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1) ) 3) 4) 5),
Achmat Dharma, Rio Antoni, Alfian Dwi Cahyo, Muhammad Rifandiansyah, Joseph Mochammad S 2 The Great Prijo Budijono,
S.T., M. T *).6)
Undergraduate Education Of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering, State University Of Surabaya
Undergraduate Education Of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering, State University Of Surabaya
Undergraduate Education Of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering, State University Of Surabaya
Undergraduate Education Of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering, State University Of Surabaya
Undergraduate Education Of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering, State University Of Surabaya
Department of mechanical engineering, Faculty of engineering,
University of Surabaya Country e-mail: (* correspondence author)

ABSTRACT Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is one of the

sectors that have an important role in supporting the
This research deals with the application of the development of economy in Indonesia, since most of the
technology of Electric Peltier Cooler (PEC) in the box inhabitants are of low-educated and live in small business
in order to overcome the existing problems on the SME activities both at sector tradision Al or modern (Pratomo,
partners. The purpose of this research is to provide 2004). In order to encourage economic growth, balanced,
solutions to existing problems in SMEs d. Sahadeva equitable and sustainable, government programs
Kenjeran Beach area in the process of cooling and
storing the results of the sea are the tradsional process compose Masterplan Acceleration and
is still using ice cubes as a coolant in da Lam box The expansion of economic development in Indonesia (MP3EI)
(boxes) cardboard fish. Method 2011-2025. As wrong one sector economy,
used is utilizing the productivity of SMES necessary ditingkatan based on
Peltie/Thermo Electric Cooler (TEC) with Electric technology content (content technology) SMES which
Temperature Control (ETC) and equipped with consists of four components, namely: technoware
ACCU (Battery/Battery) as well as the cooler design (physical equipment), humanware (human resource
to be able to accommodate fish 15kg per process. capabilities), infoware (documents/facts, information
The results
the of the
expected is increases the systems), orgaware (institutional/leadership). This
the stabilityprocess
of the cooling (under 100C), research was conducted with the aim to find out how the
bacterial growth will be slower in order to role of technology in SMES increased productivity. The
seafood could last longer. So SME productivity can be results ofResearch
the shows that The level of
increased 2-fold box with a capacity of 15 kg of fish. utilization technology based technology content in the
production process is UKM is still low. [1]
Fish is one of the cooling process of preservation
Keywords: SMEs, Coolers of fish, fish Box. Electric commonly used to address the problem of decaying fish,
Peltier cooler either during arrest, transport and temporary storage
before its own seafood Fish processed into other products.
I. INTRODUCTION diverse and include foodstuffs which
its nature is easily damaged
(perishable food) so long
This research is to know the problems that exist at He will be going on the decline of the quality of the fish
SMES pengepul fish and provide the solution that's right caused by the microorganism pembusuk (Putro,
for mengatasinnya. As we know in general problems that 2008). By because that, a business for
exist at SMES, namely the limitations of the technology maintain fish freshness period or impede damage
in the form of a machine or tool to support the production fish fresh can done with
of the products and meet the needs of the market. preservation. [2]

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This scientific article is the result of research and (TEC) and Electric Temperature Cobntrol (ETC) ,
application of technology of the student to provide the with fitted ACCU (battery/battery) and fan (fun),
right solution for SMES found permaslaahan discussion so the process of storage of fresh fish will survive long
and pengepul of fish, ranging from research lenih, as well as the cooler is in desaign for more
interviews with the parties concerned so as to provide the accommodate many fish fresh, in order to
right solution in a productivity increase of production of increase the productivity of the production being 2 x folding
fresh fish. from before.


