

It’s our car. // It’s ours.

It’s your car. // It’s yours.

It’s their car. // It’s theirs.


Los pronombres personales objetivos son:

ME me, a mí
YOU te, a tí, a usted
HIM le, a él
HER le, a ella
le, a él, a ella, a ello
IT (para animales
o cosas)
US nos, a nosotros, a nosotras
YOU les, a ustedes
THEM les, a ellos, a ellas

Es necesario RECORDAR que:

 Los Pronombres Personales Subjetivos mencionan quién realiza la

acción y siempre se colocan antes del verbo.
 Los Pronombres Personales Objetivos siempre se ubican después.
 En las frases comparativas se sitúan detrás de "than " y "as".

Rachel broke it. - Detrás del verbo

Sally can't study without him. - Detrás de una preposición

Tom is more intelligent than him. - Frase comparativa detrás de "than”

Carl is as polite as her. - Frase comparativa detrás de "as"

(Pronombres Objetivos)

1) Sustituye las palabras en negritas por Pronombres Objetivos.

Last night I met Sally and Paul at the cinema.


My mother likes my new red shoes very much.


I went to the theatre but I couldn’t hear the actors.


Ann said that she had known Peter and Tom in Australia.


My boss always writes many letters to Mr. Johnson.


Yesterday, Anthony kissed Susan on the cheek.


Brian gave Sheyla a beautiful dog.


Tom, the mechanic, needs the spare parts right now.


He can't take the little dog to the supermarket.


Last week, we received a beautiful present from uncle Jack.

My cousins hit the boys in the park.


Everybody knows Mr. Scott in Oxford Street.


I haven't seen Peter since 2008.


Carl had already finished his homework before I arrived.


The inspector questioned the men.


I asked the policeman the way to the hospital.



 Nunca cambian.
 Siempre su traducción termina en “ar, er, ir”
 En inglés siempre van acompañados de la partícula aux. “TO”

To run (Correr)

To walk (Caminar)

To wash (Lavar)

To go (Ir)


 Son aquellos que cambian su traducción de manera coherente según su

sujeto que lo acompañe.
 Para conjugación de terceras personas deben ser en Plural.

To walk (Caminar)

You walk (Tu caminas)

I walk (Yo camino)

They walk (Ellos caminan)

We walk (Nosotros caminamos)

She walks (Ella camina)

He walks (El camina)

It walks (Eso camina)


 Son acciones que en su final terminan en “ING” (inglés)

 Son acciones que tienen al final de su traducción “ANDO, IENDO”
 Para conjugarlos deben ir acompañados del correcto verbo ser estar.

To walk (Caminar)

You walk (Tu caminas)

You are walking (Tu estás caminando)



El Presente Simple nos habla de acciones cotidianas,

aunque en el momento no se estén realizando.

Ejemplo: Yo trabajaba en oficina (pasado)

Yo trabajaré en oficina (futuro)
Yo trabajo en oficina (presente simple)



you work in office


you do not work in office


do you work in office ?
Notas: El auxiliar DO no tiene traducción

¿Cuándo empleamos el auxiliar do?

Para contestar a la pregunta en presente simple interrogativo.


PREGUNTA: Do you walk in the park every morning?

RESPUESTA LARGA: Yes, I walk in the park every morning.


(el decir “do” hace referencia a todo lo demás)

No, I don’t walk in the park every morning.

No, I don’t. (el decir “do” nuevamente hace referencia a todo lo demás)


1) Une cada sujeto con su predicado correspondiente:

1. John - loves Martin

2. We - like tomatoes

3. Our friends - play in the park

4. Samantha - understand Italian

5. The mechanics - fix cars

6. My children - plays football every Sunday

7. I - admire Michael Jackson

8. Students of latin - need our help

2) Escribe la forma negativa del verbo entre paréntesis:

1- She ___ doesn’t start work__ at 11.30. (start work)

2- I ____________ at home at the weekend. (sleep)

3- You ____________ very early. (wake up)

4- Peter ____________ by bus. (go home)

5- My friends ____________ early. (finish work)

6- We ____________ in the morning. (have a shower)

7- They ____________ in the kitchen. (have dinner)

8- She ____________. (watch TV)

9- I ____________ by car. (go to school)

10- You ____________ her homework. (do)

3) Convierte las siguientes afirmaciones en interrogaciones:

1- John goes to school by car.

Does John go to school by car?

2- They do their homework every day.


3- Your friends have dinner at home.


4-We have a shower every day.


5-My girlfriend finishes work at 3.00.


6- The children watch TV at the weekend.


7- The woman goes to bed very early.


8- I go home at 6 p.m.


9- My sister sleeps a lot.


10- You get dressed after the shower.

