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Summer Training Report






Submitted To Submitted By

Mr. Laxman Singh Solanki Dr. S. S. Ranawat

BBA VIth Semester



I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. , Director Bhopal Nobles

University, Udaipur for providing me an opportunity to complete my project work
on “Job Satisfaction at Ananta Hotel & Resorts”. I sincerely thank to my project
guide Dr. S. S. Ranawat and encouragement in carrying out this project works.

My special thanks to my supervisor “Mr. Vishal Sukhwal” for his kind co-
operation to the completion of my project work. I also wish to express my gratitude
to the officials and other staff members of “Ananta Hotel & Resorts” who
rendered their help during the period of my project work.

At Last I wish to avail myself of this opportunity, express a sense of gratitude and
love to my beloved parents for their providing strength, help and for everything.
Last but not the least I would like to thank God who made all things possible.

Laxamn Singh Solanki

BBA VIth Sem.

For any student pursuing higher studies in a professional course, especially in management, the
research project is a necessary for all round development of skills and knowledge. As a part of
the course curriculum, each and every year student has to undergo “Summer Training project” in
the real world & experience the working in and environment. I as fortunate to get the opportunity
in the well established conglomerate “A STUDY ON JOB SATISFACTION”. It enables
special focus and concentrated efforts on the Summer Training project. Under the research
project, I have done study Recruitment & Selection at Ananta Hotel & Resorts.

S. No Content Page No.
1 Chapter 1
2 Chapter 2
Company Profile
3 Chapter 3
Research Methodology
4 Chapter 4
Data Analysis & Interpretation
5 Chapter 5
6 Appendix

About the Topic

Personnel management is relatively a new profession, of human engineering and scientific

management of human beings, endowed with the dignity of statutory recognition. It is the
responsibility of management to look after the total well being of an individual worker. A happy
worker is an asset to the organization. He turns out more work.
It is necessary to take all possible steps to promote a correct attitude in the worker, to win his
confidence and co-operation to make him put in his maximum effort to attain the common goal
of the organization and to make him feel that he is an essential link in the productive process.

Job Satisfaction

The term job satisfaction was brought to limelight by Hop pock in 1935.according to him job
satisfaction is a combination of psychological, physiological and environmental factors that
makes a person to admit,” I am happy at my job”. It has also been defined as the ‘end state of
feeling’. it emphasizes the fact that the feeling is experienced after a task is accomplished. The
feeling would be positive or negative depending up on whether need is satisfied or not.
The job satisfaction is an integral component organizational health and an important element in
industrial relation. The level of job satisfaction has some relation with various aspects of work
behavior such as accidents, absenteeism, turnover and productivity

Concept of Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is a combination of two words. Job and satisfaction. Mikes and firm define work
as a “general” activity cantering around subsistence and the specific routines of this activity as
Job satisfaction is the end feeling of a person after performing a task. Job satisfaction is different
from motivation and moral. Motivation refers to the willing new to work. Morale implies a
general attitude towards and work environment. It is a group phenomenon whereas job
satisfaction is an individual feeling. Job satisfaction may be considered a dimension of morale
and morale could also be a same of satisfaction.

Definitions of job satisfaction
According to R horroch “Any combination of psychological, physiological and environmental
circumstances the cause a person truthfully to say I am satisfied with

Importance to worker and organization

Frequently, work underlies self esteem and identity while unemployment lowers self-growth and
produce’s anxiety. At the same time monotonous job can erode a workers initiative and
enthusiasm and can lead to absenteeism and unnecessary turnover. Job satisfaction and
occupational success are major factors in personal satisfaction, self-respect, self-esteem and self- the worker job satisfaction brings a pleasurable emotional state that often leads
to a positive work attitude. a satisfied worker is more likely to be creative , flexible, innovative
and loyal.

For the organization job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated and
committed to high quality performance increased productivity the quantity and quality of output
per hour worked seems to be a by-product of improved quality of working life. It is important to
note that the literature on the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity is neither
conclusive nor consistent. However studies dating back to Hertzberg’s (1957) have shown at
least low correlation high morale and high productivity and it does seem logical that more
satisfied workers will tend to add more value to an organization. Unhappy employers who are
motivated by fens of job cost will not give 100 percentage of effort for every long. Though fear
is a powerful motivator, it is also a temporary one and as soon as the threat is lifted, performance
will decline.

