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VOCATION is a career or calling that is derived from the word VOCARE, which
means “to call”.
2. 2. Famous Proverbs: “For round holes there should be round pegs, and for square holes
there should be square pegs”
3. 3. Frank Parsons Founding Father of Vocational Guidance In 1908 Parson opened the
Vocational Bureau of Boston with the purpose of helping people learn of careers Wrote
book called Choosing a Vocation. First published 1990
4. 4. Vocational Guidance
5. 5. the process of assisting an individual to choose an occupation, prepare for it, and
progress in it. -National Vocational Guidance Association- a facilitative process, a
service rendered to the individual to aid him in choosing and adjusting to an occupation. -
John D. Crites-
6. 6. What are the Purposes of Vocational Guidance?
7. 7. 1. To help adapt the schools to the needs of the students and the community. 2. To
assist the students in choosing, preparing and training for, entering and making progress
in their chosen career or occupation. 3. To disseminate knowledge of competitive and
other problems of the business and occupational world as well as their characteristics.
8. 8. 4. To help workers understand their relationship with other workers, and society as a
whole. 5. To secure greater cooperation between the school and various commercial,
industrial, and professional pursuits. 6. To encourage the establishment of courses of
study in educational institutions that will harmoniously combine both cultural and
practical studies.
9. 9. 1. The Occupational Information Service The following is an outline for the study of
an occupation: a. Importance of an occupation b. Nature of the work c. Work conditions
d. Personal Qualities needed e. Preparations needed f. Opportunities for advancement g.
10. 10. Methods of Teaching an Occupational Information 1. Each Learner is required to
gather information about occupations. Pamphlets, books, magazines, news papers, and
workers can be sources of information. 2. Class debates are held on the merits of different
occupations 3. Dramatizations 4. Oral reports to the class 5. Written reports
11. 11. 2. The Self-Inventory Service Means of Providing High School Youth with
Vocational Exploration Experience 1. Exploration by means of school subjects 2.
Exploration for agricultural occupations 3. Exploration for business occupation 4.
Explorations through household art courses 5. Explorations for industrial occupations
12. 12. 3. The Personal Data Collecting Service Kinds of Personal Data needed 1. General
Data – information that will be helpful in locating the individual and in making contacts.
2. Physical Data- information concerning the individual’s health and physical
characteristics. 3. Psychological Data- information concerning the individual’s mental
13. 13. 4. Social environment- information concerning home and social environment
conditions. 5. Achievement Data- information concerning what the individual has done
both in school and outside of it. 6. Data concerning the individual’s educational and
vocational plans.
14. 14. Personality traits, some of which are hereditary and some are results of training and
experience, have significance in vocational planning. Personality factors : Drive
Emotional Stability Initiative Ambition Personal Disposition
15. 15. Example of Personality Tests: 1. The Downey tests of will-temperament a. Speed and
fluidity of action b. Forcefulness and decisiveness of reaction c. Carefulness and
persistence of reaction 2. Tests of trustworthiness 3. The Allport Ascendance-Submission
Reaction Study 4. Benreuter Personality Inventory 5. Bell Adjustment Inventory
16. 16. Social Environment Data a. Data concerning the home and familial background b.
Data concerning the pupil’s association outside the home c. Data concerning: -
achievements - entrance to college - degree program desired - particular occupation
desired - necessary preparation
17. 17. 4. The Vocational Counseling Service Vocational counseling is not giving vocational
advice. It is not telling individuals what occupation they should follow. Vocational
counseling leaves decisions to the counseled individuals. Its DUTY is performed when it
helps these individuals to follow a procedure in arriving at their own decision, not when it
tries to make decisions for them.
18. 18. 5. The Vocational Preparatory Service Types of Vocational Preparation 1. Preparation
before employment begins 2. Preparation in connection with employment 3. Preparation
for change of employment
19. 19. Preparation before employment begins for a. Business pursuits b. Homemaking c.
Agricultural pursuits d. Industrial pursuits Preparation in connection with employment a.
The learners are under the supervision of the school b. A worker and the school aid them
in preparing better for the work. c. The learner acquires skill and knowledge on the job
without spending any time in school.
20. 20. Preparation for change of employment Conditions at work are not satisfying,
detrimental to the worker’s physical and mental health; salary is low and not
commensurate to the job.
21. 21. 6. The Placement Service The school placement service aids the graduates in finding
jobs through: 1. Establishing linkages or consultations with agencies, firms, industry and
business, etc. 2. Helping the individuals find suitable occupations and helping them find
an opportunity for their continued development

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