4) Ahora vamos a convertir todas las afirmaciones del ejercicio anterior
en negaciones, por ejemplo:

1- John goes to school by car.

John doesn’t go to school by car.










El Presente Simple nos habla de acciones en el momento, que aún no acaban.

El sujeto debe de ir acompañado siempre del verbo ser estar.

Ejemplo: Yo trabajaba en oficina (pasado)

Yo trabajaré en oficina (futuro)
Yo trabajo en oficina (presente simple)
Yo estoy trabajando en oficina (presente progresivo)



you are working in the office now.


you are not working in the office now.


are you working in the office now ?


1) Completa las siguientes oraciones en Presente Progresivo.

It _ is__ raining in New York.

Mary ___ cook ___ in her house.

Peter and Susan ____ play ___ in the beach.

My father ___ work___ in the garden.

I ____ learn___ French.

You ___ not studying math.

My sister ____ eating at the restaurant.

We ____ enjoying the party.

They ____ not seeing the pictures.

_____ my mother talking to Jane?

The children ____ visiting the Zoo.

Mike _____ calling you.

Robert and Alice ______ travelling to Europe.

The dog ____ sleeping in the street.

What ____ you doing?

My grandfather ____ watching T.V.

My friends ____ drinking at the bar.

Lisa ____ painting her house.

I ____ playing the guitar.

The pupils _____ shouting in the park

2) Debes completar las oraciones con el verbo, luego traducirlas al
español y finalmente escribir su forma interrogativa y negativa
como lo muestra este ejemplo:

Alice is_ showing her hat.

Alice está mostrando su sombrero.
Is Alice showing her hat?
Alice is not showing her hat.

1. She _________ giving me a gift.




2. My father and my brother _______ painting the house.




3. Joe _____ climbing the mountain.



4. They ________ eating at the shopping center.




5. My grandmother _______ wearing a coat.




6. Meg and Brian _______ waiting for you.




7. The pupils _______ explaining the lesson.



8. My sister _________ buying a red dress.




9. The secretary _______ writing a letter.




10. The maid _______ cleaning the house.




11. The tourists _______ taking photographs.



12. They ________ repairing the car.




13. The dog and the cat _______ playing in the garden.




14. Peter and Tom ________ working in a pet shop.




15. I _______ inviting you to my birthday party.




16. The kids ________ washing the hands.



17. The doctor _______ talking to the nurse.




18. My friends ______ opening a new store.




19. Max _________ sending you an e-mail.




20. I _______ staying at the hotel.




En inglés como en español, la mayoría de los plurales se forma añadiendo “-

s” al final de las palabras ‘Dog-Dogs’’Perro-Perros’.

Aunque existen varias excepciones que veremos más adelante.

La gran diferencia que existe entre ambos idiomas en cuanto a plurales es que
los adjetivos en inglés no tienen plural como en español aunque vayan
acompañando a un sustantivo en plural: ‘big eyes ‘ojos grandes’

1) Si el verbo acaba en -sh, -ch, -s, -x, -z, -o se le añade “–es.”

- To push - He pushes (Verbo empujar: Él empuja)

- To watch - He watches (Verbo mirar: Él mira)
- To fix - He fixes (Verbo reparar: Él repara)
- To go - She goes (Verbo ir: Ella va

2) Cuando la palabra acaba en “y” tras consonante ‘study’, se sustituye la “y”

por una “i” y se le añade “-es”.

- To study - He studies (Verbo estudiar: Él estudia)

- To fly - He flies (Verbo volar: Él vuela)

Pero no en:

- To play - She plays (Verbo jugar: Ella juega)

- To buy - She buys (Verbo comprar: Ella compra)

Porque la “y” no va precedida de una consonante sino de una vocal.

3) Algunas palabras que terminan en “–f / –fe” forman el plural sustituyendo la

“f” por una “v” y añadiendo “-es”.

Life: Lives - Vida/s

Thief: Thieves - Ladrón/es
Knife: Knives - Cuchillo/s
5) Algunas palabras, como en español, son siempre en plural

-Scissors: Tijeras
-Trousers: Pantalones

6) Hay bastantes sustantivos que forman el plural de una manera irregular, es

decir que No tienen una norma específica y común (fórmulas); y estos se
deberían aprender de memoria. Vamos a ver algunos ejemplos:

-Man/Men - Hombre/s
-Woman/Women - Mujer/es
-Tooth/Teeth - Diente/s
-Foot/Feet - Pie/s
-Mouse/Mice - Ratón/es
-Person/People - Persona/s
-Child/Children - Niño/s

Los números ordinales en Inglés tienen la misma función que los números
ordinales en español, o sea dar orden.
En español, el equivalente sería primero, segundo, tercero, etc...

