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Cavun Beck, Selena Feng, Evan Griffith

Annotated Bibliography:




For research regarding the project we used a mixture of UM websites and general public

websites. We were most efficient when searching for specific articles that showed us the studies

or statistics we were interested in to fill our presentation. We were unsuccessful often when

browsing through seemingly random articles that only offered keywords and had little relevant

information about any studies we were interested in.

There was no problem in the group conforming to a research standard, everyone knew

that the sources we got could be and should be cited to make a reputable presentation. MLA

citations can offer a lot of good information for those who read them and that's what we decided

to go with. It is also very important to perform CRAAP (Current, Relevant, Authoritative,

Accurate, Purpose) tests on potential sources in order to gather the most trustworthy and useful

sources for our presentation.

This was a unique group project for me because I had only collaborated on a presentation

once before, in high school. This time had some similarities though, I had a close friend working
with me both times, this time was Selena Feng. Me and Evan and Selena got along really well

which made working on one project for so long really easy. Long-term collaboration leads to a

product the contributors can be proud of. For such a large and important presentation, doing this

individually would be really difficult and frustrating. I definitely would not want to do this by

myself because collaboration leads to better outcomes in almost all situations.

Fortunately, there were not a lot of problems with our project throughout the process of

creating it. We had some issue with deciding what content should be in the presentation and what

to take out, but that was all cleared up when we saw other presentations and got some ideas.

I am most proud of our idea and that if my group wanted to commit and create MKitchen

to be a real-world organization, we would be on a good route to doing so. This process gave me a

lot of perspective on what it would be like to found and maintain an organization and that is

really interesting to me.

During our mock presentation our classmates gave us a lot to work on, which is good.

They asked us a lot of questions to make sure we were prepared and had good content. I agreed

with all of their feedback because any kind of feedback is most likely an opinion and opinions

are helpful to fine-tune a project. I feel our presentation went well, our final product had a lot of

good information that we could present efficiently and effectively. Selena and Evan did a great

job on their speaking parts.

There is nothing notable you should know while grading the project, and this would be a

great project for next year, it enables collaboration and critical-thinking.

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