Factors Influencing job satisfaction

There are a number of factors that influences job satisfaction these factors can be explained with
the help of the following chart given below:

Organizational Factors
some of the organizational factors while affect job satisfaction:
(a)Salaries and wages:
Wages and salaries play significant role in influencing job satisfaction. Living wages is based on
the family budget and cost of living. It takes in to account the social and personal need of the
workers providing for his food, house and education of his children medical aid and other
amenities of life. If wages are to give satisfaction they must be fair.
(b) Promotion Chances:
A better opportunity for promotion too is a factor, which lead to higher job satisfaction
promotion indicates on employees works to the organization which highly moderate boosting.
Employees take promotion is the ultimate achievement in his career and when it is realized he
feels extremely satisfied. It is true that individual seek satisfaction in their job in the context of
job nature and work environment but they also attach importance to the opportunity for
promotion that these job offer.
(c) Company Policies:
Organizational structure and polices also an important role in affecting the job satisfaction of
employees. An autocratic and highly authoritative structure, which is more open and democratic
in nature. Organizational polices also govern the human behavior in the organization. Liberal and
fair polices usually result in more job satisfaction .strict polices will create dissatisfaction among
the employees became they feel that they are not being treated fairly and may feel constrained.
(d )Job security:
Job security is an important motivating factor for attaining job satisfaction. Job security implies
that an employee shall enjoy economic and social security through health and welfare
programmers by providing security against sickness, disability, old age and death if be continues
on the job.
(e)Occupational Level:
Higher the level of in organizational hierarchy greater satisfaction of the individual. This is being
position at higher level are generally better paid, more challenging and provide greater freedoms
of operation such job carry greater prestige self control and need satisfaction.

Work Environmental Factors:
The work environmental factors includes the following:
The employee centered supervisory style enhances job satisfaction as the leaders looks after the
subordinates carefully display friendship, respect and warmth etc towards them. On the other
hand, production oriented leaders may causes low job satisfaction to the employees and may
affect the turnover and absenteeism adversely.

(b)Work Group:
It is the work group that fulfill the needs for social interaction of the members. If worker has
good relation with the fellow employees and the supervisor. he will satisfied. If the work group
enjoys a higher status. His job satisfaction will increase further.

(C)Working Condition:
Job satisfaction is related to working condition also. The work will be more attractive if working
conditions are congenial to the task a worker proposes to accomplish. Good working conditions
involve such facilities as adequate light, comfortable temperature, attractive surroundings etc.
(d)Job Content:
Herzberg suggested that job content is term of achievement, recognition, advancement,
responsibility and the work itself tend to provide satisfaction but their does nit cause
dissatisfaction where the job is less repetitive and there is variation in job content job
satisfactiotends to be higher.
3.Work Itself:
The content of work itself plays a major in determining the level of job satisfaction some of the
aspects of the work, which affect job satisfaction, are;
(a) Job Scope:
It provides the amount of responsibility work pace and feed back the higher level of theses factor
higher the job scope and higher the level of satisfaction.
A moderate amount of variety is very effective. Excessive variety produces confusion and a too

little variety causes monotony and fatigue, which are dissatisfaction.

(c)Lack of Autonomy and Freedom:

Lack of autonomy and freedom over work method and work pace can create helplessness and
dissatisfaction. Employees do not like it when their every step and very action determined by this

(d)Role Ambiguity and Role Conflict:

Role ambiguity and role conflicts also lead to confusion and job satisfaction because employees
do not know exactly what their task is and what is expected of them.

(d)Interesting Work:
A work which is very interesting the challenging and provide status will be providing satisfaction
to the employees and compared to work which is boring and monotonous.

2.5 Dimensions of job satisfaction

There are 3 important dimensions of job satisfaction

A job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job solution. As such it can’t be seen .it can only

1. Job satisfaction is often determined by how will outcome meet or exceed expectations.
2. Job satisfactions represent several related attitude.