Primero, segundo y tercero son así:

Number Significado Contracción

First Primero 1st
Second Segundo 2nd
Third Tercero 3rd

Las decenas, centenas, millares y el millón también tienen la terminación


Number Significado Contracción

Twentieth Vigésimo 20th
Thirtieth Trigésimo 30th
Fortieth Cuadragésimo 40th
Fiftieth Quincuagésimo 50th
Sixtieth Sexagésimo 60th
Seventieth septuagésimo 70th
Eightieth Octogésimo 80th
Ninetieth Nonagésimo 90th
Hundredth Centésimoo 100th
Thousandth Milésimo 1000th
Millionth Millonésimo 1000000th
Para formar las decenas se hace igual que con los cardinales, pero la
terminación -th la tienen las unidades, las decenas se escriben como en
los cardinales:

Number Significado Contracción

Twenty-first Vigésimoprimero 21st
Twenty-second Vigésimosegundo 22nd
Twenty-third Vigésimotercero 23rd
Twenty-fourth Vigésimocuarto 24th

Cuando se pone solo el número, se le añade la
terminación de este, que siempre será -th,
excepto cuando se trate del primero, segundo
y tercero que son diferentes al resto, en los
cuales la terminación sería -st, -nd y -rd

(Números Ordinales)

1) Completa la Tabla.





1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine

10 ten

11 eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

14 fourteen

15 fifteen

16 sixteen

17 seventeen

18 eighteen

19 nineteen

20 twenty

21 twenty-one

22 twenty-two
23 twenty-three

24 twenty-four

25 twenty-five

26 twenty-six

27 twenty-seven

28 twenty-eight

29 twenty-nine

30 thirty

40 forty

50 fifty

60 sixty

70 seventy

80 eighty

90 ninety

100 one hundred

One thousand

Ten thousand

one hundred

One million

Where do you live? – ¿Dónde vives?

I live in Los Angeles – Vivo en Los Ángeles

What’s your job? – ¿De qué trabajas?

I’m a doctor – Soy médico

Why are you learning English? – ¿Por qué estás aprediendo inglés?

To travel – Para viajar

Who is that girl? – ¿Quién es esa chica?

She is my girlfriend – Es mi novia

How are you? – ¿Cómo estás?

I´m fine, thank you – Estoy bien, gracias

What’s your name? – ¿Cómo te llamas?

My name is John – Me llamo John

Where are you from? – ¿De dónde eres?

I’m from México – Soy de México

How old are you? – ¿Cuántos años tienes?

I’m twenty years old – Tengo 20 años


1) Completa las siguientes frases con un ‘subject’ u ‘object pronoun’. Ten

en cuenta las palabras subrayadas:

1- Sarah is my doctor. __She____ is new.

2- I know those children. I like ______.

3- That man is my boyfriend. I love ______ .

4- I always drink tea. I like ______.

5- I know that old woman, but ______ doesn’t know ______.

6- John is the teacher. ______ helps us.

7- My girlfriend and I know that old man. He always talks to ______.

8- I write a letter every day. I write ______.

9- Tom and Peter are my friends. ______ go to the park every day.

10- That woman is beautiful. I like ______.

2) Completa las siguientes frases con un ‘subject’ u ‘object pronoun’:

1- I like him, but ___ he ___ doesn’t like ___ me ___.

2- They like me, but ______ don’t like ______.

3- We like them, but ______ don’t like ______.

4- She like him, but ______ doesn’t like ______.

5- They like her, but ______ doesn’t like ______.

6- I like them, but ______ don’t like ______.

7- He like us, but ______ don’t like ______.

8- You like her, but ______ doesn’t like ______.

9- I like you, but ______ don’t like ______.


"My sister’s boyfriend is my brother in law."

(El novio de mi hermana es mi cuñado.)

En inglés podemos referirnos a la propiedad o posesión de dos maneras


Por una parte, podemos hacerlo añadiendo ‘of’,

que vendría a ser nuestro ‘de’ en español. Por ejemplo:

The door of the car

La puerta del coche

Por otra parte se puede utilizar el “GENITIVO SAJÓN”.

En español no tenemos ningún equivalente a esta forma, por lo que nos

puede resultar un poco más complicado, pero con un poco de práctica seguro
que lo dominamos. Ahora analizaremos su estructura.


El Genitivo Sajón se forma de manera muy sencilla.

