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Department of Education


Casugad, Bula, Camarines Sur


I. Learning Objectives:
1. Explain the meaning of review of related literature;
2. Carry out a review of related literature properly;
3. Compare and contrast the styles of review of related literature; and
4. Critically evaluate review of related literature reports.

II. Subject Matter: Review of Related Literature (RRL)

Materials: Book, manila paper, pentel pen, activity sheets, picture.

References: Practical Research 1 pp. 55-64


A. Concept: We get the answers to questions from us and from other published written works
containing peoples’ ideas, facts and information about the subject matter, aligning what
one’s already know with what others know or have already done about the chosen topic
indicates the timeliness and relevance of the work. Moreover, reading extensively about
the subject matter enables you to obtain a rich background knowledge that will help
researcher establish a good foundation or direction of the research work.

B. Objective Integration: Applied a race of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills.

C. Skills to be developed: Reading, speaking, critical thinking and writing.

D. Method: 4A’s (activity, analysis, abstraction and application)

Time Frame: 1 hour

III. Procedure:

Preliminaries: Class prayer and working the learning environment in order conducive for

Activity 1: Making Words Meaningful

• Individual Work. Give the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. Be guided by the
contextual clues.

1. Your facial expressions and gestures could easily convey your reactions to his statement. __________
2. Poems use poetic language; newspaper, prosaic language for an easy understanding of the news item
by all kinds of readers, highly learned or not, __________________.
3. I don’t need a catalog of ideas on a piece of paper. What I need is an application of ideas. __________
4. Myriad of people from all over the world witnessed the historical demolition of the Berlin Wall. _____
5. Through your facial expression, I will try to infer, rather than directly state the meaning of your
sentence. ______________
6. I would rather opt to stay here than go home at this time of the night. ____________________
7. Your performance of higher-order thinking strategies will ensure your victory in the academic contest.
8. All those in Grade 6 belong to a peer group that excludes those not within their age bracket. _______
9. Love reading books to widen your world perception. _________________
10. Embodied in the introduction are the major parts of your paper. _________________
Activity 2: Using the Newly Learned Words
• Use the newly learned words in narrating one incident in your life. Try combining or mixing
them up in only one sentence. Write them on the lines provided.

Analysis: Stirring up Imagination

• Picture Analysis. Examine the picture below. What comes to your mind upon seeing it?

Abstraction: Discussion of the Subject Matter

a) Meaning of Review of Related Literature (RRL)

b) Purposes of Review of Related Literature
c) Styles or Approaches of (RRL) Review of Related Literature

1. Traditional Review of Literature

Types of Traditional Review
• Conceptual Review
• Critical Review
• State – of – the Art Review
• Expert Review
• Scoping Review

2. Systematic Review of Literature

•Have clear understanding of the research questions.
• Plan your manner of obtaining te data
• Do the Literature Research
• Using a certain standard, determine which data, studies, or sources of knowledge are valuable
or not to warrant the reasonableness of your decision to take some data and junk the rest.
• Determine the methodological soundness of the research studies.
• Summarize what you have gathered from various sources of data.
The following table shows the way several books on RRL compare and contrast the two styles of RRL.

Standards Traditional Review Systematic Review

Purpose To have a thorough and clear To meet a certain objective based on
understanding of the field specific research questions
Scope Comprehensive, wide picture Restricted focus

Review Design Indefinite plan, permits creative ang Viewable process and paper trail
exploratory plan
Choice of Studies Purposeful selection by the reviewer Prepared standards for studies selection

Nature of studies Inquiry-based techniques involving Wide and thorough search for all
several studies studies
Quality appraisal Reviewers’ view Assessment checklist

Summary Narrative Graphical and short summary answers

a) Explain each expression the way you understood them in relation to research.
1. Related Literature

2. Review of Related Literature


3. Traditional Review of Literature


4. Systematic Review of Related Literature


5. Structure of Literature Review Results


b) Pair Work. In the space provided, give a graphical presentation of the sequential acts of a
systematic review of literature.
IV. Evaluation
• Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. An informal or indirect expression of knowledge happens through

a. gestures c. words
b. books d. sentences
2. Between world knowledge and RRL, the second serves as the
a. summary c. conclusion
b. linker d. symbol
3. Your direction in your RRL is given by your research
a. data c. problem
b. design d. question
4. Your purpose in doing RRL is
a. dual c. specific
b. plural d. singular
5. Research question is a must in a literature review called
a. traditional c. systematic
b. optional d. structural
6. Subjective literature review takes place in a review that is
a. scoping c. systematic
b. statistical d. scientific
7. Among the types of traditional review, these two share some similarities.
a. critical and conceptual c. start of the art and scoping
b. state-of-the-art d. critical and expert
8. A year from now, I will start my thesis writing for my MA degree. I must
a. scoping c. scoping
b. state-of-the-art d. systematic
9. Being a first year BA student, I can conduct a literature review using this style
a. systematic and traditional c. systematic
b. multi-system d. traditional
10. Without research questions, your RRL structure can appear in a form called
a. narrative c. outline
b. statistical d. tabular

V. Assignment: Talk to the teachers of CHS who graduated masteral degree.

Borrow their thesis and dissertations. Examine the RRL to their thesis based on what you
learned about RRL. Produce a written copy of your observations about the RRL section in thesis and
share this with your teacher and classmates.

Prepared by: Observed by:

Elizabeth B. Sta. Ana Nena S. Del Castillo

Teacher – 1 Head Teacher – 1

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