Smith, Kendall and Hulin (1964) have suggested that there are 6 job dimensions that represent
the most important characteristics of a job about which people have effective response. They are;
(1)The Work itself:
The extent to which the job provides the individual with interesting tasks, opportunities for
learning and the chance to accept responsibilities.

(2) Pay:
The amount of financial remunerations that is received and the degree to which this is viewed as
equitable vice versa that of other in the organization.

(3)Promotion opportunities:
Promotional opportunities seem to have a varying effect on job satisfaction. This is because
promotions take different forms and include a variety of rewards.

(4) Supervision:
Supervision is another moderately important source of job satisfaction; there are two dimensions
of supervisory style that affects job satisfaction. One is employee-centeredness, which is
measured by the degree to which a supervisor takes personal interest in the welfare of the
employees. The other dimension is participation or influence, as illustrated by managers who
allow their people to participate in decisions that affect their own jobs. This approach, generally,
leads to higher job satisfaction. It is proved that a participative environment created by the
supervisor has a more substantial effect on worker’s satisfaction than participation in a specific

(5) Co-Workers:
Friendly, co-operative co-workers are a modest source of job satisfaction. the work group serves
as a source of support, comfort, advice, assistance to the individual .a ‘good’ work group makes
the job more enjoyable.

(6) Work environment:

Work environment and working conditions are factors that have a modest effect on job
satisfaction. If working conditions are good –clean, attractive surroundings-employees find it
easier to carry out their job. Most people do not give working conditions a great deal of thought
unless they are extremely bad.

2.7 Consequences of job satisfaction
Research has concluded that there is a relationship between job satisfaction and performance of
the employees high job satisfaction may lead to improved productivity ,decreased turnover
,improved attendance, reduced accidents ,less job stress and less unionization.
The following subtopics explain the outcomes of job satisfaction:-

1. 1 Job satisfaction and productivity

Is there any positive relationship between satisfaction and productivity? This controversy has
been there over a number of years. Although majority of people believe that there is a positive
relationship between these two. According to the research findings of Vroom conducted in 1964,
the median correlation between satisfaction and performance is only 0.14.lawler and porter found
that there is more evidence to suggest that job performance leads to job satisfaction.

1.2 Job satisfaction and Employee Turnover

Unlike the relationship between satisfaction and performance research has concluded a moderate
relationship between job satisfaction and turnover. High employee turnover is a matter of
concern for the management as it disrupts the normal operations and continuous replacement of
employees who leave the organizations costly and technically undesirable. Managerial concern is
mostly for the turnover which arises because of job dissatisfaction, the employees thus tries to
keep the employees satisfied on their jobs to minimize the turnover. Though high satisfaction in
itself cannot beep the turnover low, but considerable job dissatisfaction will definitely increase
the employee turnover.

1.3. Job satisfaction and Absenteeism

It has been conclusively proved that there is an inverse relationship between job satisfaction and
absenteeism. When satisfaction is high, absenteeism is low and when satisfaction low,
absenteeism is high. Less satisfied employees are more likely to be absent from work due to
avoidable reasons. This is known as voluntary absenteeism because it is related to job
Absenteeism can be modified by certain factors; research has found that people who believe that

their work is important have lower absenteeism as compared to those who do not feel that way.
Absenteeism) .but low job satisfaction will definitely bring about high absenteeism

1.4. Job satisfaction and Union Activities

It has been proved that satisfied employees are generally not interested in unions and they do not
perceive them as necessary. Job dissatisfaction has proved to be the major cause of unionization
Job. The employees join the unions because they feel that individually they are unable to
influence changes which would eliminate the causes of job dissatisfaction. The level of union
activities is related to the level of job dissatisfaction. Low level of dissatisfaction results in only
grievances while higher levels of dissatisfaction will results in employees strikes.
1.5. Job satisfaction and safety
When people are dissatisfied with their jobs, company and supervisors, they are prone to
experience accidents. An underlying reason for this is that dissatisfaction takes one’s attention
away from the task at hand leads directly his job, and the chances of accidents will be less.


Absenteeism refers to the frequency of absence of jobholder from the workplace either
unexcused absence due to some avoidable reasons of long absence due to some unavoidable
reasons. It is the former type of absence which is matter of concern. The absence is due to lack of
satisfaction from the job which produces a ‘lack will to work’ and alienate a worker from work
as for as possible. Thus, job satisfaction is related to absenteeism.