Primero se le añadirá ‘s a quién posee y la posesión irás detrás.
La posesión no lleva artículo:

El que posee+ ’s + Posesión

My brother’s trousers – Los pantalones de mi hermano

Helen’s skirt– La falda de Helen

Si el sustantivo está en plural terminado en ‘-s’,

se añadirá el apóstrofe (‘) pero no la ‘-s’: (Books - Books’)

My parents’ friends - Los amigos de mis padres

Vamos a ver unos ejemplos para aclararlo un poco más:

My mum’s jacket is old – La chaqueta de mi madre es vieja

El posesivo también se utiliza para indicar relaciones familiares.

That woman is John’s aunt– Esa mujer es la tía de John

NOTA -> No se debe confundir el posesivo (‘s) con la contracción del verbo ‘to
be’ en tercera persona.


1) Traduce las siguientes frases al inglés utilizando el Genitivo Sajón:

1. La camisa de mi hermana


2. La falda de mi hija


3. Los pantalones de mi papá


4. La camiseta de mi primo


5. Los zapatos de mi hijo


There is something in the air...

Hay algo en el aire...


Cuando queremos decir que algo o alguien existe (o que no existe) utilizaremos
“THERE IS” (para el singular) y “THERE ARE” (para el plural). En español
decimos “HAY” tanto para el singular como para el plural.

There is a cow - Hay una vaca

There are cows - Hay vacas

Como se Forma

La expresión está formada por el adverbio THERE + el verbo ‘to be’.

There is a bull “hay un toro”

Éste verbo se puede contraer,

“there’s a bull” “hay un toro”.

La negación de “there is” y “there are” es muy sencilla, ya que sigue el mismo
patrón que pudimos ver con el verbo ‘to be”.

Detrás de “is/are” deberemos colocar “not”.

There is not a horse

There isn’t a horse
No hay un caballo

There are not horses

There aren’t horses
No hay caballos
Para construir la forma interrogativa de esta expresión simplemente debemos
invertir el orden. Vamos a verlo más claramente con un par de ejemplos:

There is a spider Is there a spider?

Hay una araña ¿Hay una araña?

There are spiders Are there spiders?

Hay arañas ¿Hay arañas?


Completa las siguientes frases con “There is” o “There are”:

1- There are three cows in the farm.

2- ____________ a chicken crossing the street.

3- ____________ a snake behind you.

4- ____________ one tiger at the zoo.

5- ____________ donkeys.

6- ____________ hungry lions around.

7- ____________ a beautiful parrot on that tree.

8-____________ a lot of ants.

9-____________ a mouse in the kitchen.

10-____________ a bear in the park.

Convierte las frases a su forma negativa contraída:

1- There aren’t three cows in the farm

2- ________________________________

3- ________________________________

4- ________________________________

5- ________________________________

6- ________________________________

7- ________________________________

8- ________________________________

9- ________________________________

10- ________________________________

3) Convierte las frases del ejercicio “1” en pregunta:

1- Are there three cows in the farm?

2- ________________________________

3- ________________________________

4- ________________________________

5- ________________________________

6- ________________________________

7- ________________________________

8- ________________________________

9- ________________________________

10- ________________________________


El Futuro Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para:

 Describir acciones que se van a desarrollar en el futuro sin necesidad de

aclarar en qué momento se producirán.

 Emplean el auxiliar WILL.

 Debe quedar claro que el auxiliar no tiene traducción, sin embargo,

como su nombre lo indica, “auxiliar” al siguiente verbo, convirtiéndolo en
tiempo futuro.

YOU will study the lesson.

Tú estudiarás la lección.

He will travel to London.

Él viajará a Londres.

They will buy a new car.

Ellos comprarán un nuevo auto.

 Aunque también se puede expresar el tiempo en el que se desarrollará la

acción, por ejemplo:

Susan will visit her mother tomorrow.

John will travel to New York the next month.






Pronombre + Aux. Will --------------- Pronombre + ‘ll

Aux. Will + Negación --------------- Won’t

I will play tennis  I'll play tennis.

We will paint the house  We'll paint the house.

She will not buy a house  She won't buy a house.

They will not go to the party  They won't go to the party


El aux. Will es empleado en todos los pronombres, otra forma de expresar

el futuro es con el aux. SHALL; solo que éste se colocará solo con la
Primera y Terceras personas.

Su contracción es igual que will.

Pronombre + Shall ------------------ Pronombre + ‘ll

También es posible utilizar el Presente Simple para describir una acción

en el futuro que está totalmente planeada:

Next week I travel to Spain (La próxima semana viajo a España)

Tomorrow I start my diet (Mañana comienzo la dieta)

Ambos ejemplos hablan de acciones ya planificadas.

Y ambas señalan tiempos futuros (Próxima Semana, Mañana)
(Futuro Simple)

1) Escribe el verbo en futuro simple en cada una de las oraciones.