The process of pendingina and storage of fresh fish at Research methods the research methods used are
umumya done traditionally by using ice cubes just inside development or research and development (R&D).
the cooler to inhibit decay, can be repaired and with Methods of research and development is a research
method that is used to produce a particular product and
added technology the utilization ofthe effect of test the effectiveness of the product (Sugiyono, 2013) [4]
Peltier/thermo electric cooler that can increase
the effectiveness and productivity of SMES. Thermo Based on permasalahn-problem the
Electric Cooler (TEC)/Peltier is a component of appears we strive to create a work of innovation
electronics that uses the peltier effect to create a heat flow output useful for society, with lyrical
(heat flux) on the connection (junction) between two Science The theoreticalthe strong We copes
kinds of different materials, meaning if the process is mengiplementasikan and implement a tool "Fish Box
reversed then the heat and the chill will be swapping Peltier Cooler" the cooler fish with Harness
places at the ends of the connection (Peltier, 1834). [3] Peltier/Thermo Electric
The constraints in may after going through Cooler which the application of these tools is based on by
observation and interviews with fishermen and fish Theory research of experts before.
pengepul pegusaha, during this process the fish storage still Based on opinion (1834) that Peltier Thermo electrik
use How traditional and cooler (TEC)/peltier is a component of electronics that
conventional as well as also tools used are still uses the peltier effect to create a heat flow (heat flux) on
relatively simple . Problems faced by SMES the connection (junction) between two different types of
partners in the process fish storage box material. This means that if the process is reversed, then
cooling . During this process the fish storage the heat and chill will exchange places at the ends of the
that is still using the box (the box) and ice cubes just connection.
as the coolant, so that the resulting temperature can not be
stable and will need to do some checking and removal of While the results
of the Seebeck (1825)
fish gradually and regularly. Another consequence of the explain that an electrical circuit is closed, the
use of the production equipment of the lesser causes It consists of two metal wires of different types of its
These can be adequately fast fish material, there is two connections A and B, and if we
rot because the temperature will continue to gradually provide a constant temperature difference on both ends
increases (over 10 C) that can indicate 0 then it will be a direct electric current flows on both the
with the melting of ice cubes, then the process of the metal and wire When it was decided one of the wire and
growth of bacteria (microorganism pembusuk) on fish given a galvanometer, voltage difference can be seen from
faster so the production process becomes less effective both ends.
and productive.
Because it takes the form of alternative tools technology On the system thermoelektrik has 2 Groove i.e. flow
the can help increases the absorption and heat dissipation on the connection. There
the productivity and effectiveness of party entrepreneurs. Solutions is heat in the system absorbed by elekton spilling from a
the right i.e. with adannya/terciptannya FIBEER lower energy level in the typ. e-p semiconductor to a
"Fish Box Peltier Cooler" to improve stability higher energy level that is an n-type semiconductor. On
cooling process (under 10 C), then the growth the connection of the heat, the energy is released into the
bacteria will be more slowly so that the seafood could last environment by means of electron flow from a higher
more long and hygienic, as well as increases
the the energy level (n-type) headed to the lowest energy level
productivity in SMES. (type-p). (Taylor, r.a.., Solbrekken, g., 2000)
The purpose in of the activities Research
of the This i.e.
memberikasn solutions by way of creating machine
that can increase the effectiveness and produtivitas of
production fish fresh with indicator: process
storage fish the use method
utilization of effects Peltier/Thermo electric cooler
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Multilizer PDF Translator Free version - translation is limited to ~ 3 pages per translation.
the constraints of the process cooling fish) and also social
aspects (lack of trust of customers against product cooling
fish) will be the health and keheginisan of the product
when the cooling process.

