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Assignment 3

Answers (shaded in yellow colour)

1.Select from the following the intial concerns of modern bioethics.

a) Human experimentations
b) Codes in Medical Practice
c) Technology and insttitutions
d) Sensitivity towards vulnerable group

i) a,b & c ii) a,b & d iii) None iv) All

2. Which statement refers to new-colonialism accoring to critics?

a) Outsourcing products and services from a developing country by Pharma firms of that country.
b) Outsourcing products and services from a developing country by Pharma firms in the developed countries for the
patients in developed countries.
c) Outsourcing products and services by not revealing the consequences to the subjects of research.
d) Outsourcing products and services by exploiting the subjects of developing country.

3. What are the major concepts attributed to regulated ethical clinical research?

a) Informe consent
b Disclosure
c) Transpency
d) Non- malificence

i) a,b & c ii) b, c & d iii) All iv) None

4. What is/are the major concept/s to be recognized in both clinical research and medical practice?

a) Autonomy
b) Person of the individual
c) Integrity
d) Secrasy

i) a & b ii) b& c iii) c & d iv) b& d

5. From which of the following the idea of patient rights is derived?

a) Concept of the person

b) Fundamental dignity of human beings
c) The fact that all humans are rational
d) Equality of all human beings

i) a & c ii) a, c & d iii) b& c iv) a, b & d

6. Under which model of physician-patient relationship the best interest of the patient is judged by the physician?

a) Paternalist Model
b) Informative model
c) Interpretive model
d) Deliberative model

7. Ram had fever and went to the hospital. The only doctor available was attending a surgery and nearly about 100
patients were waiting outside the OP ward to see him. Ram decided to go back as he realized that it will not be possible
to meet him that day. This is an example for:
a) Natural scarcity
b) Quasinatural scarcity
c) Artificial scarcity
d) None of the above
Mr. Ram consults Dr.Krishna for spianl cord surgery for second opinion. Dr. Krishna requests to bring diagnosis reports
and then gives appointment for next consultation. On the next consultation Dr. Krishna upon analysing the diagnosis
discusses the available treatments and persuade the treatment option X to Mr. Ram.

8. In the above case, which physician-patient model is explicit?

a) Paternalist model
b) Informative model
c) Interpretative model
d) Delibrate model

9. If Dr. Krishna discusses and involve in dialogoue with Mr.Ram about his family and other matters and also requests
to express Mr Rams wishes, which physician- pateint relationship models are adopetd?

a) Paternalist model
b) Informative model
c) Interpretative model
d) Delibrate model

i) a& b ii) b& c iii) c&d iv) b& d

Ms. Valsala is at her final stage of uterus cancer. She is undergoing treatment but bed riden for several months and
suffering from alot of pain. She thinks to end her life with help of a doctor.

10. Which statements hold true on her decision?

a) She considers her quality of life is hampered
b) She considers she has right over her body
c) Her conception of life is based on her values she attributes to the present living
d) Suffering in pain and bed ridden are considered valuless

i) a,b & c ii) b, c& d iii) All iv) None

11. What dimensions are considered before initaiting pallivative care?

a) Quality of life
b) Social life
c) Life expectancy
d) Value of life

i) a,b & c ii) a,c & d iii) All iv) None

12. Which statements are correct with reference to care ethics?

a) Care ethics is very close to virtue ethics

b) Virtuous charcter traits are consdiered in both care ethics and virtue ethics
c) Idea of empathizig with other
d) Care ethics is antithetical to Utilitarinisam and deontologism

i) a,b & c ii) a,b & d iii) All iv) b,c & d

13. According to care ethicist what accounts as self?

a) Self is packed with emotions

b) Self is not rational entity
c) Self finds itself within a network of relationships
d) Self is an autonomous entity

i) a,b & c ii) a,c & d iii) All iv) b,c & d
14. The equity approach in health care insists all of the following except:
a) Equality is fundamental and cannot be health-status dependent.
b) Life expectancy cannot be treated as criteria.
c) Quality of life should be given importance
c) Life has value because everyone is equal.

15. David suffers from Cancer and was undergoing severe pain. The doctors see no chances of recovery and David also
does not want to endure. So he requests his physicians to perform euthanasia. This is an example for which category of
a) Voluntary
b) Non-voluntary
c) Involuntary
d) None of the above.

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