1. My mother _____ cook a chocolate cake for my birthday.

2. I _____ see Peter tomorrow morning.
3. My father _____paint the house white.
4. Susan _____ travel by plane to Spain.
5. Tom _____ work in travel agent.
6. It _____ take two hours the get home.
7. Sally _____ write a letter to her parents.
8. Jane and Paul _____ come to visit us the next year.
9. I _____ go to the cinema when I finish my homework.
10. Sarah _____ sing at the concert tonight.

2) Escribe la forma Contraída, Negativa e Interrogativa de cada una de las

siguientes oraciones.

When Clark arrives to the airport, he shall take a taxi to my home.



Mark shall meet me at the airport.




If I can not open the door I shall break it.




Joe shall call me as soon as he arrives to the city.




If I pass the exams, I shall celebrate with my friends.



Ann shall make a beautiful dress to her sister for the party.




I shall get my graduation at the end of the year.




Charles shall buy car as a present to his son.




A lot of people will attend the theatre the next week.





El Futuro Cercano es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para:

 Describir acciones que se van a desarrollar en el futuro cercano, es decir

que es muy probable que se lleven a cabo.





 El aux. going to se traduce como:






I am going to play soccer this afternoon.

Voy a jugar al fútbol esta tarde.

You are going to study the lesson.

Tú vas a estudiar la lección.

He is going to finish his work.

Él va a terminar su trabajo.

They are going to have lunch in five minutes.

Ellos van a ir a almorzar en cinco minutos


1) Convierte las siguientes oraciones en Negativo, Interrogativo.

I am going to kiss you.

I am not going to kiss you.

am I going to kiss you?

My father is going to arrive tonight.


John is going to swim across the channel tomorrow.



I am going to travel by air.



Jim and Meg are going to see a movie.



My sister is going to write a letter to the President.



Our neighbours are going to move to a new house.



Alice is going to ask for an explanation.


They are going to decontaminate the lake.



He is going to take a picture.



She is going to telephone me at 5 o'clock.



The teacher is going to explain a new lesson.



We are going to play cards in our house tonight.



Sheyla is going to buy some books at the library.


My father is going to feed the birds.



They are going to give him a big surprise.



Millie is going to drink her medicine.



My friends are going to win the championship.



I am going to sell my old computer.



The secretary is going to send the letters.


(Repaso General Futuro Simple)

1) Ordena las siguientes oraciones, y conviértelas según se pide.

going / to / you / I / am / kiss


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

arrive / My / is / father / to / tonight / going


Fut. Will. Neg. __________________________________

Fut. Going to. Int. ________________________________

across / is / John / the / going / swim / channel / to / tomorrow


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

travel / am / I / to / going / air / by


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

are / see / Jim / Meg / to / and / going / movie / a


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

sister / write / is / My / going / the / to / President / letter / a / to


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

going / neighbours / move / to / Our / are / new / to / house / a


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

ask / an / going / explanation / to / Alice / is / for


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

decontaminate / the / are / lake / They / to / going


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

take / is / He / going / a / to / picture


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

telephone / is / She / me / to / going / 5 / at / o'clock


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

The / is / explain / a / going / teacher / to / lesson / new


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

tonight / going / we / play / are / to / cards / house / our / in


Fut. Going. Neg.________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

Sheyla / books / to / going / is / library / buy / some / the / at


Fut. Going. Neg.__________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________

feed / birds / the / is / My / going / father / to


Fut. Will. Neg.___________________________________

Fut. Will. Int. ___________________________________


Dado que ya tenemos conocimiento del futuro simple con auxiliares will / going
to, éste futuro continuo será mucho más fácil de comprender.

El Futuro Continuo es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir una

acción que tendrá lugar en el futuro, que puede especificarse o no, y que
seguirá desarrollándose en ese momento, por ejemplo:

I will be studying la lección.

Yo estaré estudiando la lección.

She will be working at the office this afternoon.

Ella estará trabajando en la oficina esta tarde.

They will be travelling to London.

Ellos estarán viajando a Londres.


I will be working Yo estaré trabajando

You will be working Tú estarás trabajando

He will be working Él estará trabajando

She will be working Ella estará trabajando

It will be working Él/ella estará trabajando

We will be working Nosotros estaremos trabajando

You will be working Ustedes estarán trabajando

They will be working Ellos estarán trabajando



I will not be working No estaré trabajando

You will not be working No estarás trabajando
He will not be working No estará trabajando
She will not be working No estará trabajando
It will not be working No estará trabajando
We will not be working No estaremos trabajando
You will not be working No estarán trabajando
They will not be working No estarán trabajando



Will I be working? Estaré trabajando?

