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Alberto Samayoa

E portfolio Signature Assignment

Dr. Beurtheret


How does the early World history course contribute to your general education?

What this course has offered is a thought-provoking way of observing and learning about those who
have come before us, which then in turn has allowed me to understand more about ourselves in this
modern age and how we have come to be. Studying ancient civilizations and human history was a
fascinating journey in my general education studies simply because this is the story of us. From simple
communities to the development of empires, the historical civilizations from around the world have
each contributed to the development of mankind. First, I will preset why the study of ancient
civilizations is important, then I will address how this early world history course contributed to my
general education.

In this course we focused on several of the most prominent ancient civilizations from across the globe
and introducing me to the most noticeable features of each one and by examining its major influences I
was able to understand more about those who came later. Like the late philosopher said, George
Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” It is the same any
historical study, what we learn from earlier men and woman can benefit us today. Therefore, it’s
important to learn from ancient civilizations.

When we reflect of major innovations that have propelled society forward like: writing, the wheel, fire,
brass, bronze, iron, electricity, indoor plumbing, and so on, it is important to remember that each of
these was a significant technological innovation, discovered hundreds or even thousands of years ago.
Likewise, the indelible influence of certain ancient civilizations on modern ethics, religion, politics, and
conventions can also be felt today.

The contribution that this made towards my general education is that I have noticed after taking this
early world history course that it has influenced me in an indirect way an appreciation of the World we
know today, through a better understanding of the forces that shaped its civilizations until 1500. In an

indirect way the mechanics of this class has helped me to follow specific directions for assignments
helping me to work on them more effectively. It has also helped me in making the extra effort of taking
on the extra credit presentations that really helped me learn by teaching and along the way helping me
improve my public speaking skills.

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