Employee Turnover
Turnover of employee is the rate at which employees leave the organization within a given
period of time. When individual feels dissatisfaction in the organization, he tries to overcome
this through the various ways of defense organization, he tries to overcome this through the
various ways of defense mechanism. If he is not able to do so, he opts to leave the organization.
Thus, in general case, employee turnover is related to job satisfaction. However, job satisfaction
is not the only cause of employee turnover, the other cause being better opportunity elsewhere.


The importance to the study of job satisfaction level is very important for executive. Job
satisfaction study importance can be understood by the answer of the following question
1. Is there room for improvement?
2. Who is relatively more dissatisfied?
3. What contributes to the employee satisfaction?
4. What are the effects of negative employee attitudes?


Job satisfaction surveys can produce positive, natural or negative results. If planned properly and
administered, they will usually produce a number of important benefits, such as-

1. It gives management an indication of general levels of satisfaction in a company. Surveys
also indicate specific areas of satisfaction or dissatisfaction as compared to employee
services and particular group of employee.
2. It leads to valuable communication brought by a job satisfaction survey. Communication
flow in all direction as people plan the survey, take it and discus the result. Upward
communication is especially fruitful when employees are encouraged to comment about
what is on their minds instead of merely answering questions about topics important to
3. As a survey is safety value, an emotional release. A chance to things gets off. The survey
is an intangible expression of management’s interest in employee welfare, which gives
employee a reason to feel better towards management.
4. Job satisfaction surveys are a useful way to determine certain training needs.
Job satisfaction surveys are useful for identifying problem that may arise, comparing the
response to several alternatives and encouraging manager to modify their original plans. Follow
up surveys allows management to evaluate the actual response to a change and study its success
or failure




From world-class hospitality encapsulated within its picturesque façade and a fairy tale-like
ambience to service excellence resplendent with an Indian essence, Ananta Hotels & Resorts
creates unique and enduring experiences.

Pushkar and Udaipur with their century old history and tradition are the perfect backdrop for the
picturesque Ananta resorts. With contemporary villas and sprawling rooms, the luxury resorts
feature eclectic dining outlets, recreational rooms, state-of-the-art spacious banquet venues,
outdoor pools and superlative spas & fitness centres. Be it leisure stays, destination weddings or
corporate off-sites, Ananta promises to craft uniquely memorable moments for family and

The Ananta Hotel & Resort, under the brilliant guidance of an esteemed leadership of the Goyal
Group, aspires to be acknowledged as one of the finest hospitality groups that consistently strive
to deliver exceptional & personalised service.

Committed to deliver memorable experiences to our guests by striving for excellence through
teamwork, integrity and innovation. We engage, develop and retain great talent to consistently
surprise and delight, thus creating an unparalleled loyalty. We look forward to be a key player in
the tourism sector with the target of launching numerous properties by the year 2020.

Ananta Institute of Hotel Management & Allied Studies

Ananta Institute ( – a place which will provide opportunities for growth,
opportunities for accessing wonderful careers in hospitality, an opportunity to live your dream.
We want you to just bring passion for hospitality and, we will help you build on your passion to
fulfil your dreams. For almost a decade we have created benchmarks in the field of hospitality

industry, once establishing and making a mark in the hospitality industry we have embarked on
the journey for developing and nurturing talent for the hospitality industry. We have a vision of
creating a network of institutions that provide you an opportunity of both academic and
experiential learning.

We will set high standards for your education so as to ensure that you develop your management
and interpersonal skills for the hospitality world. We will provide you with a wide range of
employment opportunities not only within the world of Ananta Hotels but across the leading
hotels and companies around the globe. If you enjoy working with people, if you are interested in
a career that offers a whole world as your job platform then a career in hospitality management
could offer you a great degree of professional growth and personal contentment. Hospitality and
tourism is one of the world’s largest, most diverse and most dynamic industries. It is vast,
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prospects in the industry remain strong. Year after year, hospitality and tourism has shown
growth unmatched by any other industry of the world and it is among the fastest-growing
industries in the world. One of the primary reasons for the huge demand of hospitality graduates
is the wide range of career opportunities it offers across so many different types of businesses
and organizations all around the world.