Will you be working? Estarás trabajando?
Will he be working? Estará trabajando?
Will she be working? Estará trabajando?
Will it be working? Estará trabajando?
Will we be working? Estaremos trabajando?
Will you be working? Estarán trabajando?
Will they be working? Estarán trabajando?

Susan will be cooking tonight.

Susan estará cocinando esta noche.

Will Susan be cooking tonight?

Estará Susan cocinando esta noche?

Susan will not be cooking tonight.

Susan no estará cocinando esta noche.

We will be visiting our friends this afternoon.

Nosotros estaremos visitando a nuestros amigos esta tarde.

Will we be visiting our friends this afternoon?

Estaremos nosotros visitando a nuestros amigos esta tarde?

We will not be visiting our friends this afternoon.

Nosotros no estaremos visitando a nuestros amigos esta tarde


on - sobre, en, encima de

upon - sobre, en, encima de(formal)
in - en, dentro de
at - en

inside - dentro de, en

outside - afuera, fuera, fuera de
above - encima de, sobre, arriba
below - debajo de

on - sobre, en, encima de

over - encima de, sobre
under - debajo de, bajo
beneath - bajo, debajo de
underneath - bajo, debajo de

by - al lado de, junto a

near - cerca de
close to - cerca de
across - a lo ancho de, a través de, al otro lado de

along - a lo largo de
around -alrededor de, cerca de, por
round - alrededor de, en torno a, por
against - contra, en contra de

on top of - encima de, sobre, arriba de

at the bottom of - en la base de, debajo de, en el fondo de
in front of - enfrente de
opposite - enfrente de, frente a
behind - detrás, detrás de
beside - al lado de, junto a
next to - al lado de, junto a
within - dentro de, a menos de
beyond - más allá de
between - entre

among - entre, en medio de

amid - entre, en medio de
before - delante de, ante
after - después de, tras
throughout - por todo, a través de todo


1) Traduce las siguientes oraciones.

The children left their books on the table.


He was standing on the corner waiting for her.


There was a spider on the wall.

The corpse was lying upon the bed.


The bird had perched upon the branch.


Bill was eating with his elbows upon the table.


What do you have in your mouth?


We spent a few days in Paris last year.


There were two girls swimming in the river.


My parents are at work.


Bill is waiting for his girlfriend at the bus stop.

The museum is at the end of this street.


The children were playing inside the house.


I think there is a surprise for you inside the box.


The water is cold because it was inside the fridge.


The dog sleeps outside the house.


My family lives just outside Rome.


Jack hopes to be outside the prison soon.


We were flying above the clouds.

The city is 300 meters above sea level.


The patient's temperature was above normal.


She has an apartment below mine.


It is freezing! The temperature is below zero.


Jane had a pimple just below her right eye.


The maid put a cloth over the table.


They have built a bridge over the river.


The helicopter was flying over the area.

Somebody left a frog under her bed.


I have a shirt under my sweater.


Everything was under control at that moment.


There is a basement beneath the house.


Jimmy hid all his toys beneath his bed.


I was sitting beneath my beach umbrella.


There is rust underneath the paint.


The letter was found underneath the carpet.

Miners work underneath the ground.


The came into the room and sat by my side.


I have a beautiful house by the river.


The dog was lying asleep by the fire.


There is a pay phone near that monument.


It is terrible to live near an airport.


The hospital was built near the university.


Our house in close to the airport.

There was a gas station close to the supermarket.


The dog remained close to its master.


There was a fallen tree across the road.


They placed a fishing net across the river.


My sister lives across the park.


Cars were parked all along the road.


There were palm trees along the avenue.


You can see beautiful mansions all along this street.

He is wearing a chain around his neck.


Is there any book store around here?


There is a bus stop around the corner.


There was a fence round the house.


The shop is just round the corner.


There were many reporters round the actress.


Why is that table against the wall?


I leaned my bicycle against the tree.

The journalist wrote an article against the government.


There was a black cat lying on top of the roof.


He was standing on top of the tower watching the horizon.


The missing book was on top of the fridge.


There was a small cabin at the bottom of the mountain.


The copyright notice goes at the bottom of the page.


They found a treasure at the bottom of the sea.


Just stand in front of the TV and don't move.

There is a bus stop in front of my house.


She hit her brother right in front of her mother.


They sat opposite each other and started arguing.


My house is opposite the church.


I don't want her to be sitting opposite me.


There is a garden behind the house.


Who is the woman behind John?


I wonder what is behind his friendly attitude.

The dog stayed beside its master all night.


There is a woman standing beside your car.


Mary sat beside me.


The bank is next to a police station.


Who is sitting next to Bill?


Can I sit next to the window?


Many prisoners died within the walls of that prison.


The station is within two miles from here.

That is not within our reach.


There is a river beyond those mountains.


The situation is beyond our control.


