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wow pekom.s a yn) MONTAZNI SISTEMI MOUNTING SYSTEMS | wow Montata na “profi pamocu dve navone pke Na sic je prikazan Princip montaze naT profil Vea izmedu-T profs i navojne sipke ‘astvarenaje pomotu montadne stege ipa TKLMi0. Daj veza izmedu Profine Sine i navojnesipkeestvaruj se pomatuSstougzone matice ‘ipa PEKOM, Vera izmeduregala i profile Sin astvarene vicina tipa PEKOMMSx12 Mounting the cable trays to the profle by two threaded rod, The photo shows the principle of the mounting cable trays to profile The fonnection between J profle and the threaded rod Is made by assembly steg, type PKL MIO. And the connection between threaded rod and profile ais made hexagon PEKOM ype nut, The connection between profilerall andcabletraysismadeby using PEKOM torch als, ‘ype M612 ‘Montaza pomotu jedne navojne sipke iprofilne Sine. Navojna sipka seu plafon ugraduje pomotu celiénog tipla EAI. Veza izmedu navojne sipke i proinesinestvarueseputemsestougaonematietipaPEXOM. Spo) tamed regal | role Sie extvaruje se pomocs va pa PEXOM. ox. Mounting the cable trays by a threaded rod anda profile ral. Threaded rod is built in the celing, by using stel anchor, type EA IL The Connection between threaded rod and prafile rll is made hexagon PEXOH type nut, The connection between profil rail and cable trays ‘made using PEKOM tochbolts,type Mx 2. Montata U profil naravan plafon. Kod montateU profilakoristse UD nosat, UD nasa se montiranaplafon ankr via tpa FAI. prof 22 UD nosat pride se sa torban wa, tpa PEKOM MB x 16. Ddstojnik U stuba koristi se za povetanje stabilnosti prilkom pritwivana U profila za UD nasa, 2a montadu konzla na U stu karistese2torban via tpa PEXOM MBs Mounting “U" profile against the flat cling, When mounting profile we use,UD" cari, UD” carter is mounted against the celing byusingancho’ screws type AZILThe connection between"UD' carer and’U profile is mace by using 4 PEXOM torch Blt type M8 x14. The Usp spacer is used to increase the stability when fastening “U" profletothe-UO" carrie For mounting cantlevers against“ profile ‘weuse2PEKOM torchbolts,typeMBx16 «ll stub na horizntain) gredL .U" prof kaise za vertalna ‘montazy sa horizntalnegrede u ovom primers. a privée ‘stubs za horzontalnu gred korste se vi ipa FAZ I, Vera izmeds konzoe,U"stubaotvaren je korisenjem 2 torban va tia PEKOM Maxis Upilar against the horizontal bean. inthis example pla isused for ‘the verted mounting against the horizontal beam, We use anchor screws, type FAIL for attaching U pllar tothe horizontal beam, The Connection between cantilever and the U pillar is made by using 2 PEKOM torchbolts type 6x2 wow pekom.s

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