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Public Speaking as a Participant of Speech Competition

An Article in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Public


Nama : Niesrina Trixie Nur Imania

Kelas : 3SA01
Jurusan : Sastra Inggris
Mata Kulian : Public Speaking
Dosen : Ricky Perdana


Niesrina Trixie Nur Imania 15616415, Public Speaking as a Participant of Speech
Competition. English Department. Faculty of Letters and Culture. Gunadarma
University. Depok. 2019

On this article the writer would like to explain the steps taken in being a a participant
of speech competition with the theme “The Importance of 3R in Today’s Society”.
The writer “acts” as a participant of speech competition by using the SAP provided by
Gunadarma University as a guideline.

Keywords : Article, Public Speaking, SAP Gunadarma, Speech Competition

TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………….iii
1.1 Background of Study………………………………………………….1
RESULT OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………….2
2.1. Findings……………………………………………………………….2


1.1. Background of Study

This study is conducted in order to complete the assignment of Public

Speaking. The writer had to write and article regarding to Public Speaking. The

writer chose to “act” as one of the participants of a speech competition with the

theme “The Importance of 3R in Today’s Society” and describe the steps in

preparing for the competition.



2.1. Findings

There are a variety of aspects that need to be prepared before going to a

speech competition. As one of the participants of speech competition with theme

“The Importance of 3R in Today’s Society”, I need to cover a lot of things. The

speech competition is held by Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan

Republik Indonesia. In delivering the speech, I shall use formal language. The

speech will talk about the importance of reduce, reuse, recycle in our society in

hope to give more information and encourage our society to protect and improve

our environment.

The first step that needs to be done is making the script. I used mind-mapping

to organize the point that I want to deliver on my speech. After making sure that I

have got everything written down, I conduct a research on the points that I have.

My rough draft would include the definition of reuse, reduce and recycle, the

benefits of doing 3R, and also giving examples of negative influences that happen

in Indonesia because of the piling amount of waste/trash. The next step is

organizing the speech. I would start my speech by giving an example of an

unfortunate event which happen because the habit of not recycling. Therefore, the

audience and judges can relate to the content that I am about to deliver. For

instance, a flood which often happen in Jakarta because the people litter on the

street. Then I would outline my points and use persuasive language to encourage

the audience and judges. Que cards will also be made to help me deliver my points

accurately. Beside que cars, I would also prepare some pictures and videos to add

visual aid for the audience and judges. The pictured will be displayed behind me

as I deliver my speech to make it interesting and easier to understand.

It is also important to check out the venue or the place of the competition

before I go up the podium. It will give me ideas on how I should stand and look

when delivering the speech. It can also give me an idea of what outfit I should

wear. It should always be comfortable. If I feel the room is too cold, I should wear

something thick when I deliver my speech. Internal preparation is also very

important to consider. I would drink an adequate amount of water to help my

throat. Listening to classical music before going up the podium also help me in in

calming down my nervousness. Then I would make sure to picture in my head the

gestures that I would do and re-evaluate if they are appropriate enough. Moreover,

I make sure to make eye contact with the audiences and judges.

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