Are there planets beyond our solar system?


There is a big distance between the two cities.


There are no secrets between them.


There was a fierce competition between those companies.


I parked my car among the others.

Jesus divided the bread among his disciples.


She saw her little son among the crowd.


He was standing amid the crowd.


I felt uncomfortable amid so many people.


The prisoner managed to escape amid the confusion.


The orator stood before the audience.


Your name is before mine on the list.


The letter Q comes before R in the alphabet.

The teacher made pauses after each sentence.


Leave a blank line after each question.


The letter X comes after W in the alphabet.


It was raining throughout the country.


Maradona is famous throughout the world.


The noise could be heard throughout the building.


up (áp) - por, hacia arriba

down (dáun) - por, hacia abajo
into (íntchu) - dentro de, al, hacia adentro
out of (áurov) - de, afuera de, fuera de
on / onto (ón / óntchu) - sobre, al

off (off) - de, fuera de

over (óuver) - sobre, por encima de
under (ánder) - debajo de, bajo
to (tchú) - a, hacia
from (fróm) - de, desde

toward/s (tóuard/s) - hacia

away from (euéi from) - fuera de, alejándose de
along (alóng) - a lo largo de, por
across (acrós) - a través de, cruzando
through (zrú) - a través de

around (arráund) - alrededor de, por

by (bái) - por, cerca de, junto a
past (pást) - más allá de, por delante de
after (áfter) - después de, detrás de, tras

I saw a spider crawl up the wall.


Go up this road until you see a big house.


The skiers walked up the mountain to the cabin

The little girl was walking down the street.


The skier fell and rolled down the mountain.


Don't push down the lever!


The cook went into the kitchen.


He threw some vegetables into a pot.


Bill jumped off the bridge into the river.


The cook went into the kitchen.


He threw some vegetables into a pot.

Bill jumped off the bridge into the river.


He came out of the kitchen.


He took the vegetables out of the pot.


A fish jumped out of the water into the canoe.


The cook put the meal on the table.


The actor stepped onto the stage.


The cat jumped onto the table.


The parachutist jumped off the plane

I took a book off the shelf


The actor fell off the stage.


The dog jumped over the fence and ran away.


There were two helicopters flying over the city.


Pour water over the victim's body.


The mouse went under the bed.


The little girl threw her doll under the table.


The tunnel goes under the river.

They went straight to the university.


The spaceship will fly to the moon.


I am going to London next month.


I took a bus from Miami to Chicago.


These products are imported from Italy.


They came from abroad in 1886.


Billy ran toward his mother when he saw her.


The tornado was moving rapidly toward the city.

Winds carry the pollution towards the sea.


The dog ran away from its master.


The plane flew away from the city.


We saw the thief running away from the police.


There was an elephant walking along the avenue.


I walk along this street every day.


We saw a girl swimming along the river.


We swam across the river with difficulty.

They drew a line across the street.


We ran across the park to get home sooner.


I was able to see a house through the fog.


They chased the rabbit through the forest.


The tunnel runs through the mountain


The painter was walking around the art gallery.


The earth moves around the sun.


There were several sharks swimming around the boat.

We took the road that runs by the seashore.


The lieutenant passed by the general without saluting.


Many people pass by the beggar without looking.


A blue car drove past the gate.


The soldiers marched past the monument.


They walked past us without speaking.


The cat was running after the mouse.


The police went after the thieves.

Jack came running after us.



about (abáut) - aproximadamente, alrededor de

around (aráund) - aproximadamente, alrededor de
before (bifór) - antes de
after (áfter) - después de

during (diúring) - durante

over (óuver) - durante
for (for) - durante, por
throughout (zruáut) - durante todo

since (síns) - desde

until (antíl) - hasta
to (tchú) - para, hacia
past (past) - pasado

between...and... (bituín...and...) - entre...y...

within (uidín) - entre, en no más de / till / until... (from...tchú/til/antíl...) - desde...hasta...
as from / as of (as from / as ov) - a partir de

by (bái) - para, antes de

beyond (bi-iónd) - más allá de
on (on) - en (para los días - On Monday, On Tuesday,...etc.)
at (at) - a (se usa para la horas)

in (in) - en (para meses, estacions, años y partes del día)



The doctor will be here about three o'clock.

El doctor estará aquí aproximadamente a las tres.
They promised to be here about Friday.


Mary should arrive around four o'clock.


The doctor will be here about three o'clock.


They promised to be here about Friday.


Mary should arrive around four o'clock.


Mary left before dinner.


They will be here before the weekend.


The engineers will complete the project before March.

Susan went to bed after dinner.


It is five minutes after three o'clock.


The explorer was tired after such a long journey.


