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Budget Sources

According to Aimee Yarber, Southwest Middle School’s media specialist, the media center budget is
allotted to the school from the SCCPSS BOE based on the school’s FTE counts and money raised from
book fines. Based on the $11,028 budget provided by the district for a student body population of 923
students on average the allotment is around $12.00 per student. Nearly $500 is received through
student paid books fines. The district is at the forefront of responsibility of the media center budget, so
this budget is only responsible for purchasing books, media center technology, and other media center
specific items. The media center budget is not responsible for purchasing the technology that is used
school wide, like COWS, desktops, or projectors. These types of equipment are purchased using the
schools technology budget.

SWMS Annual Budget

Book Fines

District Funding

Budget Planning:
Budget as it currently stands
$11,528 total budget

- Books
- Supplies
- Consumables (Laminating Film, Poster Paper)
- Media Center Tech(Poster Printer)
- 21st century flexible seating furniture

Budget Goals:
1: Modernize the media center esthetic by purchasing 21st century flexible seating
2: Updating Media Center tech by purchasing a new poster printer
3: To insure that teachers and staff always have the opportunity to create through the use of the
laminator and poster printer by ordering more than enough laminating film, poster paper, and other
supplies so that we do not run out like in prior years.

Budget Evaluation:
The budget is usually released towards the end of September or early October and the funds must be
spent no later than December. If the budget is not spent in its entirety any remainder is lost as the
funding does not rollover from year to year. Due to the fact that the media center doesn’t purchase any
software subscriptions the budget we currently have is sufficient until our needs change. New flexible
seating is needed assist in our transition from media center to 21 century learning commons. We also
would like to purchase a new poster printer as the one we currently have has broken parts on the rolling
mechanism that cannot be repaired. During preplanning in prior years we have always run out of
materials (laminating film and poster paper) that teachers and staff need to get the year off to an
enthusiastic start, so we will order one more roll then usual of each material to make sure that we don’t
run out next year.

SWMS Media Center Budget Breakdown


Furniture Total
50% Budget:
New Tech

Yarber, A. (2019, March 29). Library Budget [Personal interview].

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