Study Of Literature
Study Literature contains a series of the activities of
pencariaan and the study of relevant sources
and trusted in the collection of the material and become a
reference in the writing of the PKM. The literature we
use among others in the form of the book elements of
This research was conducted for 5 months in (Robert L.I Mott Machine Elements), II Robert
Machines ( L. Mott ),
2017/2018 location of basecamp State University of Surabaya Design of Machine Elements, as well as journals and
and SME venture pengepul fish "D. Sahadeva kenjeran articles about fish refrigerators, explanation and results or
surabaya " Research technology tool previously the
Tools and materials used is notebook binders, related. In this stage the obtained reference
writing, laptop peratan recording device, kameran and design, execution, and system security in machine
book references and guides peneltiian building, Fish Box Peltier Cooler.
Data capture methods used i.e. take a sampling of the
production process and analyzed as well as hardness, Design Creation
participated directly in the process of storage, cooling Stages next i.e. Planning and
or fish and do the analysis of the
the making of design "Fish Box Peltier Cooler".
observations supported with the use of methods Based on the results
of the team executor, Lecturer
toeritis Research and Development (R&D). mentors and partners then obtained the design of machines
In addition to using the method (R&D) the study also " Fish Box Peltier Cooler "that is right, where this design
through direct observation in the field. With the problems has team discuss with party entrepreneurs.
that arise and he The design of this engine design using Autodesk inventor
providing the right solution in appropriate technology software 2015 Student Version as shown in the picture
guna. The following is a Flowchart from a series of below:
research activities,

Figure 2. The Design Of The Fish Box Peltier Cooler

After the design is made the next stage, namely the

analysis of the design Of the initial design which has been
made, analyzed together to figure out the various
Figure 1. Flowchart Of Research Methods possibilities in the work, can it be used, what is in
accordance with the desires of the partners, what are the
Observation and discussion with Entrepreneurs (partner) barriers are, b agaimana how to sort it out, then an
This activity is an early stage in the search for alternative to what is being used.
data – data that is needed, the observation and FGDFocus
Group Discussion ) carried out by a team with the Pengadaaan tools and materials
entrepreneur, where this discussion deals with working Before the work started, certainly needs to be done
conditions of pengusah and constraints being experienced the purchase of materials and machinery used in the
as well as the impact of short term and long term obtained manufacture of the machine.
by entrepreneurs from both the aspects such as
technology and economy. production capacity
in 1 process, how the market demand, as well as
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Setelah semuanya tersedia, termasuk perkakas dan
alat alat pendukung yang akan dipakai, maka langkah
selanjutnya adalah pembuatan ataupun perakitan mesin.
Biasanya proses ini memakan waktu yang lama
namun target kami 1 bulan untuk pengerjaan mesinnya.
Apabila menemui kendala dan masalah biasanya
menggunakan jasa bengkel umum atau menyewa
tukang untuk menyelesaikan pembuatan mesin, tetapi
disini kami berusaha untuk membuat mesinnya dilakukan sendiri.

