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Madeline Cupp

Class Bibliography

PSY 3413, Adolescent Psychology: The influence of factors including cognition, motivation,
perception, learning, emotion, and personality on development during adolescence. In this class,
I learned that cognitive development continues farther into someone’s 20s and is still considered
part of adolescence. It helped me to better understand my stage of life and how different parts of
my life might adapt and develop over time.

CD 3113, Aging in Communication: This course examines the aging process and its impacts on
communication. Normal and disordered aspects of speech and hearing resulting from aging will
be addressed. Emphasis will be on assessment, intervention, and prevention of age-related
communication disorders. Throughout this course, I learned about the different things that can be
associated with aging and how the process of aging can impact a person’s communication skills.
This will help me when the time comes for me to help my parents as they age as their lives start
to change. It will help me to better take care of them when they are older.

CD 2104, Anatomy & Physiology of Communication: An introductory study of the nervous

system and a detailed study of normal anatomy and physiology related to speech, swallowing,
and language. I learned how different types of injury to the parts of the brain can cause different
speech production and processing problems. This class gave me a whole new perspective on how
things like strokes or traumatic brain injuries can affect someone’s life. If I were going to be a
speech pathologist, this class would help me in the future when dealing with potential patients
who have had one of these incidents occur to better evaluate their situation and effectively do my

PSY 3453, Developmental Psychology: Study of the life cycle from prebirth through death
including an examination of the major methods, theories, and empirical findings. Throughout
this course, I learned how your cognitive and physical abilities develop across a lifespan. This
will help me in the future when I become a parent when raising my children and it will also help
me to understand the development of my aging parents as well.

CD 2653, Introduction to Communication Disorders: A survey of the professions of speech

pathology and audiology. Includes an overview of normal speech and language development,
types of communication disorders, their typical etiologies, and basic assessment and intervention
strategies. When I took this course, I thought I might want to be a speech pathologist. Despite the
fact that it was not the path I decided to take, this course still helped me to learn the ins and outs
of that area of expertise. Along with A&P of Communication, this would help anyone who wants
to potentially be a speech pathologist get a good insight into the field and what types of disorders
you might encounter.
CD 3402, Introduction to Manual Communication: An introductory course in American Sign
Language and signing Exact English. Emphasis on acquisition of vocabulary and development of
receptive language skills. In this class I got to learn how to sign basic words in the English
language and it helped me to broaden my understanding of the deaf community. This has helped
me notice more deaf people in our community and it fascinates me to understand small parts of
their signing.

PSY 3823, History of Psychology: Overview of the history of psychology and recent systematic
developments. This class helped me to grasp a better understanding of where psychology started
as a field and how it has evolved over time. This has helped me to broaden my knowledge base
by learning the history of this field as part of our culture.

CD 2203, Phonetics: Emphasis in this course is given to analysis of the formation and
production of spoken English. It will also consist of training in the use of the International
Phonetic Alphabet. This class taught me different techniques on how you might teach children
with speech or language disabilities to improve their speaking abilities by breaking words down
by how they sound. This will help me as a teacher of younger children who have trouble
speaking or pronouncing certain words improve their abilities.

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