Uniquely Ananta

Set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Aravalli Hills, Ananta Udaipur creates a fairy tale-
like experience by offering the best of five-star luxuries. From blossoming verdure to
contemporary villas coupled with service excellence, the picturesque façade of Ananta
aesthetically captures the beauty of your sojourn. Be it leisure stays, destination weddings or
corporate off-sites, the hotel promises to craft a unique escape in this beautiful city of lakes.
Spread across 75 acres of lush greenery the resort encompasses:

 206 contemporary villas

 Two eclectic dining outlets
 Special kids' activity area

 Outdoor swimming pool
 Spa and fitness center
 Largest divisible banquet halls in Rajasthan

Vision, Mission & Golden Values

“To aspire to be acknowledged as one of the finest hospitality groups that consistently strive to
deliver exceptional & personalized service.”

“We are committed to deliver memorable experience to our guests by striving for excellence
through teamwork, integrity and innovation. We engage, develop and retain great talent to
consistently surprise and delight, thus creating loyalty in theniche market segment. We aspire to
lead the tourism sector with target of launching numerous properties by the year 2020.”

Golden Values

 Integrity
 Respect
 Excellence
 Teamwork

What We Offer

The picturesque views make dining even more flavourful! While you stay in luxury, the eclectic
outlets ensure that your culinary experiences are unique. Oasis – The Multi-cuisine restaurant
and Pool Deck – an outlet for special occasions with an open deck area, together serve a
delectable array of cuisine. Come dusk, you can savour your meal with snazzy drinks at Floats -
The Bar. Get-together beneath a breezy starlit sky by the poolside, as we offer special canopy
decorations and arrangements for exclusive occasions to celebrate with your loved ones.


Authentic spices and ingredients bring out bursts of flavour in every bite

Locally perfected

Local cooks curate Rajasthani delights, ensuring a gourmet cultural event during every meal

A royal ambience

Inspiring open ambiences are the perfect settings for every meal

Handcrafted Perfection

Customized to your tastebuds, our Chefs are always ready to curate your dining experience.


Get set for an unbelievable experience of bliss!

Wake up to the fragrance of fresh mountain air when you stay with us! The 206 rooms have been
designed with a vision to lend a sense of superlative comfort and are coupled with a soft
contemporary ambience that exude a sense of belonging. Views of the Aravalli Hills from the
balcony add a charm to your stay experience, one like no other.

Premier amenities & services in all rooms

 Tea and coffee maker

 Minibar
 Wi-Fi connectivity
 Electronic safe
 Direct dial phone
 24-hour room service
 In-room dining
 Indoor & open sky bathroom with a cubical shower




A picture is worth a thousand words! Situated in the heart of the wedding destination city,
Ananta Udaipur aesthetically captures this old phrase to make your celebration memorable and
luxurious. Our spacious banquets lend the most ideal setting for lavish weddings. The sprawling

Aravali Lawn and the Varmala Gazebo – Jaimaal are perfect to host your once-in-a-lifetime
event that will be reminisced for generations.


Ananta Udaipur creates a delightful experience by offering the best of five-star luxuries to make
your celebration, a cherished one. Whether for special occasions or close-knit gatherings, our
venues are coupled with eclectic cuisine and warm, personalised service, are ideal to create
memories that last a life time.


Set amidst tropical grounds of Rajasthan, experience the best of five-star luxuries coupled with
seamless services with warm hospitality that make your event a roaring success. Spread across a
total of 47500 sq. ft., Aravali – amongst the largest divisible banquets in Rajasthan encapsulates
a pre-function area, state-of-the-art facilities and service excellence that is ideal for small or large
scale conferences along with a lush green lawn.


Nestled in the heart of the property, the elegant 42,000 sq. ft. Aravali Lawn is perfect to host
your corporate evenings or off-sites. With 75 acres of lush greenery, two eclectic dining outlets
and an outdoor pool, this luxury resort presents an enchanting and unique escape for all your
business needs.