Uji Coba Mesin

Pengujian Mesin Fish Box peltier Cooler ini
dimaksudkan untuk memastikan bahwa kinerja masing –
masing komponen dari hasil pembuatan mesin dapat Gambar 3. Desain Mesin pendingin ikan
berfungsi sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Pengujian
akan dilakukan di tempat mitra kami, di UKM pengepul Invensi pendingin ini mampu menurunkan
ikan milik bapak mat di kenjeran pesisir pantai, temperature suhu dengan menggunakan thermo electrik
Surabaya cooler , yang mempunyai 2 permukaan yaitu permukaan
panas dan permukaan dingin, heat shink dan juga
Penerapan Mesin dan Monitoring penggunaan fan yang mensirkulasikan temperature panas
Setelah mesin yang dibuat telah diuji coba dan dengan temperature dingin. Dengan menggunakan
mendapatkan hasil yang baik dan maksimal, kemudian material alat terbuat dari bahan Go Green yang aman
mesin diserahkan pada pihak mitra, dan melakukan bagi ikan, Mesin ini dilengkapi dengan ETC (Electric
testimoni guna untuk mendapatkan pendapat mitra Temperature Control) yang berfungsi untuk mengontrol
bagaimana kinerja dalam mesin. Monitoring dilakukan temperatue suhu dengan memanfaatkan efek
guna memantau kondisi mesin yang digunakan oleh pertier/thermo electrik cooler. Invensi yang diusulkan ini
mitra, kemudian didokumentasikan dan diambil juga pada prinsipnya adalah pengontrolan temperature yang
dianalisi data - datanya. dihasilkan oleh thermo electrik cooler dengan bantuan
electrik temperature sensor sebagai media pengontrol
Publikasi dan Pengajuan Paten suhu dalam kotak pendingin. Dengan dilengkapi fan
Hasil dari program yang kami laksanakan akan yang berfungsi mensirkulasikan temperature dari
kami publikasikan baik secara ilmiah maupun media Thermo Electrik Cooler ke dalam kotak pendingin ikan.
masa dengan tujuan agar masyarakat tahu akan manfaat
yang dihasilkan oleh mesin yang kami buat. Mengingat
Komponen :
banyaknya manfaat yang dihasilkan oleh PKM yang
kami buat serta dalam hasil search GOOGLE PATEN Fan :12 V
belum ada yang mengajukan paten mengenai mesin TEC : 12705
kami. ETC : -
Dimensi kotak : 75 x 45 x 30
Evaluasi Fin :
Tahap evaluasi dan penyempurnaan mesin Accu : 12 volt
dilakukan setelah pengujian mesin dilakukan. Pada tahap Power supply:
ini akan dinilai system kerja dari mesin, baik dari
gerakkan, kestabilan mesin dan bentuk kesempurnaan Dimensi Deskripsi :
hasil pengolahan. Apabila mesin tidak sesuai dengan
harapan maka akan dilakukan analisa kegagalan dan
tindakan perbaikannya.

Pembuatan Laporan
Pembuatan laporan dilakukan setelah semua
tahapan terselesaikan sehingga hasil yang diperoleh dari
pembuatan mesin dapat dijelaskaan secara rinci sesuai
data yang diperoleh.
Hasil yang telah di dapat dari mesin ini : Andi Publisher.
4. [5] L. Mott, Robert. 2009. Buku Elemen-
Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah mesin pendingin Elemen Mesin dalam Perancangan Mekanis.
ikan dengan menggunakan peltier electrik cooler, Indonesia: Andi Publisher.
dimana setelah dilakukan uji kinerja mesin, ditemukan
5. [6] Fuad, Ahmadi. 2014. Karakteristik
bahwa mesin ini mempunyai temperature suhu 5ºC
dimana untuk kapasitas kotak penyimpanan ikan yaitu Teknologi Tepat Guna balam Industri Skala
30 kg dengan membutuhkan waktu sekitar 7.5 Usaha Kecil dan Menengah di Jawa Timur.
detik. mesin ini dilengkapi dengan metode Makalah yang disampaikan dalam rangka
pendinginan yang mudah produktivitas
pelatihan usaha kecil di
yaitu operasi menggunakan media Unesa.Tanggal 26 Juli 2017
Produktivitas dari performa mesin meningkat hingga 2 6. [7] Sutantra, I Nyoman. 2015. Produktivitas
kali lipat
Sistem Produksi dan Teknologi. Makalah yang
disampaikan dalam rangka pelatihan
Manfaat dari penelitian ini ialah : produktivitas usaha kecil di Unesa. Tanggal
26 Juni tahun 2015
1. Mesin Dapat meningkatkan produktivitas
7. [8] Sutiono. 2014. Produktivitas UKM di Jawa
dan efektivitas pihak pengusaha
Timur. Makalah yang disampaikan dalam
2. Kefektivitas mesin didesain dengan
rangka pelatihan produktivitas usaha kecil di
minimalis menggunakan bahan yang ringan
Unesa, Tanggal 26 Juni tahun 2014.
3. Meningkatkan perekonomian pengusaha
4. Menjaga kestabilan pendinginan ikan. 8. [9] Biegel. J.E. 1998. Pengendalian Produksi,
Suatu Pendekatan Kuantitatif . Terjemahan.
5. KESIMPULAN Tarsito Bandung.




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