Trees blossom during the spring.


Jimmy will be working during the morning.


The people yawned during the politician's speech.


This vaccine has been tested over the past ten years.


We saw him several times over the weekend.

Thousands of tourists will be coming over the holidays.


They intend to stay there for two weeks.


Jews celebrate Passover for seven or eight days.


Sales have increased for the past two months.


Bill slept throughout the conference.


It was rainy throughout the summer.


Sales will increase throughout the next quarter.


Jack has lived in London since 1994.

It has been raining since yesterday.


The population has increased a lot since the last census.


The letter will not be sent until Friday.


Why don't you stay until tomorrow?

Can you work today till nine?


It's a quarter to three.


It's only five minutes to six.

How long is it to dinner?


It was past midnight when they arrived.

It's five past nine now.

We didn't eat till past midnight


This bank is open between one and five in the afternoon.


He sleeps between five and six hours per day.


The letter should arrive between Tuesday and Friday.


The show will start within an hour.


They have to build the house within a month.


I'll be back within three weeks

She works from nine to five every day.


We lived in Colombia from 1987 till 1998.


She stayed from Monday until Friday.


They will be living here as from Saturday.


As of Monday, I will follow a new diet.


As from July, the store will be open till ten.


They will be here by five o'clock PM.


The letter will be delivered by Friday.

Try to be there by Thursday.


The workers should not work beyond five o'clock.


I don't think they will stay beyond Friday.


Applications will not be accepted beyond the deadline.


The workers should not work beyond five o'clock.


I don't think they will stay beyond Friday.


Applications will not be accepted beyond the deadline.


Everybody here goes to church on Sundays.

The trial will be held on Tuesday morning.


Bill celebrates his birthday on the 7th of July.


Bill gets up at 7 o'clock every morning.


Everybody in the company has lunch at noon.


I left work at ten o'clock last night.


That monument was built in May / in 1893.


I study in the morning / afternoon / evening.


I will see you in two weeks.

Usamos "at" para:

 At + lugares comunes

At the theater

At the airport

At the library

 At + lugares específicos

At Kennedy Airport

At Buckingham Palace

At the University of Florida

 At + direcciones y domicilios

At 2354 Rivadavia Avenue

At 3456 Belgrano Street

 At + ciertas cosas o posiciones

At the top

At the bottom

At the side
Usamos "on" para:

On + superficies

On the floor

On the ceiling

On the table

On + medios de transporte

On a ship

On a train

On a plane

On + partes del cuerpo

On my leg

On your arm

On his shoulder

On + direcciones
On the left

On the right

On the way

On + ciertas cosas y lugares

On television - En la TV

On a farm - En una granja

Usamos "in" para:

In + países

In Argentina

In Spain

In Mexico

In + ciudades

In New York

In Madrid

In Mexico City
In + habitaciones

In the bathroom - En el baño

In the kitchen - En la cocina

In the bedroom - En el dormitorio

In + cuerpos de agua

In the sea - En el mar

In the water - En el agua

In a river - En un río

In + clima/tiempo

In the rain - En la lluvia

In the sun - En el sol

In the wind - En el viento

In + ciertos lugares y expresiones

In prison - En prisión

In hospital - En el hospital
In bed - En la cama

Usamos "at" para:

At + hora del día

At 6:30 - A las 6:30

At dawn - Al amanecer

At lunchtime - Al mediodía

At midnight - A la medianoche

At + día festivo

At Christmas - En Navidad

At Easter - En Pascuas

At Lent - En Cuaresma

At + ciertas expresiones

At the moment - En este momento

At the weekend - El fin de semana

At that time - En ese tiempo

Usamos "on" para:

On + día

On Monday - El lunes

On Tuesday - El martes

On Wednesday - El miércoles

On + día + parte del día

On Friday morning - El viernes por la mañana

On Saturday afternoon - El sábado por la tarde

On Sunday evening - El domingo a la noche

On + fechas

On Christmas Day - El día de Navidad

On July 4th - El 4 de Julio

On December 31st 1966 - El 31 de diciembre de 1966

Usamos "in" para:

In + partes del día

In the morning - Por la mañana

In the afternoon - Por la tarde

In the evening - Por la noche

In + meses

In January - En enero

In February - En febrero

In May - En mayo

In + años

In 1966 - En 1966

In 1845 - En 1845

In the 1960s - En los sesenta

In + estaciones del año

In summer - En verano

In spring - En primavera

In fall / autumn - En otoño

In + largos períodos

In the 19th century - En el siglo 19

In the past - En el pasado

In the future - En el futuro

In + referencia al future

I will be there in two days - Estaré allí en dos días

In nine months - En nueve meses

In five minutes - En cinco minutos

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