The hotel offers a plethora of indoor and outdoor activities to choose from. Basketball, Billiards,
Pool Table & Snooker, From carom, foose ball, chess and ludo to golf, volley ball, cricket and
badminton, there’s plenty on offe

Swimming Pool

The spacious outdoor pool is the perfect place to relax and enjoy a swim amidst natural beauty of
the Aravalli Hills.

Timings: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Indoor games

Non Chargeable

 Carrom, Chess, Hand Foos Ball.


 Airhockey
 Table Tennis
 Billiards
 Cricket

Timings: 10AM to 9.00 PM

Fitness Centre

Offering an array of modern fitness equipment and experienced instructors to fulfil your health

Golf Course

The golf course offers great space for ardent golfers and even has a vast expanse of green grass
that wins any visitor’s heart in one go. This masterpiece is a visual treat for all the travelers and
It welcomes you with a beautiful green expanse that is a pure treat to watch. This meticulous golf
course offers wide array of options to those, who seek peace as well as recreation in the lap of
nature. Adding to its overall beauty are the visually striking bunkers and shimmering water

bodies that give this lush green golf course a whole new meaning.
Those who want to try their hands on Golf, this magical creation is ideal for them. It welcomes
you with open arms, so that you can experience the fun hidden in this recreational sport.

Kids Zone

Kids wait for Holidays & Vacations to make their time more promising, Ananta Hotels &
Resorts has special Kid’s zone where children can spend quality time.
Our Kid zone engages children with educational and artistic activities to keep them having fun.
There’s an outdoor playground with swings and slides as well as in indoor play room. They will
find expansive facilities spread throughout, numerous activities to keep them occupied and
entertained, while trained professionals are always on hand to take care of their every


 Objectives of the study: Following were the objectives of the study-

 To Analysis the level of job satisfaction in employees working at Ananta Hotel &
 To identify the dimensions requiring improvement.

 Hypothesis of the study:

Alternate Hypothesis: Employees working at Ananta Hotel & Resorts are satisfied with
their job.

 Research Design: It refers to the arrangement of the conditions for data collection, data
processing and data interpretation in such a way that combines both economy in
procedure and relevance of research purpose. An exploratory research was conducted
initially to have an overview of the subject under investigation which includes review of
available literature and discussion with experts. Exploratory research was followed be
descriptive research.

 Data Collection: Data was collected through primary and secondary sources. Primary
sources include data collected using questionnaire based on a 5 point Likert scale “1:
Strongly Disagree”, “2: Disagree”, “3: Neutral”, “4: Agree” and “ 5: Strongly Agree.
The scale consists of 15 statements to measure job satisfaction of employees. Secondary
data was collected through books, internet and websites.

 Sampling Frame: The report comprises the views of employees working at Ananta
Hotel & Resorts.

 Sampling Method: Convenience (Non probability) sampling has been used to select
sampling units (respondents) from sampling fame. Respondents were selected such that
they represent various levels. Sample includes employees having varied experience and
from different departments of Ananta Hotel & Resorts in order to get different viewpoints
about the subject under investigation.

 Sample Size : A total number of 60 employees were selected as respondents for the

 Statistical tool used: Cluster Analysis is used for grouping objects that are similar but
different. K means clustering partition data into specific number of clusters in which each
observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean.

 Scope of the study: The study is confined to Ananta Hotel & Resorts..

 Importance of the study: The study analyses about employees’ job satisfaction towards
his/her organization. Employees are very important asset of an organization. Committed
and satisfied employees can perform miracles. So, organizations need to think about
enhancing loyalty and satisfaction of employees towards organization. Satisfied
employees will be more productive and perform at par to achieve organizational
 Limitation of the study: Every effort was made to conduct the study rigorously and to
minimize bias and errors. However, due to certain constraints, some errors were
unavoidable. Some constraints were as follows:
 The time available for intensive and extensive investigation was not adequate.
 All the respondents didn’t give their true feelings and views concerning the nature of the
 The study was basically qualitative in nature.
 The study was affected by the bias of the respondents.

