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Designer Babies:

The End To Society As We Know It

Jacob Newberry

Arizona State University


In recent discussions of designer babies, a controversial issue has been whether the innovation is

beneficial to society. On the one hand, some argue that to rid people of dangerous genes and

deformations is a godsend. On the other hand, however, others argue that playing god will only

harm society. While genetically modified embryos undoubtedly can improve the human

condition, like most good things, the technology will be abused and gifted to only the elite

further segregating society.

Designer babies is the term coined for genetically modified embryos. This futuristic

technology is no longer the thing of a sci-fi movie. Instead, it will soon be a reality. By altering

the DNA of unborn humans, diseases and ailments that plague society can be avoided. More

sinisterly, one can essentially customize there baby, creating a being far superior than nature

would have it.

Genetic modification allows for many enhancements, from physical to mental. Among

these are characteristics that are championed by society.

Reason #2 segregating

Reason #3 history

Reason #4 politics

Many will say, and have said, that the ability to improve the human condition is the

purpose of this innovation. Some have even said the drawbacks are worth it to make a superior

human. While this may help rid humanity of common downfalls of life, only a minority will

benefit. It is crucial that our pursuit of excellence does not blind us to the fact that designer

babies will alter society, almost certainly creating a new class system. One that favors the few,

far more than we can even imagine.

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