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1) Fit an appropriate model in the data provided. State the assumption clearly.

the sales when average CRM spend is 15.0
See Excel
2) Conditions for Stationarity of Time series
A stationary time series is one whose statistical properties such as mean, variance and
autocorrelation, are all constant over time
Stationary time series is one whose properties do not depend on the time at which the
series is observed

3) Pros and Cons of moving average

 It offers a smoothed line, less prone to temporary price swings back and forth.
 It provides a more stable level indicating support or resistance.
 Can be used for measuring the trend of any series. (Linear or non linear)
 It is slower to respond to rapid price changes .
 For this reason the trend cannot be extended for forecasting future values.
 This method is not applicable to short time series.
4) What are the pros and cons of single exponential smoothing
 The forecast is considered accurate
 Weight given to the most recent data values.
 The random variation is neglected. As such, it’s much more easier to see the
underlying phenomenon.
 It neglects the ups and downs associated with random variation. (smoothing)
 Forecasts aren’t accurate when data with cyclical or seasonal variations are present.
 It’s best suited for short-term forecasting as it assumes future patterns and trends
will look like current patterns and trends.

5) Explain the differences between Strategic, Operational and Analytical CRM

Strategic CRM Operational CRM Analytical CRM
Strategic CRM, enables an Operational Analytical CRM helps top
organization to share CRM streamlines the management, marketing,
customers’ information business process that sales and support personnel
among various business includes Sales automation, to determine the better way
units like sales team, Marketing automation and to serve customers. Data
marketing team, technical Service automation. Main analysis is the main function
and support team. purpose of this type of CRM of this type of CRM
Collaborative CRM helps to is to generate leads, convert application. It analyzes
unite all groups to aim only them into contacts, capture customer data, coming from
one goal – use all all required details and various touch points, to get
information to improve the provide service throughout better insights about current
quality of customer service customer lifecycle. status of an organization. It
to gain loyalty and acquire helps top management to
new customers to increase Features: take better decision,
sales. Sales Automation: marketing executives to
Features: Sales automation helps an understand the campaign
For example, feedback from organization to automate effectiveness, sales
a support team could be sales process. Main purpose executives to increase sales
useful for marketing team to of sales automation is to set and support personnel to
approach targeted customers standard within organization improve quality of support
with specific products or to acquire new customers and build strong customer
services. In real world, each and deal with existing relationship.
business unit works as an customers. Features:
independent group and Marketing Automation:  Gather customer’s
rarely shares customers’ Main purpose of marketing information, coming from
data with other teams that automation is to find out the different channels and
often causes business losses. best way to offer products analyze data in a structured
and approach potential way
customers.  Help organization to set
business methodology in
Sales, Marketing and
Support to improve
customer relationship and
 Improve the CRM system
effectiveness and analyze
key performance indicators,
set by business

6) Map out the CRM value chain and explain each component of the value chain

Customer portfolio analysis: this involves an analysis of the actual and potential
customer base to identify which customers you want to serve in the future. Top of the list
will be strategically significant customers, including those that will generate profit
(value) in the future.
Customer intimacy: you will get to know the identity, profile, history, requirements,
expectations and preferences of the customers that you have chosen to serve
Network development: you will identify, brief and manage relationships with your
company’s network members.
These are the organizations and people that contribute to the creation and delivery
of the value proposition(s) for the chosen customers.The network can include external
members such as suppliers, partners and owners/investors, as well as one important
internal party, employees
Value proposition development: this involves identifying sources of value for
customers and creating a proposition and experience that meet their requirements,
expectations and preferences.

7) Conduct a 2-way ANOVA for the following data set. The data set depicts the calls received
in Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai from 3 different segments of customers. Please state the
Null and Alternative Hypothesis. Check for interaction effects. State your conclusion clearly
See Excel Sheet

8) What is interaction effect in ANOVA?

Interaction effects occur when the effect of one variable depends on the value of another
variable. Interaction effects represent the combined effects of factors on the dependent measure.
When an interaction effect is present, the impact of one factor depends on the level of the other
factor. Part of the power of ANOVA is the ability to estimate and test interaction effects.
9) When do we use MSE, MAD and MAPE? (Do some research on this). [75 words total]
MAD can be used to conclude if the forecast model generated by linear regression is better or
worse than the model generated by past sales.
MSE weighs large deviations more heavily because it takes the square of the deviations. The MSE
optimal forecast will have fewer large errors but may have much more small errors than MAD
optimal forecast.
MAPE is a useful because it shows the ratio, or percentage, of the absolute errors to the actual
demand for a given number of periods.

10) Fit an appropriate time series model for the data provided.
See Excel for answer
11) When is Holt-Winters method used? You don’t have to worry about the mathematics of
it. You should know in which situation it is used because I have mentioned this several times
in class.

Holtz method is used to forecast data when there is linear trend and seasonality in a data. This
comes under time series analysis.
12) Explain the various retention strategies. [75 words]

There are four main forms of positive retention strategy. These are
1. Meeting and exceeding customer expectations
2. Finding ways to add value
a. Loyalty schemes
b. Customer clubs
c. Sales promotion
3. Building bonds
a. Social
b. Structural
4. Establishing emotional commitment.
a. Instrumental
b. Relational
c. Values based

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