Q. 1 Are your working hours are convenient for you?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 34
Agree 16
Neither agree nor disagree 10
Disagree 0
Strongly disagree 0
Total 60

disagree No. of respondents Disagree
Neither agree 0% 0%
nor disagree

Agree Strongly agree

27% 56%

From the above tables it is evident that the 56 % respondents are satisfied with the
working hours.27%respondents are agree and 17%respondents are neither agree
nor disagree.

Q.2 Are you happy with your workplace?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 50
Agree 06
Neither agree nor disagree 04
Disagree 0
Strongly disagree 0
Total 60

Neither agree
nor disagree No. of respondents Strongly
7% Disagree disagree
Agree 0% 0%

Strongly agree

From the above tables it is evident that the 83% respondents are strongly agree that
they are happy with the workplace. and 10% respondents are agree they are happy,
7% respondents are neither agree nor agree.

Q.3 you feel have too much work to do?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 00
Agree 10
Neither agree nor disagree 20
Disagree 22
Strongly disagree 08
total 60

No. of respondents agree
Strongly 0%
13% Agree

Disagree Neither agree

37% nor disagree

From the above tables it is evident that the 37% respondents are disagree and
33%respondents are neither agree nor disagree and 17% respondents are agree they
feel they have overload 37% respondents feels that they are not overload with their
work and 17% respondents feels that they are overload with their work.

Q.4 Are you satisfied with the support from your co-workers?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 46
Agree 10
Neither agree nor disagree 04
Disagree 00
Strongly disagree 00
total 60

Neither agree
nor disagree No. of respondents Strongly
6% Disagree


Strongly agree

From the above table it is evident 77% respondents are satisfied with support
from their co-workers and 17%respondents are agree with support from their co –
workers 6% respondents are neither agree nor disagree.

Q.5 your superiors are not partial?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 34
Agree 14
Neither agree nor disagree 10
Disagree 02
Strongly disagree 00
total 60

3% No. of respondents Strongly
Neither agree disagree
nor disagree 0%

Agree Strongly agree

23% 57%

From the above tables it is evident that 57% respondents agree with their superiors
are not partial 23% respondents are agree 17% respondents are neither agree nor
disagree,3% respondents are disagree.

Q.6 Are you Satisfied with the safety measures provided by the company?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 50
Agree 10
Neither agree nor disagree 00
Disagree 00
Strongly disagree 00
total 60

No. of respondents agree nor


Strongly agree

From the above tables it is evident that the 83% respondents are satisfied with the
safety measures provided by company,17% respondents are agree and no one
respondents are disagree.

Q.7 your relationship with your superior is cordial?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 10
Agree 16
Neither agree nor disagree 20
Disagree 08
Strongly disagree 06
total 60

No. of respondents
Strongly Strongly agree
disagree 17%
Disagree 10%

Neither agree 27%
nor disagree

From above tables it is evident that the 44% respondents are satisfied their
relationship with their supervisor are cordial and 23% respondents are not satisfied
and 33% respondents are indifference.

Q.8 Are they paid fair amount for the work you do?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 20
Agree 16
Neither agree nor disagree 04
Disagree 06
Strongly disagree 14
total 60

No. of respondents

Strongly Strongly agree

disagree 33%
Disagree 23%


Neither agree
nor disagree

Interpretation ;
From the above tables it is evident that the 33% respondents are satisfied with
amount paid to them. And 23% respondents are not satisfied with amount paid to

Q.9 Are you satisfied with the refreshment facilities?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 54
Agree 06
Neither agree nor disagree 00
Disagree 00
Strongly disagree 00
total 60

Neither agree Disagree Strongly

nor disagree
No. of respondents 0% disagree
0% 0%


Strongly agree

From the above tables it is evident that the 90% respondents are satisfied with the
refreshment facilities provided by the hotel. And no one respondent is unsatisfied

Q.10 Are your supervisor keep you updated with the happening in the

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 54
Agree 06
Neither agree nor disagree 00
Disagree 00
Strongly disagree 00
Total 30

Neither agree
nor disagree No. of respondents Strongly
0% Disagree

Strongly agree

From the above tables it is evident that 90% respondents strongly agree with the
update of happenings information provided by the supervisor.

11. you are satisfied with the increase in the salary.

