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● Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

○ Fixed mindset: abilities are innate and unchangeable
○ Growth mindset: able to grow at all times; failure is an opportunity to improve
○ Expert learners have a growth mindset
○ Students need to see their teacher demonstrate a growth mindset
○ Link to optimism and pessimism
○ How can I, as a teacher, foster a growth mindset?
● Using a variety of teaching techniques
● Even doorknobs can demonstrate UDL

■ Both doorknobs let people into the room, but the one on the right allows
many different ways to get in
○ Infrastructure needs to accommodate everyone
○ Offering options to everyone
● 3 Brain Networks - each is responsible for a different kind of learning (need to know for
quiz: 3 brain networks, what how and why, the multiple means…., and at least 4
examples of application in each category)
○ Recognition
■ Back
■ The What of learning
■ Multiple Means (MM) of representation
■ Visual, audio, different colors and fonts, pictures
○ Strategic
■ Front (executive function)
■ The How of learning
■ MM of action and expression
■ Options for physical action, vary method of displaying information, provide
options for assignments, demonstrate different tools, use multimedia
○ Affective
■ Heart of brain (middle)
■ The Why of learning
■ MM of Engagement
■ The most important?
● Students need to value information and care about learning in
order to retain information long-term
■ Choices promote engagement and investment, promote autonomy, learn
about students’ interests, group work to foster collaboration, use
consistent feedback to promote growth mindset
● If I were teaching this class, what would I do to make it better?
○ Use frameworks to be critical of professors and self
● What is variability? What does a “normal” student look like?
○ There is no “normal”
○ Provide “door handles” and allow every type of person to access every aspect of
the class

● Trying to tap into all three areas of the brain frequently and effectively
● Twitter assignment
○ Follow CAST_UDL
○ Follow UDL organizations
○ Participate in a Twitter chat (Twiss will provide options)

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