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 10
Agree 10
Neither agree nor disagree 0
Disagree 30
Strongly disagree 10
Total 60

No. of respondents

Strongly Strongly
disagree agree
17% 16%

50% Neither agree
nor disagree

From the above tables it is evident that 33% respondent are satisfied with increase
in the salary and67% respondent are not satisfied with increase insalary.

12. you feel sense of job security?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 40
Agree 10
Neither agree nor disagree 0
Disagree 10
Strongly disagree 0
Total 60

No. of respondents

Neither agree Disagree

nor disagree 17%

Strongly agree

From the above tables it is evident that 83% respondent feel job security and 17%
are not feel job security.

13. The performance appraisal system is effective in the organization?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 10
Agree 10
Neither agree nor disagree 0
Disagree 30
Strongly disagree 10
Total 60

No. of respondents

Strongly Strongly
disagree agree
17% 16%

50% Neither agree
nor disagree

From the above tables it is evident that67% respondent are not satisfied with the
appraisal system and remaining respondent satisfied with appraisal system.

14 .The organizations promotes good relationship among the employees

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 20
Agree 10
Neither agree nor disagree 0
Disagree 10
Strongly disagree 10
Total 60

No. of respondents

Strongly agree

Neither agree 20%
nor disagree

From the above tables it is evident that 60 % respondent are satisfied and 40%
respondent are not satisfied they feel organization not promote good relationship.

15. you are satisfied with the promotion opportunities provide by the organization?

Respondent No. of respondents

Strongly agree 20
Agree 10
Neither agree nor disagree 0
Disagree 20
Strongly disagree 10
Total 60

No. of respondents

Strongly agree
Neither agree
nor disagree

From the above tables it is evident that 50% respondent are satisfied and 50%
respondent are not satisfied.


From the study, the researcher has come to know that most of the respondents have job
satisfaction; the management has taken the best efforts to maintain cordial relationship with the
employees. Due to working conditions prevailing in this company, job satisfaction of each
respondent seems to be the maximum.
From the study, I have come to know that most of the employees were satisfied with the welfare
measures provided by the company. The employees of the company get the benefits compare to
other companies.
 The respondents are satisfied with the environment and nature of work.
 The respondent’s relationship with the superiors and colleagues is quite good.
 The respondents are provided with proper welfare facilities.
 The communication and motivation if employees by their supervisor in the company are
 Maximum respondent are satisfied with the working hours.
 Maximum respondents are strongly agreed that they are happy with the workplace.
 Maximum respondents feel that they are not overload with their work.
 Maximum respondents are satisfied with support from their co-workers
 Maximum respondents agree with their superiors are not partial
 Maximum respondents are satisfied with the safety measures provided by company.
 The respondents are simultaneously happy and unhappy from the relationship with their
 Majority respondents are satisfied with pay scale.
 Majority of respondents are satisfied with the refreshment facilities provided by the hotel.
 Maximum respondents strongly agree with the update of happenings information
provided by the supervisor
 Majority of respondent are not satisfied with salary increment.
 Maximum respondent feels job security in the organization.
 Maximum respondent feels. Performance appraisal system is not good.
 Maximum respondents satisfied with organization promote good relationship.
 Maximum respondents feels there are not promotion opportunities.

Satisfaction is psychological concept. Satisfaction is not a cause but rather the effect or result of
many going awry. Satisfaction drifters from person to person, industry to industry, level of
education age, nature of work etc. Morale may be range from very high to very low.

By this study it is clear that various faction which influences satisfaction and productivity of the
employees each as Social Security measures, welfare facilities, salary status, Bonus, heath
condition, shift system and recognition of work are getting much importance.
To conclude employee satisfaction plays very important role in every organization. Good
employee morale helps to success of the organization. Unless an employee has poor morale if
always a possibility of employee disharmony and also affect smooth running of the organization.

Research shows that satisfied, motivated employees will create higher customer satisfaction and
in turn positively influence organizational performance. Convenient work location, working with
young people, opportunities for promotion and career prospects, fair salary, good policies, job
security and dynamic working environment are few attributes which are critically important from
the view point of most of the employees.

Therefore a comprehensive Employee Satisfaction process can be a key to a more motivated and
loyal workforce leading to increased customer satisfaction and overall profitability for the



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